tv News RT August 27, 2020 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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they rise to the top and suddenly they're like wow these people are awesome and i would put. president putin says he put what he called a law enforcement reserve on standby. if you security situation there. things would be settled peacefully. the russian prosecution says it has found no evidence of an intentional criminal act against. the prominent opposition figure remains in a coma in a german hospital that he was poisoned. from peaceful marches to looting and shooting protests in the u.s. if you continue. to shut their doors.
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closing. until. 6 o'clock in moscow watching international. russia's stance on the unfolding situation in bellary to remind you it is just over 2 weeks since the long standing president there claimed an election victory a victory that the opposition said was started and there have been large protests since you can start off now reports from mints. lattimer putin has said that for russia it is important for all sides of the story here to be put out there both of the story of those who are supporting the incumbent government and those who are
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opposed to it you see belarus and russia are really close to each other not just geographically just the 1st layer they are important and close to each other culturally story clear linguistically just you name it in many many aspects so according to the russian president for moscow it is important it does matter as to what happens here in minsk here in belarus but at the same time vladimir putin has said that ultimately the fate of this nation should be in the hands of its people that the russian citizens should decide which way their country goes where it fares he didn't shed some light though as to under which circumstances russia might and is likely to get involved in the events here including russia's security forces and riot police. alexander lukashenko asked me to form a law enforcement reserve force and i did but we also agreed that it won't be called into action unless the situation gets out of control and unless extremist
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elements i'd like to emphasize the reserve force won't be used unless extremist elements hiding between political slogans cross certain boundaries and get down to straight tells assaults sitting vehicles houses banks on fire trying to take over administrative buildings and so on at the same time lattimer putin has also said that right now he doesn't see a needed to get involved for these reserve forces to be shipped to better us and he expressed hope that things say as they are that things don't come to it but this is a very clear message to any members of the better russian opposition who might get any idea as they have been warned so to speak at the same time lattimer putin called the better russian government. to dialogue he said that with this many people protesting in the streets the government has to react the government has to listen if we're operating on the assumption that all parties involved will be
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sensible enough to calmly find a solution without resorting to extremes of course the people have taken to the streets you have to take that into account and react to it and by the way the better russian president says he's open to constitutional reform a new constitution new general and presidential elections based on that new constitution but you shouldn't violate the existing constitution the bill or a supreme court has ruled that the creation of certain bodies not in visits by the current constitution which are trying to hijack power is absolutely unacceptable and you can't help but agree with that. talking about foreign meddling vitamine putin has said that he believes that russia is more neutral is more impartial compared to the european union and the united states for instance the e.u. had previously allocated 53000000 euros to help the better russian people as they put it the e.u. has also recently announced that when deciding as to how to spend this money they will be coordinating things with the opposition called today sion council
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a body that doesn't have any official status here in belarus also according to the russian president things are starting to calm down and they are becoming less rocky finally say so because at least there's no violence in the streets the protests are peaceful and it seems both russia and belarus would like to keep things this way. the russian prosecutor general's office has asked the german authorities to share their findings over the reported poisoning of alexina valmy it also said too that so far he has found no evidence of any criminal act against the russian opposition figure with more details his room and cost. russia's prosecutor general's office have issued a statement saying that so far they have not found any criminal wrongdoing in the case alec say let's have a listen to the details of that statement despite a preliminary investigation that was initiated he is or was the 20th no evidence of
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an intentional criminal act against the valley has been established and new evidence that would allow us to classify this incident under criminal law has been found so far according to the officers that showed it's a clinic in berlin aleksei and that by the way was poisoned however they exactly substance remains unknown now doctors who were treating a lot of the before he was evacuated suid germany are saying that they don't have any evidence to support the claim of their german colleagues however they are assured that they will provide any data and information when it becomes necessary initially there were calls from europe to begin a probe into anything that why these poisoning however russia called for restraint until all of the facts are in now russian judiciary officials have asked for legal assistance from their german counterparts and requested information from the clinic in berlin on the diagnosis of aleksei and of on me now a russian prosecutor general's office have also announced that germany is ready to
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cooperate with russia on the situation without saying a lot any german foreign minister heikal moss says that most calls or all will hopefully help clarify this case. i think russia has its own interests in sorting out this situation we expect mosco to contribute to clarification of the month so well there was the conjecture and speculation that remain with me for the damage the situation between germany and russia but also between the e.u. and russia german and other western media were 1st to accuse the kremlin poisoning off. before any of the facts even. came out headlines accusing the kremlin and sometimes even vladimir putin personally dominated and continued to dominate mainstream media in the west and that's without any facts or even a hint of proof meanwhile alix in the valley is currently in a medically induced coma in the hospital in germany however his condition is
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non-life threatening from costa ok let's bring in neil clark author and journalist the dissaving good to have you back on thanks neal germany as we heard there is reportedly willing to cooperate with russia on the bounty case what sort of cooperation do you think we could see. what we need to have the fullest possible cooperation really don't we obviously something happened. on the flight we've got the german doctor saying that they believe it was poisoning the russian doctors who looked at him and looked after him after what happened on the flight said there was no evidence of poisoning we got to try to establish together the germans and the russians actually what happened i mean that seems very very important everybody you know and let's sort of ashamed of it to the germans come back and say look we found the substance we're sure he was poisoned. then a criminal investigation inevitably have to happen in russia. oh absolutely yes i
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mean it is it is if you the question is if he was of course and put it this way what happened to him on that flight he suddenly from what i've been reading about in the reports he became suddenly very ill. perhaps there was a medical reason behind that perhaps not certainly it would be it would go along with with somebody being poisoned what actually happened to you know if that was the case it is proven that of course the question is who poisoned him and then we go from there but 1st we've got to get to that stage before 1st established a completely what actually happened to him and then we can move on to that as you say that would obviously mean a criminal investigation given the international interest that we've seen in this case and all the speculation to do you think the miss investigation should be independent in any way or is it right for russia to carry out the investigation saying it happened on russian soil well that's a very good question i think that let's let's be honest given the geopolitical context of this then whatever the russians come up with is going to be criticize an
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attack because if there was a full russian investigation it came out and said it wasn't poison of course a lot of people who got an axe to grind russia wouldn't wouldn't accept that whatever happened so i think it is important i think for for the independent in some a nation inquiry to take place and it's so important russia too because quite clearly there are a number of explanations that the could be put forward to to. explain what happened to him on that flight and i think it's in in russia's interest obviously to get this cleared up and have a transparent process as possible. it's already has an impact a german russian relations were listening to their foreign minister saying you know look relations have been damaged but it is so important to get an investigation underway. yes yes absolutely i think that you know as i said that the there's a number of steps if we established that the valley was poisoned on that flight the
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next question is who did it and as reports said many people but already jumped forgotten stage 8 and got even be on stage be it someone of course it was the kremlin it will not necessarily there were a number of a number of people who have a motive perhaps of poisoning him he was an anti corruption campaigning emailed lots of enemies and there might be even people who thought that attacking him would be a sort of backdoor way of getting at the kremlin know the kremlin would be the number would be promoted as the number one suspect so there's all kinds of things that need unraveling before we start to jump to any conclusions but as i say the 1st step of all is to determine what actually did happen to him if it was a poisoning then of course we need a criminal investigation one that must be whether it's the russian state taking this over or whether it's an independent body or whatever it has to be transparent we have to just sort of put the politics and your politics to one side and then just focus on this guy you have only what happened to him and then traced obviously
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the steps if he was poisoned how that poison may have been administered was it on the plane was it before etc ok new york always good so is he thanks for your thoughts tonight it was neil clark journalist and broadcaster and you're thinking. my protest is no american cities can i share once again defied a curfew and poured on to the streets for a 4th night after police shot a black man multiple times. i. i i i i i i. i. i. i i oh very last night was generally peaceful it does follow days of violence prices have been seen losing stores and vandalizing and torching cars this is the shop and it's nice to
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really face a grim reality. so when we heard about it. pretty quickly monday afternoon we decided that it was time to start putting up the windows be some mountaineers come and help us to court of public or windows and we did close early that day so we've been closing early every. step of protests so that we're only open during the daytime unfortunately but because we're such a distance from the just so for the rest of the city you're closing actually we're staying boarded up until until it gets worse until the sense of the result of the mother of jacob blake shooting to spark the unrest has called for calm. if. he knew what was going cars back all the violence in the drug. would be very hard. the 29 year old's family say the incident has left him
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paralyzed from the waist down a shop like 7 times from behind the incident has made him one of a growing number of symbols of the black lives matter movement has been taking a closer look. i can't breathe 3 short words but they would go on to be a rallying cry against racial injustice and police brutality these were the words said by eric garner as he was dying in a police choke hold that was 6 years ago that history has a habit of repeating itself and now more recently there was the case of george floyd that sparked protests around the country a similar situation where a black man was callously choked to death ok thanks jay. kay. kay. brotherhood you don't need me to go in here her up our new home and admire me they're not mine
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for that and then not rely on that every month for all who are already. here when you live after the killing of george floyd protest sooner wrapped it not just in the united states but across the world. george floyd say's has been painted and put on display people even get baptized at the site where he was killed politicians have now joined the movement there's no excuse for what happened to george floyd and many of. justice will be served today
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we are standing here for justice as we bring forward the george floyd justice in palais thing at a lot of the grandstanding from politicians has not really translated into real concrete actions less than a month later re shar brooks was shot and killed and once again the streets were filled with protests now politicians supporting the movement of been criticized for ignoring the looting the vandalism and the gun violence associated with the demonstrations. donald trump has called the protesters anarchists and vandals and sent a special police force of federal officers in to crush them however the result has
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been only making people angry or that staying out doesn't seem to be a real option either videos have emerged showing a random citizens trying to enjoy a night out being harassed by a black lives matter activists was. now another black man jacob blake was shot from behind by police officers in 2 no show wisconsin is now paralyzed in response to yet another horrendous incident violence has left the city protestors have been in the streets for months since the killing of george floyd it demanded that things change that things seem to be pretty much the same except for the fact that the country is deeply polarized as soon as something happens doesn't really matter who's at fault who did it right who they're wrong there's going to be an immediate reaction for a variety of different reasons people are out there trying to steal people they're out there trying to connect right. to put in different political ideologies so does
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not surprise that it's happening so quickly because it's pretty much instead out to be this way in many states unfortunately at this particular point to be a lone protester or for political purposes and also for money that really work well as a matter that's not even really the case to case one particular to those. long ago . now teaches in the state of indiana assuming the sheriff's department there over drills designed to replicate school shootings they claim that children and staff have been left traumatized at the time of the shooting plaintive spose mo threat of danger to officers and we're not under arrest armed to interfering with bullies due to its officers made no efforts to mitigate their mount to fool so use which was significant resulting in areas of bruising bleeding welts and broken skin moon known to forces nurses a route to proper we conduct an active shooter training for normal enforcement
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participants ok let's break down then what is involved they can actually use weapons although blanks are used inside and they can also use aggressive acting and also special make up however staff and students to complain it is proving to be close to the real thing and the situation one school is a good case in point to teach is there say they actually had to quit because it got too much for them and one was even diagnosed with post traumatic stress following complaints the police say that they have stopped using pellet guns the drills are supposed to prepare staff and sheets for a potential attack after numerous school shootings in recent years.
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however anti terror experts legal analyst jennifer damascus question the timing of the teachers complaints since march april may of this year we're looking at a concerted effort by and many people throughout the united states to demonize our local law enforcement to demonize police officers that's not to say that all police officers individually are perfect by any means and nobody in any profession is perfect but our local law enforcement definitely helps force the rule of law and helps a protector and serve our societies and communities so with this demonization concerted demonization defunding of police departments that's why at this particular time you know this lawsuit seems a little bit questionable given that for the past year many local law enforcement and police departments have been engaging in these kinds of drills. the u.k.
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government has made another huge hit on its coronavirus policy this time revising its guidance to make sure the. some schools it has schools to plenty of confusion to just as a new academic is a bank to begin. reports. just days before anyone 2nd reclass rooms were set to reopen boris johnson made yet another u. turn previously the official advice was that mosques were not necessary but from september the 1st moscow now be mandatory for peoples and adults in school communal areas and corridors region subject to tighter coronavirus restrictions on the issue of whether or not to wear a mosque in some contexts you know we'll look at the the changing medical evidence as we as we go on if we need to change the advice and of course we will get before wednesday's announcement the prime minister didn't believe children should cover up at school and followed his oh no mosque at 5 suave visiting them.
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in school is safe it's exciting it's the place to. the u. turn leaves open to question johnson's conviction that schools are safe while the department for education is leaving other schools to decide whether people's and staff should moscow and this is creating more confusion amongst the public looking for certainty about safety parents and schools need of clarity and leadership but instead the government have just passed the buck back to them face coverings should be compulsory in coming areas and schools instead of this have baked u. turn the government should have given clear guidance and a plan to deliver it on d. for schools it means thinking if the carry some well up can we have more teaches
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and more teaching spaces so the class sizes can be smaller in schools the education secretary disagree isn't says ministers are giving their all for the big day back we are doing everything we can to help schools get ready not least with our back to school safely campaign to reassure parents and students that schools. and colleges are ready for their return but gathered williamson's expecting parents to have faith in the government following the qualification fiasco where students missed out on university places due to the face the government placed in a grade predicting algorithm about teachers 1st hand knowledge that was resolved by a u. turn perhaps by making another one about must before the kids go back to school boris johnson is trying to get ahead of the curve with the coronavirus and his political future. the decision. let our staff. writers. has been on our side complete pressure the government
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still unclear as to how popular a decision is regarding also children region. next week how many. schools are here not the government so even if the government didn't have this huge of. an issue. would be still say. this teachers in school should be allowed to have face masks. if they so wish and are would have no problem with students also more wary buys is. now with the u.s. presidential election fast approaching the trumpet ministration is bigging up its achievements to try and win over voters and the recent peace deal between the united arab emirates and israel is being singled out in particular for praise well the sec restate my pump oh is currently touring the arab world trying to repeat
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that success elsewhere but as don cotton now explains that does involve trying to get money out of one of the most deprived nations on earth. historic deal was struck earlier this month between the united arab emirates and israel it was brokered by washington and quickly became a media sensation that news of a historic middle east peace deal between israel and the united arab emirates for donald trump it's a big foreign policy achievement this is a big big day for the middle east israel and united arab emirates have agreed to a historic deal to normalize diplomatic relations with confidence in astride secretary of state mike pompei it was set off on a p.r. tour around the arab world one of his 1st stops was sudan though and its leaders seemed not very willing to normalize relations with israel the interim government has no mandate to normalize relations with israel to make matters more difficult for pompei all sudan's foreign ministry spokesperson was just fired last week for
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suggesting the country was getting ready to sign an agreement with israel so pump a 0 came up with a foolproof plan to win sudan over also dan's government needs to do is make a very small donation of $330000000.00 to the victims of al qaeda and washington will wipe it from the state sponsors of terror list you could probably imagine that idea didn't go down very well with the country's impoverished citizens. of bordering is a coward that we pray you find in return for the removal of saddam from american terrorism list. to be honest we the sudanese people are the party most affected by the decisions and acts of the previous regime paying the compensation could bring us many economic benefits and remove sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. frankly speaking this american proposal is a kind of blackmail and it is a pity nodes its reach is safe to will have to pay the price for the actions of the
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previous regime as is often the case there was something more behind the deal than just goodwill highly sought after american after 35 fighter jets. u.a.e. has been trying to get their hands on them for years and apparently now they can't though they have the money in the you or they would like to order quite a few f. 35 ships the greatest fighter jet in the world as you know by former stealth but it seems washington got a bit carried away trying to seal the deal with dobby so much so it neglected the interests of its best friend in the region we oppose the sale of even one screw one plane of the stealth fighters to any country in the middle east if we have peace with them or not and so this supposedly historic deal could be on its way to the dustbin the f. $35.00 dramas reportedly led the u.a.e. to cancel its upcoming meeting with israel saudi arabia has publicly rejected any normalization of relations with tel of eve and of course palestine decried what it considered to be a betrayal by the u.a.e. . posed nude the ship rejects will be you know it's not emirates is done and
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considers to be true of jerusalem. in the post coats and likely recognition of jerusalem as the capital of his rue pump alles got one last chance to make his p.r. campaign worthwhile bahrain who knows how that'll play out but if it's anything like his past attempts it might not go so well of the editor of the palestinian cortical ramsey but who does believe that the trumpet ministration is trying to twist sudan zam with its offer. the u.s. is being quite aggressive in pushing for normalization between the arabs sudan bihari and oman the saudis immoralities moroka more time here and others at this particular period because president trump is desperate for any kind of leverage that he can use during the election season especially that his numbers are trading behind biden in the polls and so forth so he wants to go and say listen i
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have and she greet this breakthrough in one of the world's most complicated and convoluted struggles and that is the middle east this is that great this brick through since conde david in 1979 and i have done it so the offer to remove sudan exchange for a massive amount of money i think was meant to send 2 messages number one we are willing to make a deal you know in exchange for normalization we will remove you from that list the 2nd message i think compay it was trying to send is that we hold all the keys and that if you do not play ball basically this is what you have to do you have we will ask you that will make these impossible demands from your and you really your trust you have no other option but to for the needs of the united arab emirates that normalize with this where we simply it will not be so simple so that the society
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will not accept the normalization with israel living down day especially done they historically they've had very strong ties with the palestinian struggle and they are in many ways that one of the clues this arab couldn't surely top palestinian aspirations and in fact the prime minister of the country said a few days ago he said can you please dealing both issues do not meet it the only option for sudan is either we remain on the. this or we normalize with this well because it's not within our right as a transitional government to do so we have to wait until the elections in 2020 talk and then the people themselves can and that's a government that will make that decision for them so that's how the news is looking at say father saving don't forget that you can always keep yourself updated to on our social media pages and also you can catch.
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