tv News RT August 2, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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bar conversations. bringing you the top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment of elements as well this is the weekly on r.t. international alone welcome. agreed to start gradually pulling federal militia from the violence plague city of portland oregon after local authorities pleaded for a deescalation the u.s. president has been cracking john on the protests there which i. did in 2 riots but portland city officials mr trump has gone too far.
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6 i. was was. was. does appear that the president stem cell neon rest is changing on an almost daily basis i'll try not to confuse after an initially promising to withdraw homeland security officers from portland he then threaten to bring enough still guard troops however donald trump changed his mind again saying the homeland security presence is remaining until the order is restored. the rallies on saturday night in portland
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were generally among the protest groups were wall of. a lawsuit against the government for what they claimed was violence towards a peaceful demonstrators police say more than $400.00 people have been arrested since the protests began on choose the a house judiciary committee hearing laid bare the political divisions of the protests across the u.s. r.c. . violent writers and artists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims we've seen mothers and we've seen veterans who were peacefully protesting not threatening the federal courthouse beaten against people aren't sure not because the troops are there shame on you mr barr can i just say mr iemma you and i just in time is expired but our correspondent double quarter us been looking at how the world's policeman is struggling to keep the peace on its own streets politics
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a catalyst for social unrest on both sides of the barricades especially in portland protesters have armed themselves and attacked federal agents in turn trump's administration has deployed heavily armed soldiers to put a lid on the situation now the city's mayor is calling for a truce. commissioner joanne hardesty and i are calling for an immediate meeting with department of homeland security leadership on the ground in portland and with the acting secretary of the department she had to both to discuss a cease fire and removal of heightened federal forces from portland a cease fire with its own citizens is the u.s. crossing over the line from social unrest to something more serious judge for yourself.
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some are calling this trumps electoral battlefield and he is calling in reinforcements perhaps to maintain his persona as a law and order president as the violence continues to snowball today i'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into american communities plagued by violent crime will work every single day to restore public safety protect our nation's children and bring violent perpetrators to justice but seattle's liberal mayor is blaming trump for the mayhem and in fact i think the president's actions said directly escalated and worst responsible for what happened this weekend was just talking to a number of mayors throughout the country who saw a similar thing that people wanting to act out against the president and his administration coming to the streets and other mayors from across america are also calling out trump to congress this is ministrations agree just use of federal force
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and city jackson forward to this should never happen. who knows if democrats and republicans will ever see eye to eye on what's happening if you listen to what both sides are saying about the unrest it's like they're talking about 2 different events violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc in destruction on innocent victims federal agents dressed in military fatigues and toting military gear have tear gas to peaceful protest is made unlawful arrest without probable cause and otherwise used violence in an effort to stamp out peaceful and constitutionally protected protests washington is quick to flag social unrest in other countries and the so-called anti-democratic crackdowns that follow when the same thing happens on u.s. soil will americans get their democracy. let's bring you across the atlantic from there a london mother is accusing polish there of racially profiling her family after her
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12 year old sultan was taken from their hosts during the night and one cuff by officers because his toy pistol was suspected of being the real thing mena. talked us through what up. that midnight oh not for a day and such just crossed over into saturday early hours of the morning and we've been absolutely in the living room and you know call i went to the door i followed him and he just missed it with you 'd know about 4 or 5 offices holding wife and they had spices red beans you know. these are like heads. that something out of a movie and i said but you hands up. all of us to know what your daughter is you sitting on the stairs. in front of me it was just. explained to them i haven't got any firearms that have any illegal in the house my son the joke was on.
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you have no shoes on and they just arrested him immediately and. officers the sended on the family's home with sniffer dogs find 12 year old and his pellet toy gun the read occurred after a passer by alerted police saying a black male holding a firearm on the sofa was seen through the living room window mother says the metropolitan police racially profiled her family which she states has never been in trouble with the law london police chief say there's been no misconduct the boy was let go when it was clear that the toy gun was not a real firearm but said the case is still being referred to the independent office for police conduct chis mother described the effect it had on her from. disbelief i was angry as well once the consequent way then that feeling of you know
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why have you done this 'd nothing wrong. now i'm home 'd on the friday evening in a roundabout way they just said before the well you know 5 hours supports take them seriously we have to follow that model which i mean agreement with we just disagree on how they voted but mainly they were saying you know this is the gang related crime in a area the fact that clive was a male there was a mention of him being a black male obviously you know in the pool hall the face things you know they take very seriously. the chief the superintendent and he so it's looking about operation trident he started talking about and you know getting laid quiet and making those associations and when he read me out of school that was made. but the possible and there was very low there were 2 there was. a. knife from casinos to hotels to office blocks the name trump is plastered on many
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prime addresses but is really so named after the u.s. president as a thank you for his barking in a territorial dispute is looking much less responded ortiz paulus leader went along to see for herself. what is president trump left more than seeing his name in golden letters on a big sign well praise and recognition one would say and here in northern israel he's got both trump heights in the middle of nowhere and thank you from benjamin netanyahu to his american baby for doing what most of the international community would not recognize this is the golan heights as part of israel you've been an incredible friend for israel and you've done extraordinary things for the jewish state which we are eternally grateful to much fanfare celebrations you might imagine an idyllic place the 1st thing you see is the settlement gate which doesn't close completely and there's a gap here which i can just go into but jari gets into it and then you find that no
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boulevard or fancy entrance leading into the village instead of hard overgrown with weeds and piles of stone a far cry from what you'd expect the entrance into trump heights would look like when you think of a place like you know the 2nd chance you see this this building used to be because you know say to will be regional very rich. and now. although these being a fancy name change a new settlement has filtered tracked many residents today less than a dozen lives here and right now no one seems to be. you know. is there anyone. hello. it's all captured this territory from syria during the 19676 day war and later. and mexted $981.00 now most of the international community considers that annexation illegal and does not consider the golan heights as part of israel locals don't take it seriously either in the flesh i think it's not
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a good location it's very hard it's a neglected area and i simply don't know why people go to live there for us into a richer this is great to see because we think it's ok i don't see it you don't see that it. has evoked work to produce this is an american issue in the. face really government says plans are underway to eventually house 300 families but in the years since truck prices been overrated nothing's been done maybe it doesn't even matter if the un has been bestowed the facts on marginal after all we live in an era of fake news says president traffic likes to say. r.t. heights northern israel. to another story we're closely following us china relations are at a long time low and a further dawn turner heard this week president trump took aim at chinese video
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showing up to talk threatening that its days may be numbered in the u.s. . we're looking at a tick tock we may be bending we may be doing some other things are a couple of options mr trump they're promising to bomb the hugely popular video sharing from american shores not before monday the stars and stripes were lowered at the u.s. consulate in the chinese city of chengdu. ordered to close. for america's order to shut china's consulate in houston texas the 2 countries trading accusations. as far as closing additional embassies it's always possible they were burning documents or burning papers. chinese sides requirement. that the u.s. consul general in china justify response to the justifiable behavior of the us
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we need a strategy to protect the american economy and indeed our way of life through free world must strike over this new tyranny of the free world doesn't change doesn't change communist china will surely change. completely repudiated the 40 year history of china the u.s. relations. claiming he wants to defund democracy and freedom will be taken by no means to represent these ideals. american germany and the interest groups behind him. last month firefighters were called to the houston mission after police said that workers were burning documents in the front yard local authorities claim this stuff work getting rid of incriminating evidence that official said they were given just 72 hours to shut down but not everyone in the u.s. is hot on going after china with american film studios trying their best not to rub
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beijing the wrong way i mean hawkins explains the u.s. and china have entered a cold war style standoff. corporation on multiple fronts is an old time low and one could assume the movie business is no exception after all why should hollywood pander to beijing hollywood now regularly censors its own movies to appease the chinese communist party the world's most powerful violator of human rights even the u.s. state secretary payer was scathing in a recent speech in hollywood not too far from here the epic center of american creative freedom and self-appointed arbiters of social justice. censors even the most mildly unfavorable reference to china so is it really worth it it turns out it is last year china contributed $9200000000.00 to the global box office that's almost a quarter of global movie ticket sales while hollywood may have limited access to the chinese market viewing figures from asia can often make or break
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a movie and the bank. is going to the world. universe. but to get its hands on a slice of the money hollywood needs to tread carefully china is a tough client despite having the 2nd largest film market in the world beijing is protective allowing only around $40.00 foreign movies per year so hollywood has to compromise to fill all the slots but we all know that he who pays the piper calls the tune the us lets china call the shots when it comes to the fine detail in movies this could be persuading the chinese as the good guys think 2012 or gravity
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to make our way to the space station. but there. the government is building the ships. surjective. the retired you see those grass cutting out offensive taiwanese flags from the top gun sequel or making sure key characters aren't of tibetan origin beijing could simply cancel the release of a movie deemed offensive that once upon a time in hollywood was scrapped apparently because of the portrayal of bruce lee we get into a fight i accidently killed. i go to the upcoming movie has had a kissing scene cut to avoid a similar fate some even speculate that actors who displease beijing disappeared from the really big screen apparently richard gere got too friendly with the dalai lama too involved in supporting tibet no more movies with him in china perhaps you could be replaced with a chinese counterpart after all more chinese actors are being hired to satisfy the
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growing demand. for years before so will. the lucian. was really soldiers come into my job. we're going to break out of every single one of the trumpet ministration has been moving away from the current order with stand up to china slogan but there's a little turn of how can that be when even global giants like apple have to play by china's rules of market access so it's unlikely hollywood will change any time soon when it comes to choosing between politics and profit the film industry will pick the latter every time after all show business is just that a business. you're tuned into international still is silly plans to send the military into sicily after school hours of refugees escaping quarantine and flee
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detention center details up to the shortest brings. i think we need to kind of just get back to realizing that modern medicine has achieved some great things but actually when it comes to what has increased our life expectancy more than anything else in the last 4 or 5 you know lost upon 150 years most of these be public health you know modern medicine can be attributes to be maybe 3 and office 5 year life expectancy over an increase of 40 years in the last century in august and that's again something that people who we find quite surprising quite shocking. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of
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the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. 20 minutes past 4 in the afternoon here in moscow welcome back a secret quote. for the notorious private intelligence report which failed to link donald trump to russian collusion and 2016 being revealed on the turns out it's a u.s. resident rather than they suppose a russian based source. also explains a lot of the dossier seem to rely on between drinking buddies. it was a dossier that some prophesies would spell doom for donald trump as president and
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as a human being with any shred of decency the document penned by still spread like wildfire across the media spilling way beyond the u.s. borders the dossier the dossier that controversial document it alleges overt knowing collusion while unconfirmed accusations was 1. to cool the file salacious would be an understatement the claim that trump hired prostitutes to pee all over a bed at a luxury moscow hotel simply because the obama's one slipped in was just one of the highlights but trump's enemies believed wanted to believe after all the mysterious incognito informant was said to have infiltrated the in a most of russia's circle well turns out the russians was in fact
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a bar fly in the us former journalist and now analyst igor duncan go apparently admitted that he got his information from people he was hitting the bottle with primary subsurface and source for drink heavily together and source for always looks forward to getting together with source for when primary sub sources in town are you when go as far as calling him an alcoholic but it looks like some might duncan go might have boozed so hard that even got him into legal trouble but nobody's perfect the f.b.i. thought a little party never killed nobody the state department agreed delirious drunken drivel you might say but america needs to know him because he fell in with information united states government should have similarly when he developed the information relating to 2016. there's assault on our democracy and interference in our elections he felt it was important that the us government be aware of it and
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you'd think that the revelation about the sources credibility or rather the lack of it would be the main line in the us media but who am i kidding the new york times for instance confirming these sources identity a whole week after the story broke has been fanning suspicion about these website for publishing the story on time a news website posting news the outrage russian is always the eternal bogeyman in the american media no it's not quite sure why but it's been that way since the cold war and they've refused to let go of it it's the go to jail and so most democrat voters most media people most journalists we really know what the point of. from seclusion russia non-existing cruiser with russia might be how that might jeopardize national security they just see a scary word like russia and then run with it with the election less than
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a 100 days away who knows maybe another installment will cool out of the woodwork to seed the intelligence rumor mill. italy has long struggle to handle waves of migrants crossing the mediterranean and the covert crisis is intensifying the problem the government has now said it will send troops to sicily after scores of refugees their dogs quarantine and rubble from a detention center. big
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concern is the risk to public health if any of the migrants are carrying covert the italian foreign minister say such instance domage efforts to contain the pun demick stressing the need for everyone to treat the situation seriously local leaders there fuming to. secure a 10 people see health as the most important thing. by everybody but we don't understand why poetry in the main they only get tired and disembarking migrants. now days is was still place and. ready to listen the coming. this is broken by the fact that i'm receiving calls on the migrants. travel restrictions designed to keep kovan at bay are helpless with illegal crossings from north africa but when boats are seeing is the refugees are put in to
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40 to 42 and the problem is the detention centers are getting crowded and social distancing is all but impossible so opposition politicians now want to go further and stop the boats from docking at it tell the imports altogether. italian government recently approved funds to help libya's coast guard but has. governmental organizations on human rights groups protesting in rome who accuse coastguards of being complicit in people smuggling. italy with this decision on the libyan cause god is repeated for the. violations of the fundamental rights of the people the proof that they. raped. it using just the only place. for the government recently to start
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a new wave of migration. dress and the conditions and the human tries to be. well we spoke with the president of the italian think tank future nation he says that the e.u. needs to do more to help stop the masses of migrants arriving. this is delicious for our government to sell feet only and especially in the cecily's is a last drop is not only a problem for our county but in the big bro metaphor all the european union so folks that we need more along with some of the rupee in the union to try to stop the regular returns and also we need that to help this summit agreement to leave the country in the notes that i think i and the european union must have in this situation because when the regular meetings are a bit in the heller county they write said the european union and economic problems because we need to spend a lot of money to detroit to contrast the irregular meter and the these based
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decision moment did we need money to help it they tell us because there are a lot of industries that are difficult because often the coronavirus with the presidential election fast approaching in the us next we asked the question how much power to corporations hold over those buying to take control of the white house if they close this is art international. thinking of getting it done the ones we got in here she was signaling to use traps in this time you know why are you going to use a crate with him he will stir freaking out in she when it's raining anywhere near fells and so breeding dogs are caged in the interview lane conditions on puppy farm
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i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. to kill you. it's to kill. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and still most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being stopped at stores even giant a good businesses are involved but can't get them sent up there has been a shocking amount of the organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs don't buy dog.
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54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area rush up. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what china says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons. capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.
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