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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  August 28, 2020 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to. let it be an arms race in. the air in dramatic development only mostly and. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. looper joey or dave so being you. for just being you know pretty good. yes. so you. just. these are the stories
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of men who can't imagine life without fashion without a sense of style without things that might be seen as weakness in this masculine world but they still demonstrate incredible strength of spirit to live as they choose. for the. greetings and salutations you know things are things are looking mighty graham here in the land of milk and honey the bright shining city on the hill was no longer bright it certainly has lost its shine and that hill was looking less like a mountain and more like a normal. this is things directly to climate change in our lack of respect for the
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damage we have rocked on mother earth i mean california is burning the gulf coast is once again decimated by unprecedented and by unprecedented in their size hurricanes city after city across the united states are seeing streets neighborhoods up ended stores looted and buildings burned to trigger happy thoughts with badgers are shooting down or kneeling on the necks of one are men and women because they live in fear of anyone with a skin tone darker than white americans now all more than 21000000000 in unpaid rent while mr amazon themselves jeff bezos is worth more than 200000000000 alone. cope with 19 is now claim to close 218-0000 lives and is infected almost 5800000 others here in the united states even the national basketball association the association in the w n b a has decided that enough is enough with players going on strike this past wednesday. and amidst all of this strike you've been in turmoil murder and
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injustice the great to legacy parties here in the united states of america yes our old friends the democrats and republicans put on their latest song and dance act on the way to the 2020 presidential elections last week the democrats kicked things off with a national convention that bought hard to gain right leaning voters by featuring right winded speakers while pounding home over and over and over and over again the message that the world will surely end on november 4th if we vote for donald trump and this week the republicans put on their elephant hide suits and dresses and cried in blind cult like fashion all hail the great leader to empty rooms and empty heads pushing home their convention message message that of joe biden wins in november the suburbs and the world will end as we know it. 2 parties same apocalyptic messages so as this 2 party dictatorship bathed their
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followers in the mad max dystopia of their fear based campaign slogans one has to wonder whether biden or trump will any outcome in november actually bring peace and prosperity to this nation. let's find out as we start watching the hawks. what's going on on a city the streets. that are so let's see this is this is your state see a. great city this least systemic dissent says so which i will so when you. are i welcome in watching the hawks i am tyrone winter and i'm an. all right and joining us today to talk about the democrat. republican conventions and the state
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of the united states today is political analyst a.b. this is jones do we are the president of the phyllis schlafly for magick ation and legal defense fund mr ed martin and rob richardson the host of disruption now podcast thank all thank you all 3 for coming on today. thanks for having us you so gentlemen i want to start with the messaging we've seen come out of both the democratic and republican conventions and this messaging that the world is going to end as we know it diffused vote for the other guy is that messaging helping or hurting the current political and economic crisis is that are unfolding in this country this past year and most certainly moving forward rob we'll start with you. yeah i don't know that kind of a trick question is certainly not helping so i guess i have to be hard and. i would just say that i want to start on the democratic side to move to the republican side some from the democratic side where i think there was a lot of opportunity making everything about the president occupant in the white house which is trial is a mistake and just saying that is just about him is also
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a mistake because he is a symptom is a symptom of the problem that's going on he's making it worse but he's certainly a symptom so better to actually talk about the policies are going to do not just contrast that i know that makes a lot of folks who are less worried feel good i mean i'm a democrat i'm not going to vote for trouble but we also need to we need to also inspire people with what we're going to do and not only called talking about the solutions here but all for on the other side you know it's really it's very harmful when you see that the current president really exacerbating the problem of just pouring fuel on the fire and trying to do everything possible because i think he believes that chaos helps him and he's not there talking about all the chaos and we expelled of chaos and and he who are in charge so i guess is going to say it's not going to be like it is now but i'm in charge daughter is going any other ed what are your thoughts on the messaging of these 2 parters well let me for say i agree with you that the messaging is there's a lot of fear i would put
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a little different blame i would blame the american mainstream media for really their message both fox and c.n.n. c.n.n. they're trying to teach people to be anxious and all but i just would contrast with as to joe biden couldn't even get out of the bunker today to give the speech that his my vice president candidate gave and it was about kogan and the criticism all the leaders in the world that we're supposed to be experts on kogut and solomon are same struggling with the same thing no one thinks that the covert thing was was a simple problem that fixed but here's the difference but i don't complain about orange man bad and what trump did you have to like it but what trump did in the last 3 nights and will do tonight is talk about what he wants to keep doing and what he. wants to keep doing is growing the economy and school choice and immigration hardline i admit and then get not a really grease to that but he's laying out what it means for he's for more law and order you know that cities that are burning i disagree with your characterization of the beginning the cities that are burning are democrat liberal cities they're not doing this in ballot support work they're not because low on water there if
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there was a problem the republican mayor cut you know tries to change it now maybe they will do that next but my point here is one party and the other thing the republican party has done this week is it's a different looking party i'm proud of it the people there speak it now you can say tim scott isn't good enough he's pretty good to america you could say that the guy last night jack brewer isn't impressive he's pretty good and then the oasis in the whole to me is herschel walker and lou holtz covering all of that's what needs s.c.c. and notre dame it's going to be a landslide in the fall because one campaign is looking forward the other is looking down in the basement and losing really really rapidly it was a lecture for there's a question of. i don't think we're going to take advice from people that are under indictment for insider trading but beyond that i will say that there is a huge difference i agree between it's hugh conventions one it's based in fact the other is based on nixon you have the republican convention that you out the entire
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convention they are referring to hope it in the past tense i have news for president from and the entire administration that we are not through with this. bill are a little thing well over a 1000 people per day we make up only 4 percent of the world's population yet we have 25 percent of the world's talent and a problem with that sort of mentality in terms of putting it in the past tense along with the new regulations under the c.d.c. which clearly have been changed in order to reduce the counting of people who have this claiming that. does it projects that he doesn't plan to do anything about it so he'll be filed with more and more thousands upon thousands upon hundreds of thousands of americans dropping dead on the on the other end of the spectrum super quickly you know i also agree that the democratic party i believe would have been well done to focus more on policy it's clear that we have some in the white house
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that really doesn't care that americans are dropping dead every minute but beyond that you need to say what you are going to do and saw a little bit of that in terms of policy speech today for example as well as with president biden so i projected their vice president biden and we were in the convention which was very policy in lake number so you know i think that they both have strengths and weaknesses cannot end up in a bit here because one thing really quick i can't even though i want to i want to move on of america's question guys let's just let's hold off one of those run into the mix of good american soldier accounts. i don't get it don't you know it started out we'll start with you on this one what do you feel that both parties have been the most tone deaf on when it comes to the needs of the american people and the republicans a whole. well i tell you 1st of all let me say i'm i'm i'm really i want to be offended for jack brewer for being attacked like you just did for saying he's under
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investigation you know the biden family has made tens of millions of dollars and if there was honor in this an african-american man wouldn't be under an investigation and joe biden's kid is skating free in a multimillion dollar home in beverly hills right now it's you know you talk about double standards that people look up and say really that's what we're going to do here since things are tone deaf nobody believes joe biden is functionally able to be president nobody democrats don't believe it either and now even nancy pelosi saying the democrats shouldn't have nominated him because they've set themselves up and the republicans the republicans have been tone deaf on this school choice isn't enough the teachers' unions have exploited. fricken americans for 30 years in our inner cities and when you're the one place systemic racism as president america that i'll agree is our union union leadership has kept african-american and brown and what i kids down no no we had to see on the process the number one place and that's right and that is the number. as we're able to let you come in and then
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we'll finish up got about 3 minutes left. absolute super quickly i'm glad that you are not the parameter of systemic racism because you have about enough is about as much factual capabilities with that as we've seen throughout the entire republican convention but i would say that in terms of where we really need to it's moving for it to move this country for it is the tone that we saw in the democratic convention which was very different than the tone that we saw in the republican convention night in day one was about a tone of unity one was about the tone of being the president for all americans and not just your colleagues one was about moving forward in a way that would address life threatening situations not only including tobit but including death by execution as it relates to the whole black clouds matter crisis that we are facing today that is in fact. connected to systemic racism so you know
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to me that the the difference it's very clear and we'll just have to see what the voters say in november. you know i think it's very clear and i'll just say this systemic racism exists in both parties it is is prevalent all across the united states and the fact that republicans have trouble admitting it is a serious serious problem and they've seen it and they're trying to use it as a weapon to divide us even more and you think education was a time of great stress and this is what other hosts i got interrupted i was like i want to raise $1.00 and it raises what a country a lot better than you were right this is what this is what this i say i want to divide it the only thing that america can defeat america is america and they're hoping that we're going to divide each other like this and the way this president uses race unlike any other president ever he's like george wallace in a uses it because he thinks it empowers him and i want republicans understand to reject kate no matter where you have it i want to have i want to have the choice from a republican party that actually allows us to make
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a choice where it's not putting our humanity less so i hope that comes out and i hope democrats focus on the real solution. police police qualified i mean you want to talk about unity to change we need to make sure that police unions are held accountable to a lot of races in the air and we need to make sure that we have real solutions for american people why we've got this contentious issue look at us everybody jumping on everybody know that i want to say thank you all so much for coming on definitely going to have everybody back on again because i think it was a good conversation i love having you guys on once again political analysts ablest jones the weaver conservative commentator and martin and rob richardson the host of disruption now pod cast all 3 of you thank you so much for coming on and sharing your viewpoints with the audience. thank you. all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand through the brand new portable t.v. app which is available on all platforms so you have no excuse not to look at it up and find it once again that's the portable t.v. app all right coming up we delve into an extraordinary story coming out of 4 of
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those tragically all too ordinary in the world of racism in homeownership and that are to america's rates of love and brings us the latest on the rising tensions between the united states and china definitely want to stay to watch. in the troubled 19 seventies a group. that was coordinated loyalists attacks on the population. are forced to flee their homes complete these attacks was a p.r. you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of presenting they were active participants and the burning of schools streets in belfast i think. 100 innocent civilians with. the if you can see news and we found out more i was
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surprised about the extent and the take rates which the clue. i was involved in some of those cases. to be named. i think. there is no such thing as money and there is no inflation and there is deflation and the only thing there is to think about our interest and interest rate apart devalue the. gold in that you can keep interest rates near 0 so that if you are a white guy on wall street your cost of borrowing is 0 if you're a black guy living in the ghetto your cost of borrowing is 2000 percent. and it's
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practiced right here and all over the world ghetto of high interest rates if you don't mind borrowing money to 0 percent you live in the ghetto and that's the fact . martin luther king jr famously said a riot is in the language of the unheard arguably there hasn't been a more unheard of group in america than blacks. shadow slavery jim crow redlining restrictive covenants police brutality the war on drugs the prison industrial complex you name it and blacks have experienced it every ounce of discrimination bias and institutionalized racism baked into the pile we call america was built to keep blacks back and now in the year of our lord 2020 the oppressed are rising up president donald trump calls protesters in our face empty
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for patriotic trump and the republican party are using the cities where major protests are taking place as a cornerstone of his law and order narrative but he's not the only one he's joined by republican leaders like south dakota governor christie known who says quote no mother in this country wants to raise children in democratic led cities in her righteous indignation and appeal to suburban moms known cold out cities like portland oregon commotion wisconsin and my hometown of chicago these cities all have a few things in common protest against ongoing racial injustice support for black lives matter and episodic looting. but in trump unknowns alternative reality what is based on the ground in these cities is an example of poor democratic leadership . a timely argument with his own reelection just around the corner but a misguided one because the city's castigates have long suffered from high levels of segregation police brutality and excessive force and economic devaluation folks
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for crying in the streets because they have no alternatives and speaking of devaluation and divestment in the black community it's not a myth. it's been long known that properties owned by blacks resulted in lower values even when they were located in the middle class that codes but a recent story made national headlines a florida couple had their jacksonville home appraised at $330000.00 in june only to found out the exact same residence was valued at 40 percent higher up to $550000.00 and a 2nd appraisal after pictures of black family members were removed from the home. yet a black woman and her white husband learned the hard way that race rules everything around them. yeah usually it's cash for do this you're going to do your exactly right except with a link to they are and that's what this shows and that's why i think it's so important for people to grasp the it's not about your bets with that racism is when
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people talk about institutionalized racism that story is it and it's frustrating because we talk about devaluation i know you've had guest on before who've actually written books several books on this topic we watch institute after institute published articles on this and i think that it still is big in america but that's not the case so when we see something like this where this black woman is married to a caucasian male and every other home in their community is already appraised by a $100000.00 and their home is actually bigger than their neighbors on both sides and there is ranked in that 300000 dollar range and simply if you hide the pictures of the wife's grandmother the wife's children all of those things you know all of those pictures and sprinkles of color go away and all of a sudden your property value goes up that truly hurts you know one of the things when you look at look at trump in the south dakota governor you know all they seem to be doing is trying to you know what the tactics and the language of the you is
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on twitter and things and we're kind of talking about earlier is that kind of amplification of like all of the problems and i'm the only one who can save it and all of that is that actually going to help him politically it depends on who you ask and as you ask me i. and i answered yes but what the issue with that is that this type of signaling of fear and we've seen it historically in america and he is talking specifically to white suburban women he says moms in the suburbs he word means white women because there are several over the past 5 years we've seen more minorities move into the suburbs as well but he's signaling and fear tactic using for white women and what we've seen historically is that when you scare them into believing that criminality is going to happen that's how we progress the war on drugs and that's how we progress the the expansion of our prison industrial complex when you scare white women and you move the nation in a different direction so i think that he's going by historical precedent because it's happened time and time again and saying if i can only do it now and we're watching it happen there are women who are quite frankly believing and falling into
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this trial and i think that it's a problem for america that we haven't gotten past that it is a real big problem for murder and i think you know it's like when you see all these things and how they're combined compounded it's really scary when you look at the actual numbers like you know and use of racism rules road crashes right there with that they're both an exploding lunch and when you look at these numbers it's incredible was at the brookings institute found that in black neighborhoods homes are undervalued by board of $8000.00 on average and that amounts to 165000000000 in losses that's a huge amount of money being taken out of black communities around this country absolutely so in america when we base everything on the american dream in this idea that if we work hard enough we rise above our station and owning a home is this great investment when it comes to black families whether they live in a black community or they choose to live in a white one that is absolutely not true because you're not getting the bang for your buck your home is not valued at what it should be just simply because you were born the wrong skin color and that is something america continues to reinvest in instead of our property while powerful. well most united states has been rightfully
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distracted by politics and the tensions between the united states and china have been rising particularly around the south china sea and after a chinese ballistic missile test was. engine has now turned up the heat on the sanctions against companies it accuses of enabling beijing in the region all of this is defense secretary marc esper embarks on a indo-pacific road tour with china on his mind to use rachel blevins joins us now to discuss all these wild interesting details rachel i want to ask what is our good buddy mr secretary of defense mark up to with his latest rock and roll to across the pacific will this latest tour include toll why a guam and a small island nation a pullout and you may be wondering why exactly but of course the u.s. is on this much broader campaign to call on countries to stand up to china and this portion of it specifically focuses on the south china sea now we saw this really happen with the transit ministration where they've seen all of those policies the
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ways that the u.s. has interacted with china and they've gone against side in every way possible and specifically when it comes to the small island of taiwan you know previously the u.s. has looked at taiwan as part of china one of the trump mr should come along and tried to have those official talks with taiwan and they've really poked all of the places where china has said hey this is the way we do things will then in terms of history has come along you're going to get a possible so we've seen this ongoing trade war this battle with china for a while at this point and china has responded in kind for the most part to the sanctions as well as the strong arming from president trump how are they going to respond to these most recent escalation by the u.s. has we see any signal from them and we did see them fire off a few missiles in the sauce trying to see this week after that the alleged that the u.s. had flown a spy plane in there near their territory and there are no fly zones so they are responding and they've also said that there will be direct military action if the u.s. goes too far when it comes to taiwan so they really put those threats out there but
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at the same time the u.s. is also complained that now china is moving to modernize their military and so that their threat to the world and china has fired right back and point out the fact that the u.s. still has the largest military budget in. in the world and still more than the next 9 countries on that list come by line and survey pointed out how the u.s. is waged all of these wars and then all of these things are really put it right back out that it's kind of hard to read good argument where you want to go you look at what you've done and upgrading your military it's going to. look who's talking what are i would look like 2020 hasn't done enough upon the world already what are some of the concerns moving forward when it comes to these increased tensions between the u.s. and china i mean normally i would say i could never imagine potential like a hot war but it is 2020 and anything can happen at this point not to do it yeah when you have the u.s. increasing its military presence in the south china sea right in china's backyard
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and really trying to ramp up when you have the u.s. flying spy planes over in china retaliating that does create a lot of concerns about a possible military conflict and you know as we've seen president trump has really run on this campaign of being tough on china so there are a lot of questions about is this how it's going to be with us policy from now on is this just to try to get through the election and what does that look like afterwards of trump wins is he going to then continue that same policy and if you know biden wins is he going to back down from it or is he going to use some of those tools as he goes along because he is there is that constant thing like what we are tougher on china more than you that we're seeing constantly in this in this election this is this is a real battling thing you know what do we have to gain right that's the big thing and you know when you mention. talk about like the kind of the spy flights and the ramping up of our military operations there are minds me back to what happened with the cuba back in the early 1960 s. where we kind of were doing everything we could the military was to invite cuba to retaliate against us just to justify some kind of war going on there so this is one
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of those stories that i it's it's tragic that it's getting lost in the newspapers and the headlines but it plays out huge in the world going forward yeah absolutely and it will be interesting to see. how china continues to respond especially after we get through that election after we see how u.s. policy is going to shape up the next 4 years great point rachel thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure having you on thank you all right everybody of that is our show for you today remember in this world we are definitely not told we are loved and up so i tell you all i love you i robot and i'm in the chicago keep on watching all those hawks out there never great day and night everybody. if you go to the symphony orchestras warming up any musician is is tuning his or
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her instrument so you hear this year all these sounds are noise but it but it's it's a constant a it's disorganized and then the band the orchestra plays and you get music so what the brain does and what the maker tubules do is is organized or orchestrated these one collapses. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what's his face.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallowness. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be certain to. price at the. close of dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified in our study actually suggests that. the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually that they may because we want to.
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place a very modestly that i have done more for the african-american community than any president says abraham lincoln as black lives massive protests in gulf this is you know show we look at how politicians are using the unrest in this year's elections . also to come under merkel says russia's nord stream 2 gas pipeline to germany must go ahead despite tensions over the alleged poisoning a prominent opposition figure alexina valmy and on the 1st anniversary of death the teenager having done u.k. authorities consider a virtual trial for the wife of a u.s. diplomats accused of killing him and then fleeing the country. she was the last person to risk it is absolutely clear.


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