tv Politicking RT August 21, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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and sent him to perry why isn't it discussed. that's that course is too deep for me to answer psychological question to fundamentally when the cold war ended the danger the worried the people had to fear the people had about a nuclear catastrophe just ended with that and they just don't want to pick it up again or soon again but unfortunately that the reality is that the danger is still very much there you sir tom that the defining era of united states nuclear policy is that it's focused on the wrong threat what he talked about was the wrong threat so the threat that we're focused on a leftover threat from the cold war is the threat of an intentional attack from russia that is simply not a likely threat because it would be suicidal for russia to watch that attack any attack a nuclear attack that russia would launch at the united states the united states would respond with a nuclear response and so it would be suicide for both sides the most likely threat
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we face today is blundering into nuclear war by mistake that's the threat we should focus on that's the right threat and by focusing on the wrong threat yesterday's threat of a russian intentional attack rationally making the threat of a blunder even worse. hypothetically mr secretary give me an example of what would be a blundering threat i think the most obvious example is a false alarm that we have had now during the cold war 3 different false alarms. more of them i personally experienced by getting a phone call remember might it 3 o'clock in the morning or i caught a call from a watch office a north american intervention telling me this computer is showing 200 i.c.b.m.'s on the way from the soviet union to the united states. it quickly added that he concluded as i thought he was calling me to see if i could help him figure out what had gone wrong with his computers i tell you i will never forget that moment and no
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one can ever tell me that the probability of a false alarm is theoretical and the factors that led to the fall of 2 arms during the cold war are still in place today they're still in place we still are on a quick lunch policy is there a way to end the president's sole nuclear author already to retire the so-called football tom sure i guess there's 2 ways to do that one is the president himself could share that authority with congress by saying only disability leadership can and and launch nuclear weapons 1st but that authority would be the president shared with congress we think that would be a very viable strategy another way to do it is for the president to simply say the united states will never use nuclear weapons 1st the united states will never start nuclear war both of those approaches we think would make the united states in the world much safer because they would reduce the chance of blundering into
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a nuclear war by mistake so perri you describe that phone call late at night that changeup perspective yes it did. it maybe much more conscious that the real danger we're facing is not a surprise attack among so you're in a not today russia but as thomas said there were a blunder and a nuclear war and we combine or lie that through an accident like a false alarm or to a political cost a calculation they have a political calculation of the cuban missile crisis but again the conditions are still in place for another crisis like that today the hostility between u.s. and russia today is about as great as a new if you have between the u.s. and soviet union during the cold war and we still have nuclear weapons faced at each other and on quicklaunch policies. what's the risk of false alarms tom so the scenario that worries us the most is imagine that there's
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a cyber attack and most americans don't realize that our commanding control our nuclear warning systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks so imagine there's a cyber attack that shows that there's a nuclear attack coming from russia let's say that would be a false alarm but the president would know that for some period of time and might feel the need to launch nuclear weapons within minutes before he knows whether the attack is real or false that's the fall are false alarm danger that we really worry about and it's made worse by the fact that the president has sole authority to launch without consulting anyone can launch within minutes of an alarm and has nuclear weapons land based ballistic missiles that are vulnerable to being destroyed in the ground and the right ones as quickly so all of these things push the president towards a quick launch which could be starting nuclear war in response to a false alarm which to us is the worst catastrophe we can imagine as
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a 2nd memory fails me but didn't reagan and gorbachev signed that treaty need to end it. there are arrogant reagan and gorbachev actually talked about discussed at reykjavik giving up all nuclear weapons and they were not released an agreement that they did find they have a treaty called the i.n.f. treaty where they get rid of them or they eliminate all of the medium range missile sadly that train has now been. you know withdrawn from the trainmen effect we know no longer have any significant treaties controlling arms except a new start treaty which is about to expire. tom there are other people now involving on russia in the united states how many countries have nuclear weapons 9 countries have nuclear weapons but russia and the united states maintain 90 percent of those weapons so when you talk about the nuclear dangers in the world it's really primarily the united states and russia and when you talk about the potential
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to end civilization as we know it again it's the united states and russia so that's why we focus on the false alarm danger the risk of the united states or russia blundering into a nuclear war which literally could end civilization as we know it. senator defense suppose and. a general at norad. gets information that is wrong could he start a nuclear attack could as someone other than a president provoke a clear tack and the only way a nuclear attack is made possible today if there were a command being sent by the president and only the president has the communication system the kurds for doing that some theoretical way he's the only one who can launch it and in fact you can imagine something inside the system where i'm wrong but i'm less likely in general than to be actually in the. officers at the lunch
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counter to offset the lunch money required to keys repress those too often to quit kowloon in the scientists are nuclear or they can do it as well. why to a why didn't we just disband the bomb tom why wouldn't we have shown the world that we can do it as the rest of the world of do it and just do away with it well many people including us have been trying to eliminate nuclear weapons for quite some time there are very strong forces in support of nuclear weapons a people don't tend to see it this way but a lot of money is in the nuclear weapons industry about it $1000000000.00 a year so that's a lot of jobs that's a lot of careers that's a lot of military bases with jobs and so unless people are demanding from their leaders to reduce nuclear weapons the bureaucracy the vested interests are going to make sure that it doesn't happen and that's really the difference between now and
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the 1980 s. when there was a public movement calling for new productions there is no public movement anymore and so the nuclear rocker see those forces that are benefiting from the maintenance of nuclear weapons they tend to hold sway and so part of what we're trying to do is educate the public to say look unless the public gets involved we really can't fix the situation larry i went out there one hour and the secretary defense i think has the right at the end of the cold war and i thought we were on the process of eliminating nuclear weapons in fact between myself and the mention defense or russia or succeeded in dismantling 8000 nuclear weapons during the 3 years that our security council and i left the office i presume that was going to continue and we really were going to go there but then that's slowed down and then stopped and we're now in the process of really of restarting a nuclear arms race. tom has president trump spoken about this at all president
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trump has spoken quite a bit about nuclear weapons often in contradictory ways and i think you could see him as the reason why there is could earn about presidential sole authority it's hard to imagine a president more impulsive and probably less prepared to handle the decision of launching nuclear weapons then president trump but it today he is the only one that can order the launch of u.s. nuclear weapons now i don't mean to pick on president trump i would say that no president is prepared for that awesome responsibility and no president should have it it should be shared with congress or there should be a policy the united states should simply never start nuclear war. the secretary parity you fam president trump having that sole authority. i do fear it but i also i really agree with tom has our concerns not just from president
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trump other presidents have similar concerns in the past now when president nixon was in the last few months in his office he was a very heavy drinker and so he might have made an irrational decision based on that every drinking president kennedy was under very heavy medication for the pain that he was suffering and it's conceivable that led him to probably president reagan in the last few months in office appeared to be in the 1st few months early stages of alzheimer's so that all of these problems suggest no president should be given that authority oh william and tom stay right there we'll have more politicking right after this break. this is it's not often. this is not and it was. a test on why you're seeing patients all these years is the professional.
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this connects to mom's last chance to ask for the last 70 and seeing and on the rest of the facts from lucia and the commission soon. branson shifts. to town discipline them. being on the long. beach long. now newcastle said i'm hoping my steam mom lives just back janja. will go back to politicking we're talking with former u.s. secretary of defense william perry and tom collina director of policy
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a plow shares fund co-authors of the new book. the new nuclear arms race and presidential power from truman to trump what secretary perry is what is the football and how does that work. the football is a nickname we give to the communications system which the president would use if he were on order a large dinner and that is in a briefcase is carried by his out a shady attachés always always with the president every time you see the president on a trip you will see that an officer walking military officer walking discreetly behind carrying a briefcase that's a football football is a communication system in which he cures grand there's also no. he also has to have the code to use that dep secure day and he carries out in his own pockets so restrain that. football in the car as he had all the everything you need to start
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a nuclear war now this happened every day 24 hours a day ok we remember the films fail safe and duck to strangelove supposin we get a false alarm but that was in the russians we get a report that they have. preparing they're preparing a nuclear attack on the ited states what do we do we go to congress to vote on this what do we do well i think the 1st thing we'd say is there's no reason to have a quick launch and that's the most dangerous thing you can do is a quick launch if we get some notification that the russians are about to launch we should talk to the russians and try to figure out what's going on but understand that if the russians do launch and then we launch quickly our launch does not stop the russians launch so once one side has launched the game is over so so that the highest priority is to stop any launch of any kind so if you're
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a country is considering a launch get on the phone talking out of it but us doing a quick final quick launch is it going to stop isn't going to save this country mrs sedentary this may seem weird but why not ban i'm all for office and that's a good idea and that's an idea that president reagan president gorbachev that which they discussed seriously at reykjavik in 1986 they were not able finally to reach that agreement but they did follow up with their arms attorneys was reduced nuclear weapons now president reagan believed to declare weapons are great danger and he was were can try to get rid of them but he did not always succeed president obama believing that they were great danger and he were to try to read them and he did not succeed the forces resisting producing nuclear weapons are really very formidable who's in favor tom of keeping them. well you know and as i said because the american public by and large is has moved on to other
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issues those that benefit directly from nuclear weapons are the ones that have the most sway and the most say so that is the military part of the military that benefit from having nuclear weapons defense contractors who make billions of dollars every year from producing nuclear weapons members of congress who had those weapons in their districts and whose jobs in their districts they're protecting so there are vested interests that want to keep nuclear weapons and unless the american people demand it very strongly of their leaders the vested interests will hold sway now nuclear energy is a part of rife with them right doesn't nuclear energy. light up a lot of homes in america a new clearing does lined up a lot of phones in america and it can do it safely as well there one problem with nuclear energy is that the nuclear reactors that generate the fuel for the reactors
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. for the for the fuel for nuclear energy can also. turn a fuel that can be used to make a nuclear bomb so it is a possibility that a country that has nuclear energy might hughes their nuclear reactors to divert them into a nuclear weapon program that happened for example with north korea and it could happen when their hands were to i was so concerned about iran's nuclear reactor program. it may seem simplified tom where are our nuclear bombs where are they well hundreds of them are deployed in the upper midwest in land based silos abbott the largest proportion of our arsenal is based at sea at submarines. within submarines that are under the oceans or in ports ready to deploy which is why we say we don't need a land based ballistic missiles we could safely retire those because we have so
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many nuclear weapons deployed at sea even if we didn't have the land based missiles we would have deterrence against russia because even if russia attacked us we would still have the sea based missiles to respond secretary perry how on a scale of one to 10 how worried are you about this. i think the problem the possibility of a nuclear catastrophe today is greater than it was during the cold war well i wouldn't say it's 10 percent it's less than the last maybe only one in $100.00 not 2 when you get that there's a very don't grow dogs if you're. playing program it's not very good odds if the end of the world is at stake or whatever they are i really can't put a number on the whatever they are we should work to reduce them. is a very important book thank you both very much former secretary of defense william perry and tom collina director of policy and ploughshares fund thanks for being
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with us on politicking thanks for having to thank you for having us larry. act durant only genius as hollywood blacklisted him for supporting donald trump so he's launching a conservative movie studio to combat it he also has a dramatic new memoir out the memoir is. the untold story of what is the untold story actor johnny will tell us the untold stories in many stories is a book a sister. a story to read many stories and a story of my life and what my family and i have been through and i think it's fascinating now that i have the book done and people can see all kinds of fun things that happened to me and hardship in my family went through it in a day hopefully going to help a lot of people get out of bad places you know it's a positive story you know when you say you were blacklisted in war and yet way in every way and i wonder we don't want you around they don't want to have anything to
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do with these are casting directors agents managers in hollywood and you know i was the 1st celebrity come out larry and to support my president support from from day one and when i spoke at the aren't see you know after the next 24 hours larry i was i was dropped by my agents by my manager i had jobs in things that i was going to do that year and i lost everything i had to relocate you know kept you know kept kept going you know one way or another and been have support system in my family a step but i went through a lot and it's all in the book you know. i take care of my family my kids you know that's 1st and foremost so another took the jobs away from me i had to really start a new life. you had major roles in general hospital the mold and the beautiful did they take him away from you. why have i had jobs in all kinds of stuff that a fortune you know might my career has been 35 years of a lot awesome stuff i played my game but i also played under my rules i don't
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follow anything that hollywood kind of just pushes you to do you got to do certain things i did it in my own way and that's what you going to see in the book a lot of great stories of the latter great people all over the world and you know i think it's something that people should be out there read it and i hope 'd they like it. manages to read tell me what about this conservative movie studio. yeah been working really hard for 3 months me and my team a production team a bus starting a new studio that is it's an alternative studio you know it's it's it's it's a stupid it's going to support our police officers going to support our flag our military our country. and conservative actors and people in the industry that you know way out is you know i can wear my my my my christian cross larry to a casting office in l.a. and i mean ultimately take it off i can't talk about god i can't talk about my support for this president or where maggette had or where or how with the flag on
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it i'll be called all kinds of names it's ridiculous you know i i don't consider myself races never have been but they they call people and they start things in the media jumps on it is just. that's right i think this book is really you know it relates to what's going on and you know we need a positive there we need to work together we need to support our country make sure that we move forward in a positive way you know and and everybody deserves a chance to speak you know should be you also got a movie called trailblazer shows that come along larry as been really hard you know a lot of distribution companies a lot of people in hollywood they want to work with me. without even having never met me or anything like that it's just they 'd just put it on you know as a trump supporter forget it will never work with us so. it's been really hard trying to raise money you know and to raise 6000000 dollars for this picture for trailblazers it's going to open up the studio but god is good i'm very i'm very optimistic and i hope for the best and we're going to make it happen as
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a great cast the movie's ready to go so we'll find the money among most their mom was there. variety quoting you back in march is saying donald trump is doing fantastic i think he'll be reelected by a 100000000 votes you don't usually feel that way 100 percent 100 percent there's there's right and there's wrong and right now you know the people that don't know it should just study about what's going on in our country and in the political world because as much as people don't like trump if they don't it's because the media has been pushing this narrative of negativity and all this false about the guy but again they got to look at the facts is the country economically doing better yes and we've been through a lot yes it's a military still number one yes is our dollar still good yes the taxes well yes we protected as a country are we are we taking advantage of the situation and moving forward together you know as a country and i think this president let the right way and the opposition is very
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much a socialist. you know group of people that i don't support i don't support socialism i don't i don't support communism and and it's in the book to lead people we stories about what my family went through my grandmother had to go through what we went through as a family because of socialism we don't want to hear i don't. you know you don't think joe biden is a socialist do you. 100 percent want you know i don't think while joe biden is being controlled i think there's other people in his party a controlling him to say and do i don't think he's legit i don't think he's healthy i don't think he's right to be the next president and that states for i mean these are just is age what i've seen what everybody is seen i mean we're concerned when you admit and julio this is ministration was late in dealing with the coronavirus. i disagree i disagree because i think he was 1st i mean remember people wanting people at the beginning said don't close the market don't close the mark don't
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close flights don't close any don't close anything related to coming into this country they're all against it he did it anyway he did the best he could he did a lot for new york he did he stood up there and answer every question brought a team of medical professionals on board he gave money to every state whatever they needed they could ask for it was up to the state i mean what else do you need the guy to do so i think he did more than enough and i support everything he did but the other part is against him whatever the guy does the media is against the man he can't do anything successful you know you watch these press conferences and the media cannot be supportive about anything that this guy does you know so then a days to be right about something great having you with us today always good seeing you thank you sir appreciate you thank you. thanks antonio we thank him we thank you for joining us on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things don't forget to use
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the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this spirit dramatic developing the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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crazy. but i wouldn't go. he just took out a syringe. for me to shop with heroin. but i have been waiting for the moment of complete and total societal collapse i never knew it would happen this. new york alone has become a place where dozens and dozens of demonstrations were driving through brownsville one of new york's neighborhoods that has the worst homicide shooting rate in the
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city. about to get going. oh my god this is the most of the season you know. why people are going to the 2nd grade so we're going to go with the 1st we're. going to be going to be funny but it's a mass what's going on behind those walls the richest country most powerful oil and yet it has the worst response there is there while countries that i don't. worship ruin it for you and you're doing nothing about it the level of deaths are going to be so great. that dad and i were going to have to bury them maybe in part . maybe in potters. this truly has become a grim symbol of the current condemning in new york.
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an entire village in alaska. if another country from the wife of an american. we do everything i. wanted a skipping climate change is the same threat right. now seems some of the fuss just coastal erosion in the world lost about 30. feet. 35 feet of grass in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is fast paced the river is $35.00 closers and how. long was your floor were part of the earth from across.
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the exiled the russian opposition leader fellow citizens to maintain pressure on president bush with more strikes and protests on the spur of the large rallies both for and against him held across the country. just treating russian opposition figurehead alexei navalny said that he's too little to be airlifted abroad for treatment is currently in a coma in a siberian hospital. and the u.s. state formally requests a resumption of u.n. sanctions against iran kucing the country violating the 2015 nuclear deal even though washington quit not agreement 2 years ago.
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