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tv   Going Underground  RT  August 15, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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cancer 10000000 people die of cancer because of the poison cut dead millions are dying of diabetes because our entire health system is being destroyed you don't fight life you create harmony with life and it's in the ability to meet harmony to create immunity to create resilience that is basically at the root of the militaristic mind losing every war against life well obviously big agriculture big pharmaceutical companies and big oil they all deny that they have anything to do with creating disease but we do hear from press briefing say from downing street here in london or from the white house the fact that big multinational companies will be involved in our defense against coronavirus just tell me about what you talk about in one this is your investigation of the origins of intellectual property and are you optimistic that there will be no payton to on any future
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vaccine against corona virus the 1st you know to work on patents is what led me to create another and see saving and fighting against the illusion that corporations like monsanto are inventors of life and see just the employment of billions of years of nature's evidence and thousands of years of farmers breeding that it's a machine that the events the book one miss was as one percent grew out of the fact that i witnessed at the paris summit on climate change that bill gates and mark zuckerberg was strutting around on the street with heads of state and i said when didn't billionaires work and elected to start telling elected leaders what they should be doing so as we watch not just the bailouts going to the people who brought us the crisis the oil industry american or the industry and big pharma are one they're not different the investment funds like black or r.
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and vanguard. blackrock true corona became control of assets of 23 trillion amazon does i just create a platform and destroys livelihoods every 2nd we try to create human not please just in the last month 24000000000 additional well project because that was why as the international labor organization is warning us we have a pandemic of an employment and as the fooled world goods program is and what we know is we have a hunger pandemic saw the billionaires actually would like to trash humanity trash the planet and this thing without the basis without that which supports they point to me that they will continue to make trillions it's that illusion that i talk about amendment one as well as the one percent they keep talking science but over
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there and their drugs wonder aids drugs next year there are corona drugs one day of it a bolo acces next to the corona vaccines the story of the changes by the dea the treatment stories change by the and i think we need 'd a very large independent community of opinion largess medical people scientists to take stock of the many unscientific spins that have been given it's always a sort of associated with the challenge of property rights for such drops that are not even an example attention deficit disorder among children is because of the bad that. yes fish and sea of micronutrients interest elements are arms made but it was city provide more of those micronutrients which then allow your brain to function your $12.00 punch well obviously obviously we tell our viewers to consult their own medical practitioners and as for your criticism of
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a big oligarchy with their billions who are interviewed every other day it seems for their great information on coronavirus they would say no they're far from. being negatives they're feeding the bigger world they're creating the interconnectivity around the world and they are emblematic of progress quite the opposite of what you're saying white not was it just the facts and evidence of that than all the long distance of lines have lands what is still working our local farms and community supported agriculture and links between the growers of food gloss the problem and that is the land the my book oneness was one percent isn't how the so-called philanthropists activity landreau capitalists my book is analyzed every sector that has been shaped and driven by
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bill gates it was not gene dry still he started to finance it it was. or 5 years ago there is pushing it is deregulating the european court of justice said it's a g.m. they're trying to have it declared and not g.m. or all the instability of this gene try. the negative is coming out gene tries to push species to extinction can you imagine the mines the miners that would imagine it has the power to engineer extinction i wish extinction rebellion what drives up against this deliberate extinction difficult argument to have a demonstration on at the moment but there is no direct evidence at the moment that the creation of monocultures by capitalism by greed directly created coronavirus surely we need that proof before big agriculture big mining big pharma have to pay for what in effect is deforestation and so on for creating coronavirus
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when we do know all the bias comes from a back that much we know i also have newspaper reports from india hold all of the defense research years of china and the u.s.c. jointly came and pirated really that's in viruses from india in the not. so we do know there was a deliberate collection of these there are d.n.a. similarities around 94 percent we don't know it came from about doing. no we do we do that it is then been modified how it's been modified is the uncertain but what's the modification is what is a defense lab is the wet markets that's where the different stories start to get barely confusing we would have a swine flu without the monoculture factory farms we wouldn't have bird flu without moral culture factories you know you know that the big but the big fear of it is
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that it is ecology we know diversity is what creates a brick in the spread of disease and pests but it is evil to print h. more easily on vulnerable bodies made vulnerable by a big maybe vulnerable by the poison and monocultures of the mind as i've called it is the inability to see how it will systems well the inability to see how diversity is michael and i b b a b s the expert group will international of the convention on biological diversity is coming out with a report that without by the industry will have no help and i have put out a call on earth city to say there's one hell on one planet and it comes through biodiversity those bigger cultural firms that have an immense amount of money and lobby on k. street in washington and lobby here they will tell you that we have the black death
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we had great plagues we had epidemics pandemics where before capitalism started we had them during feudalism not because i'm not saying because the plea but i am saying that they have created of false system that has become the basis of chronic diseases and the emergence of new diseases 2nd even the w w h o you are so worried about this pandemic what will the pandemic of diabetes and obesity. all of the u.s. needs are issuing and the was with tim's of the corona infection are the black americans who are the worst with terms of pollution of the poison it's a bad food ringback they were already put into what i call nutritional out of mind can you imagine the degradation of the human being if people in the richest
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country have to live in what is called who deserts the died in a full desert is a recipe for obesity and that these and people with obesity and these are the worst victims 9.2 percent is the risk of dying if you have diabetes and the current habit and it when the other risk is one percent i've got to tell you that here in this country riches are not the chancellor boris johnson chancellor was 1st to quantitatively ease $645000000000.00 into the footsie stock market our entire pension system here in britain alone in the united states is intertwined with the very companies you keep mentioning do you believe that all the pensions should be disavowed thing immediately from these massive agriculture companies. well 1st of may is made. its turn to remember that workers have rights including the rights to their pensions they have
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a right to decide how that money will be spent to create subsidies for those who are destroying the planet destroying our health destroying our livelihoods or you was to be able to recover after this pandemic which is not one pandemic it is a 100 and that makes it is a livelihood pandemic of course it's a corona pandemic which is occurring in disease fed a pandemic and my big worry is as you lock people into their houses and as amazon is given through them to deliver every ad of amazon that comes on my computer is junk food packaged food. and is not what we're supposed to eat this should be good if you commission all the workers of our pension funds and they should be taking for mission of the 16 trillion microns you got i think we are in a time where we need a democratic debate about the use of our money. a new reclaiming of the commons including ringback the public health systems which is what is see
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people in this crisis not the private for profit system the robber barons of today up to that is but there's still room a balance and as they say big data is the new law is it's still an oil and it's still extracted from a mind and hoping from our bodies with under the skin surveillance systems being treat it created this is a moment all people become more deeply democratic and not allow the lowdown to be a lot down the hammerings the lockdown of our freedom of thinking the lock down of hostility that it took to run the machine will stop you there more from the world renowned environmentalist after this short break plus after tens of thousands dead how did the n.h.s. europe's largest employer go for manufacturing lifesaving p p to begin communist china for it. the sudden forced and illegal takeover of the government by
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a small group. rather than revolutionaries or so just that small group the operation when you have a tiny drop of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and talk about. these are sacrificing. places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty farm animal devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices are well in that world are well into. question that the koreatown. ah no team no crowd. no
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shots. actually felt. strong no small. points your thirst for action. illustrations but exploited this time not just today but the style of speech that i'm. asleep for she marched into i'm going to share slow ball on. the. post but i don't.
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think this. should. be pushed to monsignor thomas more some. welcome back we'll be talking about n.h.s. shortages later in the show but i'm still here with world renowned environmentalist talk of on the shiva we would say here in britain at least some of us that we have democracy we have the european union the european parliament we have these big trade blocs we have w t o organizations with democratically accountable representative. you believe however that fundamentally to our denying of the precautionary principle which is now of
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course being investigated in the context of coronavirus these are fundamental to the denial of the precautionary principle that has led us to this i think sadly the exit was driven by the denial of the pro precautionary principle i witnessed how it was the european union laws and biosafety that was seen as coming in the we of the g.m. will issue and a democracy which has been hijacked by big money and the billions. it's no more a democracy it is just at the start for a dictatorship and today we have a dictatorship of money which is able to totally trash people's will people's freedom that is what we have to wake up to right now people are talking about the vaccine the urgent need for vaccines or the specially ironically the developed nations of the united states or the united kingdom can get out of the
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mess that it finds itself in how can we stop ourselves from having to rely on big pharma doing research that actually threatens bio safety food safety. epidemiology itself i think 1st of all we do need democracy and diversity knowledge the 2nd is those who make money out of investments in a particular treatment of any kind this should not be decision makers this should not be allowed to come and talk to presidents and prime ministers because it is a conflict of interest to institutions that often talk to prime ministers and presidents of the world bank and the international monetary fund do you believe that at least this pandemic means they will be less able to tell the leaders of the global south to privatized their health care systems what health care systems they have after the global pandemic the hind behind insurance then how
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i need behind bailouts if you know world bank and i.m.f. are already getting ready and there's not a single time where world bank and i.m.f. have given money without a structural adjustment package behind it in 1000 $9.00 to $1.00 it was a $90000000000.00 crisis we had when world bank pushed the privatization of the seeds and that is what destroyed our agriculture and that is what created refugees most indians were farmers that refugee status is today in the migrant labor half of india. works as to carry sleeper all in and they have no work they are today's hungry people so you know the greed of the money machine as i call it in my book one is worse and the set on which the i.m.f. world bank the value to your rules the billionaires who really gain out of this the
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now thinking of how do you mine the minds of people that's what this book does when it says the answer to cambridge analytic how can you mind the data the bodily activity of human beings and then sell back lintas of the lands that is what people who have a passion for freedom and a passion for life should be looking at well the government here wants everyone to download an application to help people from coronavirus and surely bill gates has children and boris johnson here in london has just had another child why do you believe they would be a part of mass surveillance not only mass surveillance but the distorting and manipulating of research around say pandemics like coronavirus so if you think of 2019 we could call $29000.00 the expression of people's food everywhere in the world from cheerleader lebanon everywhere people
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were out on the streets calling for a change in the political and economic system when you create your wealth through test and people free people have the possibility to wrap things you're not just afraid of life because life can sell balkanize it really well you're afraid of people what they don't learn is you cannot shut down treat. even a blade of grass knows how to break through the concrete and we have to become blades of grass well i'm not sure what the low b.s. thread say to that i've got to mention actually a documentary produced by michael moore directed by jeff gibbs that was released for free on the internet on earth today your read it you're in the documentary come under a lot of criticism because it seemed to say that the so-called new green technologies you mention blackrock earlier and of course pension funds heavily invested in brand
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new green technologies for profit it seemed to cast doubt on wind power solar power and the way these technologies are created and whether they actually do help the environment at all i have learnt to do full cost accounting do not call all the appearances but do call the hand. so we were always told induction food is cheap it is feeding the work saw i started to do the full cost accounting and found that this trillions and trillions of dollars dollars of channel in man and to destruction biodiversity destruction struction a farmers and destruction of our health when we add all that together we will realize that we were not of poor industrial food pushed by the old boys and cartel and began if you take biofuel give me 2 look like it's very efficient in fact that in the european union we had big debates in the parliament where they were getting
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big subsidies for biofuels diverting fuld to feel but it takes more force to feel to produce biofuels and it substitutes just finally then since you mentioned accountancy in a sense you believe something as basic as farm yield now and different types of statistics that accounted for years should now or should now put in one column the cost because of coronavirus or definitely and i'm not talking about accounting i'm talking about auditing in the full cost benefit and you know when as if farmers have been pushed into the chemical track and this is. more money so let's sit and do the total to account in cost and benefit and then they realise they're losing out their debt or $100000.00 farmers so say the 2 principles that came out of the summit and i had the privilege to be the precautionary principle and the polluter should we measure nutrition we measure health perry and our work with the real
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farmers and true cost accounting is showing that we could feed 2 times india's population there's an amazing arc of that is definitely more powerful than a bill some of geoffrey's of the really little little creatures don't understand the in significance in the largest stores we invite them both on dr venter she with a career. that think it. well while boris johnson the government stands accused of overseeing the underreporting of the u.k. coronavirus death toll the numbers of health workers killed have been tragically clear but why is the n.h.s. find it so difficult to get basic protection for its workers the n.h.s. europe's largest employer now depends on communist china even though a global pandemic was rehearsed for back into any 16 i'm joined now via skype from london by the co-chair of keep our n.h.s. public dr tony solomon tony thanks for coming on before we get on to other issues
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fundamentally how is it that not keeping our n.h.s. public as a factor of britain's response to coronavirus because the whole service with this 1100000 people a single. protects the public. and this has been undermined in the ways it isn't just senators and zeeshan the government is seriously understand that the n.h.s. so that it's always under pressure is always on the sunders they haven't seen the stance that huge numbers of sequences they don't have not equipments and all of those things which make a mountain to be clear this is under successive administrations tony blair john major cameron and of course main boris johnson why is it that on the front line doctors and nurses have to have to get personal protection equipment from private providers given the n.h.s. is the largest employer in europe the what exactly is the story behind the fact the
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n.h.s. cannot produce its own protective equipment for its own staff well beyond behinds this really serious failure to protect its top that it was testing and continent facing and to present it and some nonsense and the chance stands in terms and so on behind us is this only do you. that's. tribe it is better than public and the government should not be investing so much money in public services the n.h.s. in the past used to cure it it's only equipments and make its own equipment to a certain degree of those that can't produce everything there is no reason on earth want the n.h.s. could not be reducing essential equipment such as generic drugs and such owns personal protective equipment and he should be doing so we are going to complain to
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a return to asleep public national fully provided fully funded health services and we will also be our food that actually be extended to the cursor this i haven't even talked about the current service but of course drugs are suddenly discovered socialism in the n.h.s. surely it cannot be his fault after all as regards this inability to procure equipment for as i say the largest employer in europe and not one politician administrative and doctor. shop nursing management person in the n.h.s. even sense exercise sickness when they simulated a pandemic thought oh we probably need some kind of a protection equipment for nurses and porters cleaners in the health service or that a lot of those who was involved in the. will to publish the timings of exercise sickness in 2016 if there were voices indeed raised the
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need saw a national supply in preparation for such an agency's of person protective equipment the recognition that there were insufficient barriers such a pandemic and specifically the lack of sentences out you know about this given that information is classified and top secret there's intimation that seen at least 20 to the cancer but the. the universal returns is not available so why that why are they doing on time until they do not because that shows them in a very polarized and ari who challenge the suggestion that boris johnson has discovered socialism but what they need how to do is realize that a nation in peril. and part of the world or us to use collective measures and put the public service and the private into service just
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finally on the issue of secrecy i'm not sure if this is because of the simon stevens who is there the boss of n.h.s. england who has a prior career as a scandal head tell us private health care for what do you make of the fact that n.h.s. staff are right now being threatened with disciplinary action for talking to the media for even tweeting about shortages of lifesaving equipment and hand problems on the front line in britain's response to coronavirus i think it is absolutely disgraceful it is a bullying comes that has come through the talks and it's come through top government and top of the n.h.s. england and then it goes down to none 0 in regions and trusts the fact that they might be punished for raising seriously responsible issues is it isn't dispraise and i think this that whole political agenda that has been shown to be bankrupt if we learn one huge thing of benefit from this to a virus is that the near liberal agenda has mets through the world and so
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people like no son stevens or the or the agents of change saw such an ideology and it has to start. dr tanya solomon thank you that's it for one of your favorite shows of the last season will be back bring you see is going to come to the right to show you tube if you don't miss an interview and join the other guy but twitter facebook instagram and face a. summer series imax guys are here to say see herbert you know in a month in which we were meant to have the 2 party conventions officially nominated doll chart for the republican and joe biden for the democrats the 10 demick has thrown the election into even more chaos than usual so joining us is great palast
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journalist author of many books including as the latest out now skyrocketing up all the bestseller lists it's called outro stole 2020. times the u.s. economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. you can work 40 hours 'd in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of we're not financially equality and the lack of affordable housing living minimum wage give many people no choice. just been a problem with the city and always turn around and told me stay away oh miss. the food that. requires. the most vulnerable or abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes.
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some of the morning the 15th of august in the headlines from us the german state of bavaria apologizes after failing to warn 900 people that they tested positive for corona virus as countries across europe registers spikes in infections. thousands of u.k. tourists meantime will a few areas having to race back home from france after london's slap the country on its quarantine list with only 24 hours warning it's created chaos for travelers. we pay everything going to still it's a phone calls. there was no way to get any money.


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