tv Documentary RT August 8, 2020 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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intimidate the soviet union. the 1st ever atomic bomb to be used in wall was in the city if there is steam on the 6th of august 19th. well over 100000 citizens were killed those in the hype a sense of what instantly turned into dust while countless all those died from the burns and high dose of radiation they received. over 50000 survivors who still live in the city each one of them has their own story to tell of the day the bomb fell and i was on my way to meet one. which will.
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mean she will. have the. chance to make up and just move through as it were and that. she's doing this in. 3 months the. name that. sounds. a nice and now for me. was just a 13 year old schoolgirl that day and as i was a ball to find out recalling those events hasn't become any easier even after 70 years. that i relax your new home. in this car do that now. that never past yeah that they do but when. salish called thought that the pinging.
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stayed out can any money dailies so we're all crass and when the mossad arson quadruped the government ok i can you call that you. or iraqi card you have to clear them on cow on them when you look at the letter q that's going to the moon or casa. corey del to dignitas then bill you go i guarantee it's a real you. know. i said. this is smith could do it there now i go. how you doing mike to call me. which. if you see any senate.
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so you must tell me. their rights to material. then they were sure. to see me. i was happy to work we had been in a long war we had been attacked by the japanese the japanese people were not ice people when i was there. the policy of the united states government at that time was to subdue the nation of japan. and i was willing to do anything i could do to help that. it was president's harry s. truman who made the decision to drop the atomic bomb he'd only been in office for a little under 4 months. a short time ago an american arab by in drought to
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run on hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy where this we have added a new and revolutionary increase in destruction that has been done is the greatest achievement of irgun night in science in history. here you know the grandson like of the president who decided to drop the bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki i think is going to see the legacy of. ronnie more things he bought into the ground us drop the bomb we still use the thousands of japanese people they build it up they see so who is coming out of your life because. of course i have to see how strong that decision if it is personal i was. he was the warm. please be enjoyed to this day because. to be a. teacher so yeah my wife calling us from the place i'm so close misses
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being defined just enough. yeah you noticed it's the new way oh. i'm that is what it is. and. some of it is real celebrities and is this. if you feel you in your relationship with your grandfather i'm going to get mine sometimes that. you know you know and also you sociate sex i don't mean oh yeah no no no no no i know i understand completely when i was a kid yeah very annoying sometimes because you're a teenager and you're trying to figure out who you are you know and and what you turn out to be for a lot of people as an adjunct to somebody else so they you know your grandfather was wonderful and i remember your grandfather and yeah yeah yeah. you know thanks. as i've gotten older know it's you know there's a legacy yeah and. you do with it what you can there's
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a legacy to kind of boy oh i could have. chose not to yeah i when i was in my late thirty's i kind of rediscovered my grandfather as a human being i mean i you know the history is always there. with a sense of victory in the. already looking forward to a post-war world by the poles done conference on the 18th of july 945 russian american relations had been fairly good under roosevelt truman was an unknown quantity to stalin and this meeting marks a turning point in relations between the allies. truman at potsdam did indicate to stalin that we had a new weapon he did not specify what it was and he believed that stallman did not know. and stalin's response was nonchalant which was well i hope you used it to good effect against the enemy what we now know from a variety of sources including former soviet sources is that all the knew very well
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what truman was talking about through his own sources in style importance to the mayor and justice in the midst of their ridicule anybody those they were known for in 4 months or so school saved is a distance from one of them for. real so you will do all that you know that there was because it him or. where you see what. was in the car. to see each other's business mr injuries it's all mental illness and. you get thank. you q how can you cares who can't or won't attend. every night. i think you're.
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going to. get smashed as soon as you got your. information on the internet. 20 grucci was delivering mail when a 2nd plutonium bomb called farts man fell on nagasaki sheets from the blast melted the skin on his bike and left footage of his horrific injuries has become iconic assume its hero is now a living symbol of the suffering caused by the bombs. that don't add to my day when i get there. at. the having. i think commission. going. you know actually going up it's going to. say to me i think.
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you know. this city was in the original targets for the 2nd bomb sites mom was destined for coca-cola but the weather was overcast a bit like today so the boxcar b. 29 changed course and headed to a secondary target nagasaki. just 3 days after hiroshima on the 9th of august the 2nd atomic bomb exploded with a destructive force of 21 kill its sons of t.n.t. and killed over 70000 of the city's residents. the comprehensive fire bombing campaign conducted before the a bombs had left japan in ruins the us already had the country blockaded and could so from food and fuel. the us keep bombing survey that was done at the end
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of the work concluded that the japanese would have surrendered even if the bomb had nothing used even if the invasion had not gone forward that they would have surrendered prior to november 1st which i think was the date for operational lympics the invasion of the home islands so why did the us drop the bombs that's what historians are debating and i think that truman was hoping for a dual strategy one was to try to drop the bombs and hope that japan would surrender before the russians got in so the russians will not get all those concessions that we have promised them number one the number 2 and equally if not more important the americans were trying to send a message to the soviet union. with each country looking to carve out the spheres of influence after the war. relations between east and west were rapidly declining to a very korea lyston euclid poet equal to political power on the world stage and documents
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from as early as $945.00 suggest the allies were turning against each other. in the planning actually in october of 1945 and had chosen 20 targets in russia moscow and leningrad were also included on the target list early on and as i understand it just from talking to some of the war planners designate a ground 0 was to be either the kremlin itself or it was a power plant that was very close to the kremlin as the bombs got larger and they would move the designated ground 0 to a point so that it would destroy more targets just with one weapon to. join the instance committee just to present this to look it was good it was so i'm sure you know and we mysteriously the political which signalled the still plenty can be said just now could be met at about the switch what i'm sick at the cops that it was the news from it that i'm looking at this would be literally
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a college still serious to go to. get it on the. condition that. i need it really should it come from thought simply to screw the system cited some sinister ridiculous we need college for good are both going to just sit in it if you say it's cool so i use a and i get my. point for the foreseeable future war between the united states and russia will be the result of a miscalculation by russian leaders of the capabilities tension unites states and they will go mop up all of the different industries senses in bush or the us bonds obvious.
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police or sacrifice some. places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you see. all sorts of undemocratic practices. in the world focused world. you know my. son noah ek is an 82 year old neck
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a sucky bomb survivor both he and his daughter travel around schools talking to children about the war. so now uses cartoons to help him share with a younger audience his experience of the day the bomb fell with. their. i can. salute. or not it will be much of a. salute to keith swamiji kunle coach a lot more doc doesn't need to feel sad at the game but what sticks head and this is. so little can. be. let us know kelly. for the get it you got there must. but i do mate i would i let it start to go. back before that was started
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how. they need us and this of the. 2 of them on narcotic mother would looked at the kid in the muck local good morning again. we hit it still yeah i must. slow local you know with this on well. you know much the words emits a smug sort of you so he did he any mortal. this can go away study the worst tuned or one or negated by so and not. enough i really must be this. will need to guy night. i get to meet on this. cold war you must all punch in the when you move up was allowed to move goods since you. do what you must i will kill meanwhile want to. get back when it's in the way it did in this no was good us to make up look you
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need. a crayon i'm wheeled on the day to day ordered a more productive work on and. on says or. study swim or she will but there is i will watch late day i saw she must go to school to what i see no call day to walk in she did very well you know what it's. all of us don't get it right or much. i think that the bombs were believed at the time to be necessary as general marshall who was head of the us military during the war said after the war. we didn't want to have to invade japan we knew we would kill many japanese and many americans would die as well. that was truman's just if occasion to save
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half a 1000000 american lives that would otherwise have been lost if that invaded the mainland. what i don't understand is how people who have presumably studied the same documents of consistence different conclusions about the bombings i don't understand it either to me it's such a clear cut issue if you look at what the us intelligence was saying if you look at the comments of american leaders at the time in fact 6 of america's 75 star admiral generals who got their 5th star during the war record as saying that the bomb was either militarily unnecessary morally reprehensible or both you can't come to any other conclusion and that the bomb was not necessary that the soviet invasion was going to end the war that the u.s. invasion was not going to begin till november 1st so we dropped the bomb and august 6th on august 9th intervention is not going to take place for 3 more months why do we do it why you have to conclude that we wanted to do it.
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agreed to show me around the hiroshima peace memorial museum for brings back mixed emotions terrible memories of the bomb but also happy ones from her wedding which was held in the grounds. the hiroshima city governments to suggest that removing some of the exhibits over concerns that children find them frightening. but yoko doesn't think they're realistic enough. to know stone to move. on or. scott. me on the back. everything.
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is. cool you think this had some. questions in there finish. up so. do i regret the atomic pression i regret we had to do it but i think we had to do it nordic and the war with a minimum loss of life if the same situation existed again exactly as then as it had back in 1945 yes i would go on it i would volunteer for about so by the fact i don't want to go to war.
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yeah a memoir where. it is it's a personal it's sort of the change from i you know i like most americans born in that time growing up after the war the bombs were a great thing they ended the war they say hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides and that's what my grandfather always said was his reason for the decision to end the war and save american lives primarily but would otherwise likely be lost in an invasion of the main islands so i went from not giving it much thought at all to . being confronted one day with with the reality that people lost their lives and in horrible ways. japan is still counting the cost of the a bombs the government makes monthly health care payments to the survivors to help
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with treatment not just for the physical effects of radiation exposure but also the psychological impacts many of them come to this clinic set up especially for the here in hiroshima. no. one day. or so. why do people still. want to. be able. to come they don't answer you know. since 2 course. of the. quarter if. you could. get a. photograph. right.
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and the ability all know and you given that you did something nice you know if you know that this deal and will those who know that out of those or have sang with you . or killed then move. on just you know. since in 2000. and skinner more to buy your p.t.s.d. this could move the american north or to need more needles on the dock now you are not seen by the minute moment in the snow through all. this kind of so who is going to your new my door kind of like. after the war the japanese constitution was changed by the americans and it's
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remained in place of a sense including article 9 which prohibits japan from having its own military and the country can still protect itself with its self defense forces including its fleets which is poly base to the american naval base in your corsica. nowhere is the american incursion more evident brita st paul the haunch as it's known by the sailors is just a stone's throw from the naval base. any time baby i have no idea what that means. is the place to go if you want a native burka or to go shopping at the army surplus store. and drop city seems to be particularly popular among your crew sukkahs foreign guests. star the american sailors are making the most of the
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downtime 8. however the u.s. base in okinawa is probably the most controversial i suppose so ah it's home to 21000 service personnel more than morning 3 of all american soldiers based in the asia pacific region and the locals want them gone. to their group younger brothers and. i mean kind of been sort of these marines. this is something you know i mean you go out and. it's a death of a hiking all day he got. on one of those on a how. are they going to stop. this one of them with all of us has been you know that's if. you have something to
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go ahead i can pull it back if i must. i didn't assume it's i've had enough. i mean i'm looking at it and i thought that. what i thought what am i going to do this since they don't boast that. despite the atomic bombings in japan and the united states have an amicable and close relationship today however no incumbents u.s. president to visit to tear ashima. and america has yet to receive an apology for the surprise attack on pearl harbor. truman lived until he was 88 and stood by his decision to drop the atomic bomb to the day he died. so you don't think there will be. no i don't think there will be i don't you know there's no harm in talking about it and i don't know that will ever be an apology. maybe the 2
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countries can find language that. that that brings them together to say you know we acknowledge that serious hurt is done on both sides and we we own that and we are going forward it doesn't feel at this point that it will ever be a flat out apology from the u.s. to japan or the other way around i don't know that the united states has ever asked japan for an apology for pearl harbor or that they've offered it so what do you think about american know the naive the mo the innocent as you call the. turning you were no quarter in a circle i mean you kind of let me. say not small oh i sound like that go to or not the way here. yes not going to. some quite the one you know city or throwing them all. now.
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i can watch. for. following the atomic bombing of 2 cities over 300000 japanese lost their lives. plans to attack the us assad actually being carried out in which 20 cities were targeted including population centers like moscow leningrad was the number of lives lost would have been in the millions. fortunately that never happened but it did mark the start of a new era the cold war. welcome
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to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking for a 2 year budget down. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain delegates after you watched as a report. for us economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of we're not financially equality and the lack of affordable housing for a living minimum wage gave many people no choice. that's been a problem with the city knows turn the temperature and told me stay away almost.
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half the food if there is no answer because yes that requires resource the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become invisible clubs. protesters storm several government buildings in beirut calling for justice and accountability after tuesday's devastating explosion and security forces used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse huge crowds gathered in the center of the lebanese capital. letters prime minister hassan says corruption was to blame for the tragedy and calls for early elections. rescue teams continue the search for survivors in the ruins of the beirut. we hear from a nurse who saved 3 newborn minutes after the blast. and she may need to intensive clearing minutes the problem in the rubble is when it started when we know her inside the you know.
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