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tv   News  RT  August 15, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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headlines in r.t. brussels threatening sanctions over heavy handed response to protests and says it will cut all ties with the. become the german states but varia apologizes after failing to tell $900.00 people that they had the coronavirus it does come as countries across europe seek confection spike and u.k. holiday makers scramble to get home after france is added to britain's coronavirus quarantine list there any. given it does spark chaos for travelers. we pay. both. way there was no way we could get any money back.
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hello there you watching r t international this saturday evening 7 o'clock here in moscow the belorussian capital has once again become the focus of anti-government protests thousands of people have converged on men's clothing flowers in tribute to a demonstrator killed in the unrest that followed last sunday's to speak to presidential election this is the scene where he was killed earlier in the week as families of ask people to gather here instead of coming to his funeral of correspondents and this report from the city. i don't know more spiritual orderly as you can see many people have come today to push my trust station where a man from minsk alexander terrycloth ski was killed in the unrest it's difficult to count how many people are here they stand on both sides here they've completely
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filled the space near the entrance to the metro they're queuing to lay flowers but cars are honking as you can see for yourself despite you know it's harder. well in central moscow crowds have once again gathered outside the better russian better russian embassy making a stand in solidarity with the protest is from across that have reports now from the rally. saturday saw the biggest turnout say here as peaceful rallies can sing outside of the embassy of belarus say here in moscow the protesters had been gathering here for almost a week to express their solidarity with the people in belarus 6 meanwhile a phone conversation between russian and villa russian presence took place earlier on saturday and both leaders expressed confidence that all problems and belittle the settles have very serious they also added that the main goal is not to let external forces that sake advantage of this a situation and of course put
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a wedge in the corporation between russia and belarus the european union is now offering its own solution on the situation in the country at the european union will put forward to the better russian authorities a proposal for e.u. support and establishing in facilitating a dialogue between the political authorities opposition and broader society in view of resolving the current crisis ministers also agreed on the need to sanction those responsible for violence repression and the full suffocation of election results sanctions are the end of politics the key question now is what kind of policy the e.u. has towards biller us for osce the european union is one of our top priorities at a strategy meeting with the defense ministry alexander lukashenko noted that said the government in this country was formed in line with the constitution and he said
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that they don't need any court uncalled for and governments for it mediators for that matter and of course so washington added their own $0.02 into the conflict and said this is what they had to say about it i was glad to see the release of some protestors but that certainly is not in the community activists to support the bill and rescind people to achieve their sovereignty the range freedom of the peaceful radek insignias here outside of the bell russian embassy of course will be here to bring you any more developments but we asked analysts whether they do think that the sanctions plan will have the desired effect. there are discussion with the european union because they are in a difficult situation because on one sacked. they would like of course some political change to changes in their lives but in the same time they don't want to . serve their interests most western countries and especially i think germany wants
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to have that negotiation with me told a moment the sanctions they are talking about are mostly symbolic and not really found we will see how the situation will change but it was referred to law in the president of the european commission said. criminal behavior should be more careful in the way the chicks the voters and i give merkel a spokesman said she was very concerned about the election results she says of what's happening is unacceptable from the european union point of view if it is very very gurgles very delicate situation they don't want it to. do. they don't want to call for the elimination the removal or pretty much. go instead of saying who would take his place. now that you're in a state of bavaria has been forced onto the defensive after also failed around $900.00 travelers returning to the region will not tell that they actually tested
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positive for corona virus peter oliver has more on the story. there's been a huge blunder in the german states if the varia with 844000 corona test a backlog $900.00 of those still waiting for their results and known to have tested positive the man in charge of germany's largest state says he's sorry for the delay is due to example stocks are getting light in time the state government is sorry that these mistakes happened both the minister and also me personally that many people are now unsure as to what happened to their test results the reason given is the sheer number of people coming into germany from holidays elsewhere and taking covert tests by the roadside and train stations in both areas this move was brought in very quickly by the state and the information had not been recorded digitally mistakes happen in such extraordinary times the officials say the bavarian health
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minister though had offered her resignation over the blunder. offered to resign twice and then asked whether she had the courage to continue to carry out these tasks with as she wanted to and could see you both cases she said yes markets has made a bit of a reputation for himself during the corona pandemic as a mr fix-it that internecine his name touted as a potential successor to chancellor merkel when she steps down ahead of next year's election opposition leaders have been quick to use the testing delays to twist the knife on claims he's all talk and no final product if a state premier is always presenting himself as a crisis manager and constantly patting himself on the back he also has to take responsibility of point suring that things were when announcing new coronavirus measures he doesn't miss a press conference but when something goes wrong he sends out the health minister i
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would have expected him to have the backbone to step up himself the advice for any . still waiting for test results it's pretty simple just get another test done as germany and the rest of europe brace for a 2nd wave of covert 90 peter all over r.t. berlin. for spikes of covert infections are being seen in parts of europe at the moment france is recording around $3000.00 daily infections up 10 fold on last month and that has prompted the u.k. to add it to its quarantine least with the french government said that unfortunately the virus been going the wrong way there's been a 66 percent increase in the number of test positive tests in the last week alone so unfortunately francis happened to be added to the quarantine list with the u.k. to give people until 4 am this morning to return to britain if they wanted to avoid
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quarantine france a hugely popular with british tourists and many flop there and the lock down was lifted last minute announcement though to see thousands rushing back to try and beat the deadline with anybody who missed the deadline will now have to self isolate for 2 weeks when they return the rules and how applies to to those coming from the netherlands british holidaymakers were given only 24 hours notice and that has angered some travelers who do claim that the areas they had been staying in had lower infection rates than at home france is the 2nd most popular travel destination for brits and some 160000 with air when the country was put on the quarantine list not all of those who want to return home have been able to and we caught up with some of. chapel was out busy. so when where was allowed before it was safe to go now or it's late so maybe. i think i made the wrong decision in the 1st oh yes we wouldn't get one other way we
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pay everything all the facilities needed both opals soon as the government opened up the gate way there was no way we could get any money back but we were aware that . very difficult. for anything in place really that's going to stop the spread so i would very general blanket travel i mean based aid that says that we've got a quarantine or. i think testing is a better option we've already been knocked out for a very very long time we mahratta says it has started the mass production of its controversial new vaccine moscow announced this week it was 1st in the world to approve a coronavirus jab but there has been much concern around the globe that conus may have been cut among those worried is donald trump. i don't know much about it. we hope it works we do we hope it works they cut off certain trials and we just
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feel it's important to go through the process we have numerous different vaccines that we think are going to work but we want to go through a system of. the vaccine was created by russia's gemmell a instituted to many around 5 months of work critics to use a concept past all the necessary trials in that time to ensure it is in fact safe when the head of the cheat alexander ginzburg did talk to us and he said he told us how they managed to achieve such quick results. proper but this vaccine was created strictly in accordance with russian law this allows a vaccine to be developed more rapidly during an emergency and the coronavirus pandemic is definitely an emergency we haven't reduced the number of tests required to prove that the vaccine is safe rather we are running tests in parallel but when
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the pandemic started we were working on a vaccine against mers which is also a type of corona virus and is more lethal than covert 19 this research had almost completed the 2nd phase of tests so we had all the methodology in place. floors over 3500 people have tried this vaccine without suffering any serious side effects just some minor ones that one gets with any type of vaccine for example a slight temperature which can be relieved with a dose of paracetamol and this will be made clear in the instructions for use in. vaccine research is conducted in many countries across the world but the russian and soviet school of vaccine creation is a very serious one institute for example we have 4 generations of scientists working together so the knowledge we transmit is not just via papers and electronic devices but directly from one person to another when young researcher comes to me i
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always know which of our scientists can give them appropriate advice someone that's worked in the field for many many years. absolute when you're bored. absolutely not the only feeling was to defend myself my relatives and our population and just to complete the task we had been given namely to find a vaccine and it was also this feeling that many in our profession have many microbe hunters the need to catch and liquidate it. now africa's biggest hydroelectric dam could actually spell disaster for sudan that's because early starts the warning from experts who do say that large parts of the country could be swallowed by sand.
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was. the side ever simplicities leaves it to you does it affect haitian institutions that undergird cultural and development policies between $940.00 s. and fifty's agricultural policy sought to expand agricultural areas for cure screws such as cool and sesame at the expense of natural forests consequently large areas of natural forest were removed for this purpose and were not recovered again s.s.e. says one of the main reasons leading up to this is it acacia says it was at the cost. of. a bit too many years have passed since they got married and started living in this house my difficulties in life come from the encroachments of sand our lands heard.
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the walls of our houses have fallen and every year i use all the money that i see i need to move sand or build walls everything urns we used to do that we make the walls of the buildings higher but the sand continues creeping towards us. still ahead this hour donald trump's ex lawyer michael cohen promises to spill the beans on the president and his new tell all book which the white house though has already dismissed as fiction i'll have the details just after the break.
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world is driven by a dream shaped by. the dangers thinks. we dare to ask. some are solutions serious imax guys are here safety herbert you know in a month in which we were meant to have the 2 party conventions officially nominated donald trump for the republican and joe biden for the democrats the pen demick has thrown the election to even more chaos than usual so joining us is greg palast
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a journalist author of many books including his latest out now skyrocketing up all the bestseller lists it's called outro stole 2020. again he has written to the u.s. saying it is highly concerned about washington sanctioning companies working on the north stream to pipeline project with russia. their opinion considers that their. of sanctions is illegal under international law at the same time their opinion continues to higher value just in time to unity the common foreign and security goals are shared which increases the impact of sanctions we welcome the look on this issues department of state is updating the public guidance for katz authorities to include north stream to the 2nd line of turk stream to this action
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puts investments or other activities that are related to these russian energy export pipelines at risk of u.s. sanctions it's a clear warning to companies aiding and abetting russia's malign influence projects will not be tolerated get out now or risk the consequences. runs through the baltic sea and move to liver natural gas to germany bypassing traditional transit countries like ukraine european companies are also part of the costly project which aims to double gas imports from russia to germany the head of the bundestag energy committee class urns feels that washington's behavior is unacceptable. this is unacceptable that any country like the united states tells another sovereign nation like germany or an independent european union how to deal with the question of its own energy supply it's out of sync with normal relations in the era of globalization things cannot be achieved by blackmail the americans say if you
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don't do as we want we want to protect you and if we protect you then you have to pay for that and we should pay with the import of liquefied gas and if you don't do that we will get rid of everyone here this is the current american policy but this is unacceptable and we should fight it there are 2 aspects the stakes one is a professional one and the 2nd one is more important independence of germany. so washington then has that repeatedly time that north trying to was a threat to european energy security the u.s. plans to sanction companies that don't pull out of the projects class ernst again now says police that germany should retaliate if that indeed happens. we should let the americans understand that if they continue this kind of behavior it will cause economic damage that is why 'd i advise imposing punitive tariffs on american liquefied guess and under certain conditions even an embargo on american
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go ahead the americans the same way they want to hit us if they then notice that we are not the ones to concede easily we are an opponent who can react to them we should negotiate how the 2 countries can lift the sanctions as soon as possible because this is the real game we don't want to impose more sanctions we want to prevent american sanctions by means of our own sanctions and i think we need to show the americans a particular economic response from our side. the u.n. security council has rejected the u.s. sponsored resolution to extend the arms trade embargo against iran washington only true support from the dominican republic while russia and china vetoed the draft and other members abstained a 10 year embargo in october and now reports. well the resolution put forward by the united states would have extended the arms embargo against iran now
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france germany and other countries have been very vocal about the fact that they oppose the united states' decision to unilaterally withdraw from the iran nuclear agreement and furthermore they oppose putting new sanctions on iran now in the lead up to the vote at the u.n. security council u.s. diplomats were very adamant that they felt this arms embargo must be extended here's some of what we heard i call upon all security council members to wake up to the real world implications of this arms embargo to lapse family or to extend the arms embargo would make a mockery of that sacred responsibility in which the united nations with crédit now prior to the vote in which this resolution failed mike taylor said the united states feels that if this arms embargo is not extended as it was not that the united states will impose the snapback mechanism in the iran nuclear deal and snap back the sanctions on iran this is mike papantonio the u.s.
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secretary of state i want to play as i said i want to be 2 kids who are deeply aware how this happened is an option that's available to them that it sticks and we're going to do everything within america's power to ensure that that arms embargo is extended and i'm confident that we will be successful now the snap back mechanism in the iran nuclear agreement was essentially put in place so that if iran were to violate the j.c. pos a they would then face the penalty of an immediate snap back of the sanctions of this will in some of the next confrontation which is about the united states seeking to impose so-called snapback inspections that are you know part of the joint comprehensive program of action which are to be implemented if iran is found to be in noncompliance iran of course is not in noncompliance and the united states is no longer a party to this agreement. but the united states is going to seek to take advantage of bad writing of the agreement to impose its will which will soon be
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a crisis in the security council this vote is a meaningless vote it's really so you know the larger confrontation now currently mike pompei o is in the at stocking with officials from the international atomic energy agency they say that iran has fully complied with the nuclear deal i'm not violating my fiance oh says however it doesn't really seem to be a about the nuclear deal anymore this isn't about the j.c.b. away this is about whether the world is going to permit iran to buy and sell weapons systems again it's that clear it's that simple so it seems that the trumpet ministrations policy of imposing maximum pressure on iran and ripping up the iran nuclear deal was essentially put 2 of folks at that body that meets the united nations and it seems that this policy of the trump white house seeking to escalate tension with iran was overwhelmingly rejected the united states as you know has a maximum pressure campaign on iran they want the iranian government at least the
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way they put it to change its behavior radically in the region this is part of a much larger u.s. policy to help its friends saudi arabia israel and to her next enemies and to keep america paramount in the persian gulf the source of so much of the world's oil 50 percent of the world's oil supplies is about control of the international energy supply. finding this that donald trump's former lawyer has released the forward from a new book about his elbow loss a year ago michael cohen was found guilty of fraud and perjury and the sentenced to 3 years in jail he was when he stood in a town is currently on the highest arrest but he still promising to dish the trump in his new book something the white house has already dismissed as fiction.
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i am the old member of the book of the month club 1st i am low life dummy john bolton a war mongering fool my lighting the lowell next up is mary trump the seldom seen niece who knows little about me says untruthful things about my wonderful parents who couldn't stand and me and violated her and.
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donald trump is a walking. and is becoming yes this this day and this psychodrama s. this absolutely in c should know what new things new say about him he is responsible for everything for colvin for racism or sexism for dandruff the common cold venereal disease hate bad movies boiled food everything is attributable to donald trump. and that is the news for now here on
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r.t. good have you company more from us at the top of the. ah no team no crowd. no shots. matching belts be. extra no firsts. points your thirst for action. illustrations but it's what it's best at not just get up but just tell the speech
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that i. beat the eat eat eat the food membership march or i'm going to get shipped lobel on. board a. hospital to. get to. work. this will. be. the push to march to town commerce about a month or so. i .
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but i'm dead a kaiser report summer solo show and serious imax guys are here stacy herbert you know in a month in which we were meant to have the 2 party conventions officially nominated donald trump for the republican and joe biden for the democrats the pen demick has thrown the election into even more chaos than usual so joining us is greg palast journalist author of many books including as the latest out now skyrocketing up all the bestseller lists it's called how trope stole 2020 states even the title itself greg palast how trump stole 2020 not sound too good for anybody who is hoping that biden when all the polls at the moment anyway suggest that biden is
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indeed going to win so how are you saying that from i still holds moles ok yes well of course hillary clinton was wiping the floor with donald trump in the polls in july of 2016 in fact if i remember the day before the election the morning of the election and this n.b.c. saying no way no path to 270 for donald trump who's in the white house president clinton spoke not president click ok. forget the polls stole the election now my book is not a prediction it's a warning and it has been storm at sea that i'm an investigative reporter remember max so it's all about the facts they've already removed 17000000 people from the voter rolls that's federal government numbers for the past 2 years a record 17000000 voters who are going to be shocked that they don't get their mail in ballot and guess what max.


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