tv News RT August 1, 2020 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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no. point your thirst for action. guys are well 2 of the guys report who can forget the 19 sixty's classic paranoid dystopian comedy dr strangelove well at the time it seemed far fetched him so now stacey max when i look at dr strangelove and i look at the cold war and i look at the crazy things that happened in the fifty's and sixty's and seventy's with all the sort of programs like we mentioned m.k. ultra but also there really insane sort of nuclear technology that was being developed. it to me looks like what our central banks are doing with our financial
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system our monetary system around the world it is dr strangelove ask if you look at this tweet a man jumps with a portable nuclear bomb called n s a d m and the 1960 s. this is the green beret with the special atomic demolition munition between his legs exactly the closing scene of dr strangelove pickens riding in atomic bomb down to create. do you. remember that and then they have this kind of symphony of a mushroom clouds and with the closing credits over some bright news it so the special atomic demolition remission that was attached to the green berets back. the notion was basically they would land in the territory they would be airdropped into enemy territory and then plant the bomb and blow it off some of these guys who are
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trained to do this that it was a suicide mission because you wouldn't make it out alive so that is also what we're seeing from the federal open market committee from the e.c.b. from the bank of japan bank of japan by the way is leading the way on this whole sort of kamikaze technique they're way ahead of everybody on quantitative easing and expanding their balance sheet and here's a for example a test of one of these special atomic demolition munitions called n s w 54 from the wikipedia you can see that's what it looks like when it up that's our financial system as we head into that rest of this year i totally agree you know guys like steve change a poet kuroda over in bank of japan european central bank they've strapped down the suicide quantitative easing best and they've. pull the ripcord and let the fuse and told us make them do it to all time highs in every currency including the u.s.
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dollar so that's the fallout from the suicide mission called central banking it's here it's spent it's the 21st century of course after a nuclear fallout you have nuclear winter so this is what you can expect basically spend going on really since the activists fed of alan greenspan that's why you have a nuclear winter in much of the economy that the economy is we have zombie banks we have you know the velocity of money is dead that's the signs that we have a nuclear winter in the financial system and the monetary system so you know that the you know these humongous big companies emerging that's part of like the nuclear freak accident of this monetary policies this is the after effect he said to the deformities and the financial and business sector yes speaking of classic films godzilla right this is a monster that was a result of an atomic weapon and so we've got a godzilla we've got multiple godzilla is battling out against martha. and then in
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the background slim pickens falling to the weapon and tom cruise is running through running for president. wow this is a great move you know speaking of running for president we are going to be from the next episode you'll see some our solutions for a few weeks we're going to look at some solutions to these big issues impacting our global economies our financial system our monetary system and certainly our geo political system and trade policy around the world we're doing this as we do every year but this year is more important because we're in an election year with these 2 candidates who are clearly not all that great and really up to the challenge of this sort of moment where there is a sea change in the population we have the 4th turning we have a 3 city strap and neither of them really seem up to the challenge of this moment but we're going to rise to the moment we're going to give you some amazing content
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on summer solutions over the next few episodes oh yeah well my solution is to reanimate ronald reagan just take a d.n.a. sample and reconstitute the gipper and have him around for 2020 worked out well i think. yeah no thank you. now i'd rather if you're going to do that like have somebody like cleopatra run the world and just like take over the world but you know that whole sort of crazy guy like ok that's an insane photo right a man jumps with a portable nuclear bomb that's our monetary system that's how the people operate our monetary system the elite this is how the elites run our a cable news networks that are supposed to inform the population that you look at it and you go wow this is crazy and it can't and well so wherever you look you see that except for on kai's report and our summer solution specials and i want to turn to this tweet from our president at the moment and that is president real donald trump he says we will finally allow the safe and legal importation of prescription
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drugs from canada and other countries where the price for the identical drug is incredibly lowered so maxim ho why are the prices on the same pharmaceuticals lower in canada right now i don't you know there's a quid pro quo there's a he can bring in the cheaper drugs from canada that means that the stock prices though of the pharmaceutical companies in america are going to crash so a lot of people have stock in the pharmaceutical companies and a lot of people need jobs i mean you have to pick i guess trump is figuring that there's more people would vote for him with cheaper drug prices than the people who are making money on the high stock prices and the pharmaceutical industry so it's a bit of a vote rigging arbitrage well again remember that we have these portable nuclear devices on the back of the people running our economy running our financial system running our monetary policy and our political policy so here we have the same thing is why does canada have cheaper prices why does france why does germany why does the u.k. why does singapore and hong kong because they negotiate prices it's called the
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monopsony they're the single buyer they say to the pharmaceutical companies we have 100000000 people here we're going to that's your. market here if you want access to this market you charge $10.00 not $550.00 as you charge them and they would say ok trump is just outsourcing his new go he says he loves to negotiate right but he says he's saying our business model in america is failed it's failed and so nobody can access the health care system because the health care system as wrong by guys like this who do this on your bill for staying at the at the hotel at the hospital or taking any of their pharmaceuticals so he says well we give up we can't do it i can't negotiate so i'm going to have justin trudeau do it for me. we are right if there was competition or free market competition in drugs in america the price would be low that's the beauty of free market capitalism the fact that you don't
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have free market capitalism for drug prices in america shows you have an entrenched oleg or monopoly and they gouge it's price gouging and he's right these drugs for these companies to however i don't see how they're going to command the multiples they do on the stock market so he's he's got a tesla saying he's either going to take a 50 percent hit on the stock market henri's going to lose a lot of people that need the drug so it can it's arbitrage i think you figuring there are many millions more that would vote for him with lower drug prices than the people who will lose the vote of the stock market speculators the pharmaceutical companies however he'll still get the pharmaceutical income because they he's not going after their predatory practices he's just saying people you know medicare medicaid patients and others can go imports and drugs from canada but on the other hand you know it does present
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a nasdaq like pricing possibility on the pharmaceuticals tesla sells like $500000000.00 with the cars and they're worth $300000000000.00 so perhaps they could say you know we're going to electrify these farms. suit of coles you know they could do something to give you this imagination of this huge market in abundance and they're going to you know transport these pharmaceuticals to mars and venus and who knows like you could see price and multiples increase once they destroy that predatory monopoly pricing but i think more to the point was this is now we're on the glide path for medicaid and medicare for all yeah i think that's what trump is setting the population up for medicare for all which is going to be a huge vote winner and i think that's what this whole drug policy from canada is all about well we'll see there and of course if we ever do. get to leave our homes
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if lockdown ever does and it will look very different so when we emerge from summer solutions we are going to drive around to go check and see how the world has differed brick and mortar retailers malls mall wreaths and their debts the whole schmear is coming apart there's just no good way out the only thing that is surprising is how long these retailers are malls which have been spiraling down for years were able to hold on because the chart this is a wall street you know index themselves they composed this and that's the the biggest and how much they've collapsed it's down 074 percent from their high in 2016 and it looks like that's a disaster who knows by the time we come back from some of solutions there could be a huge bailout for these people but at the moment there's not well you know markets are kind of smart to have an internal logic based saying to the future many would say and that we had a guest on our show couple years ago now when interest rates went negative and we
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asked them what does this mean and he said well it could be in deep population could be in the a pandemic coming it could mean a lot of bad things coming that's what made of interest rates were telegraphing and people were not she. sure where they came from they were curious about it because it had never ever happened in the history of 5000 years of credit never had negative rates before and now we see 2 years later that what it means is pandemic and financial collapse and dollar collapsing and so the markets are already clued in about this like 2 years ago and we reported it to you at that time well that chart goes back 2 years so here you have the investors piling in to the mall here they are some piling and here's the after effect of their investment. the mushroom cloud over our financial system right well you know you jump out of an airplane with an atomic weapon strapped your fact the 1st 8000 feet are no problem
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just the last 10 feet that would get you in trouble we're going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only really. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. rather than revolution result. of small group.
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when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. these are sacrifices. places. the capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty and farm animals devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices are wealthy in that world are wealthy and. don't question the coup d'etat. join me every thursday on the alex salmond's show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser timed to go to daniela cambone it she's a journalist focused on markets and gold long time friend daniela finally on the kaiser report i know it's so nice to be on the flipside so be nice oh absolutely but you know week oh it's that rely on you on your for your insights in particular into these gold markets and markets in general now your twitter bio says you are fluent in italian and french and goal you speak those 3 languages those 3 languages yet we all fall for all same bad now yes you know if. so do you make of the recent action in gold is this the beginning of the 3rd leg of this big bull market that's gone back to the year 2000 or is it
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a flash in the pan when you think you know i've been covering this market for over 12 years now and they're covering it with no excitement. you know it's just it's been a long time. and. you know i feel different if eells different to me at this time than 2011 i think the lack of scape it is different we're seeing a wider fan base for gold as you know gold has a cult following and people love it no matter what but all of a sudden we have legitimate players really looking at the metal here we have pension funds insurance companies private wall specialists we have managers who are who are dealing with long term portfolios we're trillions of dollars looking at this year old strapped investing landscape now saying hey maybe we should pay attention to gold so for wall start to wall street to actually start noticing gold is something new to me i also think that the pandemic has
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caused a lot of people to have extra time they're at home they're reflecting upon life and their finances and they're looking at this and they're thinking. is this sound money what's this works so we're having people who never shot a ballgame before all of us started saying maybe maybe that sound money maybe i should get some of that yellow metal for my portfolio so i think that that different factor right now max 2 really important points there in terms of interest rates and then loss of faith and the paper money in the u.s. dollars let's talk about interest rates 1st for a 2nd because for 20 years 30 years we've been saying interest rates continue their slide down and during that time the people who have been critical of gold have still clung to the side bear that wall doesn't pay any interest it doesn't pay any interest i don't get paid to own gold and now are an environment where nobody's
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getting paid interest to hold treasury bonds really they're not getting interest a whole dollars interest rates are at 0 or close to 0 so that's no longer an impediment to own gold it's not like you're missing out on any interest because your treasuries aren't paying any interest either and as far as confidence in the u.s. dollar goes it seems that along with the 0 percent interest rate because by definition if something is worth nothing then it's worth nothing right if dollars don't pay interest of treasuries don't pay interest then by definition they're not worth anything right because they don't have any time value they have no value whatsoever that's quite obvious if they don't get pay you in interest so that the alarm bell sounded right so it's particularly in the big institutional money and pension money they're saying wait a minute not only might not getting interest but the government doesn't believe this paper money has any value why should i so the government doesn't have any belief it has any value and of course called looks very attractive in that
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environment so my question is will interest rates on the world reserve currency end up going negative as we've seen in other countries and what is that portend max that's an absolute possible. i don't think that's a far fetched idea at all and look we had goldman sachs like this blew my mind came out yesterday saying oh you know why yeah the u.s. might lose its status as a reserve currency the world i mean i was surprised that they came out with back up so you know i don't know if you were surprised by that too but i thought that was a major alarm but i think you know going back to you you mentioned a point and people are saying why should i be in gold if i can't make money and what not i think people also need to change their psychology about gold i don't necessarily think you need to own gold to make money to make a quick profit you should be owning gold to preserve your wealth you should be
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owning gold to not lose money. so i think there has to kind of be a paradigm shift where people think like let me buy gold now and i hope it rallies to whatever 5900 it that there's 2 ways to look at this market either as a speculative bet or as a safe haven and certainly gold is operating as a safe haven for generations and has spent a preservation of wealth for generations and to the point of goldman sachs coming out and saying maybe the u.s. dollar won't be the world reserve currency any longer that is a major announcement as major as the economist magazine running a cover story saying free money right so they are also highlighting the fact that money printer go burn the central banks are just printing trillions and trillions that are unbacked own collateralized nonsensical paper coupons that they claim have value and yet everyone now sees what about this inflation problem because for
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a long time inflation was masked it was head and because the government would report on only things that were going down in price right electronics and things like that that's how they judged inflation they never included health care or the college costs or even housing right they never included that in their c.p.i. index but now they can't hide anymore people are noticing the prices are going up the value their dollars going down is the genie out of the bottle now is the inflation genie out of the bottle or we're going to go back to really palpable high inflation danielle i think so i think whole lot of people like to bring up inflation and in terms of a catalyst for gold's rally but i think we also have to remember that since you know late 2018 gold rallied something like 70 per cent yet inflation during that time had to be rather rather subdued so i always make the case that gold rather whether inflationary or not the environment can rally in both scenarios but i do
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think we're going to see it depending on the sector in increasing prices but you brought up the economist margaret. that's something space and i were talking about yesterday and just going back to my point about how old and these type of conversations are becoming more mainstream those are type of columns and front pages reserved for fringe websites that were used to max right out were not considered mainstream media but all of a sudden these type of conversations are creeping into the main sheen people just general public all of a sudden are thinking and having these conversations so i really think that's the game changer here on that point about mainstream media in mexico we are mainstream media all over the spanish speaking world who are dubbed into spanish and her kids only in this country are they afraid of the truth but anyway daniela you know as part of your work you've interviewed some many c.e.o.'s of so many major companies and this is really their specialty i would say get at the the truth of what these companies are up to and now with the pandemic it's really hit the supply line
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everywhere including gold from delivery to the mining sector to these companies they have all kinds of issues are not issues so in the gold miners now let's talk about these miners these companies how does covert impact them and what's that but it's aimed at the same time with the the global economy is giving them an enormous advantage in terms of their cost structure in terms of energy so what's going to be happening in the minors that's a really good question max and i just want to say you know from my personal standpoint i like him holding physical gold long term but if you want to do more of a speculative play which you brought up before that's where i like some of these juniors and matures not not the majors like barrick and yuma but. i did at the start of the coronavirus people were really concerned about what this would do to the mining industry and of course at the start we saw a lot of mine closures and i myself thought this is really going to hurt the mining
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industry but but look at the miners now look at that she has look at the g x j they really turned it around and you mentioned energy prices and that's a key component we're seeing you know energy prices down by over 20 percent. and that's a huge part of the miners' expenses so they have a lot more cash flow and how most miners are operating with an all in sustaining cost as a cost that it takes to get the metal out of the ground with about $800.00 on the bold front about 15 right now with a silver mine or so and $800.00 all in sustaining cost and now are over $900.00 you can see how all of a sudden gold miners coffers are filling up so the net there are really really good position here right they've spent 8 years earning that bear market getting a rhythm name their operations are lame they got rid of the fluff and i believe they took a lot or hedges off the off the books as well you know a lot of these majors and companies were hedging their positions and were kind of
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capping the upside a little bit i think that a lot of that hedging a stab at high in them and they're just going to go a long gold and they've got the full upside now let me let me kind of change gears a little bit and talk geopolitics. you know a couple of countries like china russia have been stockpiling hundreds of tons of gold in the last 56 years russia you know when the oil was a $140.00 a barrel they were converting oil proceeds into gold and buying goal that a multi-year low right so they were strategically geopolitically looking very smart but going forward is this going to set us up if the dollar is going to lose reserve status as goldman sachs and others have suggested and the congress magazine says it's all free money. and people are looking at gold now as a store of value does this potentially mean they were heading for some kind of global unit of account that's going to be back in part or entirely by gold like
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a global gold standard yet you know it was interesting because president shops a nomination of judy shelton she was a huge supporter of a return to a gold standard in the u.s. but you know what max right now nothing would surprise me i mean could we see a cop's of the u.s. dollar for sure could we see gold keep skyrocketing for sure could we see the scenario you painted for sure and and you know central banks buying of gold that's something that i've been tracking for a long time now we don't really know the numbers out of china but this year alone we saw countries who never even bought gold before and this is before the pandemic and all the crisis started hitting it's almost like they knew that 2020 was going to possibly be one of the worst years of all time starting to add gold. and i think we're going to see this trend continue big motivation of course is that the u.s. had weaponized the dollar and particularly with iran for example they have to come
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off the swift international settlement network and use tricks to switch to persist to to enforce their role as a kind of a global policeman by weaponize ing the dollar and their role as world reserve currency and i think a lot of this country start to wake up to that and say hey you know we need a way we need to figure out a way to get around that so in the time we have remaining let's talk about silver congratulations on the birth of your recent twins recently i heard you name them gold and silver yeah yeah yeah i was going to go see you in a jeep. that was a bit too cheeky but you know it's funny because talking about mainstream my parents who generally always gave cash in an envelope like good italian as gifts you know just yesterday my mom was like you know we didn't want to buy some gold or silver for i'm like well people probably gold but we'd like to have some some medal for your for your twins so you know best just kind of a paradigm shift that happening there right they watch the show 2 they feel you
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know all years they're like oh maybe we should own gold i'm like. but yeah going back to soldier i'm so happy because i was telling somebody people was a little bit slow by just a few years as a few months ago so you know silver investors have suffered more than gold investors max it's been such a painful road down to like 8 blocks and don't tell me about it i'm feeling the hurt right now you know more of the biggest of our players and they are all but i think i'm better now and we got to wrap it up so i got to go but i but i got fans so much daniela cambone after a coming on the guys report is so fantastic to have you so much fun thank you so much max and that's going to do it for this edition report was made by stars or stacy have or like to thank our guest daniela cambone i can't help but say like that going to catch us on twitter it's guys are important and i signed bio.
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a crate with him he will just. freaking out and she won't let us bring him anywhere near and thousands of greeting dogs are caged in the in 2 main conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the founder nothing they have no protection. to get what you . get through chaos across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sought and at stores even joined a good businesses are involved like agoa mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with
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