tv Redacted Tonight RT August 6, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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welcome to redacted tonight v.i.p. i'm not lee camp i mean unless you squint really hard or you're watching this on a floor model 2 t.v. where the color 10 has been off since the mid ninety's and also there is this i'm in for a way to host today's v.i.p. in which you'll see redacted correspondent anders li chappell's activist author and professor norman finkelstein about israel's play and exhaustion of the west bank
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and the potential foreign policy differences under a bi ministration will also talk about how many major american cities are on track to receive an influx of federal law enforcement even after seeing protesters getting shelled into secret police vans. first here is anders lee's interview with norman finkelstein mr vaghul stand by given joining us here for having me on i want to begin by asking about recent developments or non developments if you will in israel at the start of the summer prime minister netanyahu had planned to annex a large portion of the occupied west bank a little beginning on july 1st but so far israel has been executed on this why do you think that it's. a big leap to reducing the. number of. those on 'd the map stick to the one so the israel was distracted prime minister. in the history of the code. or since
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or. our legal problems swarms are there. learned that there is a case tending in the international criminal court regarding through those crimes in the west bank and gaza spanking east jerusalem and gaza and right now where the shore a critical decision or was coherent true charo cheering for in this case and. who. goes ahead with an extension it will almost certainly result in criminal court washing and investigation into early crimes. so i think he's. sincere speculation. my guess is. the foreign
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minister. this is from the master. of those targets are. inserting. the old way of the. u.c.c. since you. well speaking of the i.c.c. your most recent book entitled i accuse is about the international criminal court i was wondering if you could give us some insight as to how the i.c.c. avoids investigating israel for international law violations. some very uncommon here and it is tearing through a situation right know that i'm not sure how many of those who actually. and sometimes. charges next and so you can and you can stuff in the
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guards who herald the. there are only 21 the 2 were quote situations for the international criminal court that shirt suits you where you should serve to these rules so may 2010 the humanitarian convoy those are gone. and they're not injured immediately and then 10 injured 'd later on. the i'm seeing cinci secure and soon. dismissed the situation the referral it's cold and sinister refer to brown's. insists ition gras to be tomorrow and then our a.c.c. need investigation there are several stages in our e.c.c.
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in sequence for instance the preliminary examination 2nd is the investigation for a minute for. the trial when there were no. the 2 cases before the incident. from the never union examination. the 2nd one what it was. called the state of house. and. refers who is really crimes in the west bank. settlements. crimes in go and so. on an instruction jury operation for terror. for a team here the prosecutor for reasons i won't go
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into no lets appearances she switched some points instead some warning israel she's not supporting the palestinians. and this case you asked how do you get her out and i can see you see the geisha especially given the men and the who is really crimes and the arabs where you get into technicalities i don't see see is not a universal core. it's based on jurisdiction being you know and you needed ready to know who are my instincts so that they may for example who go in the i.c.c. and say we have a situation you're in want you to investigate. crimes. crimes of aggression brought against you not of the. have occurred here
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or a state can join and. then make a referral based on the situation and that's not. the evidence since another thing and just thus far in this thing and now the questions come forward who are is howard's. and it's not it's knowing it can't name her and the 2nd remaining question is whether more. i.c.c. in unison has an you're it's notion it's just a request. to action sorry is your estimation the question then is jurisdiction over what her if a crime committed in
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a. area now it's not really in the states jurisdiction then they can refer crime to i mean c c so the question is why does the terrorist it's not me and that's where murder is currently 7. and she prosecutors. it's my considered opinion. palestine it is a state. so so might consider. the territory of the state is there were spent on experience alone. however her i really no evidence that the so i didn't. name the territory is controversial it's true it was you know claiming.
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the entire or her. territory so she was. pre-trial chamber just basically the core. of the core the judges. so she charitable and he see them through trial chamber right and out of this is. the end of august we'll hear what the t.c. does seem one of the preacher sites. is their farm a motel or her. also the p.p. seeing maybe his aim to weigh in on the question is. a state. well on the question of of the state or not a state of palestine you've been a longtime supporter of a 2 state solution and you've also been critical of those in the b.d.s.
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movement who support one by national state citing among other things public opinion i'm wondering if i could get a reaction to the recent piece in the new york times by peter biner to a mainstream voice or certainly was at one point calling for one binational state has public opinion started to shift on this issue and has your opinion changed. him or her in the end there is no basis in the current. forces for instance who should start i don't see any difference is in the globe who most who. are responsive. responsive to. the men who see. locals who are those. it's not it's more bird who. is entirely. an option but at least there is a willingness among the international community to entertain the r. and b.
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. i don't see any movements there anymore and. not surprisingly the us is not supported by the russian. and we shouldn't try to trim the side by making it amenable or our will to western or it's this important ones. that need to and he. or she smokes and it's a routine so far as i can discern from what he's written he supports one. in which jews have equal rights but it's in our state it is very adamant there. and shoes are far and so. and it's our. mission to the same. right it's not right
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it's not exactly that we're but they don't have the saying and i don't know i'm into that and it's the indigenous population so he supports one. in which your equal rights but it's not their state. by marriage to him and it's important. all and i mean you know as you. and me design isn't indicated sitting there. now and zionism as an ideology as he gets among american jews. those who are. and they get a protracted war but anyone. can go on for years and years and years. more of course or so and then the community property. says no call. so if you're going to try ringback it's another step in the. alienation of strange
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men. astray shooting also the porch or the floor or the stranger in the merchant ship to some. of the other boat warmest even their truth. there is no one to stay or to stay under this was a good chunk there right now the only thing in the political agenda is one and the. other says shouldn't tune in. to believe in my opinion those grown weaker there still will be putting on. everything the inhuman illegal immoral. or criminal. got an item on the agenda and insert the operatives small numbers in our them to mobilize their own israel's. investigation and hopefully
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indictment by the international criminal court though they are totally. on you just the sort of see a movie one much to a 2 state agree with. they are. meaningless destruction we have to go to a short break but just about are that all we're back to tonight episodes are available on the free streaming app portable t.v. at that portable t.v. flashed out low and all the segments of our shows are still available at youtube dot com flashback to tonight but for the full episodes go to portable t.v. also to join our free email west had the word were gak that. 33777 i'll be right back with more. a more robust war over won't be one in which we move business as usual but guess
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what. we've prepared for. a lot cheaper reduced mobility it's a lot cheaper than having. the sudden fullest and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. so rather than revolution results soldiers could that small group the corporations when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. these are sacrificing some places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of
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undemocratic practices for wealth use of that world for wealth for the stroke there's no question that the. same wrong. roles just don't all. let me. get to shape out of disdain become educated and in the game equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. join me everything on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see them.
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right. welcome back to redact it's an i.v. i paid i'm natalie miguel and fairly cap now we go to the rest of andor lee's interview with norman finkelstein sly i want to get your thoughts on one political force or someone who certainly was a political force at one time and that's an old nemesis of yours alan dershowitz for those who aren't familiar you debated him on democracy now and exposed a book of his being largely fraudulent and profit plagiarized and then surely coincidentally you happened to be denied tenure a couple years later what's your reaction to his recent fall from grace in light of his relationship with geoffrey epstein. the low crime sure if you want more money
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suppose i don't turn again the particular. jerram expression of this show and. the pleasure from some of the oh. so torment. tend to be imposed and very far. there are things that. serve the poor well for him for me is there. nothing you. or i mean the news of the war it's. not. you know these are connected and so in appeals he knew the right people to contact the press was a good appeals where i'm told he isn't public where you take
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a shit if you're going to be appeals or. i was in a certainly by virtue of the start of this perjury you know it's being senior most professor ringback skeel and starts there. are more school and it was dubbed header in. a shoreham and more minutes in the former made his reputation no more look for free on extinction came along the floor he was swapping for donald trump the guy was a complete already. you know was a logical argument there in the whole we're in all books. including me just chronically in the audience the incessant nonstop. well i mean it's
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that i don't accept his your intention of harm her. heart in any way publicly distance itself from anything he said it's nonsense why not just line and trim you know not hers that was using his name in cool or when palestinians were mean to archer and he in using his name and using instead of 3 to not syria was engaging in torture he's personally whole by his ashen it's for the torture anyhow it's neocons but seem clear about the facts and i don't know if that's very well. president there she once is never and still are carrying wired similarly lawyer that's all just nonsense every time.
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he's in should noons i have any program he's the same this is similar in means a lawyer really can show me this record in civil or a means i've gone through everything he's rare. i'm just a reader this through so little or no you are a few weeks which will be classified under the it should so anyone who aren't varies is there any better thing out it's the best the surgeons everything needs there is no record of support and civil liberties now have the right to defend the few morons to some classes for it as a similar period. since the word perry and i once were everything is relative each to me did a pro bono or financially basis you're in her case you know. still on the op and you claimed i don't know how much there is no i never asked angela
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davis whether it was true but he clearly i mean are my right side and. you know h.m.o.'s koenig's there are things he wins about things and who ignores many big claims about being about in the 60s. many patients and there are you about the most famous who are were in concert or miserably so. it's not the truth it's all of this in the bouncer who you can see his commitment to civil liberties now he's suing everybody for libel to try to stop you know the chaser interest cd it's gotta see him get his comeuppance but you issue is maybe for the full scope of his is misstates from all over the euro. i'm not. surely live to the moon these are real. anything or mean or worse or women. think. you. really do have to wait for
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them. or you may be or rio. the shots are in. israel i'm shouldn't trivialized on the road where i live i'm sorry we could go on for 4 hours but i want to thank you for joining us to really appreciate it long time all of yours norman finkelstein thank you very much you up for this white house has a special back and making a tense situation even worse as evidenced by the presence of federal troops in cities like portland oregon and new york city to round up protesters an unmarked van but while what the leaders across the country publicly decree they use the federal troops some of those same leaders to welcome a federal law enforcement presence with open arms under
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a white house initiative called operation relentless pursuit. and while operation relentless pursuit sounds more like what brett kavanaugh nicknamed his friends when they tried picking up women at parties it's actually a white house initiative to add even more police to over policed cities to address violent crime and drug trafficking in fact about 2 weeks before the death of george floyd in minneapolis our government began doling out money for operation relentless pursuit to the tune of $61000000.00 in funding for local police and in each case local democratic mayors have authorized their police departments to work with federal law enforcement to conduct investigations and apprehend suspects in cooperation with the local u.s. attorney's office never mind the fact that some of these cities probably don't need more a lot of horsemen if their existing officers like the ones in baltimore city are
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making headlines already for jeep big toy guns the plan on suspects just in case they shot an unarmed person or getting caught planting drugs on suspects and body can footage or becoming the 1st city to be monitored by police surveillance planes tell us activists social scientists and the like have repeatedly said that community investment is how you reduce crime yet even the cities that appeared of finally grasped this have yet to fully divesting police powers even minneapolis well the minneapolis city council has voted to dismantle the city's police department and reallocate police funding following george floyd's death that would be applied to minneapolis' park police force whose armed members have trained with the city's police department yet are part of a park system which meant tames its very own force of police officers to patrol more than 6000 acres of parkland within the city one of whom was present at
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lloyd's killing when i think part ways i think of cops on horses and i think horses are the last creatures we need to be teaching implicit bias because of a can a they are only one syllable away from sounding out the words. and just because those cops cover the park system doesn't mean they don't need an overhaul as the outlet grist pointed out and 2018 minneapolis per police held for somalia american teens at gun point after a bogus 9 $11.00 call and the park police and many apple this isn't the only one under scrutiny a federal u.s. park police here in d.c. is facing a lot of heat for hurling pepper balls and stagger balls at protesters in lafayette square outside of the white house in a move that u.s. park police claims was more about clearing protesters the put up around a perimeter fence and less about making way for the president to pose outside
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a nearby church and hold a bible upside down as he wondered whether the burning sensation he felt was from the residual tear gas in the air or the fact he was standing so close to a church but considering the u.s. park police already have a reputation for not wearing body cameras and day to day patrols it was even more suspicious when it was discovered that the park police did not record their radio transmissions during the lafayette square operation on june 1st if a federal law enforcement agency doesn't follow standard protocol during a highly publicized protest in our nation's capital i'm not so sure other agencies will learn their lessons once they're dispatched to several cities across the country and while city leaders accepting help from operation relentless pursuit have tried to convince its citizens that it isn't a trojan horse to stick federal cops on protesters they continue to miss the mark
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on the need for a complete overhaul of how we police in this country which includes redirecting money spent on policing to needs such as affordable housing public education and health care protesters in these cities already figured out that we can't police our way out of this. it's time for the leadership in the cities to catch up that's our show but to get full episodes of redacted anytime you want the free portable t.v. up every day you can check out we were a stand up comedy special at we camp american dot com until next time good night keep fighting. see maxwell sunday is one of the most sensational stories of our time however the media coverage appears to be limited to learning details and political overtones
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the single biggest question that needs to be answered is how all of this could have happened where was lawn force going and will justice be served. as the u.s. economy was booming growing numbers of people. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is that we're not financially quantity and i'm not comfortable housing or living minimum wage give many people. that's been a problem with the city and always turn around and told me stay away i don't listen . to the food that there is no answer because you know it's the requires resources most vulnerable were abandoned on the streets to become the invisible clubs.
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this is boom bust the one business show you care it's afford to miss in washington coming up markets continue to surge but those numbers don't seem to fall in line with the real economy is us weekly jobless claims continue to mount it is the fault of uncertainty has clouded the global economic outlook investors are rushing to safe haven assets like big oil and gold straight ahead we take a look at the moves with some crypto pros we have a packed show today so let's go dive right it. now we lead the program with the disconnect between u.s. markets and actual economic data now weekly jobless claims total 1186000 for the week ending july 31st.
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