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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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views of you. and your government rallies with almost 100000 people on the streets of the by the russian capital pass peacefully after weeks of violence from both law enforcement and protesters present expressing gratitude to the military and police for maintaining order. was terrible. mainstream media point the finger at russian authorities after the country's problems opposition activists alexina valmy falls into a coma russian doctors who initially treated him say no toxic agents being detected in his blood. to. moscow there
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was no. substance to be described to suit boys. and coming up to the story of dozens of women of west african origin who were camping outside their embassies and consulates in lebanon demanding to be sent back home as their employers in crisis hit country leave them literally on the street. and i mean this because i want to call. a don't list. good morning chilo for marty's world news. this monday the 24th of august i'm kevin now in here with those stories in detail and a lot more to so great if you come by the 1st now entering the 3rd week of unrest on sunday tens of thousands of anti-government protesters marched through the
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capital minsk they carried red and white flags and chanted slogans against president oleksandr look at it demanding his resignation after disputed elections. i. wasn't coming to the guts of school after the order to move in the direction of the national flag square the crowd came up close to the barbed wire they were a metre away from the right police and the so far there haven't been any provocation but the protesters send the armed forces are very close to one another but of. well as you can see despite the heavy military presence there were no
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arrests and this latest demonstration passed off peacefully enough without incident alexander lukashenko thanked the offices. without being close to losing faith for everybody. but. for simple life. pretty close up now as it stands the country remains split to them i wouldn't turn pro and anti government supporters ahead of sunday's rally the government advice supporters to stay hold to avoid provocations let's go through a timeline of events next time with our correspondent he goes down off. people behind me on the independence square of the belorussian capital minsk they have been chanting slogans like leave calling on the president of butter roselle exam to look at who to go and long live belarus right now they're clapping and my cameraman is just going to zoom in to show you the scale of the protest right now we have
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a really good vantage point now speaking about the police they have not yet intervened but over there in the distance you can see police vehicles and well police vehicles and crowds crowd control machines and they again they are so far standing by they are here they have not intervened well yet we do not know whether or not they will also we do know that the government has called on its supporters to stay home because we have been traveling all around the country to cover some of the action organized by the pro-government people by the pro-government crowds we've seen them with phil with filmed them several 1000 people and each and every rally that we personally i personally witnessed so all these people they have been called on to stay home this has been done in order to avoid any potential confrontation and you know brule between some of the more passionate protesters the
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protest has spilled from the square and into the streets blocking the traffic and we witness the police. yes reacting to it there we have response and they didn't try to break up the protest they didn't try to prevent the protesters from blocking this thing 1st they tried to reroute it through one of the side streets but that didn't work out for love because now it's just a sea of people yelling chants like long live fellows and go go leave holding on the incumbent president of this republic of xander lukashenko to leave office because they do not recognize the protestors here they do not recognize the results of the election as we will like to with the election results i did not vote with the opinions of my friends were not taken into account the person who is declared president is not the one who has been elected and one fairly actions political
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prisoners to be released and then the end to violence our country has never seen anything like what is happening now was the protest against violence against the lies coming from the t.v. channels they say the west is going to attack us now there are supporters of the ukrainian uprising here but look around you there are people of all ages from children to the elderly right now you can see that behind me this towering structure and the museum behind it are being guarded by the security forces they are not letting people come close but they aren't trying to the road between the security forces and the protesters has become sort of an improvised border very very large telegram channels with lots of followers are being used to coordinate these protests because the it's not like people it's not it hasn't been spontaneous it has been organized it has been coordinated through internet for instance. the reason why protesters aren't trying to storm the structure is because this channel
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has called on people not to do that and not to approach the museum that's behind that's behind the structure on the on the small hill. so soon they will be moving to another and we believe that the final location of today's protest and so far because so far judging by what i have seen of these people these protesters they have been following every direction given by the coordinators well example of showing has now arrived by helicopter the presidential palace in the capital surrounded by protesters he was shown wearing a flak jacket at one point in carrying a kalashnikov rifle. nexus warning looks at the swirl of false reports claiming he fled the country. it is difficult for human beings to be neutral just the way it is biology our psychology makes us want to pick a side to root for someone even if it isn't our fight so it isn't better us
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a huge divide neighbor against neighbor brother against brother journalist against journalist there are a suit of t.v. personalities of great national networks and improve this against the president against the elections against the other side i have decided that my broadcast today on bill reese one was the last one nobody influenced this decision i took it myself there are not manno virus but we exist. vera correct me cover hoost of good morning belle arrest sergei because low which presenter to tiana brought kidda and vladimir bercow who snuck in and try to claim the credit. until recently i presented the us to military program in paris one i'm no longer a presenter of this t.v. project i resigned myself and it wasn't easy the people want justice the people don't want lies the people want freedom you may have come away with
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a sense that he resigned over the elections like like others who sacrificed their livelihoods their income as an act of protest vladimir didn't know no that's just him trying to claim the credit. it is absolutely unclear from the message when the present to of the program and in my opinion this was done on purpose the t.v. company said goodbye to the dimmer a month ago followed as a showman successfully got in on the act bottom feeders are nothing new they swamp everything in times of hardship of desperation you'll find them on television trying to wiggle their way into the spotlight when things are tough to play and profit in people's misery you'll find them on live and blogs in social media shouting the loudest pointing and screaming lying and misleading we live in an era of fakes of fake heroes fake opinions and think
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news she walked around spread men's legs and purposefully sadistically struck at the group she would heated their testicles and called them scum one man who looked about 50 she beat in the groom while standing on his legs he later told me his hips were all blue kareena about 30 is blonde and not that 2 she was dressed in uniform and had a mask on her face remember what i said about taking sides you likely aren't from belarus yet hearing this story one can't help but feel revolted and many belorussians were hearing this the the witch hunt but gad soon they found this alleged corrina all christina and people went after her threatening to kill her to murder her family a reward was posted for her address they got the wrong woman. has been forced to record this because of harris meant threats and insults towards me and my
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family as a result of false information on the internet please help me share this so that lies don't spread further and done to her me and my family. christina is a gym instructor at the interior ministry not a guard at the jail where the alleged torture happened oh they apologized afterwards after terrifying and traumatizing and threatening to kill her and her family they said sorry they said sorry and then posted another picture of another christina who might have been the woman from the story and went after her and let's not forget about the bear that's coming for better us for a while now internet users have been sharing videos of military convoys allegedly russian that are moving towards bellerose there are 2 plausible explanations why they still haven't arrived russian military trucks are just really slow like incredibly slow like walking speed you could walk from moscow to better us in about
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a week the other explanation is that there aren't any russian armies moving towards belarus. they recorded these videos without realizing that they were below russian armored personnel carriers not russian and that they were moving towards the western border because we decided that we needed to take additional measures to protect the sovereignty and independence we could go on and on thinks about preparing to free the country thinks about the opposition leaders i.q. been very low fakes stupidity reinforced with hysteria and decorated with the. were guilty of a senior correspondent the e.u. foreign policy chief has compared the situation in belarus now the vet is way low. we do not recognize him as the legitimate president nor do we recognize nicolas
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maduro from this point of view mature and look as shanker in exactly the same situation we do not recognize that they have been legitimately chosen however whether we like it or not they control the government and we have to continue dealing with them despite not recognizing their democratic which is messy this one is cynical to hear from you know in europe because we know of the position of the european union it is. a regime. that has hong kong. also in a bastard ukraine. so. listen to all this have to listen to just a bit of soul if the whole bag of salt and the stone. is one of maybe 2 last year of which is the uptick in direct. from the west from nato from the us or from the european or of b.
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and that. is functioning a much better than most. but it. would fall to the european union of all of the west. next doctor saying mainstream media claims that a top russian opposition figure was poisoned a false medical staff at the central russia hospital which treated him there were no traces of a toxic agent in alexina valleys blood the politicians are currently in a coma. we got the final answer from july from moscow there was no text to call it recalls substance or to be described as a boy's room. so in the valleys no been flown to berlin artie's peter all of a joins us outside the medical facility where the activists being treated morning pay a helpless piece together the details what we know so far about his condition and.
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well liked in the valley arrived here in berlin on saturday after taking a flight on thursday going from siberia to moscow the plane had to make an emergency landing in almost we just heard from the medical team there all we know so far about these condition is that he's in a serious but stable condition at the moment in an induced coma. medical professionals are conducting having something known as the continuing to treat him now his press secretary and other supporters have claimed that he was poisoned we just heard from the medical team saying that they didn't understand that to be the case what we have heard as well from medics is they say there's only so much information that they are allowed to give about alexei navalny this is the law concerning. medical information they're allowed to give out about anybody that they're treating. a lot of bay most journalists even
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a lot of doctors they were commenting on the situation without having any information about wrong diagnosis wrong and why the test results are in or bided. names of the doctors are in there is closed but all these people they must know that the law doesn't allow words to do that we were restricted by the law and by the federal law regarding. confidential information. well there are plenty of theories as to what happened to alexina family some even suggesting it could be down to diet we are hoping to hear more solid information from doctors here to take hospital in berlin we're expecting a press conference from them later on monday the lack of solid evidence though hasn't stopped some in the media from pointing the finger of blame directly at the kremlin and claiming that russian authorities were behind this poisoning. election
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of on the is the most powerful and effective opposition leader that vladimir putin has had to face over his more than 20 years in power in russia challenging the kremlin making enemies which is why russia it's dangerous is doing so. does a lot of chewing. you don't need a security clearance to know that the kremlin has a track record of poisoning its critics. alikes in the valley is here in germany as a guest of chancellor angela merkel he was transported from the airport to the hospital in central berlin in german military ambulances when i spoke to police on sunday just outside of the hospital they confirm that there is a larger presence here and that they have as they put it enough personnel on the scene to secure the area of the hospital and which aleck's in the valley is being treated so i'll be keeping an eye on everything here in berlin throughout the day and bring you any updates here on r.t.e. yeah ok pete thanks for the bet ira spoke to a seasoned through chief of the peony intel and news publication who told us
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politics of the home gym we've moved to welcome novelli here. big sexy story isn't it i mean it's sort of james bond stuff the german government was quick to long with macro to offer to post about the medical facilities here and where he's going to show it is one of the best hospitals in europe i mean the russians who visits germany for health care said it is the hospital of choices and politics behind this and yes i think the german government was peen to make sure that he comes through this and gets the best possible care because they want to see the active up positionally the continuous work try and push for more democracy less corruption in russia and so there's some of that thinking goes into the equation too it's not international law from moscow to monday morning high they're coming up police clashed with the fewest protesters for offices fire 11 rounds with
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a black man in the u.s. state of louisiana killing him more on it after this break. when else seemed wrong why don't we all just all. me all get to shape out these days become educated and in detroit equals betrayal. when somebody find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by.
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the barriers thinks. we dare to ask. again good morning in the capital of lebanon stranded workers of west african origin a sleeping rough outside the country's embassies and consulates hoping to fly home many women abandoned by employers in beirut you could no longer afford to pay them the country's economic crisis local activists trying to raise funds to buy them plane tickets home we heard from some of the women. i'm pregnant and i'm in the
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street because i want to go home. like right now i don't have a place to stay only in the streets and my aim is to go home i came to lebannon because i was coming. to look for when i was come to work for that are going to be able to cover my family my own kids and my siblings as well. but what i came and saw it was not what i was waiting to see when i came here it was different thing i came today but on to work to look for greener pastures due to unemployment in my country so that came to ribbon around 2 to support my family when i came here on streets he asked me money i met the same gas the stones he asked me 204 christiano and 400 for the lack of her left in the $400.00 that is $1100.00 i told him i don't have money and make a most. white house in it being the family i was working for they took me back to
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the office and they keep changing me their houses and i was not getting my salary for like 6 months. but a massive chemical blast ripped through the capital earlier this month leaving economic devastation and growing reports to now of people being unable to feed themselves human rights activists told us that the west african women are essentially part of a modern day slavery system. i've been on the streets for a week now helping the kenyan women in baghdad facing their consulate. they've been here actually for 2 weeks but we didn't know about it earlier their problems they are facing in lebanon is due to the cafe less system which is modern day slavery they are working with no salaries. no overworking sometimes they are abused and at the end of the day they were thrown on the street by their employers facing the consulate.
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a fatal police shooting of a black man in the u.s. state of louisiana next to spark huge demonstrations footage of the moments leading up to 31 year old trade for polaroids death squad viral war you may find the following video disturbing to. so seems on friday was armed with a knife and tried to enter a convenience store according to the authorities the suspect was tasered but officers said that proved ineffective so they shot 11 rounds at him killing the man the instant immediately triggered fresh protests against police brutality. march to the left police station demanding justice clashes them broken by saturday
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evening with riot police moving in the case follows months of rallies of course against alleged racial injustice jenna's done it was shared his thoughts on the latest developments. they've achieved that certainly brought the dramatize the problem they from dave dave and pressed the much of the population there really is a serious problem but the american political structure is unresponsiveness their birth the chasm between rich and poor is is an enormous and it's getting worse by the by the year american political institutions by certain measures are more racist now than they were 16 years ago for example so the american government is actually in some ways more distant now from the needs of ordinary working class people than it was 60 years ago. wealth polarization is shooting through the roof and political instability is growing. so the news in this morning the syrian state controlled
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these agencies is reporting that a gas pipeline explosions caused a blackout across the country overnight some has also published video going to show you now from the blast which is said to taken place roughly 40 kilometers from the northeast of damascus they all mistake claiming the instant may have been a terror attack as of now power is gradually being restored. jim on football fans of class with riot police in the center of the french capital after the team lost in the final of the way for the champions league. thank. you. yes she lost one nil to bayern munich on sunday leaving approximately $5000.00 found together to watch the game in the city close to t. is studded fireworks then to which police responded with tear gas at least one person is reported to been arrested in the clashes. and this way things are looking
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to so far this monday morning as it stands for moscow kevin i would invite you to keep cross all of these stories in more detail to so much more. on the various social media for get a minute to check it out so from now wherever you're watching whatever your plans are this monday for me and the rest the international. media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. guy. what's his face. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. maybe in the shallowest. you know but you know here they have so being you. it's for on a story. or a. for just you know pretty girl. oh yeah it's. so. good you just be there to get
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the word were the words for. these are the stories of men who can't imagine life without fashion without a sense of style without things that might be seen as weakness in this masculine world but they still demonstrate incredible strength of spirit to live as they choose. all of us have used it. for. in the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of northern ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks protect the only population of the 10s of thousands were forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was that the are you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they
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were active participants in the burning of coal streets in belfast at that clinic more than a 100 innocent civilians were. as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and its occurrence which the collusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would later be named. i think it went to the very very top i think it the focus for all the water where all the taste you know on the go ahead. for years i had treated patients with heroin addiction with high dose methadone which is the appropriate treatment and so i was thinking well i see how well that works for all these people and they don't tend to overdose on it or have
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a lot of side effects or have any problems so why wouldn't that be fine for pain patients i do recall individual young man who had a rough go early in life. without all ism was in alcohol recovery a number of back surgeries and i was in the middle of a tapering course switched him over to the methadone from his other drug to ease his taper and using misguided conversion tables. 3 days after i converted them like a call from his wife but a doctor. was flabbergasted it's not safe for people who just have chronic pain to give them opioids because they don't have the years of tolerance built up that people with heroin addiction have to really understand the complexity of that drug is a reflection on. guys much training this is.


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