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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2020 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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yes the world of politics. i'm sure i'll see you there. the kremlin expresses concern about an investigation into the alleged poisoning of the opposition activist alexina valmy the president's spokesperson claims there are no grounds yet for any criminal probe as a range of different medical firies. meanwhile one of the doctors who 1st street in russia says that threats have been made against him and his family. i personally my family my children have received dozens of physical threats god will judge those people who treated only and obviously those threats were not his fault . and in the us rises in wisconsin and set shops in cars on fire police after office is
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shot a black man in the back. of the colorful 1st day of the republican national convention as it officially nominate trump for a 2nd term. good afternoon just gone 5 o'clock here in moscow you with r.t. international now the kremlin has denied claims it was behind the alleged poisoning the opposition activist alexey. we cannot take seriously the accusations that russian authorities ordered me to be poisoned these are accusations which combine no means be true and are likely what i would describe as info noise my german colleague was quick to point to poisoning but he should have mentioned the possibility of a 2nd 3rd 4th version to all those possibilities which our doctors were looking at you can't single out one version at this point it does come after the german clinic
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now treating the russian activist said it had found a toxin in his system and valmy was airlifted to berlin on saturday he's still in a coma but his condition is stable peter over has more details now from outside the medical facility. dimitri pearce golf went on to say that the findings of the clinic. were grounds on their own just start a criminal investigation that's very much a difference of opinion then we've heard from the high representative for foreign affairs. who's called on moscow to try and get to the bottom with a clear and full investigation of what happened to all x. in. it is imperative that russian authorities initiate an independent and transparent investigation on the poisoning of nivelle neat russian people as well as the international community are demanding the facts those responsible must be
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held to account if the division's is identified it is determined that it was an intentional act of poisoning then of course that would give grounds for an investigation no doubt so for there are also many other medical versions as to what could have caused have on these condition. calls for an investigation of also being coming from german chancellor angela merkel and german foreign minister. and what we understand coming through on tuesday is that the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o is preparing a briefing the president trump on the situation regarding alexina violently all of this coming after the clinic here in berlin released a statement on monday saying that they found a toxic substance during tests on alexina valmy the clinical findings indicate intoxication by substance from the group of active substances called cloning is to raise inhibitors the outcome of the disease remains uncertain and long term effects especially in the area of the nervous system cannot be ruled out at this point in
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time all of that same direct contradiction to what we heard coming out of the hospital in russia in the city where he was 1st treated they said they found no traces of any synthetic talks in in his system and that they are willing to share all of that information with the hospital here in berlin as we're trying get to the bottom of what happened to alexei novelli who remains in a serious but stable condition here in berlin in an induced coma. you are reporting now a senior research fellow with the global policy institute george the newly believes we may not see many solid facts presented in the case. the question is are the germans prepared to share their findings all of the little laboratory findings there pull all the medical tests that they undertook on the ground the are they prepared to share them with the russian doctors if they're now if they try to do
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work to reason made did with discrete paths and offer no cooperation whatsoever with the russian authorities so the russians could make an independent assessment as what the german scientists have found then it's hard to see where the russians are any are under any obligation to conduct the full investigation as they look we don't know that he was poisoned our doctors say that he wasn't so why should we just accept what the germans say when the germans refuse to provide us with any scientific basis to assess their findings but a russian doctor him initially treated in a valley when he 1st fell ill says that he has received online threats does come after russian medics claim that they could not find any traces of toxins in his body. i personally my family my children have received dozens of physical threats you know i'm not hiding my personal life and of course it didn't affect anything god will judge those people who treated me about an obviously those threats were not his fault. so as we heard then the substance of the german clinic
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does say it's found in the valley system belongs to the family of colonists the rays inhibitors they are a group of chemicals that affect the nervous system they are used in drug sting for treating illnesses such as alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. these agents are used all the time in an operating room you know through 1st normal patient care what happens with some patients is that what it does is create a large amount of acetylcholine acetylcholine is a normal acting medication that we haven't nor a transmitter however it's to hide everything in balance in life it can cause death to patients and obviously if there's a cloistering you know it's very specific that's why the russian government may not be looking for it maybe the germans were looking for this that's why they found the amount of pseudo coaling was exceptionally high in this patient obviously the more time that passes for when the intervention happened to this point the heart is going to trace specter what substances were used clearly they have identified it
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now that they've identified it they can give support of care for this patient agreeable law and then after that it becomes more a forensic expert you know purpose. donald trump as painful many nominated to run for a 2nd term as president at the republican national convention. the man who puts america 1st and will keep america great president donald john truong i come from the great state of montana we are affectionately calling it trump tanna we believe in promises made and promise is louisiana probably casts its $46.00 votes for president double chain trump and we know that the best is yet to come but the emmy night then of that convention did all sides roll plenty of parallels to trounce time on reality television kind of often think spike is the man who fired people on reality t.v.
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and now on donald trump is setting up a reality t.v. show to make sure that he won't be fired from the white house by the american people this november each episode during the republican national convention features donald trump and members of his family it's all called honoring the great american story. land of heroes. great. honest over the next 4 nights as we write the next chapter. share our vision is the greatest country with the greatest citizens taking the greatest achievement. so with each day having a theme and nightly surprises the donald is looking to trump joe biden's performance with the democrats' convention but over the last week the democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloomiest convention in american history it will
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be the most boring repetitive dull mean spirited convention in history and of course we all get a heavy dose of hatred and rage and cold like madness psychosis has stereo against all things donald trump this year's convention of the republican party has been dubbed the people's convention and the people have chosen 1st speakers at. their convention on the opening night the couple who pointed their guns at black lives matter protesters as they walked outside their mansion now that 1st taste of media spotlight has gotten this couple felony charges donald trump calls it a disk rates and the couple says they're thirsty for more at this moment in history if you stand up for yourself and for the values our country was founded on the mob spurred on by their allies and the media will try to destroy you president trump will defend their god given right of every american to protect their homes and their families the themes are coming thick and fast tuesday is the land of
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opportunity wednesday is the land of heroes and thursday it is the land of greatness yes you heard that right that's the night when donald trump will be accepting the nomination of the republican party at the white house surrounded by supporters now many people are lapping it up but not all of them for the same details for example c.n.n. says that it's boring over the details and that it will cut away from the reality t.v. show if it strays too far from reality and the television networks going to interesting choices to make interesting decisions to make about whether to cut away if there's this stream of december mation happening live seeing as they did not do this at the democratic national convention outrage about cnn's announcement is certainly not hard to find on the internet.
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3 episodes of this reality t.v. show convention are left no doubt they'll be moments of pure cringe drama and high . but republicans are really hoping this is a reality t.v. show that won't prove to be a turn off it will mop an artsy new york or the green party as my colonial does believe that most media coverage of the big conventions is bias. i think that each corporate cable news network has their own constituency and their own marketing demographic that they are catering to and so you will have fox news which will be very aggressive about reporting on allegedly wrongdoings on the part of the democratic party and then you'll have m s n b c or c.n.n.
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which will be very aggressive about providing documentation on the wrongdoings of donald trump and the republicans meanwhile c.n.n. and the sunday see will ignore the rank injustices and undemocratic practices of the democratic party so they're not really engaging in news they just have a market that they've identified that they are catering to and the idea of a complete objectivity i don't think is useful but also the idea of just tailoring your news coverage specifically to make your particular slice of the american people feel good is also a negative trend. the writers in the us have set stores on fire in 3 bottles of security forces in the 2nd night of violence and can i show in wisconsin a massive cleanup operation is now underway in the city which has been left in shock.
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protest is cool for justice for a black man was shot multiple times in the back by police on sunday the incident was caught on camera and seeing went viral strikes is also tool. and police responded. we are split on this for that. the media would just have you believe that he was just going to check on his children that he was a hero and he broke up a fight with 2 women unfortunately c.n.n. although they didn't broadcast this part i haven't heard it anywhere else they did write a story on line where they spoke to the guy who shot this video that we've all seen the gentleman said i came in with a video camera in the middle he said when i got there what i 1st saw before the camera roll was this suspect rolling around wrestling cops on the ground also police dispatch said that the suspect jacob black blake did not belong there and
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police dispatch said that he took the put the complaints keys away this is all in the c.n.n. report so these are things that are not being reported when a cop tells you to do something you do it believe the issues of institutional racism in this country i mean i remember back originally when black wives matter 1st started were trayvon martin and then you know you had mike brown or gardner and you had case after case of these shootings of young men and women across the country were officers were never really held accountable for that and you had protests throughout these kind of false you know. dog and pony show styled fixes of the institutional racism without really addressing it without really you know taking it to task of really changing the culture and the nature of this country that that allows these things to happen so no it doesn't surprise. we're seeing once again george ward now this man in wisconsin it's
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a pattern that's not going to change until there is real actual change in this country and that doesn't come from just your politicians getting on t.v. and promising reforms would never happen. teachers have now joined anti-government protests in bellary you see it comes more than 2 weeks after president alexander lukashenko claimed that he'd won yet another term the opposition though says he stole it well around $200.00 teachers their supporters along with journalists and bloggers gathered that side the ministry of education demanding the minister came outside after the president announced on monday any teachers taking part in the protests would be sacked another 2 rallies are planned later on in maine's both for and against the government earlier the country's opposition leader spoke to the european parliament for peace in claims that the election was rigged. the current crisis since you know what in there we call the election of august 9 by the opinion
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of the majority of severus the electoral process was deeply. the election itself was marked with thousands of violations well the most respected observers of the electoral process that again is asian for security and cooperation in europe when not invited to observe the election there fishel results of the election where falsified and rejected by the bill and were sent people and the majority of the international community. there fled to neighboring lithuania shortly after the vote she claimed that the government left her no choice while her husband remains in prison it has speech she also slammed the police brutality we've seen during the massive demonstrations and insists that the protests have been paced full however security forces do claim that that isn't the full picture and there are in fact 2 sides to the story as you go she done off explains. when it comes to protests in
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belarus you must have seen footage like this all like this all like this that was an infamous day as news junkies around the world stooge shocked by the brutality of bella ruse police. this picture went viral at 1st many assumed wrongly the man on the ground was dead and so what happened that day but well we found the officer who is in this picture and he told us his version of events. it turned out later he had a severe alcohol and drug overdose we had the guy when he felt really bad but no
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matter how badly he behaved that evening we tried to get him to the ambulance which was 100 meters from us he was unconscious he just lay down i tried to wake him up and once people standing not far from a started screaming let him go let him go i told him that i was trying to provide medical assistance but they didn't hear me and screamed let him go i stood up showed my hand saying i let him go so what and he still on the ground and they don't know what to say my colleague brought medics they helped him right there and took him to the hospital. the man turned out to be ok and went on to become a media favorite dishing out interviews pretty much that i don't know probably 3 maybe 4 people surrounded me my brother was there with me too it all happened so fast they just drag me into the paddy wagon one photograph 2 very different accounts at 1st glance it may look like a meme something being made light of on line but in reality it's. a metaphor for
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how polarized the media war over the protests in belarus has become anti government demonstrators enjoy the sport motor violence from every continent in many languages officers from the security forces are telling me they feel that the world is deaf to their words like when their families and children are getting death threats. we were facing how parents in kindergarten taught their children such phrases your father is a murderer your father beach people and the children come home and ask their mother a question is it true that our father is a murderer how can you say this about a man who protects his people constitutional order and territorial integrity. i ask them about all the videos showing the men in full riot gear severely beating peaceful protesters they say they aren't proud but insists that the big picture
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matters. is the use of force doesn't make us look good especially if we use forced you to emotions we shouldn't do it but it was that time when people came at us with sticks and rocks and we had to end that mess. that people did not come to peaceful rallies with molotov cocktails with sticks and stones and they don't try to run over military and internal affairs officers with their cars last sunday suit tens of thousands of anti-government protesters making their voices heard peacefully from the sleeve no one was arrested or detained it seems there's finally a truce between law enforcement and protesters but a fragile one i'm being told it seems both sides will need to keep their emotions in check and we've done of reporting from minsk in belarus r.t. . now migrant center in the italian city of perth east sale is being blamed for
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a spike in. infections more than 200 people they're called coronavirus and the full military barracks in the last 2 weeks before have been considered a free city the mayor himself is to the situation health but. what happened inside the serene ex-military barracks a structure directly managed by the ministry of interior is a paradox the structure didn't work fine in normal conditions and it showed all its gaps during this health emergency we call it health form because there are 256 people confined into the same structure and they don't want to separate between covert 1000 positive cases and negative one. or prosecutors this month did launch a probe after the 1st positive cases were discovered in the migrant center and public anger is growing fast. to many migrants together it was inevitable now the danger is young people who do not distance themselves but why are all just say that the virus has weakened. the problem is not just inside
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the barracks it seems to me that the situation is out of control more serious and correct measures are needed but right now they don't know how to deal with it. and there is some concern it's a shame that our politicians have left is in disarray without a solution i thought i would go back but younger people are migrants aren't taking it seriously we all need to be conscientious and be more careful and i'm going on. it's better not to talk about the serrano you sure it was bad management it continues to be bad the root of the problem must be solved move the migrants and give them a chance to live a decent life. i'm very worried we're free from corbett and now there are all this new cases the fault lies with those let in the migrants in they should be sent back home kansas for migrants were arrested this month for allegedly starting a revolt their ports claim to some refugees escape quarantine which may have contributed to the cave in crisis immigrants have also been accused to attacking
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health workers which triggered an angry response from politicians. the virus must not leave the barracks for me the barracks remain a red zone from a health point of view and guests must comply with rules established by law if someone who tests positive leaves quarantine they must be fined and criminally charged the guests are rioting they're refusing to stay in quarantine and destroying the infirmary it is corsten calculable damage to the image of the trivia area to tourism to businesses those who commit acts of violence must not go unpunished. put the decision to jail for ghosts of the former serena barracks who attacked health workers and burned lives the rooms. the relatives of u.k. health workers who lost their lives to cove it could see their welfare benefits cut if they accept compensation from the government if families take the 60000 pound
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lump sum it will be treated as capital in means tested benefits and that could leave them ineligible for payments such as universal credit and housing or pension benefit opposition m.p.'s to say that that's unfair to grief stricken relatives and pointed out to other schemes haven't had such restrictions in the past. the government was right to say we must honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so it's shocking that families are being forced to choose between excess in social security they're entitled to all the compensation they need a government does and says that such benefits have always been calculated the same way the principle is that only those who cannot meet basic needs get payments but a senior health consultant does say too that such an approach doesn't exactly encourage medical workers to put their lives on the line. that was very unfortunate took a long time for the a representative bodies of all the health care workers to negotiate this with the
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government and then to subsequently find that it is going to be treated as capital is a step backwards it should just be a payment and we must remember people die as a result of being in the front line saving lives and often in circumstances where they are working with inadequate p.p. so they are really truly honestly but in very much in the front line in danger and the local and should not be also being that ised just because they received 860000 barrels payment 60000 pounds does not little very far in our current war and therefore it just is a payment for somebody who has put their lives in the front line it should not their fault be for that penalized with it you've got capital we're not going to help you if this comes to be what will happen is then health care workers may make a choice to say you know what come to think about it i don't want to put myself in
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the front line that would be all saw a negative backward step. raging wildfires in california are now known to have killed 7 and force around 60000 others to flee the area or than 14000 firefighters from various u.s. states have been battling the blazes that have spread over a 1000000 acres for a week. eco. well this is one of the worst outbreaks in recorded history with 7000 fires already this year they were sparked by something that is called a lightning siege when thousands of lightning strikes it region the state's firefighting agency chief has tweeted the worst is not yet behind us. now the construction of a note of an elite ocean front property in hawaii for barack obama on traditional burial grounds has angered locals there the former u.s.
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president was reportedly in line to get one of the developments by the chair of his foundation who begun building a swimming pool and septic tank over sacred bones. thank you. there are quite some concerns that our community members are having now that we have such a high profile individual moving into our community there are some fear you know for my involvement in it i just really wanted to make sure that our not going to eve you were put back to rest in the i know in which. we really see the importance of how we treat our and our natural resource and expression the the remains of
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our ancestors and so here in why manalo there has been a real huge dry in community effort to be able to care for my lama these special places and these special being. there and for those who came before us. we properly care for ourselves. because of all cultural and spiritual realization that the bones are where they're supposed to be. in the ground. and for the ones it's not the reason that you are not trying to preserve a bone. sometimes there is a decomposition. over generations. the goal is to be elemental. is similar.
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and that is the news for this hour don't forget that we've got plenty stories too on our website you can find that as usual. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation of the community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. directly. what is true what is great. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. such as the bus the one business show you can't afford to metropolis and plasma treatment for covert 19 but questions remain about just how effective the therapy actually is and the parent company of take top in front is doing the u.s. government ahead of a possible ban it's yet another legal battle between the u.s. and china tougher we have a lot to get to the leftists.


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