tv News RT August 18, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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you were part of the 1st for. the office to meet protest this way saying a rerun of the disputed presidential election can take place but only if the constitution is amended so after thousands of factory workers down tools across the country demanding alexander lukashenko. i. i i. i. was 19 infections spiking across europe governments across the continent to reimpose popular safety restrictions which respond widespread discontent. president of the trump threatens federal intervention in new
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york as a wave of violence sweeps the city police brutality protests and on lockdown measures . very good morning to you this is all to international thanks for joining us. valerie says into the 9th day of protests against the president he's accused of rigging the recent election although initially by a heavy handed police response the demonstrations are now largely peaceful and turnout opposition rallies across the country remains high. i look i i i. i. i was i monday night thousands of people gathered outside a detention facility in the center of minsk demanding the release of barred
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presidential candidate viktor baraka as well as that of the husband of the opposition leaders had learned that if enough scar also gathered to another prison where many of those who've been arrested during the 1st night of unrest are held for some are eager to enter the building others asked them to stay karma not chance slogan so as to avoid provoking the security services. and much of the public anger in belarus is directed against security forces for their brutal treatment of protesters and bystanders and to voice their discontent the demonstrators convene once again in the capital's independence square auntie's constantine bailo was there for us. there's a crowd of protesters here on independence square which is where they have been gathering every evening there are the factory workers who went on strike this morning and medics rallying outside the health ministry which is just off the square so it's already become a tradition of crowds gathering day after day like yesterday there are no special forces out here just metal barriers so everything is moving along quite peacefully
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people are chanting the same slogans against the president resign for osieck of you and so on it's noticeable that there are fewer people here today than on previous these there is already sense of tiredness with no change in the situation. in the by the russian authorities are accusing anti-government activists of. violent behavior during the rest this video was released by the country's investigative committee that allegedly says a man forcing a truck driver out of his vehicle gunpoint going to investigate is the protest to seize the vehicle and news did to block a road. the pressure mounting president lukashenko has made a number of public appearances however it's backfired his words were met with anger during a speech at a factory monday on the same day thousands of workers across the country downed tools and demanded a rerun of the disputed election. that is only possible if the constitution is amended. numbered up but we need to adopt a new constitution you must adopt it in
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a referendum because the previous constitution was adopted in referendum under the new constitution we can hold new elections if you want for parliament for presidency and local authorities. look at things also hinted if necessary russia may offer security assistance in the event that there is an external threat to belarus some foreign media even turgid that as an indication the kremlin is poised to intervene in by the roots to restore order and it is this speculation a number of e.u. countries have raised concerns over possible russian meddling discuss this with our guests. i think there is a problem now there's a preconception in the west that russia may. be tempted to intervene in belarus by whatever means largely because we're all looking back at what's happened in the brain. and i think maybe this is rather
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different but it's not necessarily how it looks when you look at it from london people will be expecting that maybe russia will act and someone being the european union is blamed for you begin to roll in the roads and the they hear her stand out there because of a group who saves the lives of the most you of liquid single but they're the same time we accept the ground and we know that there is a gun free where mr graham has more than 50000 of your poland in danger and there were one or sanctions against turkey so i assume that the european union is the rain who didn't want to read self within the big. melosa. and they are trying more or less like the great big guy and the who are so corner
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or answer that it will russian this is something unacceptable because of the problems of the middle of. the my membership and people themselves i think the principle position anyone should be taking would be to see that know what governments outside of belarus to be getting involved in this we should leave this the people of belarus to decide their own future but of course that's not going to happen in today's world so i think the european union imposing and threatening sanctions and tell you russia and so forth is absolutely hypocritical but also the. once again the exposes you know there's no more attempt to deal with russia as an equal because russia is caught up in this is well i mean it is supporting would call but he's no particular friend or more school they must be worried through but what the impact of all this is going to be so it surely is the best they reach try and discover what is going on in the minds of their glad to
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move up and try and open some sort of discussion which we brussels and darwin and more school in the meantime more foreign countries have challenged his legitimacy as president rejecting the election results the e.u. confirmed in strong up sanctions against bello russian officials who are suspected of election fraud and violence against protesters at the same time head of the opposition to atlanta to can oscar announced her intention to leave the country even though she's currently in exile in lithuania and he's done a hawkins takes a closer look at who his main challenger is. but the roof is at boiling point its streets and squares are main packed with thousands of voices of discontent its people determined to be heard they feel the president just isn't listening they don't mind a new leader a symbol to unite them at a time of crisis. has become this symbol yet i'm not a politician my husband surrogate economically wanted to become the president of
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valorous he's now in prison for that almost unknown at the end of maine the humble english teacher and interpreter to lead a quiet life until her husband is set again to cut off ski a popular blogger presidential candidate was disqualified from the presidential race and thrown in jail in an act of protest she took up the opposition husband's name and announced she would stand she said herself that she didn't want power at one point telling supporters she's more comfortable frying cutlets in her role as stay at home mom you are just as i want to become president in order to restore justice in this country my campaign program one be familiar to everyone the main point is new honest and fair elections. to cut off was just a woman with a grudge like many he couldn't predict the crowds would turn her into a symbol misconceived our constitution is not for women our society is not mature
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enough to vote for a woman but us things got heated it seemed but i was ready perhaps not specifically for ticking off but for change yet despite condemning the results as false protests gaining traction she fled the country putting our family 1st. i have probably remained the soft woman that i originally was i know that many will understand me many will condemn me and many will hate me but know this god forbid that you faced a choice that i had to face children are the most important thing that we have in life. yet for some in the west she really is one step away from the presidency with the german government already confirming it's held talks with the exiled opposition figure now she's no long with the english teacher mother or weak woman as she described herself days later she claims she's ready to step up to the plate as head over transitional government. there i am prepared to act as
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a national leader. others could have been in her shoes but as opposition figures fell out of the picture taken off her was left as the last woman standing the accidental candidate with her latest announcement she's upped the ante time will tell whether she can meet the expectations of those that want her to lead that change. the specter of a 2nd wave of coronaviruses haunting a pandemic weary europe governments across the continent are again rolling out unpopular restrictions but the public is growing increasingly fed up into other explains. as europe tries to tiptoe back to normality a 2nd wave of covert 19 seems set to derail those hopes here in germany daily infections passed a 3 month peak last week the health minister in the country says this is partly due to soma in general people coming back from holidays people attending parties and
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other celebrations now is to buy into that and it's very difficult to make people stick to the moons after they've had 2 or 3 beers at a party such events make it especially easy could virus to spread so maybe we should stick to smaller family gatherings for a while longer germany has labeled most destinations in spain including the extremely popular destination of yorka as high risk it another blow to the already stricken spanish tourism industry but i think i mean i think the measures they're taking are a bit drastic we thought we had good prospects for september but now with travel companies sending people home it's getting very difficult it's good to be cautious but the situation here looks fine to me and now with no customers i don't know how long we can hold on you know back east at the moment is my pain has taken tough measures against condit 19 social distance in masks as you can see we don't have outbreaks but the virus is everywhere you never know where you will be safe and
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where you can catch it let people travel because here we depend on the tourism and if we don't have to or is it will sink neighboring france has also been breaking records for all the wrong reasons marking up post lockdown high of over 3000 cases seen metropolises like paris and mall say expand outdoor areas with face coverings a mandatory while work spaces are also set to become mosque zones so. it is a good idea but it won't be easy to make people respect the rules especially at work because they will have to spend the whole day there with a mosque on vision. i wear a mask to work every day and i think it's normal so for me nothing will change you know more person is a surge of cases in france and all the other countries so i know it's necessary to wear a mask i wear one every day at work a spike in cases among young people has seen the italian government step in to shut down discos and night clubs they'll also be
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a reintroduction on rules insisting that face coverings be worn in outdoor public spaces at night. and that we did not see this government response before my pig everything should have been closed. we can be but i sympathize with those who own nightclubs it's not easy finding the balance between the interests of entrepreneurs and public health political events going on there are no i don't think the club should have been reopened it all should have remained closed because the clubs are not essential in closing them prevented new cases both the number of cases in europe rises so does anger over covert prevention measures. i.
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think. no one wants to see a return to full lockdown that places those in power in the own enviable position of having to try balance freedom with fighting code of it as we try to work out which restrictions we want to be imposed and where the virus is determined to reimpose itself across the whole of europe peter all over r.t. berlin. the state of emergency in the lebanese capital has been extended until september 18th beirut still reeling from the devastating chemical blast that tore through the city 2 weeks ago 190 people were killed. in the tragedy more than 5000 were injured and 300000 left homeless as the explosion ripped through buildings century old spilled is belonging to lebanon's cherished architectural heritage have been damaged the owner of one ruined historic mansion lived in by his family for generations shared his loss.
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my ancestors lived here 200 years ago and it's been in the family ever since i lived up stairs and when the explosion happened i was sitting here with my wife and daughter into it run children i was reading a newspaper. the oldest tears were made of marble they don't make them like that anymore real artistry went into the building everything is computerized and heartless but even the small things i headed from my gran grandparents and wanted to hand down to my children there got destroyed.
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my sight is that much that i've never seen anything like the port explosion we have witnessed warts and blood spilt but nothing like this. and if they finish their investigation and arrest they won't rebuild my home and bring back our history it is the politicians who should be held responsible for what happened. to build this country and we will build it again we have national unity. you'll see the sharp increase in violence as donald trump slams the city's otho excuse for rejecting federal assistance is also getting the backing of an influential police union ahead of the elections story after the break.
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the president. threats to send federal agents to new york as the city grapples with a wave of violence police brutality until all down protests trump blame to fresh reforms budget cuts for the spike in unrest recently secured the backing of new york's largest police union. but explains now the issue could prove significant ahead of november's election. new york city needs saving apparently more so than oregon and media is now comparing new york city to gotham city however there is no batman here fact there's barely anyone a wave of looting crime and riots has seen many high end stores close up their windows.
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50 people were shot over the weekend and there's been a 177 percent increase in gun violence this july compared to last year now donald trump blames local officials for this and says that soon washington may step in. if the new york city mckown do it we will after the city council agreed to cut the new york city police department's budget by roughly $1000000000.00 the police officers union decided to go rogue political road that is they decided to endorse donald trump now many times people say that a union like ours lorand for spin groups give indorsements
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not in the new york city p.b.s. a star in the new york city p.b.s. mr president you are in the endorsement and you've earned us indorsement i'm proud to give it no surprise it's got anger burning in the bellies of the democratic party here in new york. i am speechless new york city's a beautifully diverse working class democratic city the n.y.p.d. says clearly showing they're not interested in working with the people of our city this explains their continued aggression against innocent people it's time for dramatic change and why p.d. union endures trump i'm sure this is a part of the neighborhood outreach plan also does anyone else see a potential problem with police unions enforcement arms of the state with lupul weapons promoting preferred candidates for office is that just me it's a political wrestle mania here in new york we've got trump versus the local officials local officials versus the police and vice versa at this point it's
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pretty clear new york city needs some kind of caped crusader to stop the wave of crime but will that savior be in washington. r.t. new york. u.s. intelligence agencies reportedly believe that iran paid bounties to the taliban for tug u.s. and coalition forces in afghanistan according to information obtained by c.n.n. the payments are linked to at least 6 attacks last year including a suicide bombing at a u.s. base in december the top correspondent quarter good morning to dawn revelations quite familiar take us through the. morning mail well if you remember not too long ago the mainstream media was again citing its anonymous sources claiming that russia was somehow paying balinese to the taliban for hits on u.s. soldiers in afghanistan russian intelligence officers have offered to pay belmonte to taliban fighters who kill americans who kill americans complex story at the
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heart of it there is something very simple that the european intelligence official i spoke to says that russian military intelligence officers offered money to taliban fighters in afghanistan to kill american or other coalition fighters if this times report is correct this means that u.s. intelligence has concluded that vladimir putin. is offering bounties for the scalps of american soldiers in afghanistan. now back then no evidence was provided president trump even said that the story wasn't credible enough for him to have been briefed on it and the kremlin denied any involvement it spokes person dimitri pascoe of said that it was regrettable that one of the world's most renowned international media outlets was public was publishing absolute hoaxes now fast forward to today and in the world of c.n.n. all of a sudden iran is also paying bounties to the taliban. 10 has just learned that an
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assessment by u.s. intelligence agencies has found that iran in addition to russia also paid bounties to taliban fighters to target u.s. and coalition troops in afghanistan. unsupported allegations still this all this is according to the channels. i do apologize don't you carol. while i was going to say although all of this of course is according to anonymous sources that the channel declined to mention but who knows what will happen this time because last time a lack of evidence didn't seem to stop democrats from going berserk over the issue . there's overwhelming evidence that putin has gone and he's pain significant bounties to kill american soldiers in afghanistan it seems clear from what the intelligence is real i find it inexplicable in light of these very public
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allegations that the president hasn't come before the country and assured the american people that he will get to the bottom of whether the russians are putting a bounty on the heads of american troops. now hopefully this time american officials will wait for the facts to surface before they jump to conclusions about iran but until then it just seems like stories such as this one only serve to make russia and iran out to be the bad guys in the in the eyes of the western public many things don't call it reporting for us that. we spoke to invest in the state lyndall few says the allegations against iran and russia are questionable. russia and iran have both been demonized for some time by both the media and particularly in the case or ran by the trumpet ministration you know when the media came out with this what clearly appears to have been a bogus claim about russian intelligence paying these panties to taliban fighters
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to do what they were doing already. you know trying to kill americans and drive them out of the country the evidence turned out to be completely wrong and so now we have the trumpet ministration supporting this claim that the. that it's the iranians are doing the same thing i don't think the rationale is there the taliban don't need as they have explained themselves don't need anybody to pay them for them to want to attack americans and to make the war to know so costly for the us that the us pulls its troops out so. you know absent really strong evidence i think it's a ludicrous claim ok watching on to national thanks for staying with us don't forget you can check it out on all the various social media channels and plenty most always with checking out our website on t.
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dot com. greetings and salyut ation. well hello hello hello and welcome back everyone to a brand new week of hawk watching and my goodness is the august news cycle started off with a bang a quite literal and deeply tragic bang for the people of lebanon over $200.00 souls and counting of lost their lives to an ammonium nitrate explosion in the port of beirut in the aftermath and fall out of this tragedy the peers to be the dire results of government negligence ignored warnings and failed infrastructure it is now being reported that the lebanese government is resigning amid all of the outrage over the blast there resigning meanwhile here in the land of milk and honey in coded leaders of the united states of america are still deadlocked in the
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goshi ations negotiations over how little they should have to spend on the care and safety of u.s. citizens in a time of pandemic and how much they can funnel to special interest groups and corporate bailouts instead of u.s. citizens but thankfully over the weekend u.s. president donald trump finally took action from his underground bunker on the 9th hole of the trump national golf club in bedminster new jersey from up on high the president signed a series of executive orders and proclamations that well according to the hill extend unemployment benefits suspend payroll taxes and offer federal addiction and student loan relief well woohoo this is wonderful this is great great new. sort of kind of not really you see despite all the legitimacy a ball room full of golf club members brings you many legal experts and news outlets are questioning whether trump's executive orders are actually constant.
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illegal the new york times is reporting that it was not clear what authority mr trump had to act on his own on the measures or what immediate effect if any they would have given the given that congress controls federal spending even the wall street journal got in on the game their editorial board chimed in writing mr trump is commandeering the power of the purse but the constitution reserves for congress . so my friends while lebanese leaders are resigning in shame for their failure to protect their citizens from tragedy u.s. leaders are governing from golf resorts while brandishing election year band-aids for an empire in collapse. i think that's a good place to start watching. what's going on a city the street you want to. see this is joyce
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state. graves see this least systemic deception is the late show which i will see you as. well going to watching the i robot and i'm a well well well i mean look at this brand new slate of executive orders don't really know if they really will amount to anything but let's. see what they're all about show absolutely. it's interesting because republican sort of these executive orders that trump did over the weekend are getting kind of attacked from all sides even republican sides republican senator ben say as so nebraska he called them the pen and phone theory of executive law making it called it unconstitutional. slop but it's a pretty hefty thing to mount and i think that that one of the most interesting things that you point out is that trump is taking fire from both sides on this because congress doesn't like being overstepped. so you have people on the
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democratic side a lot of house members who are taking trying to task but you also have a lot of republican senators who feel as though they are no longer part of the conversation what trump has done in this and i think that you point to some interesting things here. he's using this to basically circumvent congress and congressional powers but also i think to bolster this authoritarianism that he personally believes that he thinks that the buck stops with him and he's fine with doing that this is the same president who when obama was in office talked over and over again tweeted over and over again about his use of executive powers about him signing so many executive orders and how much of a problem it was and now we're seeing him do actually more than what obama did and he is trying to make sure that he basically sizes things up for this election he knew that it was going to take a long time for anything to get through congress the deliberations were not anywhere where people expected them to be and i think that he is using this to say
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