tv The Big Picture RT August 8, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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so the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. a lot from rhode island where i live is where play and it's safe during the pandemic and why is the corona virus outbreak more severe in the usa then in other developed countries one big reason is fake news it's everywhere controversial sinclair broadcast group notorious for dictating conservative content to some $200.00 t.v. stations has published an online interview with a conspiracy theorist to claim that dr felt she created the corona virus using monkey cells fox news follows the meandering trump narrative religiously and the
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new york times reports that fringe breitbart news racked up a reported 14000000 views in 6 hours of a video featuring doctors telling us masks are unnecessary and hydroxy chloroquine is the cure social media full of experts who seem to have gotten their m.d.'s a trump university whom to believe dr tanya dempsey is the founder of the am center for personalized medicine dr welcome. thank you thanks for having me. what is the number one myth or misconception about this novel coronavirus. well that it is just like the flu it's not just like it's it's highly contagious more contagious than some other viruses that we've seen and it's clearly deadly and
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it is being asked by many asymptomatic patients without symptoms. and you do need to wear it no question about it. to protect yourself and to promote others more importantly. yeah we keep hearing it's to protect others but i do feel safer with myself much of the noise in the news lately is about vaccine encouraging as these reports are it's not soon that we're going to be lining up for shots at c.v.s. is a. no listen we're we're probably a minimum of 6 months away probably longer they have to test safety they have to test get lots of people we need to make sure they work you know they or they are gearing to approve of that scene that's going to be only 50 percent potentially affect every night so we're not talking about vaccines that are going to protect 90 percent we're talking about vaccines that at best will protect 50 at a 50 percent level so we're going to wait for that it's going to be
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a while and you know i have concerns about whether the specs will work how many doses are we're going to need how often are we going to need it we probably will need it multiple times a we probably will need to early after that maybe maybe more often and not so there's just so much uncertainty so many companies racing to to the end here but i don't see it happening anytime soon and i'm not i'm not even convinced that that a vaccine is going to work. yeah a best case suppose we get a vaccine tomorrow we keep hearing that this corona virus can mutate as does the flu is it possible that when we do get a vaccine it's going to be good for a year and then there's going to have to be another vaccine developed for next year and like the flu vaccine there is a bit of educated guesswork each year correct. correct and i think you're right i think it could potentially be the same here. and with the you know the flu vaccine
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you have this near where we're looking at we're in the northern hemisphere right we're looking at the southern hemisphere we're looking at what viruses are. they are the season ahead of us and that we're preparing based on that and sometimes work right by a few strains and sometimes you're wrong we don't you know about the seasonality of this coronavirus this novel kovac writing team so the problem is we don't know if it's going to be a year that we're looking out for mutations we don't know if it's going to be less that here or more right so the flu we have a lot of experience with we know we can predict it a little bit better we don't know this is completely in fires for us. i've heard conflicting opinions about getting the flu shot every year some say get it right away as soon as you can in the fall and i've heard others say think about february in the heart of the flu season what do you recommend. well
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it's a good question i think it's patient based very often i mean my whole focus of asian care is personalized medicine so you know it really depends on the patients patients who get it too early are going to be at higher risk months later because the the the effect of the flu vaccine will bear off the antibodies that the other parts of the museum that have to build up may not be as strong so if you get it in october and we have a spike in april gets close enough bodies that from that actually show it may not last and so they may be more vulnerable than on the other hand we don't always we can't always predict when the strike is going to happen but the flu shot so i like to say somewhere in the fall is probably a good time to get prepared and but to keep in mind that if we have a later spike that increase that it felt to let it go so. we're speaking with the doctor time you dempsey we are seeing parts of the country notably the south and the southwest will light up when they show us those outbreak maps because they
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jumped the gun on the reopening this is not a 2nd wave this is the 1st wave on the he did are we expecting a 2nd wave in the fall and being flu season is that just going to be the perfect storm. yeah it's really sounds like a nightmare to be honest with you the symptoms are so similar we're going to be having to test a lot of people i don't know if we have the testing capability for coated completely we have the testing capabilities for the flu but again it's going to be it's going to be tricky i don't i don't know about a 2nd wave so i'm going to be i'm going to be honest i do agree with you that i think we're seeing a 1st wave in a lot of states maybe in places like i'm in new york that we saw a big wave in march april may we're going to start to see a resurgence were already starting to hear of cases coming out maybe that's going to be our 2nd phrase but again i don't i'm not convinced of the seasonality of this virus we know the flu seasonal you know coded was was rampant in the in the spring
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that's one usual for for a for flu right so it's it's hard to say whether the 2nd wave is going to come because of the fall or whether the 2nd rate is going to come because we're all opening up again and we're going to be more vulnerable to have you got to be horrified by this news footage we see of the pool parties in the ozarks there was just a big outdoor event on long island and these are lighting up hotspots all the rhythm those flagrant abuse is. what are some of the every day risks that we want to be careful of. you know and that's a really great question and it's something that you know people who are really concerned about their health and their family's health thinking about you know listen to the chances of picking this up at a treasure will visit to the grocery store where you had your mask on your future
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hand sanitizer you wash your hands it's probably very low ok because people are scared to go to stores but crowding in stores where there are a lot of people is not good but if you go into a store that's controlling traffic and you're watching yourself lower risk trick risk big crowds even with masks but better if you're not if you're in a mask then without one now i worry about people who are really lowering their their their guard and are getting together with friends who they think are being safe as they're being a state is that they think you know they go to their house they wear the mask so initially that they all get comfortable they take the mask so often now they are there all comfortable in the house and feeling like you know they're not they're not going to be affected by this it's not going to happen to them and then there they are without the now ask and 2 weeks later 5 days later sick. ya governor here just lowered the bar we were allowed to have
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a gatherings of $25.00 people and now it's down to 15 because when they get an outbreak and they do the con tech tracing you've got one person at the barbecue who's infecting 7 others or so just by being there and i got to think that claustrophobia has something to do with that because we've been cooped up so much but i think now's the time to be vigilant other things we can do getting a good night's sleep cutting back on the cocktails to bolster our immune system do vitamins help. you out look i you know i'm a believer that's my background. like to see personalized medicine taking care of conflicts chronic disease patients whose immune systems are compromised so you know how do we how do we boost the immune system none none of the things that i'm talking about none of these things or or 100 percent preventative or 100 percent effective however they can help right so you mentioned sleep i love that idea
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decreasing alcohol intake decreasing carbohydrates and eating good protein and fat and the rich in your body fighting sugars like number one and therefore as vitamins you know things i think about the 5 big ones that are there are the ones that i recommend to all my patients as a base as a baseline vitamin d. vitamin c. zinc kaluta thigh own and a single cysteine i think you have your sort of bases covered you're protecting your respiratory tract are protecting your muse system again i'm never going to say it's 100 percent but you know our food supply is not what it used to be we don't have getting the vitamins nutrients that we should be lots of people are eating from their cabinets instead of the fresh produce and the meats and so they're not getting the nutrients so let's get it back take it prevent you know see if you can can protect yourself or your family best you can. talk your time you're dempsey i know how busy you are so i appreciate your time a lot thank you for being with us and come again well yeah. i well thank you for having me. you bet recently we reported with some curiosity while one
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las vegas convention after another have been canceling that the massive mind boggling consumer electronics show will go on in january here's an update it won't like so many other events c.e.'s is going for a tool in january and what industry is better suited than the technology industry to do it on line this unfortunately is another body blow to sin city hosting what was probably its biggest perennial event coming up social media exploding imploding this is the big picture on r t america. and
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american. hero she. even went up to go. on. i like most americans growing up. bombs were a great thing they ended the war they say hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides and that's what my grandfather always said was his reason for the decision. truman was hoping for a dual strategy one was to drop the bombs and hope that japan would surrender and number 2 the americans were trying to send a message to the soviet union there wasn't. well plenty you know the burger king 45
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chosen 20 targets in russia. 2 months ago the pandemic seemed like a regional problem somewhere else too many folks in places where the outbreak had not yet surged at that time we spoke with conservative texas radio and t.v. pundit paul the lies are. your words paul the new york based media for a hyperventilated coverage of a problem that was uniquely acute to a small part of the country projecting a situation in cradock to new york across an entire continent and onto every city
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county of village and berg in america there in texas did this seem like a regional plague elsewhere and did the precautions you saw governor cuomo in new york and others in this part of the country seem over done there's no way to walk out park avenue or 5th or any of the avenues physically become an object with people at all this man's mass transit that the left has been wanting to shove the tire country obs you turned out to be a really petri dish for disease so we did not have the same level of suit level of spread we did it was not as intense here is it was in the northeast it's the northeast it's new york it's the center of the media the story got sold for a new york centric perspective and it sounded as if all of us are going to suffer what new york was over it which didn't of course turned out to be the case. yet 2
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months ago he spoke of the pandemic in the past tense texas has suffered 4000 covert related deaths this month yet many of their claim to the kind of social media fake news we were discussing with dr dempsey joining us at the intersection of both of these important stories is kristen ruby president of the new york based ruby media group chris when the c.e.o.'s of apple and amazon and facebook and google's parent company alphabet appeared before a house judiciary subcommittee weighing anteater. to issues we've got on your fall from both sides of the aisle here is chairman david cicely maybe a democrat from here in rhode island. as gate keepers of the digital economy these platforms enjoy the power to pick winners and losers shake down small businesses
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and rich themselves while choking off competitors their ability to dictate terms call the shots up and entire sectors and inspire fear represent the powers of our private government our founders would not bow before king nor should we bow before the emperors of the economy. the president many conservative politicians and gross the social media skews left kristen farah charger bomb around . so i think that is a fair charge and we've seen that numerous times under its shadow danny or people on the right that have been unfairly temporarily blocked from their platform but i don't think it's really i don't think the question of the big picture here is are they censoring the right versus the left i think the larger question is are the century free speech in general and we're seeing the doctors being temporarily
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removed from there are far more specifically on twitter with facebook and issues around political advertising. and their issues as well and if you review the google quality greater guidelines which is 116 page document that google publicly puts out which basically tells their quality readers this is the criteria you should look out for what is essentially something that should be deemed as not true and what is real news and problem is that anyone who controls the outer of them is going to have a certain level of internal whether they realize it or not most people have that subconsciously and so whoever controls the outer and controls the news in controls that's really the challenge that we're faced with today. yeah they hang it on the algorithm but you speak volumes when you talk about controlling the algorithm and we hear this most in terms of politics much of my work in talk radio has been political arm wrestling and anger that seems recreational much of the work your
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firm does is in the health care industry are doctors sensitive and suffering the same kind of to use the term censorship that the politicians are complaining about. doctors are absolutely under attack right now they are being watched in a much more stringent way than ever before they are specifically the owner of that and are specifically looking out for doctors who are tweeting about or posting on social media about supplement news about any 1st even diagnosis or treatment plan or hope that 19 if you are treat if you're tweeting about any drugs doctors on twitter this meek get you know temporarily banned full or posting about this drug use so it's very important for doctors to be very careful about what they are posting and to understand that they are more likely to have their social media
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temporarily banned if they cross the line and again line is the line that continues to move it's a moving target. you know i get the impression that one of the ways docs crossed that line is by recommending hydroxy chloroquine is that true. that is absolutely correct and right now and you doctors that are posting about hydroxy clerkin if you have a large following on twitter or facebook those posts are actually going to be flagged by their attackers as saying that this is most likely not valid and they will they will mark you say this is not a trusted source so i think doctors need to understand that these forms are for. right now there is a lot of pressure on there and they are they talk in general is receiving. government as we have seen in the antitrust year and to be more on top what is being put out regarding coke at 19 now on the one hand i'd like to say that they
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are concerned about being sued if someone takes a proxy for granted and they for example die as a result of that i would love to say that they're worried about being sued however they still can be sued for that because section 230 of the community kitchens decency act and the legal liability protection that is a ported. so the big question in my mind the $1000000.00 question a still i'm waiting to see have been the antitrust here and the role of big tech in censorship in social media platforms will sort of little section 2 30 pm and did and if so will social media platforms for more. no longer have that protection that's one supported. razor's edge between publisher and platform i've got to think that all of this on leveling of the playing field is what's driving adoption of the new platform parlor and i am not there i believe you
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are and what's the deal anything goes there there is 0 censorship. yeah i haven't seen anything sensor on that i know there's another conservative social media platform that i just john wayne called jab as well so what's interesting to me is that these new social media platforms on the right continue to keep popping up and basically what they feel like is you know a dinner party that you're invited to be with people that share your belief system where you're not being censored as not and i think that is the appeal and the drop to people leaving some of these other platforms and what's fascinating to me is you have people that said i will never be twitter my base this year and now they actually are because they are saying that censorship is out of control on twitter and these other platforms and it's time to. we are speaking with the kristen ruby of ruby media group from new york and during our conversation chris we have your website address showing on the screen from time to time and if messaging is your work you should visit and read the blog ruby media group dot com chris has posted
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the video of an hour long webinars that she did on what's being called brand activism change wave triggered by the a george floyd killing after resisting for years the washington football team will now play a season named the washington football team until they can settle on a nickname less o. fence of them the redskins and chris i spotted your recent tweet that made this wave of package changing seem superficial you tweeted the brand the exact. care more about brand activism then they do about diabetes what does that tell you about their priorities what do you think leads to more deaths in this country and a logo or the ingredients on high sugar content in their product chris so that we don't lapse into lingo give our viewers
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a definition of brand activism and the cancel culture that hath wrought it. and is this just a politically correct fad or have standards changed. sistan doing stuff and we had changed and we're seeing that consumers are voting with their dollars now for brands that really are taking a stand one way or the other brands are remaining you seem to be losing in this. culture and everything else but so that the definition of cancel culture is canceling out a brand or public figure that you just agree with because. leaves are social justice. and brand activist and is. the act of you know using social justice as your voice as a brand on social media marketing platforms in advertising and for your public relations and marketing campaigns to use your voice for what is perceived as the greater good now how do you really determine where to find what the greater good is
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everyone's got have a different definition of that but what i think is most interesting here when we look at the end jim i'm an example they came under fire or of their name and so i suppose they're changing their name and possibly. what my point was here is that a product reformulation is true brand is not just changing your name and i think that is one of the one of the areas where people are just missing across the board is that if you truly care about your customers if you care about their health if you care about the diabetes epidemic in this country if you look at 19th and the health care disparities that have been reported of health care treatment and the number of certain populations or minorities that had had that have gone on or been diagnosed with 19 and astronomical rates and what that means is not just changing your lives but changing the sugar content that needs to issues like diabetes also lead to a specific group of people getting sick and higher rates you should care about that
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that is true branding in my opinion through grim news actually caring about the people you serve and not just pretending to care or the new logo in my opinion and that is from the counsel of a p.r. firm rather than actually someone understanding their customer is and creating a real change and what that is called is hash tag activism or slacktivism which is not real activism it's social media activism that ultimately leads not the up. window dressing very thoughtful take kristen ruby ruby media group new york thanks as always for your time i appreciate it. happy birthday uncle sam was a month ago and the 4th of july was a very muted celebration in a lot of places there was no big parade in many cases the city or town cancelled the fireworks display although there were and there still are plenty of fireworks
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knuckleheads in the back yard blowing off cherry bombs or m. 80 s. or whatever you call these things if you have a dog i don't need to tell you if you don't have a dog you cannot imagine how frightening how terrifying this is it just doesn't compute explosions in the sky that the humans are cheering explosions in the yard next door and around here explosions in the yard next door so frighten the dog that he fled he bolted ran out of the house got hit by a car. and when they found them he apparently limp to the side of the road. and who knows how long he lay there in excruciating pain feeling all alone. can we be kinder than that. and that is the big picture we're going to be back next
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week same time i hope it's convenient for you we have not set your d.v.r. for direct t.v. channel 321 or dish 2 a.v. if you have cut the cord good for you or on pluto t.v. channel 279 or on the live stream at youtube dot com slash r t america 2 and if you haven't you simply must download our new portable t.v. you won't be to leave with how much stuff we have there it's free in the app store or on google play and all of our big picture shows are available on demand that youtube dot com slash the big picture r t m holland cook at home in rhode island the ocean state stay safe and question more.
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in august 1 9452 atomic bombs were dropped on the japanese cities of hiroshima and nagasaki and. to this day opinion remains divided as to the real reason behind america's decision to use nuclear weapons but with no possible military justification for dropping a bomb i have no question that there were those in the us military who pursued the next instant so. in planning in october of 1945 had chosen 20 targets in russia in the 70 years since the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki countless books and films have off the many just occasions for and arguments against dropping the avons however declassified documents give weight to the
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arguments to the bombs were dropped not all to military necessity but to intimidate the soviet union. the 1st ever atomic bomb to be used in wall was dropped in the city if there is steam on the 6th of august 945 well over 100000 citizens were killed those in the hype a sense of what instantly turned into dust while countless others died from the burns and high dose of radiation they received. over $50000.00 survivors. still live in the city each one of them has their own story to tell of the day the bomb fell and i was on my way to meet one.
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