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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  August 3, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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and i know that i shan't. be askia russian fama my i've. a folks next up big thrill for me as a film nerd malcolm mcdowell he's got a new project that on all the streaming platforms called the big ugly i think it's a little bit of a british craig type character doing some money laundering and apple ashes are maybe like ozark so that's where the river thames meets the lake of the ozarks we'll talk to him out of course we'll talk clockwork orange we'll talk about a war lucky man if all the earliest work with the great malcolm mcdowell right after this and then a similar plus one. a
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folks welcome to dennis miller plus one and this is a throw from a i've always admired this man's acting from mick travel sana malcolm mcdowell on the show today malcolm known for his roles in obviously clockwork orange star checked generations calendula also appeared in t.v. series like entourage heroes the mentalist did a nice turn as rupert murdoch in the fox news has take me to drama bombshell and his newest film the one we're going to talk about the big ugly came out on july 31st currently available on digital platforms to stream mr mcdowell you my friend then it's nice to talk to you again it's been a while. let's have let me have barry the coup bricky and leave here we'll get to that much later in the interview i can't believe you got a hole in what please lay that out for me how did it feel why fret. oh my god.
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well if you're a golf course i have the heights or whatever you know. i as add was actually playing with a gentleman who had all time it's and he was a friend of mine at the club where i played and you know he i hadn't seen him in a few months and i asked the you know the stocks or where you know where he was and stuff and he said oh mark i'm you know if he couldn't find his car in the parking lot i had he's home and i said well you know i'm going to coat his wife maybe i could take him out you know i bet you he can still you know he had a beautiful swaying i bet you he can still swing out just you know given the right club and he'll be away and that's what proved to be true when we came to the 16th hole which is a path 3 from the blues which was like 195 slightly downhill out
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of bounds on the right big branco red stakes on the left and loads of bunkers in the front. so he hit star feet is in the bunker i hit a rescue club asuna tech still got it and i hit it just as pure as you can hit it and but i didn't the flag was sort of behind the lip the actual hole was behind the lip of the bunker so i didn't see where it landed i knew it was reasonably close and we drove down and he went to get his ball or i looked noble so i said you know is my ball in the bunker no no no so i looked back of a hole and there was a little divot 18 inches from the hole. and i started to sweat and i walked over held the flag looked down and there was my ball. so i subtle jumping up and down screaming and i told him over i said look this
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is a hole in one he goes you go on to win now i just got warm and that's my it so anyway we played a few more hole but i was screaming up and down jumping and so we go to the pro shop and they get you know they get if they give you a flag when you've got a hole in one but the number of the line i told him he said you have a witness so i went yeah yeah sure sure off and tell him about my hotel room he was yes i got a hole in one i was playing with my son my no no no not yours mine you wouldn't you got one too. but this system croke this system pro is a very nice guy he's he said malcolm i know you've got it we heard you screaming 3 holds away. ok so give me the flood of.
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what you've just described to me as a p.j. would. you fly who are rescue club 195 1st up that's impressive because a lot of higher handicap players i don't know what you're shooting to but they were always the exit thank you floor it under the green with a rescue it's a hell that would give me my friend no no that's that was one it was you know listen there's a great thing about golf and this is you know is that on any given day we can hit a shot one shot in a round as good as any crow on the planet and that's what makes it such a beautiful game and that's what you remember and that's why you keep coming back to this torture. you know to humiliate yourself time and time again i could talk golf all day but then i'd be on the golf channel so i want to talk to them about yeah yeah the big ugly came out on july 31st i read the notes on it appears to me
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something like the river thames meets the lake of the ozarks it's got a little money laundering and stuff like that that i believe takes place and up a lot do i have there do i have the basis of that or telling you what you know i couldn't have couldn't have said it better myself something like that and you know it's a vinnie jones thing it's many's the one who called me and asked me if i could do it and he said you know i'm out it's bit of a chance for me to play the straight man i don't have to play the villain in this so i'm well ok really that's fine ok so he doesn't and he gives a very very good performance i thought he was fabulous and. you know it's really nice for him because i've always liked binny jones you know he's always worth watching and. so and he's a nice guy and actually we met at
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a golf thing of course when you know it and he's a damn good golfer but there's a great picture of him you know he played for what for and chelsea football is a footballer so he's a you know he's an athlete there's a great oh yeah no he's a professional athlete he was a very very good defender and he was fairly brutal you know you know i want to mess with vinnie but there's a great shot of him. 3 feet off the ground heading the ball and it's with him and a wonderful player called paul gascoigne who played for england africa and vinnie's hands are literally grabbing his penis i mean literally grabbed hold it in mid-air and it was a very famous shot you know that. and that is a little bit the way vinnie. that's a little bit the way he lives his life
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a little bit like that balls to my and the way guys are going. to leave after that gas going plane under the non the plume the tripod if. well his voice certainly went up on mount divots that's a shock. you know malcolm as i read about you i find it a perfect mix when i think about what i think about the lindsay enderson films i 1st saw un and i think well. it's it's almost like courtney and you know as a young man you think oh god this is going to be an angry career and then later on in life i love you're almost michael caine insouciance but taking parts part of me but showbusiness i try to do whatever i do the best but there's another part of thinks i'm making a living i'm going to take some things here i'm going to experience some things and i notice you know i just sort of. oh absolutely you know but you go through i have
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a long career touchwood you know i've been very lucky of course but i had a long careers and in the beginning you know when you're the flavor of the month and you're in these films which are. socially relevant and europe meaning something to the youth of the day i mean it sounds a little hilarious now but the rebel stuff an older protest movement. and you know i mean i was just playing the part as written i really had nothing to do with protesting on the streets of paris you know in 1968 and throwing you know mullets off cocktails and stuff but. having said that you take on the saying and and then. you know that you're life changes as you get older and the pots change and the thing is you just have to really go with the men joy i'm not
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yet so found up in the fact that oh my name's not above the title or some bullshit like that you just take the pot as it is and really enjoy it and that yes basically . that's basically what i've done you know i try to anything it's god when you think about the lives of quiet desperation where good good men good women have to go out and ply their craft with children and that they don't quite have what they always wanted i always look at showbiz and think are you kidding me that they handed me money in exchange for doing something that i found fun along the way it's an amazing gift there isn't it then i bet you are the same i bet you sit down sometimes the lights are on they're all fussing around and you just look around and you go and that pain if it's. all high and all the time i don't know what state of amusement but i'm going to go along for the
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ride because i don't know exactly if it be i have to see him right when i going to those little rock. now folks i don't know if you're watching out there everybody seems the and what talk about a clock i listen i love clockwork orange but i think after 50 years at least wanted to talk to the smith for 15 minutes before i went to that ice 1st though i'm from way back when and this trilogy of films by lindsay anderson it's called well it's if in a lucky man he plays mick travis and then there's a 3rd one i swear to god it has one of the most uncomfortable shrieking moments i've ever been in a theater for there was a film series in pittsburgh at the pittsburgh playhouse and brittania. stories and some wonder if i don't want to tell people you got to watch it but sometimes people watch the 1st 2 of this trilogy and since they don't get to the 3rd but you should definitely get the 3rd because there's a moment that is gob smacking yeah is this the operation of oh look did.
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you know that makeup took 11 hours i i who it was and they get they i was made up of different pieces you know different people talking to malcolm mcdowell his newest film is the big ugly came out on july 31st so just freshly out folks it's currently available on digital platforms and as i said i think it's something you can do what's transpose one of the craze over to apple action america and go from there so maybe that's the vibe you might look for we'll talk to malcolm after the break and i do want to ask you about kubrick in clockwork orange all that with malcolm mcdowell right up to the sun dennis miller plus one. luck.
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summer solution. episode. why posts can be
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exciting very exciting i'm excited i know you're excited i know states is excited. folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one we're joined today by someone i would deem a great actor i'm not sure he isn't a chest beating but over the years the works amazingly deft and you know i'm from clockwork orange star trek generations collegial which has its own interest i get the feeling that somewhere along the line somebody got in the editing both malcolm and took a reasonably and interesting film there's some stuff in there and then just cut a porn film and how it's true but that but it's new project is the big ugly it came out on july 31st currently available on digital platforms to stream yeah let's talk
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a little it just for a 2nd because it's funny to see helen mirren and you and you know people high and people in this film that they come in after and draft on some porn or something of course of course we it wasn't in the script put it that way but you know and go over dowd wrote the script and i got a telephone call from them to say i. meet for lunch and i said oh where we meeting he went at a place called the penthouse club. i mean the penthouse club boat is that not like the playboy club or something he goes yeah but this is the penthouse you know are ok so i go to this place very dark in a basement there's goal of the tao and so he sent i want you to play. clinker larry my this film or that we're going to do this are who are talking and i said who's paying for it and he said bob guccione i went on
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that's why we're in the penthouse from them i see and he said malcolm think of bob guccione as one of the want to brothers. but that is a direct quote from grove it out. well i suppose he meant in terms of just going he's just going to pay and and they leave us alone which is not what happened and in fact gore the dow left the project half way through he couldn't stand it i think he was banned from the sec or something but. it was in fact i'll tell you it's been a sort of monkey on my back this movie because i felt a great sense of betrayal and all the rest of it and you know so because of this forced rest i have decided to do a one man show and and do a movie a documentary about the making of the movie and do it and link it with
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a stage performance of some of the stories that are not to be believed about what happened in rome in 1976 with how do you know what rod nailed i heard and peter o'toole and i can tell you it was bizarre it's the last of the it's a sodom and gomorrah are actually almost. but peace wrote it was i dived into marijuana for some reason and he was smoking joints large you wouldn't believe and i didn't know where he was so rich they said go i go into peter's room and go through that dialogue with him got night shots and well you'll have an hour to well hour to turned out to be like 10 hours and we got to the set of 4 in the morning and i literally had to guide him to his mocks and you know we haven't even been on
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the set and and it was a sense of tiger beer is who he was playing type variance is sort of sexual fantasy is on the island of comprehend and in this grotto all this stuff was going on and you know by the time we got there. well there was so many things happening so many sexual perversions the pizza would start up rome was but a city oh my god conning what are they doing and they gave me what's. out. i mean i go he said we're rolling in rolling tongues and red was but to sit at. the star. through a pretty nice. yeah. telling 6 you that might be a better memory than being. in the words of
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a radio where the just to watch also he. was uncomfortable how was gil good because at least 020000 seemed to be a he seemed to be a botcher always jot. he loved he came into my room i have this sort of apartment in the. at the studio and junk a man and goes who yes i don't know whether it's possible but. i'm not getting piers very much could be i'm. going to have a problem log villa do possibly i do have an improvement could i make sure are you kidding you can have a whole suite there's a whole when you're going out yes it's yours and it was great because for 2 weeks i got john gielgud and you know a dinner time playing no lookout songs and you know when the movie actually came out i was in new york walking down 3rd avenue and i bumped into john
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on the green just by chance and he was there because of off * he was doing this with dudley and he goes oh muck have you seen the film i would know i'm good he goes i've seen it 3 times and i paid twice. i went well if you told him who you were i'm sure you wouldn't have to pay. well you know kids play but i want to move over to another genius but a bit of a more prickly one i've certainly read enough about kubrick over the years my favorite line big a friend of mine told me once when he saw eyes wide shut i said what's it like and he said he'd nasm as seen through the eyes of. agora phobic torker if. a law. were
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to written to control his environment as he loved the control everything i think he worked with kirk douglas on spartacus that he didn't fight all say at all that he said enough of hollywood he goes over there a brilliant man and his magnum opus obviously the 1st time i was just startled by a film i remember is a clockwork orange i'm trying to think had he seen your work with lindsay and that led and it was sort of your bailey wick that yes no i'm christiane the kubrick his wife widow that was then told me that he'd been looking forward you know he had a project and is on standby 247 at the house and. they got a copy of it and he claimed it and after she told me this after i made my 1st entrance in the movie he clicked the into comments agree lace the sodding down and he did it for times he 4 times he turned to christiane and said we found our
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alex what sets him apart i guess is that he made my ass to pieces and. in every genre of movie he you know i mean there's romantic comedies anti war movies it's every single thing you can think off and. if you gave him something like that like peace it did with its strange sort of brilliant nazi salute on him or bringing it back i mean. it he would design the whole scene on math he did that because i started seeing singing in the rain and he went with the whole thing and made it part of the action and part of the actual story of the movie and then there's another one 0 yes you know when the minister at the end in the hospital is feeding me and i'm chewing away and suddenly go. and it's because the poor man who has had
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a long speech wrapping up the movie i could see out of my career for revision that stanley was getting bored and i knew he was about to cut the guy's speech and i thought if i hurry him up you know get the food amount but get go he will get to keep it and snap and he just went with it. and what it became that's what it was all of you know remember what he said but you remember that moment. it was like the m.g.m. lion moment. now listen we have to wrap up by us i could talk to you all day because i'm fascinated by expertise a new exhibit over a long career but i do have to say that much less artistic note but no nonetheless a great film the exchange that you and david warner haven't time after time when he
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realizes that he's always going to big killer he's always going to be haunted and he wants you to cavort him into the another world trapped and. he gives you that knowing look the extent you guys had a very nice vibe together on that film it seemed like they were no listen i was at stratford with him in 1965 when he was the big star he was hamlet's i mean he have 300 screaming girls waiting for him outside the stage door he was like the beatles family. yeah it was such an oddball you know the way that they it and you know he is such a brilliant actor totally undervalued i think but yeah me so yes he's so watchable you know and. so when he came and he was a good friend of mine it was a really i liked him a lot even though he was weird and you couldn't really he never really relax he was always a bit up tight but that you could tease him about it known and he would end up
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laughing and we had a good really good time so that when i came up that he was going to play jack the ripper i was so happy and you know and it was such there was a lot of love there actually and a lot of charisma between the 2 chemistry just going back to 65 and great mutual respect you know. yeah what came across definitely and when you were talking earlier about enjoying the ride here and not everything has to be so fraught i can imagine being a young man recognised as a great actor on a per day i'm in the bay area on a fun project and meeting the the beautiful mary steenburgen and must of been one of those moments where you thought boy am i getting a big bite out of life right now yeah well that's exactly what it was it was an amazing time and of course san francisco is one of my favorite cities
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but we fell in love there and it was. sort of a very beautiful moment and you know she had a boyfriend i was actually married when better and so that was sort of separate it so but. you know there was a lot of pressure there stuff from. but but married him mary what an incredible performance she gave in that movie and you know she's a another wonderful actress and you know she's going strong she says she's doing t.v. shows all over the place so i never know where she's not going to hell too which are just as a sidebar note once again i don't know that some make the show i got to wrap up soon but i read that mary came back from an operation or something and was only thinking in songs did you hear that turn to stay in touch that that boggles my mind what a rare thing the human brain is right yes that's true but it wasn't even
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a serious operation but she went on data an ascetic to take out something on a rama something was like a polyp it was the nothing really and when she came to she was literally thinking in song and now wow she's a songwriter and of some note i think she was a she was nominated you know for an award i don't know whether is academy award a lot but i do know i've heard some of the songs are absolutely amazing and i'm into that now because my 16 year old is completely obsessed with writing we've recorded is album and you know it's sort of mom this to be here because the guitar come out around the fire you know it's just it's a it's it's great great to see these kids blossom. i think it again as they call me in their hour it's you're in golden hour lighting right now malcolm mcdowell i
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absolutely i love this thing amanda sappy get that me well and maybe will stroke the ball somewhere along the way on the the low being green the big ugly came out just on july 31st currently available on digital platforms to stream imagine meeting somebody you would admired from there for their ak you meant all these years and then you find out what a nice bloke they are nice to meet you malcolm davis thank you. malcolm mcdowell the spin dennis miller plus one.
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you can't be both with the yeah you was. thinking of getting the music on the ones we got in our ships no problem was he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny low wired which we don't need a crate with him he will just. freaking out and he won't let us bring him anywhere near fells and so greeting dogs that caged in the interview lane conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. to get what you. get through kid. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from this large scale factory farming kind of operations are being
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sold in stores even giant a good businesses are involved like cargill and mom center there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dogs on o.t. . greetings i'm salyut asian so all right let's start this party off with a bang with one of the most important news stories currently.


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