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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  August 13, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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here is the one in illinois which is the strictest biometrics security or privacy law anywhere in the world and has been brought on balls of us users which are a significant proportion of the banks and it facebook is telling facial recognition software without any form of consent then this is of real abuse and i could be the only damaging because it then loses the or fails to protect as it has done with other instance it's then all of the people it's collective pleasure information from could be vulnerable to identity theft to the rest of the leaps coming up next is the on excitement show the team and i'm back in 30 minutes time with the latest global headlines we'll see you back. summer so lucia that's right we solve all the world's problems right bringing in
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the biggest geniuses that we we know that have ever been on the show and today we're going to talk about a very scary d. word and that of course is the flame joining us former tech entrepreneur jeff good he's the author of the price of tomorrow why deflation is the key to an abundant future this book has caught fire amongst a trip documentary they call community hall communities it's really a fantastic book. welcome to alec fab unsure where during this global pandemic i'll be ship election
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is quietly going on behind me here at westminster originally no less than 5 i took the 11 liberal democrat tempi fancy to turn to being leader but one by one the field this then died until only 2 to me acting leader and favorite a davy on the old 3 day. today we ask former leader 13th cable to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the challenge for the crime. well i think that both strong and you know would be well served which of them wins i mean out and davey obviously has they experienced a member of the cabinet after environment heavily into climate change negotiations things about china and later is is different she came in after at a coalition the completely new generation who will approach things in a fresh and different way and then former liberal democrat presidential candidate
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rand or pick i wonder if that they view ends and be more of the same he looks like the favorite because he's had a lot more coverage because he's been knocked in nida but in actual fact they've done more on stupid women because she's really the only person i have to say who's got a chance of becoming the posse if you really penned me down my money's on lay them around because i think of this field say way. all that to come but 1st your tweets emails and messages on last week's show on the art scene looked at in which featured elaine c. smith and guided for dale 1st joel says i really love the speak show about the future and laughed out loud to funny story about their vehicle with their 784 local bank through the whole team keep up the good work with thank you and keep watching richard says just watch the interview with alex semin to speak about god for dos and to be great to hear about your work jumping arts in scotland and establishing a national theatre agree with your criticism. dominated by comedy and commercial interests it urgently needs an overhaul fraser says it's quite
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a relief the edinburgh festival is not on it's so peaceful here it is exhausting heating the doing. nelson says a fine example in further interest and encouragement in this field much attention has always been given to the to it as an industry that is of course the real task ahead in the rebuilding of industrial workplaces that once were right he says i took spanish friends last year it was dreadful we couldn't walk couldn't find a place to eat or sit and they had a very bad impression of. dave says i beat a file of the edinburgh festival and have introduced many of my friends and family to it it's north toward raymond says it was there last year for the festivals loved it one of my best vacations ever and finally i aberdeen see great to see the edge of festivals continuing as an event but 92 the liberal democrats alex is joined by the former party leader servants cable. that assess us to hosley is full of the
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liberal democrat leadership who better than former party leader sivan's cable who joins me from his home in twickenham events welcome to the alex some until now it's great to be with the other. segments on the ed davey both sav done to you when you are a liberal democrat liberal you know them a particular well i would just say the contrasting styles in the strengths and weaknesses of both candidates are well i think the book strong and you know will be well served which at the whens i mean out at davy obviously has they experienced from a member of the cabinet looked after environment heavily into the i'm a changed negotiations things about china and knows a lot of economics mcgann are good good economic background layer is is different she came in after at a coalition a completely new generation very fresh approach and interesting right cosmopolitan background and now her mother was
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a studio and she's you know absorbed in our quite a lot of that in our outlook looking international way of looking at the world and she's buildout in the last 3 years on education she's very strong on education issues it's all levels and will approach things in a fresh and different way. you get a feeling for who might be ahead in the race thus far out of you by thing any particular candidate no i haven't come committing myself by the way i do think as a former leader it's helpful but sometimes not right i didn't read the op be with either of them i would guess a david has some in the advantages because he's been around a while everybody knows him in the party latest trying to make themselves known that me out there but the thing with a sporting chance and it is of course a very unorthodox system of leadership are staying is entirely down the remote rate so we don't normally have. it's been quite difficult to generate
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a huge amount of publicity for the leadership contest i'd say the party ranks the self did you think that that's a feature of the global pandemic a audit as a more a commentary on the other party only having 11 m.p.'s but it's a mix of both but the biggest challenge was in the same challenge i have but it's now worse is that the party's breaking through 3 you know really bad elections 1517 and last year it's been knocked back and i think mr chicory hard last time because we built up sent me in the last stages when i was leader to a good position about 20 percent of the polls we were doing well in the government in the year elections and we slumped again and picking our peoples in the raw in those circumstances is really very difficult so i don't envy the new leader it's a major task and of course you have this additional problem that if you have a small number of m.p.'s you get very little attention in town and so it's
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difficult to be cold in a way very much to fill a spot say after your proxy in parliamentary terms it's also difficult to get into the media so it's it's going to be a very difficult job i found it hard enough but they bought a slice of an she you passed all the great electoral success that you had as leader only a year ago in the european elections where you were 20 percent of the vote came 2nd in the polls labelled the tories what absolutely nowhere. there's any forethought a few of the good that stayed on the taking advantage of the platform and and leaving the past into the last general election. and i think we will have mixed feelings about these things and i've made a conscious decision i want suture pass on to the next generation and get on with not i can do anything richard what i'm doing now but. yeah i. i sometimes think there you know if i had been there i wouldn't have done this i would never down
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that but i think whoever had been leader we were going to have problems in that december election now actually one of the fractures in interest very powerful in the kind of children leading areas they named live stock and that's you know different politics but with a massive deterrent effect of mr cosby in you know i got down off the door people saying we got to vote for you agree with you and you're a weak white guy your caught say that we're not going to risk having that not running the country and now unfortunately you know really did for ascribe a lot of damage but no ever been leader and would have had to contend with what was a moment last year in the aftermath of the baathist tungstens defeat in the in the supreme court when his policy on parliament was the clear of unlawful when his government was rocking what was so any moment there where the anti blacks the
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coalition could have been brought together with a of the flexibility and the and change the course of history or do you think that it was an illusion that that could have happened well there was a kind of and she breaks it coalition you know we worked together i worked together very runway for environment and the russian nationalists there i'm not the greens now this story depicted as we had a very good operation that there wasn't in not for the mention actually behind they the idea of in a referendum on the on the outcome they negotiate exact was the critical setting and that was in large part because there was a substantial body of labor m.p.'s maybe fake jeremy colvin himself was ambiguous ex-con and we just didn't have enough to get that over the line the unfortunately that was a critical thing and with some level. a moment where a compromise candidate as an end to the prime minister kevin clash failure could
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have been a phone or was that something ruled out by the labor party while the liberal democrats were ruling out jeremy carbon what was them nothing could have been done to given the proximity of blacks the john snow to doning state while you had the chance i think that was the signal at the right light certainly played with it now i argued for it no want to this did some good i can pluck them in the well this that he is a superb character who wasn't a party leader to get commanded prosperities book that was in the name of the solution i think there was a genuine problem with the local politics that means there was a very public relation a government that privately they might settle about certainly we you know my parent teacher got quite a strident position of not having the labor leader and i think if we could have got that neutral 3rd party if we go ahead leader that we might have made some headway
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on that and i think historians will focus on that particular point that was there was a point at which the campaign starts the regular way and those are the enthusiasm in the run up to the general election from the liberal democrats and indeed the s.n.p. that's their have an election but the end game is the johnsons and domingue state will for 80 seat majority in the can basically do a likes. these they were fighting state of course but with the say that probably wasn't the wisest election to be forced ever it wasn't i mean i think i could understand why your proxy for string election and they were in and doing doing very well in the polls in scotland. i think out case it probably was a mistake we could have come back and try to modify the legislation on the treaty as it went through parliament. i think if we made one big mistake it was calling
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for revoke an hour i mean i mean we all agreed that in the final analysis revocation was the thing to do that rueful as a campaigning is here it wasn't right. great campaign for 2 years i'm guessing the referendum we should start with that i think a lot of people were aware of the parts off with me on the correct tray idea of just casting me that art's referendum having is one of the mistakes that some of our campaign has made and how should the potty approach but that said no no that this as happened legally and is about to happen economically i mean what's in the past these authors you've done the deed the the 2 candidates the leadership of the host the deal with the the blacks the issue now well i think you know shouting about it probably isn't helpful and nobody's listening on that sent me on the other side people made up their minds the thing is gone through it's all fillet easy to
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sound you know sob rapes backward looking i think well well i would like to say that they believe this do is to sketch out a kind of a future which is here opinion but isn't just talking back to the owner arrangements and that i think we will see in the next 5 to 10 years and an approach within europe which ally was certain countries to go its a different speed i know this is often they discuss macron his has advocated it that in countries that are not toxic they have monetary the and have no intention of vain but nonetheless wish to play out an important role in europe from them probably are able to get back to a kind of norwegian type close straight integration i mean i think that's that's the frame in which pro europeans and i think in your party as well it would probably be proud comfortable with that kind of position. stay with us after the break for more from vince cable as he and alex discuss the liberal democrats
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contest for a new leader we see that. i don't think. those roles even some of the main training schools jane disappear if you're maybe it's a long day for him as you by going by each. moment if you just loud i realize it's not going to. change or not our life i'm changing.
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welcome back alex talk to former liberal democrat party leader 3rd vince cable. fence cable it's nice to teach it difficult to the liberal democrats have the styles morris says detailing the labor party and the family a lot of the center ground of politics which decreases they they don't things that the liberal democrats would have the labor party were positioned much farther to the left is that a key strategic difficulty or the how should either of the leadership candidates seek to tackle that but i see it as an opportunity rather than as a defeat as i explained earlier i think one of the. reasons i got to talk to you to
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support this backtalk was because. of our hard last labor government and i think if you have a labor leadership which is your left as well you know it tears down there i think certainly comes if you have captured great. that there are parts of the of the country parks senate of england and of states in scotland where. you know people will go to the lib dems and want to go and whether labor not serious competitive round thinking of my own seat you know right now big down jarrett zip and there are lots of other places around in the south the making then you know the guilt for the winter status which didn't go last time which would go next time some of the suburbs of munch a step. parent get in yorkshire places like that you know maybe they're a set say 30 plus states which we could weigh in. in a way that way complementary to the labor party rather than competitive. i think
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that happens you know you got serious numbers for an alternative government. is there in 1970 and that's how many of us got tens of problems in the 1st place you could do a revolution it was a complementarity with the labor party rather than competition you see a fight over their servants cable one that message of the future to identify for some of the the new stars and the that liberal democrat firmament will take the message forward and what would you say to them given your experience in politics will be your message to the rising stars of liberal democracy well i think you know you have to be a resilient and i think people often say don't vote so you need you know real talents in weeks and and intelligence of course those things that matter but they i think the quality more than anything that you require is stamina ability to take punishment and to keep going on and to come back that certain tone sims of my own
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party we got some very very good people neera will sing who you know are you know 1st i think minority candidate has come up to a general election daisy cooper in some tokens and they're very very capable people and i think it will be in good hands so that's cable former leader of the liberal democrats demonstrate heelers life after politics thank you very much for joining us from there like sam and phil thank you so so both cable pay think both leadership kind of gifts like edge to edge t.v. in the race for the liberal crowd for a rather different view alec trying to form a lead then m.p. and political commentator lembit well paid so he's going to win unless a liberal democrat thumped a former liberal democrat m.p. lead the opec member who's going to when leyla vote on all ahead david. it's a day and 8 but i can give you more than just
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a casual course to see where that response if that debut ends in to be more of the same coming he looks like will hate it because he's had a lot more coverage because he's been young team leader but in actual fact it's laid out more and she should win because she's really the only person i have to say he's got a chance of becoming the party if you really pen me down my money's on lead them around because i think of the students a way so you're backing the site of according to the betting what is the special factor you think. off of the liberal democrats change let's remember that davey carries a huge amount of baggage i used to share an office with many facts and he was right down the line with the nick clegg cabal we know the nick thank about the nick like particularly destroyed the party i wrote a book about this and sadly for the lib dems i was truth right and just about every prediction of the other thing about a date is she's mired by the fact that he voted for. the students direct
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rate coach a call promise in the 20 time general election and really did for the student but the lib dems you can't get away from that fact by contrast made them around wasn't there she isn't my ad by that problem and also she's quite clearly a radical left leaning libertarian she's quite characterful as well now i don't think david can offer anything new i don't dislike him he's a decent man but i don't think can offer anything new whereas lead him around might be the shots in the on the lib dems need for a long and slow recovery oh let me put the conservation with only 11 members of parliament 5 in the scottish parliament one in the the welsh parliament don't deliberately have a x. they need something of a governmental experience to give the the party somewhere doesn't have that in terms of numbers they don't need some of governmental experience that's irrelevant . if anything it's a negative because the governmental experience that day be carries with them is the
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baggage of a coalition which destroyed the liberal democrats on the neck plank how does he explain why he voted so consistently with the conservatives when we know that's a big minus a big turnoff for many of the traditional liberal democrat voters who deserted the posse when may felt this outed by nick clegg's on of the consent of coalition by contrast then i'm around is not tarnished by that brush that's remembered not tempt faran who has recently did well specifically because he was an outsider during the coalition with the conservatives so i don't think there's any benefits or to be absolutely pedantic about any experience and benefit not sad davy carries with them from government is more than outweighed by the negatives for exactly the same reason that oppression a celeb a paid element on staff to their favor but hey davey has no replaced other in the
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least the bootmaker laws as the odds on favorite so he must be doing something right in this campaign and women must be doing something wrong doesn't follow. i don't think it may look morons doing anything wrong but the bias as i see it in this election is the fact that davey is repeats of the touted as the at thing they don't lead or in way thanks now profile as i know for my benefit and to my cost is everything in terms of what the bookies think and it probably does help at baby with a proportion of the liberal democrat electorate but remember this is a fairly small i'm a truly defined group who will also say well at day he was in government and that was catastrophic for us to the an extent then a moran could went to 70 because she is the outsider you're right about the odds i'm not sure that i'm right about when i'm around winning but i am sure that it had
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to be wins there won't be a huge left of the party and they'll be carrying all of that package from the coalition which they've really got to cut through strong at davey can't do that they them around count as the big strategic difficulty for the liberal democrat says it's a clear starmer is obviously leading lever back to the the center to get out and he's disposing of the the call of the night baggage at a fairly rapid rate of knots doesn't that crowd out the liberal democrats room in the political spectrum isn't that a problem for both of these candidates. yes turn to the question of spin and history records i've been tremendously good and tremendously bad at that my own career so maybe i am qualified to comment the issue here is that at day the doesn't create a radical position on any score there isn't anything new about what that they can say once again i stress i don't dislike him but i just don't see a lot to me he brings to the party literally that the party hasn't already got and
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hasn't already suffered when it came to the coalition i look at later on she's a libertarian she's made some pretty radical comments even about sexuality all of that is quite interesting to the lib dems but sensual to all of this is later myron thank stress self she she has been willing to take some fairly unorthodox positions in a selection now that's exciting i would summarize it like this at davey con recover the party's fortunes anytime soon probably not even a 10 year leadership namor on might it's not guaranteed but she might and if there is a definite no and a possible yes i think the party should go for the possible yes. and finally a limbo but as can a hopeful scenario for the liberal democrats that johnson government becomes deeply unpopular there's a bag on toady swaying and just like a $7.19 liberal democrats are floating then and constituencies
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wethers no credible challenge from the labor party even couldn't you get a number of m.p.'s and back on on labor's coattails an is not a reasonable chance of happening and in 5 years time for not they will remember the evils of the coalition government between the tories and the liberal democrats. the lib dems biggest hope is that forces outside their control restore the party's fortunes as you've described the best thing that can happen to the lib dems is the west wing make mountains of the country a catastrophic conservative forest johnson administration it's sad to hope for failure to get success for a party but we're talking about facts here rather than hopes now when it comes to the question of who would benefit most from the party in that circumstance it's still a limb around because they will be some people who remember that davy is the risk
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at de makes the past new could be in trying to go back into another conservative coalition because he's got form then them around hasn't so if there is a lift it would help either of those 2 as leader but it would help later moran more remember the people that the lib dems need back the most are the disillusioned left wing voters at david doesn't offer them much then i'm around us and she's a libertarian that's been a wild card in british politics but it's a wild card i'd be willing to play when you've got that will more than a busted flush. for you've been a wild card just self a number of times lembo pick thank you for appearing once again by me alex salmond 00. my pleasure. the liberal democrat leadership contest this taken place against the back cloth of a global pandemic off necessity it has been a virtual contest have
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a son vince cable is professionally frank when he says that even the circumstances the been difficult to sustain much excitement after all the liberals have been through 3 bruising general election contests in quick succession the last of which they did much themselves to provoke i love politics is always changing the great liberal revival has been forecast many times since lloyd george left office a century ago the rather like the holy grail it's been difficult to find and even more difficult to retain equally the equivalent and opposite suggestions of the party's imminent demise of also being greatly exaggerated the big ups and downs but they're not dead yet and in politics where those any life a tall there's always hope and so from this we know myself and all of the show is good bye for now stay safe we'll see you again next week.
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as the u.s. economy was booming gaining numbers of people were made homeless. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the only ended up with the reality of the. financial ecology and the lack of affordable housing for a living minimum wage give many people new choice you know there's been a problem with the city not always turn. away all this.
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because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible clubs. better roofs still boils people take to the streets across the country with flowers and balloons becoming an increasingly regular part of the protest will take you through all the country's continuing post-election plight. palestine denounces a u.s. brokered peace deal between israel and the united arab emirates that's been branded historic under which israel will halt its west bank accession plans. she's the 1st ever african-american running mate in the u.s. presidential election history has passed.


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