tv Keiser Report RT August 7, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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i am backscatter this this guy's report summer so loose ends where every summer we look at solutions of all the problems they cover on every other month of the year now so they are recovering to globalization the valorization the china for cation process which is game speed under trump but what has set in motion really on a summer 112002001 when china became member of the world trade organization time avatar to chris fenton author of beating the dragon to stacy chris fenton welcome to the kaiser report summer solutions you know we wanted to talk to you because
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this obviously this process that is now being called the china for cation is in full swing so to set this up and what you might be able to talk about and add to this conversation is you know you were basically an informal diplomat you were working you were traveling to china you were working in bringing the united states you know especially the entertainment industry and sports industry to china and vice versa so you were a bull on that relationship where did that turn you're no longer a bull on that situation you're more of a hawk why well 1st of all thanks for having me back it's always an honor you know the show and just to address that when joe beats you know mention that now it's just me 1st things 1st let's call china a developed country at this point and have them follow those rules around the nation rules that would be a very easy fix to a lot of things that we need to address. if we're looking at the step approach
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that's a great 1st step how did i change my outlook on on chime you know last summer i was on the show we were creek oh it obviously. you know my my. yes obviously started around october of last year when i got back from the last congressional delegation trip and i co-hosted with 3 house members when daryl morey sent out that tweet in support of the hong kong protesters it was an interesting moments for me because i saw that becoming a very big issue for the n.b.a. in china and of course me as as you mentioned being a role in regards to a commercial and cultural exchange between the 2 countries i thought oh my god that's going to hurt the n.b.a. in china and that's a big deal and oh my gosh that's the thing that we should prioritize i know what i didn't realize was that it was going to wake up the united states of america and
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all people including myself to the fact that we have been pandering to the c.c.p. way way too much in this after of pushing the mission of rampant globalism and then since that moment i've really been studying and in fact they implemented quite a bit of it into the book in regards to how has this affected the health of america overall global health aso but the health of americans and it's so obvious to me now looking back at this mission of rampant globalism open up china for our products and services at any cost because that's in the past welfare of the united states citizens turned out not to be so good so over time since that tweet we've seen the han khan situation go into a place where i don't think any of us and madge and a year ago it was going to go which was
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a good 27 years left on this agreement that we made with the brics but you know what who cares let's just take it over now to things like the covert response a lot of the rhetoric between a few countries the issues. between the n.b.a. and various other situations the houston consulate situation which now has been retaliated against in china with the change you consulate for the u.s. it's on mask into a situation where i'm way more hawkish against china than i've ever been and i'm still trying to formulate exactly how to process this all as are many people in this country and our leaders the way you state the case they're pretty have a lot of detail what's curious to me a. relationship between the u.s. and china has always been described as symbiotic we have sent them our jobs and they sent us back these cheap goods and that's the quid pro quo and that's been the
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story and so suddenly. when coven hits and exposes that america has no ability even to manufacture mass that all that manufacturing capabilities in china well that's that's been the deal now for you know a sense they got into the w t l that was the deal like. if i were china i be looking at america and saying what up bro i mean that was the deal why you complaining now you know so why are we complaining now pressed and by the way the deal goes back even farther than just the deadbeat's you know do you know i mean you can argue with 979 it really started and then it got steam probably around 1090 or so why it's a big deal is because we've actually been and i hate using this word we've been woke to the problem and unfortunately sometimes you gotta get it now head really
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hard to know that somebody on the other side of that this is not your friend and that's a big issue and now we have the supply chain issues that kobe brought up in the fact way frankly and you guys talk about it all the. time of the show i mean 95 percent of this country has been left behind in this system that we have right now we have lost a lot of middle class jobs we have lost a lot of media fracturing base and all in a lot of that has to do with how we treated china over the past 30 years so we have a very entanglement and we need to untangle and decouple fully in a lot of ways yet i also argue and i've had some op eds about this recently and real clear politics in the federalist etc there are non decoupling situations that are america 1st and some of those some still hardly making a hard argument for of course back in 1999 we had robert lee hisor who is
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donald trump's 2nd of the trade representative and he was very vocal and the new york times and everything lambasted all of the leaders of america saying they don't know what they're getting into by shipping are that all of our jobs are going to be shipped to china he was right biden was also wrong back in 2000 when he was confronted in congress by a progressive senator who said that the rise of china would result in the loss of all u.s. manufacturing jobs and biden said he did not view a collapse of the american manufacturing economy if china a nation with the impact on the world economy about the size of the netherlands had suddenly become a major competitor the u.s. so he was wrong as well bill barr just in the past few weeks he said that he accused china of an economic blitzkrieg and aggressive orchestrating the whole of government indeed whole a society campaign to seize the commanding heights of the global economy and to surpass the united states as the world's preeminent superpower so my question to
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you is to me it sounds like a sore loser and that this was just a through cities trap that many including as i said robert like hisor ross perot of course they all warned of this at the time when we were planning on. basically elevating china to the w t o because before that they were on the most favored nation status and every single year we had to read knew that in the congress and it became very political so in order to overcome that we pushed them into the w.c. oh so is this just that they said that the strap was this and now but it will and what do you think of what bill barr the attorney general of the united states said . well i i try to be nonpartisan in this issue because it takes red and blue to get together in a dress this challenge that china owes is against the nation but i'm going to 100 percent agree with what are said the other day in the tactics of trumping ministration and our light hisor navarro have used in order to express the
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situation i think probably could use fine tuning and i don't have the answers exactly on how do you doubt but i think there is across this there that hopefully as a nation we figure out but the fact that they have alarmed us all to what this problem is is the best thing that has happened for this country now in regards to buy in and a lot of the people that were very pro what we were doing over the past 30 years i have to admit i 100 percent was too i'm 100 percent complicit quite frankly in being a part of why our hollywood exchange with china has been commandeered by their local film industry so that they're making best in class type of productions that are now catering come completely to their audience and shutting out hollywood movies in regards to market share there and that's just one small microcosm but i was guilty of helping them learn our process understand the value of ip develop ip and
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a script you know utilizing their artists so that they could get caught up to speed and what we're doing in hollywood and helping them get involved with hollywood i feel terrible about it in a lot of ways and i feel very strong about this mission that we have to address china as a nation there are ways to do it that will benefit america both in the short term and long term but it's going to be very disruptive and it's going to be something that we all have to agree i'm together yeah you know. for years they have been saying that they were life a fair fight. china in america here is the americans have been willing to take lower wages in exchange for cheaper goods and that the quality of their life has been according to many americans improving because the cost of a widescreen t.v. has gotten dirt cheap the cost of textiles is dirt cheap i mean this is this is a bargain american made i mean the book is great you're great thanks for being on
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the show but i'm not buying this argument that suddenly you know we got a wake up to the fact that china's a predatory here because the u.s. the predatory in the u.s. economy that that are pretty dangerous on their own citizens vs the v the banks and everything else that goes on in finance they do that with china too so why don't we go after our leaders in washington d.c. they who've been printed saying print predations on america for 30 or 40 years that's where the problem is china just want to compete why are we saying ok we're the comp competitor they just want to compete so what what about washington. well i look you're 100 percent right and as much as i'm not partisan this issue i see really identify with steve and i've been on his show a bunch of times and he believes in the 4th tourney which he thought should have happened in 2008 which is that resat that the financial crisis shouldn't have had
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happened well you've talked about the financial as a share of essentially the global economy and how i guess you should say meters at taking nat as a name directive you know and just in simple sort of examples the fact that we allow chinese companies access to our capital markets while still beholden to the state secret laws because they're part of these s. so we s. so they don't have to apply county practices that we apply to our own companies is ridiculous right so i do think we're seen whether it's because of grandstanding or real action agendas whatever it is to me it doesn't matter the country is woke to it the right side of the aisle in particular wants to do something about it or has a least causing enough awam subpoena or getting more action impacted into it but it's going to take time and yes i agree i mean i can give you one example
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a house member i sat down with in a very red state said you guys need to deal with china in a way that starts addressing some of the problems for my middle class constituents but he's like i cannot say that publicly publicly because those very constituents love going to wal-mart and buying very cheap products and that goes right into what you are same as or a president that author of feeding the dragon oh wow what a timely book we're going to talk more with chris right after this break don't go away. the sudden fullest and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. some rather than revolutionaries or soldiers conduct small groups
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the corporations when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure that's the best don't get together and take it back. please or sacrifice some places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices were well into that world for well for this world and there's no question that the coup d'etat. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. high salacious community. are you going the right way or are you being. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. of the shallowness. welcome back to the report imax hazard this of course is our summer solutions and we're talking today with chris fenton he's the author of feeding the dragon everyone's read this book in washington and hollywood in new york it's really
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a timely book and it's all about what's happening really could describe it as a new cold war between china and america that escalated quickly gus i'm so old i remember when 2 countries are trying to walk through it all kinds of trade agreements phase 12 and 3 it was all going to be jolly good you know chris i look at a company like apple computer and i'm wondering you know. that's worth the $1.00 trillion or so it's in hell than everyone's pension account everyone's made hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars with this company it's the biggest company in the world and it's all based on chinese slave labor we've known that for a decade and 2 decades they put up nets outside the factories because kids jump out the trying to kill themselves we've know we've known this this is not a shock so if this is going to break up and it's a cold war and these 2 countries are going to go head to head apple's not going to be the same company that they're going to have a massive downgrade and that's a trillion dollars of wealth going to evaporate pretty quickly chris are we ready
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to do that well it's funny i i i wrote in an op ed for the federalist while a couple months ago about how we need to stop using the stock market index scoreboards in regards to the overall economic health of the country and the reason i wrote that op ed is eco's i feel like we've done a lot of orchy in regards to what we wanted you to address the china challenge but we haven't done a i.e.d. and the reason why we haven't done any real fighting swarts is because every time we do the stock markets go into a free fall i remember in back when. i was in hong kong in late august there was a tweet that donald trump put out about how he was ordering all american companies to remove their operations in china the markets dropped i think 800 or 900
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points of mediately just prior to the close that day and then over the weekend there was all this crazy sort of information spreading around whether it meant it or not he was over in spain at that time expander and then alternately we backtracked in all the stock markets we covered and actually then some because it sounded like we were going to move into a more dovish fix you a china i my argument is we have to get into sort of a warm were time mentality when we got pulled into world war 2 the markets really were disrupted they went down no one paid attention to the markets we paid attention to how we were going to address the enemies out there how we were in address the national security interests of the country and the welfare of our citizens and as we started to address those and as we started to win small victories and markets did start to come back and by the end of the war obviously the markets floor back my point is it's like if we try to address china by really
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implementing things that we need to do we need to do it across all industries across all companies and we need to address shareholder and investor interests too because they are the pressure points for all the sea suites of all these companies and all these industries if we have real rules of engagement that prioritize american health in american national security yes markets are going to get deeply impacted i mean just moving supply chains back over here the ones that are strictly for national security interest forget apple stuff for t. shirts from nike bringing back pharmaceuticals that's going to cause and major disruption with pharmaceutical companies share prices but we have to be ready you it's. arrest that this reaction and be ok with it because the victories are not going to be marked by stock market prices they're going to be marked by it to reduce debt or on behalf of the american oh well let's talk about a war because of course in america we're seeing opioid overdoses and suicides that
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are mount to a vietnam every year of vietnam war every year last year we had 71000 opioid overdoses the year before it was 68000. u.s. mortality rates are going up the life expectancy is going down for those american men and primarily who used to have jobs at these factories so you know this really set in motion in 1080 is when china got most favored nation status with the united states it was under reagan and that social contract that we've had you know post world war 2 up until that moment was you know they market worker at the american middle class the american dream it was all about that not capital and then since 1988 it's been all about capital and really and part of the primacy of capital has been destroying the rights of workers and laborers and the right to dignity and in a meaningful job in
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a life so like how do we rewrite that social contract how do we because that's going to have to happen that that conversation has to happen between capital and workers for these jobs to be brought back here yeah 100 percent and one of the issues that i have is where. i would titian's grandstand and say hey look bron james you need to take a stand for the on come through chester's or disney you need to take a stand on concrete answers yet quite frankly they do but they need to see if they do it they will lose all their business in china and it's so wacko will situation look ron gets replaced by the next basketball player that can take is spots in his indorsements is nooses there's. loses their theme park and universal comes in takes over so unless we do it industry wide company wide since citizen wide and say this is what will tolerate is list face it there are things will tolerate censoring our content when it goes into that country and inside their borders we will
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tolerate i'm ok with that why because middle east countries do that japan does that korea does that that's something that we seem to be ok with but telling us how to censor our speech and our content outside of their borders that is on it that is not tolerable and we need to change that but we can only do it all or industries and all are companies have the same rules for the road and yes it's going to disrupt markets it's going to disrupt their earnings it's going to disrupt revenues but when we come out the back side of it will be much healthier and one more point is we need to figure it out as a country here 1st what are our rules of engagement and then we need to lead our western allies down that same path because i don't want to see disney replaced by telling munchen in germany or by studio canal in france or by bollywood we need to approach this together so it's not a whack a mole on a global basis yeah right accord native response sure you know big problem saying
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today that america has a really bad a but i mean by that is after 911 they bombed iraq. now during this crisis with china the d.n.c. for example is attacking russia right so somebody is a give somebody some new pride laughs or an eye test or something to improve their am because they don't can't seem to find which countries which on a global map that seems to be a basic problem geography number one number 2 we look what china is doing with the 5 g. technology and artificial intelligence that are already way past the america at this point beyond what america is going to catch on. do you know should we like we do a climate change where we say you know what it's too late we just have to get used to it maybe that goes to the main thing is to say you know it's too late china's going to be the superpower we're no longer a superpower let's get used to it maybe that's the humane thing to do across well
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there is something to be said to be drafting off the leave you can actually gain a lot of footing and not situation and also save a lot of energy and it was and i'm better you know places i do think sane something nice that from any of our leaders is probably a death sentence in regards to any sort of political career. but i would say that's not a terrible idea but let's pretend like that's way far fetched more far fetched than everybody unifying and figuring out how to tackle this challenge i do think. we have a real issue that needs to bring to light the fact that the republicans are on the case the democrats which it has been very frustrating to me and obviously i come from a very democrat base area the country hollywood and industry i'm in it has been frustrating that they haven't jumped into in fact i want to be on democrat
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platforms talking about this but they're not even mentioning the word china on c.n.n. or on m.s.n. b.c. or any of the left leaning programs we need to start that and i know they're obviously nervous about jumping into the china fray because it's going to be hard for biden to look as hawkish as trump but regardless of who wins at least we get both parties thinking about this and hopefully we can find some venn diagram you know overlap where we can actually tackle the challenge together while they fight about all kinds of other things that have nothing to do with china you know the last few moments here let's talk a little bit more about some solutions like you didn't mention their whole developed their developing nations they had us and they have and. yeah which means they get to apply tariffs to our goods we don't get to apply them to their us obviously that should go because we have friends that live in china and they say like coming here is like coming to the developing nation versus them being a massively developed what do you think of that you know no 100 percent i mean it's
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a it's a crazy situation i get why it was in you know regionally enacted because we did similar things when we were coming into our own industrial revolution to try to catch up to the european nations but now that they're caught up in fact this max is there even have asked us and various banks enough's enough let's put them on the same playing field as we're at seen accounting practices plain you know i mean let's just simply start with those red or blue how does anybody disagree with that i get the fact that means j.p.n. and goldman sachs and morgan stanley won't have as much action taking nice as so we used public on the exchanges well come on guys we're all party in united states of america we need to think about what's good for this country and good for the people it can't always be about just churning insure the uninsured and more money i mean the nuts enough lake wispy smarts right well remember when britain had
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a similar situation of china they started out with came out of the opium wars right they got chinese hooked on opium and as a way to get them to buy stuff from britain because they were playing the game the way britain wanted it now china has returned the favor and got america hooked on really cheap goods like big screen t.v.'s and cheap textiles so we're hooked we're we're starting out you know americans are basically you know out on crack so where do you find that problem and figure out how to get an american to do an honest based up situation is that going to get any better chris but anyway thanks so much for being on the kaiser report about summer solutions. well i hope we came up with some solutions and i really appreciate you having me on and i hope to your audience goes out and buys the book because i think it's a really fun entertaining story there that hopefully engages them in just something that's on the read but there's a lot of great lessons and it sort of walks through how we got to this point and also talks about what we might want to do you address it in moving forward so thank
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you again and that's it for this episode of kaiser report summer solutions have a max keiser and stacy ever again thanks to our guest chris fenton the book is feeding the dragon trying to get touch with us on twitter at kaiser report intellects time by. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. as the u.s. economy was booming numbers of people when they did. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is
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the land of opportunity to the reality of it is that we're not financially quantity and i'm not going to flow to the mounting for a living wage many people neutralise. that's been a problem with the cd you know those turn limits on coal you stay way out of lunacy . it's worth it if there is no answer because yes that requires resources. abandoned on the streets to become the invisible. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to you'll certain air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china
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sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.
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