tv News RT August 18, 2020 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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and today's headlines bonus enters a 10th day of anti-government rallies as more factory workers go on strike demanding a new election path after the bell russian leader made an offer to protesters saying that a rerun of the disputed presidential vote will take place but only if the constitution is amended. leaders of france and germany reached out to president putin to discuss the situation in valorous russia has called on all countries to avoid interfering to
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the crisis. plus with covert $1000.00 infections spiking throughout europe governments across the continent are breached imposing safety restrictions sparking widespread discontent. and donald trump threatens federal intervention in new york as a wave of violence sweeps the city amid anti police brutality protests and unrest over a lockdown measures. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r.t. h.q. in moscow thanks for tuning in this hour. bellerose has entered a 10th day of protest against the president who's accused of breaking the recent election in his favor although demonstrations were initially marred by a heavy handed police response they are now largely peaceful factory. across the
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country have been brought to a standstill by workers strikes and crowds are out on the streets demanding the president's resignation and vowing to keep up the pressure until their demands are met things looked yesterday. ok ok. on monday night thousands gathered outside a detention facility in the center of minsk calling for the release of political prisoners among them barred presidential candidates and the husband of the opposition leader. people also gathered at a nother jail where many who were arrested during the 1st night of unrest are still being held. now facing the worst rest of his 26 year presidency alexander lukashenko has made a number of public appearances but so far that's backfired he got
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a hostile reception while giving a speech to factory workers on monday they chanted calls for him to quit go has said that new elections can only happen if the constitution is amended meanwhile the leaders of france and germany have both contacted the russian president to discuss the crisis in belarus bottom or putin told president mccrone and chancellor merkel that moscow is against any form of interference in belarus warning that it would be counterproductive european council president charles michel also spoke with live near putin on tuesday saying the e.u. begin its working on personal sanctions against those responsible for human rights violations against peaceful demonstration. now to discuss this further we're bringing in eastern europe specialist ben eris here very welcome to the program as we just mentioned present mccrone and chancellor merkel have both been in contact with president putin about the situation in belarus why do you think they've reached out to him rather than engaging in talks with. well it's ironic isn't it i
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mean it's and here now you've got putin warning western leaders not to interfere in the domestic politics of another country and better russia is struggling its people are trying to free themselves from 26 years of rule by a shank of the reasons economic stagnation is appalling handling of the covert crisis but this is within the european context and of course ukraine is standing in the background and geo political forces are aligning themselves. to see which way it goes i think better some people are simply interested in getting rid of look pushing go on having more say and how to run the country but the great powers such as they are. interested in making better or should join one of the 2 clubs the russian president stressed the need to avoid any foreign interference and valorous what kind of interference do you think he's concerned about. well it's this is the point i mean russia actually has.
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interests in either russia the 2 economies are very tightly twined most obviously although a lot of russia's oil and gas pipelines run across ukraine to its customers in the west there are significant oil and gas pipelines that run through that russia as well and those are legitimate interests the russian economy and indeed better issue is home to 2 very large very modern oil refineries which the russian companies because they're very profitable and what hootin is suggesting is what he's afraid of is that the e.u. comes in and. tries to rationalise a capture or at least persuade the country to go and join the e.u. or 'd. leave russia sphere of influence ignore us just interests in the country and these are legitimate fears i mean there's been a tussle rather unseemly to us for influence in these countries but it should be
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make crystal clear that better or worse itself and the opposition leaders in particular have expressed no interest whatsoever in joining the e.u. aspiring to western european values they very much look to the east that's a function of the deeper economic integration but also extremely deep and longstanding cultural and historic ties between the 2. we also know that the european council is due to hold a meeting on the situation and valorous what do you expect to come out of that if anything. well the u.s. already made her is sort of rather aggressive comments we had reports that the e.u. has approached to an office guy who's actually in exile in the moment in lithuania nothing was said about what was discussed but presumably they're laying the ground for the relationships between the russia under a new opposition leadership and the e.u. and to be honest there's no reason why better russia should not have good relationships with you i mean one of the remarkable things or issue which is not
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generally acknowledged is that actually it's rather diversified economy that it's very good at manufacturing and then its trade goes both ways i mean russia is its major trade partner but it exports nearly half of what it produces. and so the nuclear issue will be as interested in good relationships with the west as it is with the east but in commercial terms i think politically they're going to look to moscow as moscow has been the source of particularly funding looks and has rejected any approach by the i.m.f. and all. submarine funding that comes to better russia is largely raised from from russia so that's an important relationship too but like i said the has been very aggressive they said they've warned russia that there should be no overt or covert interference in the domestic policies under the threat of facing new renewed
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extremely quote unquote heavy sanctions it is seen to do that but i think it is going to come back with exactly the same argument in fact and he did say explicitly to merkel this morning in that telephone that there should be no western interference in the domestic politics. and all said and done the better russian people should be left to decide for themselves i mean that's the way these revolutions go it's best for the people to sort out on their own and then sense their friends and everybody is pointing to the armenian model which is more or less that's. played out place a government and passion and who took over then went and made friends with both the west but also specifically for russia because russia isn't actually a role to play a constructive role here in terms of vestment in terms of financial aid in terms of trade etc. we also have the e.u. drawing up sanctions against bell or russian officials is that an appropriate course of action do you think does that not also how that idea of foreign
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interference. well indeed and ironically i mean my point about the people getting on with. this makes of a c c i she said it sanctions too soon that is going to make the negotiations with looks at this regime more difficult by having these sanctions and that she actually wants everyone to back off the opposition wants everyone to back off while they concentrate on forming some sort of transitional government easing the percentage out and that's their goal at the moment and all this geo political tension that's starting to build up in the form of putin conversations is actually counterproductive that everyone says that banks look this and posted contribution to his village it's my zation cry wolf using to accept the results of the office 9 elections and wait for the locals to work out with the regime some way of. saying exit without the need for bloodshed i mean the threat that look percent was
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now back to the corner and as a last resort would declare martial law or is very real and that would end in massachusetts and nobody wants to go down that. we've been speaking with eastern europe specialist ban eris thank you for finding the time to join us on the program today. the german government has confirmed that it's been in talks with the leader of the belorussian opposition so monitor hello scott fled to lead the way in yet soon after the election saying her family had threatened artist and hawkins takes a closer look at the woman who claims to be the rightful winner of the belorussian election. but the roof is at boiling point streets and squares are main packed with thousands of voices of discontent its people determined to be heard they feel the president just isn't listening they don't mind a new leader a symbol to unite them at a time of crisis for the lawyer to head off has become this symbol yet i'm not
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a politician my husband surrogate economically wanted to become the president of valorous he's now in prison for that almost unknown at the end of may the humble english teacher and interpreter to lead a quiet life until her husband is set again to cut off ski a popular blogger presidential candidate was disqualified from the presidential race and thrown in jail in an act of protest she took up the opposition husband's name and announced she would stand she said herself that she didn't want power at one point telling supporters she's more comfortable frying cutlets in her role as stay at home mom you are just as good as i want to become president in order to restore justice in this country my campaign program won be familiar to everyone the main point is new honest and fair elections. took an oscar was just a woman with a grudge like many he couldn't predict the crowds would turn her into a symbol misconceived our constitution is not for women our society is not mature
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enough to vote for a woman but as things got heated it seemed was ready perhaps not specifically for to. but for change yet despite condemning the results as false protests gaining traction she fled the country putting our family 1st lady. i had probably remained the soft woman that i originally was i know that many will understand me many will condemn me and many will hate me but know this god forbid that you faced a choice that i had to face children are the most important thing that we have in life. yet for some in the west she really is one step away from the presidency with the german government already confirming it's held talks with the exiled opposition figure now she's no longer being a mother or weak woman as she described herself days later she claims she's ready
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to step up to the plate as head over transitional government and. i am prepared to act as a national leader. others could have been in her shoes but as opposition figures fell out of the picture taken off her was left as the last woman standing the accidental candidate with her latest announcement she's upped the ante time will tell whether she can meet the expectations of those that want her to lead that change. the specter of a 2nd wave of coronavirus is haunting a pandemic where europe governments across the continent are again rolling out unpopular restrictions but the public is growing increasingly fed up as peter harper reports as europe tries to tiptoe back to normality a 2nd wave of covert 19 seems set to derail those hopes here in germany daily infections passed a 3 month peak last week the health minister in the country says this is partly due
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to summer in general people coming back from holidays people attending parties and other celebrations. it's very difficult to make people stick to the rules after they've had 2 or 3 beers at a party such events make it especially easy could virus to spread so maybe we should stick to smaller family gatherings for a while longer germany has labeled most destinations in spain including extremely popular destination of the yorker as high risk it another blow to the already stricken spanish terrorism industry but overall i mean i think the measures they're taking are a bit drastic we thought we had good prospects for september but now with travel companies sending people home. very difficult it's good to be cautious but the situation here looks fine to me and now with no customers i don't know how long we can hold on you know back each of them on the plane has taken tough measures against khalid 19 social distancing masks as you can see we don't have outbreaks
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but the virus is everywhere you never know where you will be safe and where you can catch it let people travel because here we depend on the tourism and if we don't have to or is it will sink neighboring france has also been breaking records for all the wrong reasons marking a post lockdown high of over 3000 cases seen metropolises like paris and most say expand outdoor areas with face coverings a mandatory while work spaces are also set to become musk zones so. it is a good idea but it won't be easy to make people respect the rules especially at work because they will have to spend the whole day there with a mask on visum which i wear a mask it work every day and i think it's normal so for me nothing will change you know more person is a surge of cases in france and all the other countries so i know it's necessary to wear a mask i wear one every day at work a spike in cases among young people is seen the italian government step in to shut
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down discos and night clubs they'll also be a reintroduction on rules insisting that face coverings be worn in outdoor public spaces at night it's a beauty and then we did not see this government response before in my opinion everything should have been closed sooner. but i sympathize with those who own nightclubs it's not easy finding the balance between the interests of entrepreneurs and public health who prevented from going to honor but i don't think the club should have been reopened it all should have remained closed because the clubs are not essential and closing them prevented new cases both the number of cases in europe rises so does. covert prevention measures the use of the right.
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thing. no one wants to see a return to full lockdown that places those in power in the own enviable position of having to try balance freedom with fighting code it as we try to work out which restrictions we want to be imposed on where the virus is determined to reimpose itself across the whole of europe these are all of the in. a state of emergency and the lebanese capital has been extended until september the 18th beirut is still reeling from the devastating chemical blast that tore through the city 2 weeks ago some 180 people were killed in the tragedy with over 5000 more injured while 300000 were left homeless as the explosion ripped through buildings century old structures belonging to lebanon's cherished architectural heritage have also been damaged the owner of one ruined historic mansion lived in by his family
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for generations shared his loss. my ancestors lived here 200 years ago and has been in the family ever since i lived dumpsters and when the explosion happened i was sitting here with my wife and daughter and 2 grandchildren i was reading a newspaper. all of the stories were made of marble they don't make them like that anymore artistry went into the building everything is computerized and heartless but even the small things inherited from my friend grandparents one attend down to my children there.
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plus out of that lets out it i've never seen anything like the port explosion we have witnessed were lots but nothing like this. and the day they finish their investigation and arrest people they won't rebuild my home or bring back our history is the politicians who should be held responsible for what happens. live in this country and i mean to build it again like we have national unity. president donald trump has renewed threats to send federal agents to new york city's grappling with a wave of violence amid protests against police brutality and lockdown restrictions trump blames the budget cuts for the spike in arrests and is backed by new york's largest police to new issue could prove significant ahead of november's election as caleb often explains new york city needs saving apparently more so than oregon and
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the media is now comparing new york. city gotham city however there is no batman here fact there's barely anyone a wave of looting crime and riots has seen many high end stores close up their windows. 50 people were shot over the weekend and there's been a 177 percent increase in gun violence this july compared to last year now donald trump blames local officials for this and says that soon washington may step in. if the new york city mckown do it we will after the city council agreed to cut the new york city police department's budget by roughly $1000000000.00 the police officers union decided to go rogue political road that is
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they decided to endorse donald trump now many times people say that a union like ours lauren for sprint groups give indorsements not a new york city p.b.s. star in the new york city p.p.a. mr president you are in the endorsement and you've earned it indorsement i'm proud to get it no surprise it's got anger burning in the bellies of the democratic party here in new york. i am speechless new york city's a beautifully diverse working class democratic city the n.y.p.d. says clearly showing they're not interested in working with the people of our city this explains their continued aggression against innocent people it's time for dramatic change and why p.d. union endures trump i'm sure this is a part of the neighborhood outreach plan also does anyone see a potential problem with police unions enforcement arms of the state with lethal
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weapons promoting preferred candidates for office oh is that just me it's a political wrestle mania here in new york we've got trump versus the local officials local officials versus the police and vice versa at this point it's pretty clear new york city needs some kind of caped crusader to stop the wave of crime but will that savior be in washington. r.t. new york. u.s. intelligence agencies reportedly believe that iran paid bounties to the taliban for targeting american and coalition forces in afghanistan according to information obtained by c.n.n. the payments are linked to at least 6 attacks last year including a suicide bombing at a u.s. air base in december artie's double quarter was the story if you remember not too long ago the mainstream media was again citing its anonymous sources claiming that russia was somehow paying balinese to the taliban for hits on u.s. soldiers in afghanistan russian intelligence officers have offered to pay belmonte
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to taliban fighters who kill americans who kill americans the european intelligence official i spoke to says that russian military intelligence officers offered money to taliban fighters in afghanistan to kill american or other coalition fighters if this times report is correct this means that u.s. intelligence has concluded that vladimir putin. is offering bounties for the scalps of american soldiers in afghanistan now back then no evidence was provided president trump even said that the story wasn't credible enough for him to have been briefed on it and the kremlin denied any involvement it spokes person dimitri pascoe of said that it was regrettable that one of the world's most renowned international media outlets was public was publishing absolute hoaxes now fast forward to today and in the world of c.n.n. all of a sudden iran is also paying bounties to the taliban 10 has just learned that an assessment by u.s.
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intelligence agencies has found that iran in addition to russia also paid bounties to taliban fighters to target u.s. and coalition troops in afghanistan all of this of course is according to anonymous sources that the channel declined to mention but who knows what will happen this time because last time a lack of evidence didn't seem to stop democrats from going berserk over the issue there's overwhelming evidence that putin has gone and he's paying significant bounties to kill american soldiers in afghanistan seems clear from what the intelligence is real i find it inexplicable in light of these very public allegations that the president hasn't come before the country and assured the american people that he will get to the bottom of whether the russians are putting a bounty on the heads of american troops now hopefully this time american officials will wait for the facts to surface before they jump to conclusions about iran but until then it just seems like stories such as this one only serve to make russia
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and iran out to be the bad guys in the in the eyes of the western public we spoke to investigative journalist david lindorff who believes the allegations against iran and russia are questionable. russia and iran have both been demonized for some time by that both the media and particularly in the case are ran by the trumpet ministration you know when the media came out with this what clearly appears to have been a bogus claim about russian intelligence paying these panties to taliban fighters to do what they were doing already. you know trying to kill americans and drive them out of the country the evidence turned out to be completely wrong and so now we have the trumpet ministration supporting this claim that the. that it's the iranians are doing the same thing i don't think the rationale is there the taliban don't need as they have explained themselves don't need anybody to pay them
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for them to want to attack americans and to make the work to know so costly for the us that the us pulls its troops out so. you know absent really strong evidence i think that it's a ludicrous claim. now for some global news in brief mortar shell struck near kabul's diplomatic district tuesday morning as afghans marked independence day several people were injured no one has claimed the attack yet the strike comes a day after the government refused to release its last $320.00 taliban prisoners and once the insurgents to free more captured soldiers 1st. a 6.6 magnitude earthquake shook the central philippines on tuesday buildings and roads were damaged and one person is confirmed dead search and rescue efforts are underway. and firefighters in california have their work cut out for them as
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a heat wave aggravates local wildfires around 30 active fires right now on sunday temperatures soared to over $54.00 degree celsius the hottest day on record since 1913. has been our breakdown of the day's headlines for this hour for further details on those stories and countless others head to our website are 2 dot com. johnny pain has changed many american lives and pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be said to do. price that they paid was their dependency an addiction to opiates the long term
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use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation whole community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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washington coming up the u.s. is set to further tighten restrictions on wall way as president donald trump says the white house is looking at potential action against ali baba and other chinese giants we'll bring you the latest plus japan has seen a huge economic contraction due to the copan $1000.00 pandemic will take a look at how this dire economic news is affecting world markets and as 2 major college football conferences have postponed their season over the financial landscape of sports amid the pandemic with some expert analysis with a packed show today so let's dive right it. doesn't stop with tic toc and walk away now u.s. president donald trump said saturday he will go even further and is indicating that he might be an access to other chinese companies including e-commerce giant ali baba well the big thing is one way to read what is not here and well way i'm not allowing and i've told european countries and others australia has been fantastic as an example but well he's not coming here and we told certain countries that we
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