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tv   Documentary  RT  August 12, 2020 7:30pm-7:45pm EDT

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people taken statutory courses have become qualified but for them the work is more likely to be the weekend activity. on weekdays they scurry to regular jobs at the mall could be it or watch him yesterday. sitting with him that's to me it's lucky or so is this. comes from a junior. in class out of a. little store for the n. unit or what the able to discern for you on your list of specific school. let. you just never do this. here.
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show fashion. oh you. will do deeper and yet. by the. 3rd shit monogamy is the search there with. yes hey. you're going to be jealous of us. all. is that they will get hold of. thank you. thank you yes you did say thank you then how much. the both of you said i. couldn't. do what i did you hear
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you. don't slam credit worth up to would have given you the most part the top lawyer could have left. exposed. by simply just my actual definition to. try to show up at church and save us job be paid paid yes well i find your parents about us to get what i feel like to buy a computer shamble days it seems like. you. push only others from sale for a buck i thought. chiefs of branches are saying to do business in much my book living for to push course for 30 or 40 scripts or so or there would seem certain that it was ok for jetstar system present with a string there is room for certain starts at 1st when you are the crew member of
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the space bar and then you're. able to solicit teves for support of students for we serve for stores for such this sort of subject. so what are the 2 of you just leave the. thank you thank you so you blow my stack by the way just you know you know i don't. care about it and you have a nobody up you just an issue with yourself you don't care if you're not sure if i did what i said what are your question more be unusually sheepish if little one was born sharp doesn't spin it but i will be sure that you are going to have the other therapist will doesn't know that i love that here was the one i'm here but he's like the one. how folks such information go on your model and i should use open up are at their door listening to her getting hit the thought of destruction but don't forget what. your 1st question did your parents even sheepish if slobo.
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to ring weekends and holidays 3 schools are always on duty covering different parts of the sky they can be summoned by calling a single emergency number 11 to put on weekdays when the volunteers call time to play is written and you want them to answer such calls. followed by was. more looks like oh my gosh. it was food. for. thought. there are 3 different routes we took for. both of them oh it's. almost more like church of the group if you still have to go through.
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a lot. more work for the competition or. thank you off i was especially. good for those years as they moved to. boulder spoke good to earth. could have let me know if you. so. you can. because you don't have to think about all. the other all about did you get well i mean you know. well put and you just awarded changed.
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that's right where i said what you just. write. your your but it was huge. example actually got to look for me there was no this do you. think you know you should. never. forgot the. number of issues that we're going to pay a little bit so i did both book. when. we were burgled at the books but. i said we didn't burn a room just to get you. a
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story we discussed. thank you to the group. pressure but 1st you want the stuff you want about. them so. much it's the good old. stuff for a festival. that's the next thing i feel so much good thoughts that said that the bank flood would but a bit of hope. could you point the ability to stop the school. because most of. the deal especially but exploited. you know someone mr but this fella squinched no . i think that a little bit about him. but so much to the small chip sets to him that's just the chilling. descriptions that in that's the coldest for me else loses. its taste
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good. sort of porch and all the bodies in the sky fall. to mistakes continue to miss tempest come forth no almost it's the most up to the things that so but i just you know i just. felt like some of the meanest people even so. mr mentioned something just good old friendship when you did it was because this. was a book. just picked so if that put paid to get. us to talks nonsense to me it was about us the less fortunate. folks just to check before you gave the. full length of
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a parish. that. i thought you might lose i wish. the seed was the whole page the ghost of the this is it. is. you. know do you need to see. i didn't. do. all that much. if. it was all. your meal for another woman and.
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her usual thanks that i suppose to do is look at the young idealist on the someone who is a treasure to be a little girl or you know. what the. boys really do i think. actually. go through a. good review. just before you. leave a bunch. of stuff in. the
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nickel who gave their. lives. very. well until. the last little. bit here but you're still your billing employee. well. you push too much. more some.
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summer solutions that's right we solve all the world's problems bringing in the biggest geniuses we know that have ever been on the show. we're going to talk a very scary word and that of course is. joining us former
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entrepreneur jeff he's the author of the price of tomorrow why deflation is the key to an abundant future this book has caught fire amongst the community the community all communities it's really a fantastic book. rome . in 2008 dr helmut kantor died in germany aged 80. is
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a bitch or is described the well known psychologist and sexologist was an advocate for permissive sexual morality and humanitarian sex education. in germany cantor was lauded as a hero of the sexual revolution in the 1970 s. and eighty's though devoted a great deal of energy to him and to the german people numerous books and appeared on many t.v. and appeared on many t.v. shows as an expert he proved his theories by setting an example as a gay man he adopted and raised children so by european standards of the time could be seen as a progressive and positive individual. but he didn't attract widespread attention until 2016 after several scandalous articles were published in german investigators found archived documents showing that dr had approached the west berlin senate to propose a social experiment is suggestion was to allow men who were sexually attracted to
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minors to adopt neglected street boys. was allowed to conduct his experiment in 969 when he worked at the berlin pedagogical center his hypothesis was that a sexual relationship with older men would help the boys to be socialized. in mid june 2020 research as from the university of released a report ordered by byrne in senate department for education youth and family. among other things the researchers were given access to a foster family case file for its age had boys and adolescents in his care from 973 to 2003. for its age was about 50 when 6 year old marco went to live with him 2 years later he adopted savannah who was 8.


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