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tv   The Big Picture  RT  July 31, 2020 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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by dog. hello from rhode island where i live stick in close to home planet safe during the pandemic hope you are too snapshot of the usa for a 1000000 plus in effect and with a corona virus which has already claimed over 150000 american lives a crashed economy record unemployment race riots all as a president who promised to make america great again asks us for a 2nd term will he get one let's ask the author of the political playbook that many
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say 2016 candidate trump ball road generously from former minnesota governor and r t host jesse ventura jesse welcome back to the big picture. good to be back on the big picture hala nice to be here with you in the lead the way what are you what can i attempt to answer for you. but well what's the what's happening in the streets of portland which the president has offered to visit upon chicago and other cities are we witnessing martial law. well i think you wish that witnessed martial law much more at the boston marathon when that bombing took place because what happened there the federal troops came in were actually occupying the streets and people were told to stay at home they were given orders of house arrest which is totally unconstitutional what you're seeing now is def it. practice towards it by
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sending federal troops in when they're not being asked by the local government or the state government this is federally an issue but i think holland the bigger picture is this it's advertising look at all trump sads trumps ads are for law and order so if he can send federal troops out there stir things up that convinces the public that oh we need to relax donald trump because look at our cities are in chaos when it's all maybe being orchestrated right out of his campaign office because let's remember something linda mcmahon the wife of vince mcmahon of the w w e used to head his small businesses she now has moved over a while ago to running and helping with his campaign there says w w e written all over it. yeah the showmanship of it though could swing both ways it's a bit of a rorschach test because while trump can use that footage to look like
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a tough guy some of those grisly scenes do inspire sympathy suppose you were the governor right now and that came to your state how would you respond. well certainly you know m a n m m a huge advocate of the 1st amendment and protesting i myself protested against stop the draft movement the equal rights amendment for women i remember marching for that i marched to change the name of the washington football team all of that stuff so i support the 1st amendment but i don't support is the violence that seems to go along with it but most of that is being done by other people not the people who are protesting not those mothers who stand out there in the navy veteran who stands out there these are agitators and who knows what their agenda is but people need to understand that they look for this robbery and vandalism and all that to
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agitate and create troubles. yeah no doubt and very regrettable about the coronavirus montana wyoming they are not new york city or boston and that has been the white house rationale excuse some say for leaving it to the governors has the federal government has the trump administration exercised do leadership during this crisis. absolutely not no leadership whatsoever holland what you have here is a war and it's the most difficult war ever because guess what you can't see the enemy it's like when i did the movie predator you couldn't see the predator that's why you killed us all you can't see them having minutes or you don't go to 11 state does not declare war and go to war if the united states goes to war which we have to against this pandemic it has to be a united states of america you have to have 50 states united with the same
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leadership up at the top we don't go to war state by state do we governors don't declare war and mobilize their national guard and go invade and fight absolutely not people need to understand this pandemic is a war and it should be fought that way and the leadership in washington is horrific he's dropped the ball on it completely he's trying to play catch up now anything you can and he's got all these apologists out there making excuses for the failure . and he's clearly reading the poll numbers because his tone changes now day to day if not week to week but in that vacuum of leadership same hypothetical were you now the governor of minnesota describe life there as you would recommend it for instance would the kids be going back to school. well i'll put it to you
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this way holland. if my kids were of school age and they are not i would not personally send my kids back to school right now not only for very safety but for my safety and the teachers safety and the custodian safety and the lunch line ladies safety until you get this pandemic under control you don't want to continue to feed the fire the fire is not going to go out if you keep throwing wood on it. yeah and where we've seen these outbreaks in the states that jumped the gun they had the bars in the restaurants open again how would that go if you were the gov now. you can't you can't have crowds get together and you have to take the leadership you after stand out from take the bullets and quit thinking about getting reelected and think about doing your job your job is
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a lot i've been elected mayor i've been elected governor the the top priority of any of those positions is guess what the public safety that is number one everything else falls by the wayside. we are speaking with a man who needs no introduction he is the host of the world according to jesse here on r.t. america you remember him as the governor of minnesota in an improbable election where millions of dollars were up against the several $100000.00 you spent so jesse i'm going to ask you a super hypothetical now suppose you were advising donald trump on his reelection what would you tell him to do. well it's difficult at this point because he did copy many of the things i did but he didn't copy the most important thing i did and that is my candidacy was based on telling the truth i never used
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a prepared speech i always told the truth as i knew it i don't believe donald trump is capable of telling the truth i think these are social pathic a liar he tells the truth there's only the truth in his eyes of what benefits him and so i couldn't give him advice because my advice was based on telling the public the truth and the public believed me and elected me on the truth and being able to tell it and trucks not capable of telling the truth i don't believe yeah i remember how you resonated with the voters back then against some of the veteran palls back then but let's flip a coin suppose you were advising joe biden what should his strategy be. well right now man the moment i fade the trumpets providing his own rope excuse the pun to hang himself i mean he gets in trouble weekly upon weekly as poll numbers continue to fall on intel they stabilize and start to rise up i think biden is
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being smart he's scoring points when he did he needs to he comes out when he should but also he's leading in a way that trump refuses to do what he wears a mask he tells the people that it that it has to come down from the top and believe me i'm not a body who supporter either i'm the ultimate independent but right now i think joe biden is running a much better campaign than donald trump is. yeah i think despite trump's sons mocking biden on social media for hiding in his basement i think it's smart for him as you say to just let a trump but keep digging you have known donald trump a long time so i want to ask you the same question i asked larry king is this the donald trump you knew several decades ago has he changed. i don't believe it's the same donald trump i ran i ran into a friend of mine who is also known him for many years we ran into each other months
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back at the airport and we approached each other and we both looked at each other and i said who is this guy he is the guy i met and my friend i won't say who it is but he's a very prominent person he agreed with me and he knows him well too and he said i don't know i don't have an answer for you i don't know what it is with him you know there's you have preliminary dementia komin i've got a certain people tell us that because they've known cases where people have never been racist their whole life and all of a sudden dementia starts common in and they become ultra racist which seems to be the thing that trump borderlines on today. whether you like it or whether you don't and i suspect you do like it your name comes up every 4 years and you have stated you're not going to run for the roses this time around i'm down to a minute but suppose you were running and 2020 what would candidate jesse ventura's
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message to the american people be give me a minute. all 1st of all holland i'm not running but it appears that i still might be a factor because there's something happening on the internet and i was made aware of it that this and i agree with it that this election's going to be won and lost on the internet there's a movement out there to elect me they just took out a full page. adding the white bear paper telling me that this was happening and warning me to be ready to go and so i don't know what's going to develop out of this thing but here's my message if i were to get in this race my message would be simple we need an independent right now because if biden gets elected or trump gets reelected the polarization is going to continue and it's going to get worse the only way out of this is to have the 2 gangs and i refer to them as gangs get
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a common enemy and that's what i was in minnesota you elected independent within 3 years they'll be in bed together singing kumbaya because they fear an independent or a 3rd party more than may do themselves they will team up their own so you're laughing but it's the truth ol and the only way i hear it is to elect out somebody that does not belong to these 2 parties who can vary from. the party's back to start getting work going it's exactly what happened in minnesota go to minnesota for 3 years they cooperated with me tell the 30 year jump in bed together wouldn't accept my budget over ran my vetoes and they'd put themselves and politics in front of minnesota and one year later they had a $5000000000.00 deficit because they did that behavior. you're right this election is going to be a real whack on the side of the head governor jesse ventura host of the world
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according to jesse thank you for stepping into the big picture good to see faith through allah and always a pleasure. coming up is your post office closing we will tell you about cutbacks detailed in the internal documents by the postmaster general who was a manger campaign contributor in advance of a surge. in 2028 mail in ballots this is the big picture on our t.v. america.
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you cannot be both with the yeah you like. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see that.
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literally carved in stone atop the main post office in new york city is this proud motto neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these careers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds but will the coronavirus stop these couriers in their tracks and is there a trump torpedo heading the way of the u.s. postal service let's ask the founder and president of strong mark business development consultants hilary ford which welcome back good to see this is a story we've been following all along on this show and elsewhere on our america and to get everybody up to speed some fast facts it may surprise you that the u.s. postal service gets no federal funding they make their money selling stamps but 1st
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class mail their biggest revenue generator is down 3.8 percent in last year and while last year's $71000000000.00 in revenue would put the postal service in the top 50 among the fortune 500 it had 80000000000 in operating expenses and 80 percent of the losses came from a unique requirement to prefer. retiree's health plans now think about that and it's amortized over just 10 years a while back we had marked him and steen head of the postal workers union explain the postal accountability and had some an act of 2016 passed by a lame duck congress here's what he said. that law demanded of the post office something that is the minute of no other agency and nowhere the company it was demanded that the post office pre-fund retire health benefits 75 years into the
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future now that's for workers that not only are not at the post office yet they weren't even born yet right that was that took 5500000000 dollars that year because they it was dictated that they had to do within 10 years took $5500000000.00 out of postal funds shifted it to the federal treasury nobody was going to be able to sustain under that kind of. funding type of mandate. hillary how could any business survive under that kind of mandate. when of course they couldn't fall and i think something that's very important sure remember though is that was a bi partisan ruling and it was 2016 so both parties did rule on that and i think that's very important factor and you're right nobody could operate in terms of those sort of losses a couple of factors and don't forget the union the post office union after events any sort of fish and see if that would put it in line with normal regular this is
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that i think every single american should be grateful for all postal workers continue no job and it's not really there for the mismanagement of the post op it's just think about this in europe it costs $80.00 s the equivalent of $0.87 to mail a 1st cost piece of mail in america it's $0.35 so the actual pricing isn't in line efficiency down to 9 and i think that is not the fault of your postal worker yes they need their time yes they need their healthcare but it has been mismanaged for many many decades and it's a bipartisan bill yeah we have heard the president trump squat about amazon and other e-commerce writing what's called the last mile aboard the u.s. postal service but that revenue is actually a nice chunk of change from uncle sam as our dear dear departed chum bart chilton explained to me years ago politics was already threatening the postal service here's what bart said they are the last mile they're not doing the whole thing
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they're not flying their own planes and even though amazon as you say is in the spotlight here because president trump has a beef quite frankly it's a political beef with amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos who owns the washington post and the washington post he thinks at least the editorial board doesn't like president trump so this is really not just political it's personal for the president it appears to me fedex a new p.s. also need the public infrastructure of the united states. postal service they put of at least according to the postal service fed ex and u.p.s. puts about 25000000 packages a week into the postal system because it's not profitable profitable to go down a dirt road in rural america or some urban centers back to the future and internal postal service memo obtained by fortune magazine and other news media directs that listen to this over time will be eliminated if our plants run late
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they will keep the mail for the next day if we cannot deliver all the mail due to call offs or shortage of people and you have to have no other help the mail will not go out hillary kind of brings a tear to why just to see our pal bart again but my question is yes it's only after 6 over 6000 postal workers have tested positive for the virus so far and staffing is already short big picture is that one day deal lay in getting the mail out a real hang up for business. no it won't be holland because nowadays it's estimated that 89 percent of all bills are paid online so most and that's another reason for the decline in 1st class mail and that one of the few benefits that's all pandemic i think that most people have been we've had far less junk mail and that brings me to another point junk mail 3rd class may not actually play pay so little those the
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should be raised 1st of all how many americans would say i want more junk mail i want more advertisements it might not like not load a lot of people are very environmentally conscious now and then no one's talking about the fact that a lot of us your empty our mail into the street into our recycling bin because it isn't personal mail it's to the recipient of the household it's junk mail it's marketing mail so marketing mail should be made to come more in line with the actual expenses of liberating because it was part you mention in the other gentleman mentioned that you know we're all americans to leave their mail but 3rd class mail doesn't keep up with the cost so that's one point another point is that you know these poor postal workers i 100 percent agree with you i agree about the mayo people themselves but given how mismanaged the scene just think about a program to have them retrained to go into the match the demand there is now for all of those private entities and u.b.s. was mentioned in you mentioned u.p.s. think about this and you be asked you know what the executives do every year once
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a day of for one day of the year the u.b.s. executives actually drive a band you know why how and because they walk in the footsteps of their drivers and you look at the vet acts and they use the u.p.s. workers they're running around because they get paid to be a fish and i think it's not the fault of the postal workers i have a d.m.l. man myself but i think they could be retrained and reconfigured in terms of what works in the private world and what is more efficient you know that is smart management i think we're speaking with us from our president hillary ford which who was here when the pandemic shutdown 1st hit and forced us into this remote. broadcasting mode now as governors and states that jumped the gun on reopening are trying to put the toothpaste back on the tube businesses are already giving us a glimpse of the new normal we are so starved for baseball that e.s.p.n. stellar cast of our world series champion washington nationals vs the damn yankees
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was the most watched regular season m.-l. be game on any network since 2011 games now played an empty stadiums future fake crowd noise and cardboard cutouts of the fans in the seats sports is being reconfigured as a t.v. show while restaurants are struggling to make a go of it with reduced seating indoors many are reconfiguring to take out changing menus accordingly who knows if the cold french fries will survive delivery and a usually sluggish government services are actually improving after operating and shutdown mode a quick story here in rhode island a department of motor vehicles doing much of the stuff online and by appointment during the shutdown that's going to become permanent so instead of us waiting in line for them they're going to be waiting in line for us hillary i got about a minute but chris told. crystal ball it for me how else do you see
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common consumer commerce changing post pandemic. it's going to it's going to change drastically we've already talked about it most people obviously know things that are delivered are going to be far more efficient but if you look at like the example of the more clothes if you look at companies that have adjusted quickly like starbucks what they're doing is they're reconfiguring taking moving out of norms and taking their regular customer base to what they call in the 3rd place and the 3rd place it somewhere not only the not the office but a lot of people want to get out of their apartments they. been able to reconfigure so a business has to be able to reconfigure and readjust obviously soon the stock is up 120 percent everybody's going to be looking to see how they can operate under zoom what i have heard and seen through big businesses are that they are not going to be doing the kind of business travel that they have and i think an interesting factor to also consider is a look at though you just mentioned sports you know the nationals on going back
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were going back that some of their players have tested positive look at sports that are going to do very well like bowl perpich social distancing the p.g.a. has continued to have torments so i think you're going to see different kind of sports take place and businesses will have to reconfigure in terms of pickup delivery and even like starbucks is doing look at what they're calling. yeah i think this is going to be exciting to watch hillary ford which mark business development consultant thanks again for your time good to see a stay safe. while so many of us are broadcasting remotely many of you are seeing many living rooms and in some cases even our kitchens on twitter room rate or does just that for instance we know that m s n b c's nonchalant john heilemann is not simply posing in front of a spacious kitchen clip art because he rearranges flowers and fruit in the
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background each morning to give you the viewer does this upscale situation color his commentary and see n.b.c.'s bob hazen a he's a rocker he rearranges frame to vintage artist and concert posters is he sending financial markets a subliminal message about barbara corcoran from shark tank and those syndicated commercial real estate agents hire her to do she gets her props for nice bookcase perfectly framed emmy love the horse but she suffers mandatory deduction for multiple copies of own book in the background this camera angle made it too easy for a room writer to call education secretary betsy divorce soulless and aloof and to speculate that this room to room may be aboard her yacht and roger stone back on the loose continues to beg for attention room rater quips it's cowboy night at the
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swingers club and he has a date with a horse. that's all the time we have so i'm going to resume thumbing through the well worn volumes you see behind me but we'll be back same time next week if that's not convenient for you to set your d.v.r. to directv channel 3 to one or dish 280 if you have cut the cord we're on pluto t.v. channel 279. our live stream is on you tube dot com slash r t america and if you haven't yet you got a got a got a download our portable t.v. album it's free on the app store and google play and you won't be lieve how much stuff is there and all of our shows are on demand at youtube dot com slash the big picture r t m holland cook at home in rhode island stay safe and question more. u.s.
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secretary of state michael ok oh yes on a mission he claims the world must change china are trying to change us so should we interpret this the cold war to be waged against nation business also implying force regime change china is certainly a major global competitor but is it now or. done in the end by north it's so many people because they copied him he's so good that even such a bad puppy is sending. i'm not going to be a good guy i'm here to find the next guy.
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who looked up live on the in the computing done the influx of the that she went on plenty of. the clicks and moved for the c.e.o. he is the deflection board. i have to say. that is a god that when i got up from idiots are. going to hear a lot about that on the board a lot planned that you can bet you've got people out there yet nothing like a. long long running you know is along the bottom there's a bonus feature loan principle cannot all. handle a new person and they have to name $100.00 gandhi the new normal and going to. run
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the seas 1st be ready to go to you then good luck you join you. are just the target. you want to. call. the world according to you. today we discussed congressional efforts to go out social security medicare. merging details about the government's us full program sit tight their show starts now. the world. hi amber you to santos for our top story today the senate has introduced its next proposed coronavirus stimulus package the heels add.


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