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tv   Eat the Press  RT  August 7, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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the invisible comes. to. allow everybody let's take a look at today's menu to see what we're serving up on the press new documents recently released in the epstein scandal and the media seems to concentrate on one name alan dershowitz while ignoring other high profile figures dershowitz meanwhile vehemently maintains his innocence and he will be here to talk about it all as c.n.n. turned loose their daytime news anchors encouraging opinions i mean the president gets an and tough sometimes rude treatment of guests who happen to be trump supporters can take this battle guided where and maybe get your working had a bad word we'll let you watch several examples you're just saying a bunch of crap and you can decide for yourself what has happened to the drudge
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report many of notice the difference and believe there's been a move way to the left is that accurate does matt drudge even still own the site that bears his name we'll talk to the man who wrote the book on it all and you've heard it a 1000 times donald trump is to blame for the coronavirus deaths in the united states do you feel right now he's doing a little if he doesn't care but did congressional testimony by dr anthony found she provide proof that the accusations are not true i believe it is and will the media change their tune we'll take a look. i've steve malzberg let's see the press. oh it's. easy. to buy. hey did you happen to hear the latest racially charged salvo from vice president. biden who's running for president aimed at
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a black reporter well you probably did not because it's not being covered c.b.s. news is errol barnett this via a virtual convention of the national association of black and national socio action of hispanic journalists have you taken a call and it is no i haven't taken the test why the hell would i take a test. a man that's like saying you before you got in this program to take a test where you're taking cocaine or not when you think. are you a joe do you say to president. now biden also said at that same conference that his spandex have a diversity of opinion in their community and african-americans do not now of course you would think that this all comes after this beauty so it would be newsworthy watch for it if you have a problem figuring out where you're from mere drama and you ain't black that's right now it's not newsworthy according to news busters media a.b.c. nor n.b.c.
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covered this on their evening newscast and the next day it was absent from the embassy n.b.c. and c.n.n. morning shows now what would happen if president trump had said it well i think you know full well what would have happened now on to c.n.n. who have to be the leaders in the media war against donald trump what passes for republican over there ana navarro she's a contributor she will in fact be hosting a campaign event for joe biden you cannot make this stuff up and something that's happened over at c.n.n. at least in my view it appears that they're not primetime news anchors are not only allowed to insert their their bias into everything but they're being encouraged as if they're being told to be rude and nasty to the limited number of pro trump guests that are actually on the show the chinese communist party infected this nation with a deadly virus will you and i will say that this virus that is affecting united states right now is
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a shot of what it is you know what i really like you say that once peter please don't say it on the show i know i know you are is all right then there was this from of the apparent economist and policymaker poppy harlow i think it's important for us not to get back to the economy as it was because that was not an equitable economy for most and it's important to take this crisis learn from it and reimagine a much more unjust and butterball economy should the guest or she's the host of the economy more just wouldn't it. on believable and check this out in reality it's legal but this is like this is just pointless ok this is pointless i get it you're just saying a bunch of crap and ok you're saying a bunch of crap that was brianna keilar with the trump advisor mercedes schlapp and if you don't like the rudeness and the victory all too darned bed we have to challenge lies we have to challenge false hoods and conspiracy theories if you don't they fester unchecked and unchallenged you cannot just ignore b.s.
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you've got to shovel it oh i couldn't have said it better brianna there is no network that shovels b.s. act better than c n n and finally i've been placed in facebook jail kind of let me explain this is a post i made on july 4th it's a link to a desert segment i did here on the show i celebrated the fact that fox old t.v. was canceling their live coverage of a speech given by anti semite lewis farrah can i began the post with some of farrah cams previous quotes like hitler was a great man now if you read the entire post it's obvious i'm not calling hitler a great man how dumb do you have to be really if you read the post to not see that i'm trashing farakka and for making the very remarks that i cited now on the other hand i wear facebook's limited jail time as a badge of honor because i have now been officially named a victim or made
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a victim of social media censorship. look at me here queer i haven't had sex with one woman since that day i'm going to. nothing wrong i mean being falsely. this woman who's going to worries about so many people turn media to investigate this woman my next guest needs no introduction of but i will give him one anyway harvard law professor criminal defense attorney best selling author including his latest guilt by. accusation there it is on your screen the challenge of proving innocence in the age of me to alan dershowitz joins us alan thank you so much the the book is your own personal example to clear your name after the accusations by virginia goo frey why do you believe that the media has not heeded your calls to investigate the woman who's made the allegations against you. well she's not only male geisha
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against me she's made allegations get senator george mitchell less leeway exner bill richardson and you name it there she went through jeffrey upset rolodex found things people and decided to accuse them she tried to deep 6 e-mails between her and another journalist in which the other journalist said put dershowitz in your book we know there's no proof that he did anything wrong but she's a famous person if you put him in your book then it will be good for your book pitch and it will help you get a contract so then she puts me in the book as somebody she did not have sex with i provided those e-mails and that manuscript to so many in the media i presented him to. the miami herald julie brown i presented it to netflix i presented it to many many other media nobody is prepared to. push this material i have a tip recording of her own lawyer admitting that she's wrong simply wrong to accuse
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me because he looked at my travel records who concluded i couldn't have been any the places she said she met me at the time she said she met me i have another tape recording of her a lawyer or other lawyer saying that she then after an 11 year investigation no prominent people were involved number one or number 2 that leslie wexner who she said she had sex with on multiple occasions leslie wexner was innocent and should be believe no worse her own lawyers don't believe her the united states government apparently doesn't believe her because they didn't users who witness or a victim against either geoffrey epstein who are going maxwell there's documentary evidence that she's lied about everybody and yet the media won't cover that part of the story you mentioned a list a litany of other names and some you didn't mention didn't require as the media seem only to be interested in mentioning your name those other names are mentioned
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. no they're not mention perhaps because i'm fighting back and i fight back tears i have nothing to hide i don't know about he these other people on the day i was accused i said i hope there are photographs i hope they are videotapes because they will prove that i never did anything wrong i know it will be no evidence because there couldn't be union evidence and i did nothing absolutely nothing wrong so i short back and and therefore maybe the media has focused attention on me but they have an obligation to start looking into this woman's background she swore under oath that she met al gore and tipper gore she she relates a story that al gore and tipper gore and jennifer have seen school kind of fire island and that jeff you have seen took a walk with al gore on the beach how gore and tipper gore never met jeffrey obscene never heard of him and there has been an area that if you just pick up the money she made up the stories about helicopters and pilots and and you name it and
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puppets but nobody is looking into this you know and cavanaugh was accused the media looked into it when biden was accused the media looked at it right here woman who is royal 3 continents she has attacked the you to use the prince of very great and she is accuse the former prime minister of israel nobody is looking at you nobody this nobody cares you've had a good relationship at times certainly with the media over the years but when you opted to defend the president during impeachment things turned at that point the l.a. times made the announcement by claiming you were marred by ties to jeffrey epstein and you haven't cleaned the media as purposely distorted your presentation to the senate race does your relationship with donald trump in your view play a role in how they're treating you in this epstein case oh there's actually no doubt about that c.n.n. has been and many c.n.n. doctor to take they took the statement that i made in front of the united states senate and they eliminated words from my statement what i said was that the
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president. is anything unlawful that a quid pro quo can be impeachable but if the president just gauges unlawful conduct and thinks that his activities will help him get reelected and he thinks that's in the national interest that lawful activity can't be a basis for impeachment they just took out the words unlawful unlawful they doctored the tape and they read it is if i sent the president can do anything that he wants to me even if it's illegal so they'll stop at nothing and they've banned me from their show because i defended president trump and if you read my tweets that come from the twitter people saying look at the defendant trump you must be guilty of having sex with it with a young woman right conflate the 2 very clearly but the media has an obligation to look into this woman who has a long history of lying like i have a tape recording by her best friend saying that region your goof rate told her that she was pressured to full sleep years mean by her lawyers in order to get
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a $1000000000.00 from lesley wexner nobody has played that tape recording nobody has played david boies tape recording admitting that she was wrong simply wrong nobody has mentioned that the judge struck the allegation the lawyers rescinded the allegation saying is a mistake to file it the evidence of my innocence is overwhelming and yet all you see is she accused her shorts dershowitz denied it i hear you let me ask you you told tucker carlson that you believe. jeffrey epstein did commit suicide but may have paid people off to enable that what do you think the situation for a main maxwell is in prison and do you think that show wind up like epstein good think she'll survive this what do you think not only do i think she'll survive it but i think she has a very good chance of winning the case remember they did not introduce the junior who for a as a witness or a victim against her they skip that period of time they indicted are 3 things that
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they have. led she did back in the 19951970 then against it has a 16 but the 2 years that virginia who ferrari and she's at the center of the media story she claims that claim maxwell you know seduced there and turned her into this and that the government apparently doesn't believe that because they didn't use her testimony or her alleged victim is nation as part of the indictment and that weakens the indictment very considerably so i hope she survives and i've met her and that's you know 789 and a tunisians in my life mostly with my wife and i have no reason to believe she did anything wrong i never saw her do anything wrong i would be happy to appears a witness on her but nobody should presume anybody guilty certainly not on the basis of virginia who for a cessna much it's the government hasn't used her testimony and her evidence why is that media going with uncritically the media is deeply at fault here.
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allan i got to tell you i could talk to you about this for an hour thank you sir we'll talk to you again thank you and good luck a continued good luck with everything in the book too. thank you truth will eventually emerge thank you. my folks we just heard a lot from alan dershowitz and don't go away lionel will be here next to go over it all with us and destruction still on the drudge report and what's happened to it it's all straight ahead. at the embassy fast will sunday is one of the most sensational stories of our time however media coverage appears to be limited to learning details and political overtones the single biggest question that needs to be answered is how all of this could have happened where was long for and will justice be served.
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thinking of getting a new puppy once we got her she. didn't know it's still trapped in this tiny little wired people who need a crate with him he will. freaking out when it's pretty much anywhere near thousands of breeding dogs are caged in the interview lane conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. because you. know it's 2 kids. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from this large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a group businesses are involved like the mom center there has been
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a shocking amount of the organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog. by folks if you're just joining us we had a very interesting conversation with alan dershowitz before the break joining us now to discuss what he had to say is the one and only you know of like all media of course media and legal analysts like oh welcome my friend what stuck out in your mind for what you just heard in the previous segment in the interview with alan dershowitz. i don't know where to start he well we're going to talk about epstein committing suicide you know ok and i got to days
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of the steve. talking about the same delaying maxwell the. we're talking about fine woman i've got even the president was saying well i wish your well is that are we are we talking about the same person that now was standing this is about the media that's why this is my favorite show because is about the media and the issue is simply this if professor dershowitz or anybody has information which would tend to impeach him the evidence term evidence about virginia as you fray or anybody else for that matter isn't it incumbent upon the media to see you this is the countervailing truth this is what is the rebuttal this is what he's saying to you this is just common decency you know the problem is and i got to say this alan dershowitz i'm sure you know the idea anybody who hasn't so for a lawyer has a fool for a client sometimes when it comes to in the world of you know p.r.
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allen may not be the best in terms of p.r. because here's the problem a lot of people have watched him for years defending as he has done so well some of the most despicable people trace of the year or so we knew seen him sometimes there was a pavlovian conditioning that says well he might be in the same position that his clients were so i don't know if the audience is sophisticated enough to separate him from his past litany good morning to ball's good point no very good point now he has lawsuits out and we only have about a minute or so left he has lawsuits out one against netflix and one against viacom c.b.s. because in episode one episode of c.b.s. one on netflix there is a line in each episode about his affiliation or association with epstein and the island bob barr does he have a case legally to get them to attack those episodes off the air. you know does he
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have a case legally sure whether or not is a different story i say a making more money do they enjoy this sense of notoriety by people talking about shows which frankly 90 percent of the population never heard of but steve he's got a tremendous point but listen i want you to i want to leave you with this this is the constitution of the united states this guarantees a free and an uncensored and he will bust new media and press we have to always maintain this however that has to be balanced with the rights of individuals especially in this world right now steve of social media and crazy troll or and people who say the most vile thing there has to be a there has to be a balance and this is critical for the 1st amendment and our societal decency if that's even possible lie no i thank you so much fascinating segment will see you soon thank you sir. you know it used to be that i would log on to the
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drudge report $510.00 times a day to find out what was happening in the world but these days it's more like 2 or 3 times so how if i changed well i haven't changed i don't think so here would discuss everything involving the drudge report is investigative journalist and author of drudge revolution the untold story of how talk radio fox news and a gift shop clerk with an internet connection took down the main stream media matthew ly siac hello matthew is steve thanks for having me. my pleasure look i want to work backwards here the drudge report it was the go to place for conservatives although i always felt he gave a fair representation he didn't write stuff for the most part he put links to stories having said that what is why is it changed the way it has and is drudge still the owner as far as you know of the drudge report 1st 1st thought just
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a change i think the mistake a lot of people make when the charlie analyze matter much of the drudge report is they're looking at through a political lens in my research which included over $200.00 interviewers of people who knew him and worked with matt match rugby is not motivated by political ideology or a lie into a political party his loyalty is is to his website and let me give you your iranian's a quick story when breitbart was running the web site back in 2008 injured became convinced that matt was trying to gear the website in favor of then senator barack obama and every time every time in your post story for instance on reverend wright i remember that was a big story back then matt threw a remote location he would that would go online take it out and and replace it with something more favorable to obama so finally injure reached out to matt and asked why he was doing this and mass response was very telling he said you know a obama presidency might be terrible for the country but it would sure be great for
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my website and it's hard to argue with the results america i mean i think you'd be hard pressed to find more than a handful of people who profited more off the obama administration. but matthew let me very let me ask again you must notice the tilt to the left and so to answer that to tell me that i'm not crazy and does match drudge still run the drudge website as far as you know. amount of still runs the website absolutely and of course he has shifted its coverage but he's done this in the past many times he's banking on joe biden becoming the next president and he's trying to sort of be ahead of the curve and he's he's done his historically that's interesting banking on biden oh boy right the president back in april 4 also expressed displeasure with the drudge report claimed that traffic to the site is down drudge responded saying it's actually at record levels which is true the president's correct on this one master
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matches traffic is significantly down and it's been going down for a while a lot of this is social media took a huge bite out of its following for the longest time matt drudge was 1st it everything and. twitter hold statue of you right now and it's not even close and as a result math ph clicks and influence have dropped significantly i think that's why he's taking his gamble on tilting his coverage away from president trump and but tonight in its web site for for vice president biden and i think that if man is wrong here and he doesn't switch it's coverage he it is he being known as this political team maker are going to be officially over wow that is that is very big let me ask you this. you know the media you talk about i was part of talk radio still am to a certain extent i was a proud of my role in talk radio briefly you know talk radio drudge and fox news to
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down the mainstream media kind of but have they figured out a way to get around it now by demonizing fox social media censoring conservatives have they got around to less than 30 seconds. absolute. they've looked at drudge report isn't what a used to be it's not as important as it used to be and the way they you can get your message out there's a 1000000 other platforms in the way we're running social media is everybody has a box so when i wake up in the morning i have news cater towards my my likes and dislikes and that's for better or yeah it's the future of news matthew lycee and thank you so much very insightful good luck with the books or thank you for having me steve. if you've watched any media coverage lately then you know that donald trump is to blame for all the coronavirus deaths in the united states of america no questions asked how badly is he failing right
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now in dealing with the spiraling crisis he's doing terrible i mean the president gets an in terms of the handling of the global pandemic there because he doesn't care. how many children in america get their illogical damage or die from the coronavirus and there's a group are doing his part more than 136000 of our brothers and sisters our moms and dads grandparents and friends are dead the president did briefly mention them but only to boast about how many more people would have died had it not been for his actions he calls it leadership but to call it that would be misleading well was anderson cooper and the rest of the media have they been proven wrong that the anthony who the media considers a god on the issue of the corona virus testified before congress you were involved in working with president trump on deciding to ban flights from china yes or i was do you agree with that decision i do do you think that decision saved lives yes i
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do the president recommended that we extend that to europe did you participate that discussion i was actively involved in that discussions or do you agree with that decision yes i do do you think that decision saved lives yes i do do we extend that to the united kingdom were you part of that decision was and do you agree with that decision as well do did that decision save lives yes it did and more proof of trust policy saving lives 15 days to slow the spread initially it started at 15 were you part of the decision to implement that decision i was very much involved in the death decision save lives talk i believe it did then when president trump met with you and dr burk's to extend that another 30 days do you agree with that decision a president trump made to extend that yes i was very much involved and i agree with did that decision save lives dr i believe that the we were in agreement on virtually all of those of course folks the media won't show you what you just saw and heard they want to make believe it never happened because telling you about it will not help elect joe biden as the next president of the united states this is
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sad it's serious and that's the state of the media in 2020 and that's our show for today i want you to stay curious and see. you're hungry and remember you could watch episodes right now full episodes of the show on portable t.v. through a portable t.v. app downloaded right now from new york apps store i'm steve walz burke and i will see you next time on the press. climax keyser one more of my guide to financial survival this is fun it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them. to
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stabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because we're. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. and illegal takeover of the government by a small group. rather than revolution result. to the small group the cool for russians when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. please or sacrifice some
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places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation. and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices are well in that world we're well into this world and there's no question that the coup d'état. one else seemed wrong why don't we all just don't. let me. get to shape out of these things become educated and engage with equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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greetings and salutation. while growing up in this crazy world one of the most important lessons our parents mr rogers big bird and elmo ever taught us was responsibility we had a responsibility to do our chores on time take care of our baby brothers or sisters feed our pets it's a moral obligation responsibility to behave correctly and with respect to those around you and allowing yourself to be held accountable for your actions and duties responsibility is also defined as a thing or action one is required to do is part of a job a role or legal obligation.


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