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tv   Going Underground  RT  August 8, 2020 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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the u.s. army but we shall see we shall see it's also of course important week because it's the 75th anniversary of the united states nuclear attack on hiroshima i've got to say angela davis on this show endorsed endorsed joe biden in november norm chomsky is endorsed joe biden do you think that joe biden will save us from another nuclear conflagration as we commemorate the dead of hiroshima were you do much do you really want to change your usage at moen government because. we're all of course now we've got a military units round we're russia and china have 30. 30 we've got $4800.00 military units in the whole world including the united states are they more senior legacy is one in which we have to take very seriously the relation between the poverty and all that militarism at home and abroad the unbelievable a materialist i'm a spiritual decay in the empire that we're talking about and then of course the
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white supremacy not just the black beat but indigenous people brown people arabs muslims jews per iranians and so forth so that just and loudest as angela i am why it had to have trashed his coalition so i could see bowling for biden in a swing state but i can never get divorced an architect of the largest mass incarceration system in the modern world that will target poor people disproportionate black and brown poor people or was or bragged about being part of the architecture of the invasion occupation are iraqis after me and precious iraqis feel on it it us and made it an occupation not a mumbling word. from anybody for the most part in the republican party this isn't except bernie sanders and rock on you except barbara leak but for the most part not a moment were so i love. and i may have fact if the f.b.i.
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had a choice between a deal liberal disaster or a leo asked fast 'd i would go to the older will disaster that will bite me it is the neo liberal disaster he's milk toast he's mediocre he has a new liberal centrist and he tied to wall street he's tied to pentagon he's tied to militarism and he was a great mage responsible for is jewish and all races prison system that was still coming to terms with in the killing fields on the killing fields of american get killed and barrio so that. we're what we're at on president moment run we really aren't we want to pit. lowest in the history of the species to species itself to go under given the ecological catastrophe or nuclear catastrophe we were just killing levels of wealth inequality that are out of control that running our mark and then the levels of corrupt shunt me i think for example oh the great do it
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just gets worse last built from undergrad all the sick man i'm a spiteful man i'm almost done pleasure out got a little bit dizzy americans a sick impact is a spiteful impact it's a most unpleasant and dark we've got another one of what human beings on the inside we've got some movement on the inside we've got a magnificent courageous and visionary citizen on the inside but we are losing we are losing we're resisting but we're still losing the greed the hatred wall street pentagon is they are in control of the empire and they are taking off and the sad thing is that rest of the world has to deal with some of the ugly consequences and effects but i'm not i'm not despair i'm not paralyzed but despair but i'm very honest and candid about the dark a course your president donald trump would be the 1st to say that iraq was a mistake he would have said only the other day that one of the united states as great as mistakes was to be in the middle east he may not share your
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a ideas or the hedges of many about climate change but he's the one who's saying intervention has been wrong that foreign policy has been wrong and he even argues that mass incarceration is a is a biden policy is an obama policy. well knowing president trump has facilitated even more intensely vicious treatment the press is palestinians he is not just include when it's in yahoo needs yahoo being the reactionary ceria leader xeno phobic to the core and has no feeling what so ever for precious ousting is he a truck are like white on rice like wet on war he also facilitate the kind of the business treatment of our precious brothers and sisters in yemen mediated through saudi arabia mediated through the elite unaccountably beat unaccountable. prince
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monarchs and princes and so forth so that when he talks about is he got a critique of the united states in the middle east he's lying again yeah the state has blood on it and in saudi arabia yemen has blood all it's an intel a beat in gaza and the west bank i don't know what he's talking about he took a bow with the united states should never have intervened no this is always already is offering those armies could not exist in israel and saudi arabia without u.s. support without imperial support and when we invite we invite israeli ambassador we have ideas or any about the letter of the program but it netanyahu would certainly refute any charge of violence except in self defense and britain which played $550.00 fellows than it had been used in a one month period spare me we were born yet night but not last night but this is exactly what the cowardly went on principle powell clear what gates to say could be a trip it will be it moti be it was
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a narrow in brazil be at the hungry or see the gangster is ation of the world moving toward me oh fascist rule and that's where our duty must be and of course truckers are also of that way he fashions well you mention saudi arabia britain together with the united states applies weapons that are used on yemen britain says it has a robust. selling policy and it's not responsible for a war crimes of any kind in yemen. sounds like another russian position over the period lisa i don't want to take responsibility for the damage from well for their own savitri it's fascinating how the barry authorizes the devastation claim innocence that innocence itself was already a crime before we get to the concrete crimes oh barbarity too often as a result of imperial activity be it britain france be it united states be russia be
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it china all empires and the look of the grand inquisitor dusty heskey using that miracle and mystery and authority into magic rationalization mystification in order to justify tyrannical acts despotic acts anti-democratic acts that subordinate those last known call every day people and i'm a radical democrat emetic crist always start with the plight and predicament of the wretched of the earth the old who are priceless and precious but those who are viewed as disposable poor and working people all around the world of matter what color no matter what national identity we've got to be internationals cross the border with blessed be with my roma brothers and sisters yesterday and not out with both those as of yesterday off not going to do it at home because of the power but we have to have international solidarity in the name of will morality 6 and
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spirituality that we will not just empathise to be a solidarity with those who were against predatory capitalism we are against almost all be a trad phobia in the form of white supremacy in the form of promise supremacy in the form of patriarchy if i see that ideology or one of domination it loses sight of the precious humanity each and every one of us and that's just not an aspect idealism that a way of being in the world that's as a verb or even more than a virtue being an action being part of people's movements in order to push back the forces of evil whatever form those forces take. yeah just to have skin characters tend to have something epiphany but the people that got trump elected apparently working class people who'd lost out because of globalization how do you see all of those different identities of politics l g
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b g q rights race how do they work with clus because surely to some people the reason trump could win is precisely because of the working class traditionally that base from which progressive politics is a much nobody you're right now of course those is good politics have to be called into question is it psychosis insight into literary genius that we're talking about but at the same time you're right that it was working class folk who were misled by truck because the working class was so devastated under the neo liberal rule of obama that did he deliver full austria he delivered. he did not a liberal working people working people were looking for alternatives are left green party you know it was part of his support it are left in america is to we can treat so when we look for an alternative the choice between on the one hand the other but we get a ruling class and they are fastening it really all the truck acted as if he was
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populist but it's very clear he tied big money he tied it big military it will scapegoat the most vulnerable in terms of mexicans muslims red indians black folk and gays live in a trance and he is able to connect with enough of the white working class 65 percent white men vote at the drop 52 percent white women who have a truck so you've got a race show art here you've got a racial trajectory just going on now we have magnificent white brothers sisters who are part of the black last minute we have been in the white. part of serious struggle against white supremacy but they've got a lot of cousins and that causes easily misled by the straw man. and this is of course a challenge that plato saw in the republic he said show me a democracy 'd and i'll show you citizens who were shot through with on ruling passion and you bit with his ignorance that will result in the rise of a strongman to rise of a tyrant of
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a death that played on the republic going all the way back to. 360 some b. c. he had it inside even though he was a great critical democracy in a democracy because he killed each he had an insight how do we get to the working class how do we get for so that they're not misled marched off all consciousness so they're not channeling their existence in a way that reproduces their old christian reproduces their own domination we see just all around the world ash is all very good at listening to the same thing it looked at the same thing frankel did the same thing these are little called the fascism of the present but so on are kind of x. well in terms of trying to ensure the misleading. because they are sell. orders are deeply suffering but they rather scapegoat the most vulnerable in terms of the degraded. black. lesbians and arabs and
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muslims and immigrants and mexicans rather than confront the most powerful president wes i'll just stop you there more from cornell west off of this break. the world is driven by a drunk. person. who dares thinks. we dare to ask. a shark. an american airplane to run by hiroshima.
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not crying any. don't go grandstanding. how until you do you. can it's. like most americans growing up after the war the bombs were a great thing they ended the war they say hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides and that's what my grandfather always said was his reason for the decision. truman was hoping for a dual strategy one was to drop the bombs and hope that japan would surrender the number 2 the americans were trying to send a message to the soviet union there was an american poor planning in october 1045 chosen 20 targets and russia. no no crowd. no shots.
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actually well to be. no. point should your thirst perhaps. welcome back i'm still with professor cornell west if we move up michael s. is there something wrong with the elites in your society i know you. talk about f. scott fitzgerald before they read the great gatsby is a great tale of you make it in this world you're going to do well what is wrong with education in a country that has pretty used so many critiques that i guess echo what you've just been saying yeah i'm glad you brought this stuff is because he understood it course
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he went to princeton i'm interested right now the student the spiritual teaching in the oracle kuti of the ruling class not all but most he understood the substitute prosperity for magnanimity they have hardly any sense of moral excellence and spiritual greatness is reduced down to things in possession then come out of and it reminds me of the greatest figure. with eugene o'neill and the iceman cometh the greatest. ever written for the state in what did he say what does it profit a nation that gained the whole world and lose it so. re power well status and spectacle with no moral or spiritual substance that is a moment for the american get it that's the home for the decline and fall of the american empire that's what eugene o'neill was talking 'd about in eat and ask up is general very close to
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a on the same register in terms of seeing through the emptiness and but cooties so much that what american life in this obsession with the general pleasures and military power and status and the inability to at deepest level this is shakespearean this is. the suffer from the inability to cultivate the capacity to love. the love lesson that. no matter how much money you have no matter what your status is if you can't learn how to receive love 2 give love that those yes your brothers jeremiah's up to find hail as those who will suffer from the incapacity. and death of marketing understood i come from an equal black. of 400 years in the united states but dishing out so much love john coltrane tony martin be love it martin luther king who are just to be one of them to me the love
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we have got reach oh yeah we all got to be frank he loves life the whole list with us hopefully available your on your website i didn't even get out of here i know you know the people that have listened to coltrane the people that have read these works many of them are in the d.n.c. we know from wiki leaks how they tried to destroy bernie sanders campaign in 2016 and they didn't feel they didn't feel what they were doing was anything to do with fascism they thought it was to do with stopping fascism so they say i don't honestly this is right around this time because they try to sound as being the candidate what do you how do you characterize the d.n.c. has as a system in your politics what i mean it is in more trouble now is abandoned because their ears in fact tremendous critiques of the status and democratic party it looked as if after the november primary that bernie sanders and all of us
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together need in turn or others that we were going to win we were really beginning to move in a way that we were headed toward the white house and then had the. it illogical unity facilitated by rock obama with me we have rather all of them came together dropped out within a few days the black neo liberal leadership it is edge of money in black leadership we do money and black our tix came together and lo and behold we were pushed out we were defeated but let me say this that this step was meant knows very much like republican party establishment was undercut by a truck that young people on the street the black clad madam who they understand not just the limitations of the neo liberal leadership no matter what color but they know that it cannot deliver look at what a pandemic right now it cannot deliver safety it cannot live protection cannot
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deliver education cannot deliver goods and services why because the empire than shambles when you have so much greek and corruption and indifference for the suffering with no public life no public health care no public robust public interactions and we can't even hardly have a public conversation what happens to a demographer you sleep out here as you know and maybe you call them apologists for empire they will point to the black faces the people of color in high places they will talk about l.g.b. t.q. people in high places maybe there are even some indigenous peoples in high places in american politics the american so much life how dangerous is it that these people are installed there as a beacon to show that your view of america your view of the united states is fundamentally flawed because your country is a tale of progress. well the good in of those is good the wonderful mother who
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crystal palace went back they keep it won't do it back since edifice. silly hand is wonderful shy is glass menagerie well what happens when it becomes more colorful with races same class are same imperial policies same levels of poverty same levels of decrepit education same levels of unemployment and underemployment same levels up on the inability young assets to decent housing but if you've got black now brown women at the top at the glass menagerie in the crystal palace all really now behave themselves into reproducing the same kind of decadence the same kind of dictate but now of course we. race relations seemingly looking looking better you don't measure the plight of black people all women are brown people by how their elites are doing you know the play in terms of what the prisons look like
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what does neighborhoods look like what their employment actually is what levels of health care they have but that's precisely the attempt of america to shift serious talk about the plight of poor folk to the. mobility of the few and that has to be radically called into question that is happening on the streets right now in the us in. but but in the streets i mean what is different about these uprisings since is more sin los angeles in $165.00 and before and after now we're seeing images of tear gas or federal troops in there no national guard it has to be sent. to your link of how black lives matter as a movement can in any way respond to what's going on if there are well if certain numbers of people are being shot dead in the streets or killed by security forces
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of the united states that alone frightened to go and demonstrate. well i mean with the public lynching of brother floyd jr you certainly are going to have waves of resistance the beautiful thing is that you have the whole colas coming together and making the connection between not just police power and police murder but between police power least murder wall street car wall street crimes and pentagon power and pentagon crimes once you make those connections 'd and connect to them are you can't make them up the mix may develop big make the family look em up make rabbi abraham joshua ash ash able to make. the greatest intellectual alone with no chomsky and been making for most of his intellectual life will once every day people begin to make those connections then we're on to something those can actually be made more now than they were before and yet it really waves of resistance every wave of critique has its own distinctive staff and there is
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a certain kind of cycling is true. we had you know more people die it wasn't very much more black folk out we were more people die less people dying here but now there's a cities unsettle and some president that's a good son after george ford was killed there were demonstrations all around the world in fact in our around the world there were there were demonstrations against multi-racial into intersectional but london fall is washington on on foreign policy especially on apparently your biggest enemy china but for the white house says what gives what gives the d.n.c. and they aren't see the confidence that china as you said surrounded by bases of the united states won't retaliate militarily to what it sees as provocations by nato in washington. yeah i mean it's hard to say to me it's hard to say you can imagine what the golden rule international relations looks like. 2 russia had
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troops in mexico and china that you know it would last about 30 seconds when you have american troops around who are russians yet to be very honest you know impound their empires and their concern about their people are concerned about it territory after all just stuck to the domination when you can imagine what a one standard looks like in the same would be true with china we when you begin to be provocative. then they're going to have different kind of responses i don't know what response will be as the as the acts of provocation intensify it's hard to say but i mean right now we've got these 3 empires in a word china russia usa all 3 zones formed a decade domination all forms of dog and we have to be connected to radically democratic small d. forces doto empowering dissenting voices that are empowering working people that
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aren't exemplary movements and by example what i mean is leaders of integrity who are willing to tell the truth and will more than likely have to give their lives because those who are committed to the struggle for the wretched of the earth are on the road to crucifixion that's the way the world is but their blood our blood fertilizes the next wave of resistance and critique that's what we learn from the black move. well i suppose there's one difference between beijing most here in washington and that's the beijing in what moscow claim to comprehend the dangers of climate change whereas washington doesn't believe it would isabella what is the power of k. street while being on the things you've been talking about and on perhaps the most texas tensional crisis we have fossil fuel effective climate change.
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or i mean k. street in general generates legalized 2 bribery a normal last corruption within the halls of congress so the brick house that is supposed to be done house of the people caters much more to the donor than the benefactors than it does the suffering people themselves that's precisely why so many american citizens look at the system and the state and see it cannot reform itself because the money is all well me has been colonized by the lobbyists who are already late to financial elites just so that it makes it very difficult for those of us in the streets to feel as if we can actually have the kind of impact that we like but we do it because it's right because it's war and because it's just and so when it comes to ecological catastrophe in which the whole species
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the planet itself and you still have the greed short term thinking the up session with profit you can begin to see just how beaucaire predatory capitalism is for the species and in regard to our very presidential. reza going to west thank you that's it for this lockdown edition of going underground we'll be back on monday facing. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race move this on off and this very dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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thinking of getting a new phone the ones we've gotten here shows no problem was he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired how much we don't need a crate with him he will just stir freaking out and she will want to spray him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in the into lane conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. because what you. get through kids. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a group businesses are involved like agoa mom santa there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to adverts to increase the standards
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of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog. join me every thursday on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you the end. of the.
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breaking news this hour clashes erupt in central beirut as public anger builds in the wake of tuesday's deadly explosion protesters have reportedly stormed the foreign ministry building and over $100.00 people are said to be injured. woman on counts the cost of tuesday's deadly explosion which has aggravated and already severe food and housing shortage at all rescue teams continue the search for survivors we hear from a nurse who was saved newborns minutes after the blast. at the time she needs to intensive care units the problem the rubble is when i started pulling you in songs with the units i was terrified.


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