tv News RT August 21, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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actually suggest the. absence of benefit actually the. headline stories the russian opposition leader urges to keep the pressure on president with more protests. growing show support for the leader. i came here because i want to give balance the. position security forces to. i'm for peace in our country. the green light for. me to be flown to germany for treatment the opposition figurehead is in a coma. because of his illness. the
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1st company to be worth 2 trillion dollars we look out the soaring wealth. since the start of world wide. closing borders stopping travel it's been an outrage and of course who benefits it's the big companies especially tech giants and the rich that needs to be under public scrutiny and to perform at a higher level and providing innovation rather than the monopolistic in their. broadcasting from moscow every hour of the day is r t international my names you know neal hello there very warm welcome to the program . rallies and counter protests are sweeping bellerose for a 13 day in the wake of this month's disputed election throughout friday large
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crowds have been gathering in support of president lukashenko in the country's west artie's eager to turn off is among them. it's really really loud here what is playing behind me right now is the national anthem of the republic of the us a little bit of context right selling the west in the middle of the country in the city of rest a lot during the time the 2nd full. the great feel to call your guess is as good as mine here when it comes to scale but i would say there's about there's definitely thousands of people maybe close to 10000 basically people who have to look to a number of them and their message is some of them one don't want to but none of them want to listen. to be played out in their public also a lot of people are making a huge point about the flag you can see how many better russian flags official by the russian flags are behind and just around me essentially i've been saying that
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the white red and white flag the colors chosen by the opposition they resemble. the films by collaborates the spirit of the 2nd full day of a huge problem with the because a lot of people in. history losing. their lives. to get. your vote. they take it seriously so even though he makes a decision. that was what was the century the flag the colors of the picture was what. broke the camel's back. i came here because i want to keep belarus the way i don't want to underestimate i'm the mother i have a small child i want him to grow up you know peaceful and beautiful but nobody forced us to come here everyone has their own opinion and we should not prevent each other from expressing our views. i'm from belarus for peaceful
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i'm 60 years old and i've been working as a drive on. i have a life and i've traveled to europe but i've not seen the best the country. and i was outraged that your position provokes security forces to bomb and i saw it myself i'm for peace in our country and you just need to start talking to each other but you're scum also this is the man they are supposed to do you know you government is not only an example of you. and they have come here. you don't just. want to the city they don't come from neighboring cities as well this is now the sort of an. open mike going on around them anyone from the ground can get in the spotlight can be in the center stage and speak their minds well let's move to just outside the capitol the people are standing alongside a highway into the capitol carrying red and white flags used by opponents of lucca
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shanker now that line starts on its side a detention center where demonstrators are arrested during the early days of the unrest are being held it stretches right to the outskirts of the city but elsewhere in the capital there's a very different picture ortiz constantine pretty took a ride with the belorussian motorist getting behind the president. offered up as you can see i'm now in a car it's a convertible this convoy in support of the government has just set off people are driving their cars around the capital waving these official red green belorussian flags to be honest i didn't have an opportunity to count all the cars but i can tell you it's a huge line. i couldn't find the organizers of this event i thought it would be great to get an interview but i went up to several people asking if they could tell me which car the organizers were in and they told me that there are not. somebody just created the chat and more and more people joined it wanting to participate so the guys are telling me that's what's great about this
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event is that people have done everything themselves they bought the flags of them so. elves can you see this flag that's actually not a flag pole it's a spade handle so as you can see many cars waving red and green flags this is how minsk looks right now another thing that's interesting about this convoy is that opposition was planning a completely opposite event they wanted to block the roads of the city. but as you can see they didn't succeed but i don't think many people would be disappointed about this you can imagine the anger of ordinary people if the roads were completely blocked. belarus's exiled opposition leader has given her 1st media conference since fleeing to the through india svetlana. use the opportunity to tell foreign countries to respect the sovereignty of the us earlier she addressed her fellow citizens in a new video message urging them to keep all the pressure on president lukashenko
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with more workplace strikes of us thought get up so you tried entirely legal and powerful weapon against the regime and they know it that's why they intimidate you leave the fear mongering to the dictatorship remember you are not alone i'm asking you to keep on strike who will make the college hear our voices the voices he has stolen from us. or the spite those calls for industrial action most workers are going about their business as normal over the last few days there have been no protests of dreams and most enterprises are now a fully functioning adults in contrast to earlier scenes. yet just like the markets us you know i view it negatively a couple of people from my team went to the strike stayed there for 10 minutes and came back. they were not interested in what was happening that they didn't like a schedule on you but i will let you. go but deals with those who support should have shown that they are the majority by taking to the streets it would have been
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a different picture now if only they had shown up at the anti-government protests we should have started rolling earlier in support of the current president almost recognition you don't see basically everyone has a negative view of the strikes because this is a key enter price and the well being of the entire city depends on its stable operation therefore such actions of the plan itself aren't except a bill moscow based political scientist. told us how he thinks that the shank will seek to end the crisis. in such case it's battle to i'm dissipate future demands of the opposition that dissipate crisis and get dry to. setup some instruments for dialogue maybe like public dialogue roundtable discussion about the future of develop better research biology cannot development about social and political development and somehow to incorporate. moderate opposition
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into political process try to maybe not sharing power but drive to allow them to participate in decision making at the local level of regional level that maybe at the national level so that they can express the ideas and interests of those who are intending to make sure the present well he doesn't want to maybe do our direct negotiations with the council because they are self appointed people so all the legally they do not represent the present population so it's not clear who they are representing in this this going in good nutrition counts a lot i think that he is a very large container agreed to have dialogue with the labor unions with a local local leaders legacy to me. local officials local deputies. to another of our headline stories today russian doctors have given the all clear
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for alexina bell need to travel to germany for emergency treatment the opposition figure head is in a coma medics have ruled out poisoning is the cause of his illness refinish there are reports. the doctor is in charge of treating alex st of ali in russia's siberian city of almost now agreed to allow his tourist protégé sion to a clinic in germany this is something his family has been repeatedly calling for with his wife julie or even appealing to president why demur putting the medics say that the vine is still very weak and he's not stable that they smallman he's not strong enough for travelling but they say they're ready to allow these trust potations at the german doctors and the family's risk. that we are not in favor of him being taken anywhere from this hospital but considering the requests of his family we will help organize the transportation earlier the russian doctors after
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discussing the vollies house with their german colleagues who came to all my earlier on friday said that air transportation could be specifically dangerous for aleksey because this is what caused his condition in the 1st place just to remind you of the scene of violent felt very ill while on the plane on his way back to a mosque he felt ill no one could understand the reason it was very very sudden. and almost immediately after that a video emerged in the internet where we could hear alec saying of violently crying and shouting and in distress and in pain. like the earlier we also heard from the russian doctor is that tough to testing say
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the violins blah the urine samples absolute no traces of any talk 6 substance have been found this is the conclusion they came to the room with the team of doctors concluded that since we did not find any toxic materials in his blood he had suffered immense about disruption with a reduced glucose levels during the drop in pressure while the plane was taking off . well alex cena vilely is known as a prominent opposition figure here in russia and of course. the situation with his health attracted a lot of international attention in the if you demo bones mist in the valley we of course extremely preoccupied and saddened by the situation of alexina valmy we heard this morning what happened to him and i want to see here that we give all our support his family his loved ones for a prompt recovery and we send by their side hopeful and i hope and wish of course
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that he will recover as quickly as possible we will of course offer him all the medical help he needs and he can turn to german hospitals. were looking to and invite you to be reporting to me despite what the russian doctors say about toxic materials we still here are saying that violence supporters talking about poison and we have to remind you that this is not for the 1st time just last year there was a very similar situation when alex saying the violence suddenly felt ill and there were very quick to say that he was poisoned but it turned out later that it was just an allergic reaction. to the news of the colonies illness broke western media rushed to speculate on possible kremlin involvement several cases where scientists when the russian government was accused of poisoning people political analyst and believes the poisoning reapers do not stand up to scrutiny. course his supporters
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will not be convinced they will believe that this is a boy's inning. i am at a loss who would be interested in such a poison and it became a kind of duty it's a it's a cliché for the west on media in the west a news agency is to blame rashi mediately after something happens basically there are many questions on it and the western media is not seeking answers to these questions instead is just so much easier to blame russia putin personally i want to speculate if it could be don that by russian government agents with all of which inseparable with fortunes approval is just safe to make it has a chance against russia because it's much more dangerous to really investigate and to see probably the role of are the exodus both in the story or. in the story all. lebanon is facing
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a threat of the deadly sturdier this month destroyed green silos storing most of the countries with supplies badly damaged the route port which receives 85 percent of the country's food imports but locals are doing their best to help those in need . basically. this initiative. that we've decided to that we have to do something since and the government doesn't care and doesn't do the government job the. room.
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that poor packaging slingbox is very serious plenty of donations found people in the country and also from people abroad everything that this consulate. lost a family oh i. have never seen worse times never been live to move would never go hungry even during the war we had shelter there was food everywhere we had bread and meat vegetables but now god save us he still even had a. look at it. it really is
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a genuine place to put a word because they want to it's not because they have a political agenda or someone is paying us to do this work we just do it because we have this little humanity and those. that. have seen it sure probably skyrocketed since the start of world wide locked on to we look into the ramifications of financial and social power after the break.
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a residential explosion killed at least one person and injured 4 others in the russian city of. located around 250 kilometers to the northeast. the blast occurred on friday evening it caused 3 floors to collapse in one section of the apartment block the strong several homes residents had from the building search and rescue teams with sniffer dogs are out the scene looking for people who may be trapped on . a criminal probe has been launched into potential violations of safety. it's a lucrative time to be a shareholder in uppal the tech giant this week became the 1st ever u.s. company to be worth 2 trillion dollars apple's value puts it on a par with major economies it's not surpass the g.d.p. of brazil caliber russia and south korea its market capitalization has doubled over the past 2 years and most of the growth has happened since the start of the pandemic experts know estimate that if our poll were an economy it would be
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classified as the 9th richest in the world economists edward hole and jeffrey took her share their views on the 2 trillion dollar valuation with me earlier does it seem as if something's not quite right when millions are losing their jobs or close to it and a tiny number getting insanely rich. that is exactly right and i have to correct language you say because of the pandemic it's because of the lockdown it's all across the world and especially the us governments have it's been bankrupt in small and be medium size businesses and forced closures and stay home orders and closing schools closing borders stopping travel it's been an outrage and of course who benefits it's the big companies especially the tech giants and the rich meanwhile in this country the poor and the middle class are suffering and medium small businesses are going under because of the lockdowns not because of the pandemic
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obviously there's an end plenty of encouragement for companies like apple which have received public funding. from the very get go and we really need to see far more diversity at the grassroots of the economy to to channel that kind of innovation and it seems it. large companies like apple once they reach a threshold like this they need a lot of public scrutiny to keep up with that kind of responsibility of being so large company a leg that needs to be under public scrutiny and to perform at a higher level and providing innovation rather than the monopolistic in their aims last month aapl along with google facebook amazon were questioned in the u.s. congress and were told they have quote too much power under a danger to the american economy have they become too powerful i don't want to blame apple and google and amazon so much as oh i just think the rules should be applied fairly and evenly to everyone so everyone has
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a chance to get to get big and wealthy and serve the community the consumer to excellence i think that's the most important thing and there's a that's the essence of what we mean by free enterprise it's supposed to be equal rules for everyone and that is not the situation today people making the point that facebook for instance have more influence than than most governments but is there anything wrong with that why should governments have a monopoly on power. that's such a fascinating question as governments become centralized in any fashion there is opportunities for collusion with with businesses that are succeeding at a certain level that's when we start having this stratified rule set the rule of law starts to break down in any country and once company can overtake him and work with the politician is supposed to be protecting the public then you can get some you know problematic behavior that's unaccountable and then the rule of law breaks
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now. a court in germany has sentenced a woman to 21 months in prison on terrorism charges they 30 year old jewel a citizen of syria and germany was found guilty of sending several young women to syria to become brides of islam like state fighters the prosecutor was asking for 3 and a half years in prison for the court counted time they defended had spent in the turkish deportation center i know that they allege short time she had been a member of the parenterally more less than one year additionally the sentence took into account the defendants for young children. when someone distances themselves from terrorism as she did then you have to give them a chance this could set a precedent for other trials for other people who wish to reintegrate themselves in our society that the state gives them this chance. we're not convinced by how display a radical change in how ideology we believe this is tactically that's why we're
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skeptical. journalist adel darwish told the program earlier that case is a former islamic state member successfully reintegrating into society or are. there's a big problem because the. defense says it and the defense is paid for by taxpayers money the only way that is not enough evidence or as the defense. pleading germany is that the. more was convinced that i haven't actually come across many of them who have to integrate into society in fact on the commissary even the ones who work at the start. because that kind of ideology as inseparable from the nazi ideology is just a way of life for them you were talking about leniency there and it was also said
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that having children this woman having 4 young children was also take into account is that correct. again you see this is a point all human because. of liberal minded left wing social services will take away. from the loving. if the woman happened having a problem of unity happening or the little history of some kind of fight between be a father and the mother and the flimsiest of evidence that courts will actually pick that children away for their own protection i don't see why that social service don't actually take that children away from the influence of the parents. that it grew with and through with the idea of you have the. joint beijing in denying ching washington is the solution to suspend a series of bilateral treaties in the latest spot between the 2 countries it comes just weeks after the us began targeting high ranking hong kong officials with
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sanctions including the city's chief executive. the united states unilateral decision reflects disrespect for bilateralism and multilateralism under the car. entered ministration and should be condemned by the international community the hong kong government strongly objects to and deplores the united states' action which is widely seen as a move to create trouble since china u.s. relationship using hong kong as a pawn on weapons favor us announced that it would be suspending 3 treaties with hong kong to cover the surrender of fugitives as well as extradition shipping tax exemption has been scrapped the trumpet ministration has cited china's new national security law which it claims is ruling the city state's autonomy but china expert professor benjamin chow says the u.s. does not have the moral high ground on the issue. the u.s. says is trying to protect its freedom and human rights of the ongoing people but the us itself is
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a ruling that much will work then hong kong in many related measures and dearest no police kneeling on the neck of people to get people to their feet is that many hong kong very being angry with washington who is a plank that was then did come simply ignoring the fact that many people do not want themselves to be represented by a foreign entity we have dealt proper authorization remember 3 mm median home the residence at the heart of the population signed a petition to support the new measures a bill that has been set to spark a new round of action from the us. a lot is high friday's news stories are shaping up for an army back at the top of the hour with all your updates to close though from worker programs beginning in moments. is your media
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a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. away. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. was the fact you guys report summer solution siri was daisy harbor and today we're going to be talking about the banning cell of money stop being self costly and stop
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the world alliance joining us very quickly while b.j. missed a lot of key stocks hasta. an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country run the wife of an american. we do everything in our power to protect. wanted me to skipping climate change poses the same threat right now alaska does seem some of the fust of coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is in the teens the river is $35.00 closer to the town than. or i think we're part of the 1st for.
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well welcome to so he could visionaries me sophie shevardnadze the carter virus has been the biggest blow to the sporting industry since world war 2 causing major events to be postponed or canceled so what does a post called 900 playing field look like for sports when i talk about this with jaimee are held with us and they had coach of the qatari star league. former coach a national football team. they had coach terry starr leak that abby and the former coach of iceland's national football team it's great to have you on our program one more time welcome.
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