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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  August 8, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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practices. in the world. of the. protesters storm a several government buildings and calling for justice and accountability after tuesday's devastating explosion at security forces used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse huge crowds gathered in the center of the lebanese capital. country prime minister says that corruption was to blame for the tragedy and calls for early elections. rescue teams continue the search for survivors in the ruins of the bay report we hear from a nurse who saved 3 newborn minutes after the black. sheep we need to intensive training minutes the problem in the rubble is when it started when we knew her insides of the units was terrifying because i thought the babies might be
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plush from the rubble. are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is r g international i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us. now there has been an intense standoff in the lebanese capital where there is an outpouring of grief and anger over tuesday's deadly explosion security forces that used to rubber bullets and tear gas to break up crowds calling for justice. with. all the snipers. on saturday protesters stormed 7 government buildings in beirut the security forces
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have driven out protesters who earlier stormed the foreign ministry they took over the building and declared it a headquarters for a revolution. yes . that we are coming back to the property of our people is building belongs to the people of lebanon. we went to martyr square to set up gallows for those who did this to our country today will hang news's and we won't lead a single government ministers. the police started firing tear gas at us on monster square and the rice is also tied to us and we fled. artie's he goes donovan is in beirut with the latest force. well the smoke still hasn't cleared from the streets
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of beirut and everything that you can see around me well it hasn't been caused by the blast but rather by today's protests we are in an area which has seen some of the heaviest clashes between the police the army and well the riotous it is in fact not far from the port where the bloss had happened but this was not caused by the blast this was caused by all the protests and by people being unhappy lots of dumpsters just overturned set on fire i mean by the time we got here there was much more smoke much more fires going on let's just see just have a look here this is not again this is not damage excuse me this is not damage from the blogs this is a from today's protests and what people unhappy about lebanon has been battered in the past in the past year firstly and foremost leave the country is in economic in an economic turmoil its economy plunged then covert 19 heads and it didn't help the
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economy at all but on top of that what added was the well was the strain on the health care system and now this strain is worsened by what happened today because hospitals in some hospitals in beirut are destroyed the routes lebanon's in fact lebanon's oldest hospital no longer can take patients we were filming there today and the manager of the operational manager told me that he was born there and worked there for 35 years and he has no idea as to when that hospital is going to become operational again and with all of that and with a pandemic the figures are already in the hundreds well of those injured in today's protests so people are angry but we've took this as you can see they're very vocal they're very vocal and they i mean i'm absolutely sure. or that these actions will continue and it will do nothing good to the health care system and will add to the
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catastrophe that lebanon is facing right now in fact there's a small group of protesters. in another part of town and we had time to speak with them there just outside the foreign ministry which had previously been captured by the protesters and occupied briefly until the army moved in and cleared that building and i talked to my person who would like. volunteer leader of that small group and she was very vocal she was very passionate about how cool is are angry. that we lost the country we lost beirut we have people. we didn't find out we have family members we don't know anything about. we have the killers still at the residence of the president of lebanon they knew that we have such a thing at ford beirut we should all do is hold our anger and such
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a thing with a peaceful protest in big numbers sometimes staying silent is more powerful and doing this people will daily go back to the streets they will daily 8 ask for justice we need the justice they do doesn't deserve this and we would if you use what happened to us people are fed up it seems like this blast became the final the straw that broke the camel's back if i may say so because throughout these past days that we have been here in beirut and outside of being ruled in favor of course people have lost their homes and with the economic crisis they have no simply no money to put their windows back back in to restore the roofs over the over their houses over their homes some people are ready to leave they're just ready to go and others. less fortunate because they simply have nowhere else to go there are 300000
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people displaced by the bluffs and that was the last straw that's why people have been coming out sporadically throughout the week but today's demonstration has beat them as speed to all the previous ones when it comes to when it comes to scale i mean it's been hours since everything has been over but there's i mean there's there's still there's still smoke in the air and it seems like all the all the work that the volunteers had previously done yesterday the day before yesterday holds like classes and students schoolchildren just good samaritans going around giving out water to people and people just taking to the streets with brooms to clear out to clear out of the debris with shovels to clear out the rubble the same shovels were used today to attack the government so all of that progress of clearing out be root streets of dealing with the damage it has been undone by today's action and
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from by judging from what i've heard from the protesters they are not going to stop . there have been brutal scenes in the lebanese capital demonstrators threw rocks and projectiles out police officers who responded with tear gas and security forces fired live ammunition into the air to force people back. with. the demonstrators also put up market gallows in a location where people were hanged more than 100 years ago under the ottoman empire. protestors raised cardboard cutouts with ropes around their necks depicting
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lebanon's prime minister and hezbollah's leader as well as other officials in response to the surge in civil unrest prime minister has. called some hours ago for an early election he stated that corruption was to blame for today's tragedy. but we are in a state of emergency and not only because of this catastrophe and the need to deal with it in these circumstances i'd like all political parties to agree on what happens next we don't have much time i'm prepared to bear this responsibility for 2 months until they can come to an agreement what is needed is for the not to stand in the way of structural reforms in order to save the country on monday at the cabinet meeting i will propose a bill seeking an early election. for the ballot journalist all tough it was in the midst of saturday's chaotic scenes in beirut.
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these demonstrators were flocking to martyrs square also to the lebanese parliament to express their dismay over the poor over what they say is poor handling of the lebanese government of the aftermath of tuesday's that explosion which targeted the beirut sport. the demonstrators are have to or have taken a very violent turn we are also hearing a lot of shots being fired in the air in addition to that there gas and now these protesters admit it doesn't seem that they're planning to leave as martyrs square and it's time soon many of them have already set up tents they say they are going
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to stay here until their demands are met and that was. also at the same time we know that in the street the sheffield east of beirut protesters have managed to storm into the foreign ministry may. retire the lebanese army generals there are talks that the government officials will try to sit down with this retired army generals to a try and reach some sort of discussion or negotiations with a maybe to calm the situation down. we have lost everything we have lost our homes our lives have been torn apart everything is happening at once over the i'm 28 and what future do i have our currency has lost most of its wealth is a disgrace to shit i want to say to him oh news is ready for you.
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political analyst to move com and international relations professor jamal wakim give us their thoughts on the demonstrations there are some pretty high expectations for young people from think he's not from gollum from the space walk through tests or so su needs right here how do you agree most houses ask me again really just before a show of the nation he has to change them fortunately the japanese politics couldn't have fallen in the solution there are too many of these and for the i'll go to school and to that is general and i'm going by the people who are disappointed by the whole system by the become
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a crisis that's in the country almost a year ago we need we need not just because the fact that there are other parties that are trying to capitalize on the people's i'm good at this point to where the bottom of the form of government and partially responsible for the economy. social policy that's left with a crisis in addition there are also prompted by the united states to escalate the situation in lebanon as part of a campaign to isolate. wants to assert about as a base an american base especially after the united states has lost ground and studio much on the ground in syria. a reminder of what happened in beirut an explosion went off in the port area on tuesday take a look at. harrowing images there it was one of the biggest non-nuclear detonations in human history the explosion along
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with a follow up blast and a massive fire leveled several districts and it claimed the lives of at least 154 people with thousands more injured the search and rescue operation is still ongoing for days on with dozens of people still missing these are before and after images of the blast zone officials have revealed that almost 3000 tons of ammonium nitrate were being illegally stored in the port area of beirut it is a volatile compound used as fertilizer and also as a mining explosive and that stockpile had been sitting in a warehouse in a densely populated area for more than 6 years. amid the anger and grief there has also been a glimmer of hope for those who are still looking for their loved ones under the rubble in beirut after 24 hours of digging 12 year old girl was found alive.
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but i do not mention the number of human. rights. but we don't. know. them all. the explosion wreaked havoc across the city destroying the port gutting buildings and leaving $300000.00 people homeless the blast is estimated to have caused $10.00 to $15000000000.00 worth of damage the ruined port served as a lifeline for lebanon handling 60 percent of the country's food imports the u.n. is now warning that the country faces a dire humanitarian crisis and has called on the international community to send help at least 20 countries have pledged assistance including russia the u.s. e.u. member states and of the gulf countries the world health organization is warning that beirut's health care system has also been badly compromised it was already under severe pressure from the covert 1000 pandemic and on top of that explosion on
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tuesday put 3 hospitals out of action medics are working around the clock to save the lives of those seriously injured in the tragedy here is one heroic nurses story . when the explosion went off the ground shook beneath us the blast told me into another room i opened my eyes and found myself covered with rubble and i found my colleagues and friends line here on the ground covered in blood. in. the neonatal intensive care units were covered in rubble as well i started pulling me going south of the units i was terrified because i thought the babies might be crushed under the rubble but fingo they were ok then i took them for this
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corridor and down few flights of stairs. i carried the babies and i was determined to take them to another hospital the only way less than 2 kilograms they had nothing on them except died people on the street give me the t. shirts and clothes so i could read in you simply to mute the considine i hear on t.v. . that i was holding the 3 babies and i didn't know if i was going to be able to rescue them nor all the time was counting the heads on my chest to make sure they were still there. coming up after a short break u.s. intelligence officials are warning that foreign powers are trying to influence the november presidential election we will look at those claims in just
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a few moments. the world is driven by shaped by the curse of those words. and. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. thyssen
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nation fulfill unity. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is truth lost his faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maid in the shallows. child small seemed wrong all my old clothes just don't call. me old but yet to shape out disdainfully comes to advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground
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. welcome back this is our t. international now the u.s. counter intelligence chief is claiming that russia china and iran are all trying to meddle in november's presidential election the agency's it director says there are several foreign powers that quote have a preference over the election results china apparently views trump as unpredictable and does not want him to win as for russia it is using a range of measures against joe biden and iran could undermine american democracy donald trump though has his own views on the matter. and i think that the last person russia wants to see in office is donald trump because nobody has been tougher on russia than i have ever the last thing that russia wants and china wants and iran wants would be for donald trump to and we heard from journalist and author
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daniel lazhar him he thinks both democrats and republicans are already looking for someone to blame in the event of losing the election. the us is filled with corporate media pumping out our propaganda at top volume around the clock. that the russians chinese and iranians can barely get a word net what point is that they're they're able to pull these charges out of their hat they have no evidence because there is no evidence there's no indication of any kind of major russian interference and u.s. electoral processes the republicans who are accusing the democrats of cheating trump is already doing that but through the misuse of mail in ballots and the democrats are apparently to blame a trump victory on russia so our so both sides are now at down out building up their excuses and case they lose to blame it on the other person it's
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a recipe for disaster this why they could very easily be some kind of political meltdown in november or she's going underground to talk to 2 american philosopher and political activist cornel west about the upcoming election and also the rise of the black lives matter movement. i've got to say angela davis on this show endorsed endorsed joe biden in the member norm chomsky is endorsed joe biden do you think that joe biden will save us from another nuclear conflagration as we commemorate the dead of hiroshima but i had a choice between a deal liberal disaster leo asked yes i would go to a little disaster that so but it is a city. it's a spiteful and it's a most unpleasant number one of what it would be on the inside we've got some movement on the inside we've got
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a magnificent courageous and visionary citizen on the inside but we are losing. we are losing we're resisting but we're still losing the greed the hatred wall street pentagon is they are in control of the empire and they are taking it on what is different about these uprisings since what's in los angeles in 165 and before and after the beautiful thing is that you have problems of. coming together and making the connection between not just police power and police murder but the tweet police to our police murder wall street car wall street crimes and pentagon power and pentagon crimes once you make those connections and connect the most you can't make them up the mix may develop it could make the family look a might make rabbi abraham joshua ash ash able to make. the greatest intellectual along with known chomsky and been making for most of his intellectual life will once every day people begin to make those connections then we're on to something
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those can actually be made more now than they were before. the 9 year old girl in germany has been punished by her teachers for speaking her native turkish language in the playground her parents are now planning to sue the school our europe correspondent peter oliver has more. there's a row brewing in southwest germany over the languages spoken in school it's after a 9 year old girl was given this punishment essay to write to speak turkish the children speak german school in germany a definition language is german you want us to speak german the schools are german if we speak turkish the children won't understand us we're not allowed to speak our mother 10 so we can speak german that's all i know the local school authority told r.t. that the german only policy is in place so that everyone students and teachers all
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speak a common language 43 percent of children are from migrant backgrounds so it's important for everyone to speak the same language so the school can fulfill its educational mission the rule we all speak german is also part of the class rules a school which drawn up trying to buy all pupils and explained at parents' evenings it was agreed that in the event of a violation of this rule an essay on the topic why we speak german at school must be written that's not good enough for the family all their lawyer he says that this rule targets the turkish language in particular it was didn't we. the school break this talking for example who would english or who learn french or chinese or who have lived in i cannot believe that teacher would say this is what we've been. don't do this every teacher would say and show this person as an example or. the family or want to know if there
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was an on equal to the. child you can not be. in your mother tongue you know and those of course affects all your purse no or your identity and also use. human rights of you. constitutional there was not such a general rule to talk only. german language in the school but. also this issue which happened was. one by one situation between 2 students were the issue origin and in such a situation i was not lawful who are you. in a sanction like this school and also told the 1st representatives on to them not replying our appeal or this.
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would be the next logical step if they don't. respond to our letters that we would have to go to court the legal action underlying this situation leaves everything in a very messy place stuck between a german schools insistence on german being spoken and respect for the languages of the many different groups that make up modern day germany peter all of a. dozen for me this i'll be back with headlines in 32 and a half minutes stay with us this is our 2 international. summer solution starts right where we come up with solutions to all the problems
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over on the other shows where there is a way to dig we've got big gold to the moon edition with a special guest mark valid incremental. hello and welcome to worlds apart carl just a few young at pioneering sway psychiatry's who is now seeing and now the rise to prominence more than 50 years after his death once remarked we don't solve our problems but rather outgrow them this may be true for individuals but does it also
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apply to societies and if saw why do our societies despite all the economic and technological growth seem more infantile than ever while to discuss that i'm now joined by dr james hollis a prominent union psychoanalyst and author of the upcoming book living between worlds finding personal resilience in changing times dr hollis it's a great privilege for me to talk to you thank you very much for your time was my privilege actually used to be with you now let me start to be dick title of your upcoming book could the 16th i believe to come out from under your pan chair. times isn't that a bit of an oxymoron because history has never stopped evolving and the dynamics of personal development are such that everybody experiences a crisis at some point in our lives so other times believe in the really so extraordinary well not at all that's exactly the point we always live in changing
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times we always live in times of the changing structures of our society we live in times that are changes for ourselves crises of understanding of believe the roadmap that we were following etc it's just that we live in a particularly time of great disruption of what people thought were fixed beliefs fixed structures and fixed understanding's of self and world so the real question is how does anybody personally survive and adapt but also maintain a sense of core integrity during those changes that inevitably happen to us now i know that psych psychologists and even psychiatrists often see crisis and conflicts as focal points when long story problems and grievances finally get a chance to be addressed when people and societies renegotiate the outdated terms of their coexistence doesn't that make cry.


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