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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2020 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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much about it more some. walking to freedom valorise begins releasing some of those detained during mass protests over last weekend's election and made claims of widespread police brutality one doctor shares her experience. with the rich the women were lying on the floor and the men were in the next hour they were constantly beaten so badly that they just how would you. call it stein slums a new peace deal between israel and the united arab emirates as an act of betrayal brokered by the u.s. it was the israel's west bank and station plans put on hold but not abandoned. and supposedly eco friendly top european banks are accused of aiding the destruction of the amazon by financing oil extraction in the region.
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a very warm welcome to you it's 9 pm here in moscow and this is r.t. international with me and if you are in the protesters detained during a week of anti-government demonstrations in bello ruseva what they claim was sunday's rigged election has started to be released since the outbreak of the unrest police have faced allegations of excessive brutality earlier today president alexander lukashenko speaking about the issue said he didn't have a problem with their conduct although he urged them to take a softer line meanwhile protests continue with the country's capital once again the main focus these are images from the square in front of the main government building some protesters rush to hug and hands flowers to security forces after they laid down their shields that's not the crowds of demonstrators converged on the area striking workers. from one of the country's biggest factories the risk
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truck to work for among them let's hear from our correspondent at the scene. which is a source of independence square in minsk something absolutely unique and interesting for better or worse is happening here you can see the special police force no internal forces standing behind me there with the code in arms that's the house of the government on the other side is where protesters have gathered everything is peaceful no provocations and says we can see officers put down their shields. that's the situation knows minsk attractive factory workers arrived here with their banners. and well nothing else is going on. people are chanting slogans let them go leave. but all of this is going on thankfully without provocation as for now they thought law enforcement officers are just openly standing there look at this it's a unique picture i haven't seen anything like this before.
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with more on today's developments in belarus his ramon calls are. all this friday night will see a lot of families who will let's see there are a lot of loved ones after almost a week long absence and that's because the bill russian authorities began releasing all those of protesters who were detained in that mass rallies that on sunday right after they were right after the presidential election in the roost how many of the detainees who are being released right now have been sharing their harrowing experience this take a look at charlotte was just the moment the riot police asked us to show all passports but i didn't have one and then they asked for my phone and saw what i had been feldmann they said i should go to them and one by a police officer grabbed me i tried to resist and he invited 5 others i said how are you going to look into your mother's eyes they shouted shut the fuck and hit me in the head so while we were walking to the police man they called me
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a prostitute when we felt sick they said you can urinate on vomit we don't care. we should not stop the feds use we spent 17 hours outside without water or food or anything on the cell we were given only bread and water there were 40 of us in there we stopped on the floor the men were beaten so badly that they screamed 247 they beat them to within an inch of their lives imported water on them and beat them again. the worst sentiment was not only are. detained tyrants who he asked also to put into the police van conditions at the christian detention center there is much to be desired there are 30 to 50 people who once how no food just have fought and human treatment. interior ministry pledge that they will let all of the detainees go by the end all for this friday now so for around 2000 people have been freed and that's approximately
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a 3rd of all those who were detained during the week long almost a week long rally not. among those people who were detained were medics as well let's take a listen to this firsthand account as it was the women were lying on the floor and the men who were in the next hour they were constantly me so badly great just how lonely it was a terrible how the bloody frozen my lanes were just what we heard every night in the basement was terrible prison guards were saying what's wrong is your life that's bad i decided to act out and we live war here because of some nonsense what kind of doctors are you if you're not doctors i don't know what you are where louis is that's the sort of thing they shout at people and a lot of swear words that i don't want to repeat they were also saying this when you were 1st held in the street everyone driving by was shocked person white ropes on their knees with inching down to the had a machine that now protest in belarus have moved it beyond the streets as as factories bland send different markets began protesting expressing their son and
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geraghty with their bills at the mass rallies as well one of belarus's biggest tracks there's a tractor manufacturers well they suspended their operations partially after employees decided to walk out on strike now the prime minister all deliveries decided to visit at this plant and cut off to the strikers however they were not satisfied with what the meeting and now they're heading towards the russian capital often means mad they're calling for reforms 3rd calling to bring justice to those who were hurt during the mass rallies and they're also calling for the departure of president look at shango now the president himself all here reacted to the growing number of work your support testing and address the strikers by calling on them to get back to work and he also promised that all of the detention cases that suit place over the last all almost
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a week will be investigated meanwhile in syria minister all bellew small he. he apologized to the people who are hurt during the protest in a statement earlier on friday as well now about the 1st official results of the votes which took place last sunday was announced on friday and gave president lukashenko a landslide victory his opponents as it mounted to cut off scale she dismissed the result state and it has absolutely nothing to do with reality as you call it she said the she will create a cold the nation council that will see to the peaceful transfer of power in the bill are reduced meanwhile this comes as the european union is also mulling sanctions against a bill or is germany and the european union have both expressed concern and support for science sanctions on the the bill a russian officials calling mass arrests off the demonstrators also
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a spokesman for german chancellor angela merkel she said that the blood and post-election freidman of bill aris was on the except civil and the chancellor was shocked by what she had seen how these statements a game just to head off a special video called all feel euphoric ministers on friday who convened to discuss the measures that they will take on the situation in belarus commented on claims of violence against journalists the interior ministry says it will investigate every allegation economist's terrorist lover munchak safe despite the latest protests remaining relatively calm people still very angry. close to it said peace for people are calm but there's a lot of joy in their home but their gender change because the last drop that broke the camel's back was the mass joining the protest of the state enterprise dozens of different big commercial entities joined the protest saying that we demand not
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to purchase from the government we need to have both. elections to look at shankar himself put in the position when he did not deliver on any dialogue with any meaningful social group and the way that election commission was deliberate fraud in the election and vote now definitely ignited that kind of protest and anger because nobody believes in ballard because you've got 80 percent of. the united arab emirates and israel have struck a peace accord the deal brokered by washington will see israel halt its west bank and accession plans palestinians that wants happy after the israeli prime minister said annexation isn't completely off the table. sure there is no change in my plan to implement our sovereignty in today and somalia in full coordination with the united states i'm committed to it it's still on the table. palestinian leadership
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rejects what the united arab emirates has done and considers it a betrayal of jerusalem and the palestinian cause nevertheless is kind of more pain now reports some do believe that it's another player in the middle east which lies of the true heart of this new record. israel and the united arab emirates formally a group as for many years arab states have not recognized israel as a country this is a monumental step to forging a corporation in the middle east donald trump supporters say he deserves the nobel peace prize for arranging this but the palestinians aren't exactly thrilled with this new arrangement the deal between united arab emirates and israel is a betrayal of the palestinians given the historical. relationship that israel has had with the arab states in other words no peace. according to the old formula no peace was possible until the palestinian issue was resolved and the
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palestinian issue is not resolved the palestinian authority is now formally withdrawing its envoy from the united arab emirates they say recognizing a country that is occupying them is simply unacceptable now in the diplomatic fallout of this deal we're starting to see what this is really all about aside from the u.a.e. israel in the united states there is a 4th country that now showing up in a lot of the conversation surrounding the deal iran peace between the arabs and the israelis is a rome's worst nightmare and no one has done more to intensify the conflict between the arabs and the israelis of iran what we see today is a new middle east the trend lines are very different today and we see. the future is very much in the gulf with israel and the post is that the iranian regime it clings to power on the basis of brute force iran often labeled as israel's largest
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regional opponent has denounced the deal the islamic republic of iran is confident that history will show that this was a mistake made by israel and this dagger that has been unjustly thrust by the united arab emirates into the backs of the palestinian people and all muslims will lead to strengthening resistance and the unity of the muslim people against israel as well as fuel confrontation in the region when donald trump visited saudi arabia he spoke of building an arab nato that would work as a coalition in the region opposing iran and fighting terrorism and it seems now this your story deal is being revealed not so much to be about getting recognition for israel or protecting palestinians from annexation but about targeting one of washington's most longstanding opponents in the region there is definitely the pattern isn't toward iran and i think the timing is ideal given what's happening in beirut. the fact that hezbollah is now under pressure in lebanon
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with the government having resigned there so we have a coalition building disagreement rather than easing tensions in the gulf within the arab states will. harden stances continue to maintain the antagonism that we have. the green credentials of some of europe's biggest banks are being called into question despite publicly backing the fight against climate change at the same time i see you are also financing or extraction in the amazon something environmentalists say threatens its fragile ecosystem and indigenous populations solid defense case reports. banking institutions. such as the m p 3 bad credit suisse and i n g say they are committed to packing action on climate change they also say they hold themselves to account on issues such as social responsibility but now with
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these european banks still being accused of double standards a new report claims despite their pledges these banks all major players in the trade in oil from the amazon rain forest are this year's easy us eugene information administration as well as ecuadorian export. out of the spirit of the amount of oil in dollars and barrels these you're in big stuff i mean it's over the last decade this equates to over $150000000.00 barrels of oil worth about 10000000000 dollars u.s. they say expansion of fossil fuel production means more drilling that not only impacts the bio diversity of the rain forest but also indigenous populations in april an oil spill in ecuador contaminated hundreds of miles of 2 rivers affecting some 35000 people in the local communities oil spills.
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incredibly positive ones this is a primary source of water this is where they get their food. transported from up and down rivers. and also believes their lands and. the report says these banks are skirting a line instead of financing projects to develop oil wells and extract fossil fuels they are instead trade financing this means putting the capital to move the oil gas from where it's put do use to refineries rather than the dirty work of actually drilling but one goes hand in hand with the other. the banks know everything because every organization needs to know where their money is going and they are financing crude oil commodity trades in the amazon area so yes we think there is a responsibility on the part of european banks if they participate in the crude oil
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trade they sponsor the expansion of oil extraction from amazon soil that we oppose . some of the banks named in this report say that trade financing doesn't fall under that standard pledges in regards to sustainability essentially meaning that while they are happy to hold themselves accountable they are not responsible for those they know money to the report refers to our oil and gas policy and mentions requirements that apply to project related transactions with respect to indigenous people and areas of high conservation value however these policy requirements do not relate to trade finance services while others outright questioned the credibility of the report the lack of explanations of the methodology and the aggregation of data whose provenance cannot be verified make any analysis bastable we do not recognize the calculations of aggregate exposure in the report but stand
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and watch see the banks are not clipping up to the spirit of their own environmental and social responsibility commitments they are calling on the banks to hold all over latest activities in the amazon saying it's time to change course and to play a more responsible role in advancing life over profits these financial institutions are morally responsible for what their money is used for because of the flow of commodities that are highly out in on the 'd other person. there are humans in a certain sense if you look you know like they might reach you know maybe they're not you know in the past the special going to join you know that. there are so limited if things are very simplistic and. just on indigenous people on the gritty of the streets. the massive explosion last week in beirut
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destroyed much of the city and lycos have been left trying to pick up the pieces not just of the shattered buildings but also their lives one fashion designer shared his story. like i was always so happy we were facing the court i always sort is very artistic and inspiring because it's industrially reaching details of how everything is ranked look at the destruction the wreckage done am which time it would take to be rebuilt. there are no words to describe it my team and i a feeling that we could but thing going to the rule of life and well no one was hurt we left this building 10 minutes before the blast hit and thank god no one was
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hurt that's the most important thing. most of the hard work of 20 years was destroyed the missed seconds it was because of this tuesday explosion which went off just across the street. this is another challenge for us how we can get our hands on funds to rebuild they say there will be compensation but that's not certain and this isn't something we used to 11 and i hope we can get compensation to rebuild. thinking of coming out with a new collection inspired by this very heartbreaking incident my team and i are really picking up the pieces i really want to come out with a collection inspired by beirut the suffering of beirut. right there stories coming
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out of the back. lead. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the
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world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back students in germany have been funding the controversial activist group anti fought without even knowing it it's come to light that parts of the 2 wish in fees paid to cologne university have been going to the group 3 years piece all of our polls. the anti fascist organization have received a lot of press in 2020 with even the president of the united states chime in the united states of america will be designating and as
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a terrorist organization here in germany they haven't received that type of criticism but there is a controversy surrounding the gifts of university students fees from cologne to go towards a contribution to the group for the 2020 to $21.00 winter semester each student at the university of cologne pays $280.00 euro and $0.95 for $205.00 euro and $0.95 goes to the student council and is meant to pay the transport fees counting worker's salary and for the department's work out of the $10000000.00 euro the council will take in around 8 and a half 1000 will be paid to the student branch and to take its delicate because while on too far on demonised here the way they are in the us a report by germany's internal security service the beer file has some pretty strong things to. say about a k. and the groups it's associated with conservative student groups in
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a not so happy that they have to contribute to a case without choice it shouldn't be that every student has to subsidize a group that has been classified as extremist by the office for the protection of the constitution we regularly demand that the funding of n.t. for a k. be cut the majority of students who spoke to r.t. said they had absolutely no problem paying a contribution to our k. i don't know how much the payment is but i'm sure it is not enough and it should be higher i think it's good because it's important to support the social. is dealing with many board and social issues and they're less you know we ended in improving wellbeing so i think it's a good idea to support them and. i think it does make sense and i think it is important that a wide political spectrum is represented here and i see no problem that it is fine
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and from the student piece a k. has received funding from students at the university of cologne since it was set up 15 years ago neither the student body that doles out the funding nor the students themselves see any reason why that should change any time soon but while the name until far continues to be mentioned in trembling tones by those in power the group may find themselves coming under more scrutiny. the us has conducted the largest ever seizure of iranians feel the news was confirmed in washington by the department of justice because it was seized from for their souls bounce of that is why. the government announced today that it has successfully executed the seizure order and confiscated the cargo from all 4 vessels totaling approximately 1116000 barrels of petroleum. the news comes just a day after u.s. central command released a video footage claiming to show the iranian navy bought and briefly season oil
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tanker off the coast of iran the d.o.j. claimed it was a counter effort by iran to recover some of its lost fuel the confiscation of the iranian gasoline headed to venezuela follows a u.s. district court order it stated the cargo was shipped by the islamic revolutionary guard which washington reclassified as a terrorist group last year as part of its maximum pressure policy on iran. professor seismometer andi from tehran university believes the actions of the us will have consequences. i think it has more to do with the election in the united states the presidential election and the elections in general in the united states and that trump wants to show himself as strong but again i think what it really does it sure is that it shows the lawlessness of the regime in washington and how petty they've become in their behavior they just simply behave like pirates they teamed them 17th century on the high seas they declare whoever they want to be
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terrorists or our laws and they steal just like. you know the gold used to be stolen from ships in previous centuries and and this sort of behavior is going to have consequences because ultimately while the iranian government does not own the oil but iran will have to punish the united states in order to protect its people who purchase iranian oil. base that is being accused of illegally harvesting the facial recognition data as it's instagram used as a class action against the social media giant could cost the company up to hasa trillion dollars. once facebook captures instagram users protected by metrics it uses them to both areas facial recognition abilities to curse all of its products including the facebook application and shares this information among various entities facebook does all of this without providing any other quite notices or
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disclosures required by illinois law. it's claimed facebook violated the privacy rights of $100000000.00 every fuses under the current law companies can be fined up to $5000.00 for each individual reckless or intentional violation it therefore means the total fine could potentially reach $500000000000.00. last month facebook offered to pay $650000000.00 to settle a similar case when the company was accused of illegally collecting biometric data through a photo tonking toll however it maintains its facial recognition software is not to use on instagram. the suit is baseless instagram doesn't use face recognition technology if we introduce face recognition technology to your instagram experience we will let you know 1st and you will have control over whether we use this technology for you. privacy activist on technology expert bill new believe this is facebook really is collecting biometric data that could be huge repercussions. this
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is to a large extent a claim that is being grouped on a speculative basis because we don't know whether the instagram used facial recognition software for show we don't know the extent to which it used and how many uses too much extent the little being used here is the one in illinois which is the strictest bar metrics security or privacy low anywhere in the world and has been groups of vault of us uses which are a significant proportion of the. facebook is telling facial recognition software without any form of consent then this is a real abuse and i could be ripped equally damaging because even then loses the fails to protect it as it has stuck it out for instance it's then also people it's collectivized information from could be vulnerable to identity theft to the rest of the leaps. thanks for joining us here on out say we're back at the top of
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the hour. summer solutions series imax guys are here to say see herbert you know in a month in which we were meant to have the 2 party conventions officially nominated donald trump for the republican and joe biden for the democrats the pen demick has thrown the election in to even more chaos than usual so joining us is greg palast a journalist author of many books including is his latest out now skyrocketing up all the bestseller lists it's called outro stall 2020. no no crowd. no show. it's.
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actually helps because. when the well struck both of those 12. points your thirst for action. it could be argued. that we're now in the midst of a could in slow motion. democracy is weakening. conferences and is strengthening. that none of us has chosen this.


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