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tv   News  RT  August 29, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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us republicans report physical harassment. when in fact those politicians. precisely to stop such abuse is again. other headlines this weekend and he looked out not to germany slam authorities were lucky. well it seems having no such problem with huge black. public as the pentagon develops an artificial intelligence project that could replace generals and seen
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this stuff in life and death decision making. for the. bringing together. if you get too much data though you actually create a lot of friction in the decision making you start shooting do you start shooting now there's a real fight how do you stop it once. they're out international the weekend morning from russia kevin owen here with the saturday news round it for yourself. first top level guests on the final day of the u.s. republican national convention of reported harassment on their way including senator rand paul who is now asking the f.b.i. to investigate. why was. i.
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the senator close both he and his wife were set upon by crowds protests the shouted at them and pushed the offices accompanying them ron paul even said offices saved their lives. they were shouting press you know to stick to kill us to her but they're also saying shout shouting save her name briana taylor. well paul was pointing out the irony then of b.l.m. protesters chanting about briona taylor black woman shot by police in her home when it was he actually sponsored the justice for briona taylor at that subsequently banned no not police raids rand paul was also behind the stop militarizing law enforcement act to try to curb transfers of military equipment to the police breaded struck at the founder of the walkway campaign was also attacked by a black lives matter protesters were leaving said convention is his story. or people from this black lives matter mob ended up walking up the streets near where
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my friends and i were as they crossed us they started calling us anti-gay slurs and then it became physical when they confronted us they spit in my friend my carlos face who is a gay conservative. they threw a drink at me and threw a cop at me and then they actually slapped my friend libby in the arm a girl who was there with me as well although this is not the 1st time in my life that i have endured an anti-gay attack on the street or concentration from strangers it is the very 1st time that something like this has happened in which the perpetrators of the attack portray themselves as the victim the other thing that really concerned me and kind of sickened me a little bit as it was happening was the idea that if we got in a position where we would have to defend ourselves it was clear to me that this would be misrepresented by the media as i was attacking that because this is how
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this whole thing is set up this is how this is been allowed to happen. it will suddenly become a black lives matter protesters attacked 2 gay men it would be 2 white men attacked black lives matter protesters. is bracing itself for a massive weekend of anti rallies it was preceded by a furious legal battle too with authorities attempting to ban the demos and while a court has ruled in favor the activists note city authorities seem to apply totally different standards to other rallies apparently based on their political views is that your correspondent peter all of. berlin is set for large demonstrations by those on happy with corona virus restrictions this weekend city authorities had tried to ban the demonstration saying they wouldn't be able to stick to the rules put in place to stop the spread of the virus that upset people
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already weren't very happy city authorities were quick to point out that they no way was the attempt to ban these demos and attempt to limit freedom to demonstrate that the law says explicitly that the right of assembly is protected no matter the reason of the respective demonstration so to forbid right wing demonstrations allow only leftwing ones is out of the question the principle of our decision is that the rules for protection against infection will be deliberately violated and so the right to assembly should not violate the law concerning infection. both protesters weren't buying that especially after the german press started reporting that counter-demonstrations happened being blocked and the disparities go on as the massive black lives massive protests at the beginning of the summer went ahead without the same scrutiny while they might differ on a lot of issues it's not like the black lives crowd is very different from the anti
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lock down measures crowd when it comes to social distancing. the organizers saw the ban as a political move the linz interior minister said he wouldn't allow the city to become a backdrop of what he's described as coronavirus deny is and right wing extremists that's despite a large part of the 20000 strong crowd expected being made up of people who've lost their jobs during the corona lockdown. the organizers of the rally their supporters claim all of this smacks of double standards byrne in the demonstration in berlin is legally problematic the hope that have been will be helpful against conspiracy theorists and right wing extremists he's done right dangerous the cheering over the
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cancellation of the protest annoys me i understand too well those who don't want it but our democracy can withstand the absurdity the mixture of concerns about infection protection and the reason for the demo only helps those who want to do a mouth bear lean protest the ban was lifted after it was challenge in court the ruling saying that authorities couldn't say for sure that social distancing and face covering rules would be flaunted on purpose so what we're going to have here in berlin are thousands of people many of whom don't believe the virus even exists gathering in the way that science and public health officials say is the perfect way to spread it peter all of r.t. berman. russian scientists have presented a device which can apparently simle 10 asli detect up to $86.00 viral agents in the air including covert 19 and the test called detect a bio takes just 10 to 30 minutes it's expected to be
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a huge help them in crowded areas and massive m's. the rubble to the work began in 2815 with the help of the russian health care ministry there's a series of projects aimed at creating domestic devices that could also massively detect pathogenic bio agents in the surrounding area. just study so weak that we are now witnessing the unprecedented spread of the dangerous infectious disease that is the corona virus of course we can't ignore this problem and the bio detector is capable of identifying a dangerous concentration of the virus in the air.
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picks the device can detect a wide range of viruses bacteria and toxins and work in spaces of about 100 meters square the sensitivity of its detection is comparable to the best methods used in today's modern labs. someone doing then yes but actually a number of countries have been known to take a similar developments in the field of our security systems including south korea singapore and of course the u.s. every device has its own unique features and alice deserves for its high rate of return on this work. because i show him this for his own use it is intended for use in places of mass gatherings such as airports train stations sports events as well as in bush's national security systems.
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well talkative from one to another they pentagon apparently is working on a chilling project for robots. not only do the fighting but also act as digital generals controlling life or death decisions since senses are set to link air land sea space and cyberspace forces making a split 2nd choice if they have to over who and where to shoot the systems dug the joint all the main command and control all ga d.c. to do the near future it's planned to even do the job of senior pentagon offices too but of course there are a huge concerns and over excluding humans from making these canada citizens especially if that technology leverage wales is the issue of removing people from key military positions that up for debate reason. war is really a simple thing i've done it and i know that there's new technology out there that you know has complicated it somewhat closing with and destroying the enemy through fire and maneuver that's it there is such
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a thing as too much data if you get too much data you actually create a lot of friction in the decision making all you're doing is actually increasing the vulnerability of the forces engaged in combat by creating. points to could be eliminated there is no danger of human beings being replaced in the decision making cycle anytime soon robots are bringing together huge amounts of data there's so much dots and others being fed into different places we need something to help the human brain keep up with that plan is when you let the scenes make decisions that they have found throughout the target unit is the appropriate situation in which to engage the target and the machine also is going to be tasked with any responsibility for deciding when are there civilians around for some other reason why we don't want that right you know you're basically making it fully autonomous there are no pure autonomy weapon systems are there today that are filtered by any western country and we're oversimplistic simplifying conflict currently there are
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very few conflict situations where you simply close and kelly enemy most of the conflict situation we find ourselves in at the moment are dealing with enemies who are living within the population we haven't won a war on terrorism yet i mean that's just the bottom line we've lost everyone we've been gauged in one of the reasons why is that we've taken to keep any already in northern ireland so there's there's one of the ira was an engaged with artificial intelligence the ira was engaged with old fashioned human ingenuity. of islamist sort of territories none of my point is that on any of their intent and they were used we brought in all these systems systems of systems of systems of systems and it's just not working that you actually put the people on the grounds lives at risk if your military took the high ground and said we don't want to use ai it's all about the people it's all about the human interaction and the state of war. what about the bad guy what about the enemies what about the competing armies if they've got the technology would you want your military top brass to be up to speed to with
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that kind of technology we're developing these systems in the us russia has to go after you also so is china and so are other countries and we're going to stand these systems up against each other if we are really challenging the other side very intensely we're going to want to turn these systems on so they're ready to respond in a moment's notice to an attack from the other side and that is if something happens that looks like an attack you start shooting they start shooting now there's a real fight going on and how do you stop it once the scenes have started it this is why this is so dangerous that as we get more and more sensors and we get more and more complexities in warfare it's important that the us is brought in in a way that a human being can digest it in small packets to the human decision making cycle we when bohr's by closing within destroying the enemy whether it's a conventional force or a terrorist with fire power no we have to kill the right enemy war at the end of
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the day as well as humans fighting humans a very human endeavor when we try to simplify it by bringing in machinery computers and that's all you've done is create an artificial value that other humans are going to readily defeat it's not useful to the morning moscow time good morning this is. international from h.k. with me kevin now another this is coming up you play parents how horrified as the government admits it's going to provide a limited protect it's a good save you a school as they realize but it seems to be such a mess we'll talk about it coming up. on ellen so it's seems wrong. but all wrong just don't call. me i'll get to stamp out. to stay active. and engaged in. trail.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by. the barriers thinks. we dare to ask.
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going to boarding the british government's attempting to reassure parents that this practically no risk of children catching covert when schools reopened next week officials are pointing to research so that only one percent of coronavirus hospitalizations the teens or younger the fatality rates relatively low 2 with 6 children dying from the disease compared with a 27 percent mortality rate across all age groups in britain promise to boris johnson insists that schools are safe he says for pupils. i think the crucial thing is that pupils get back to school next week and in the succeeding days all scientific advice is that schools are safe it's absolute crucial that people understand that this farm risks to the well being of our children from not going to school then there is from i'm afraid from the disease courses all uncharted
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territory around $25000.00 british schools are set to start a new academic year next week but each facility is only going to provide it with just a 10 coronavirus home testing kits clinical face mask aprons gloves visors and hand sanitizers will also be provided by the government in personal protective equipment packages but crucially only a limited amount and that's worrying a lot of people that extremely limited amount was approved only of course after johnson changed his mind and made face mask obligatory in secondary schools authorities are threatening to fine parents who keep their children at home concerned families that are launched a petition then asking not to force them to send their kids to school more than 100000 as you can see of sign that so far one worried mother says the government's basically experiments on young people. i don't have any confidence that is not going to be put into place other than students around facemasks it's ok my son is
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a teenager so he goes to high school and you know he's been home since i think it's march and as i think children are going to do you think see their friends that greet them and they greet and my heart just in can't stop the child from you know social distance and it's going to be totally impossible i just don't think that you know they're not getting help before education and i think that's what needs to happen and i believe that maybe the government is doing a little 7 experimenting and i don't think in our lives our experiment. with a new twist in a scandal saw last year's austrian coalition government collapse came after a secretly filmed 2017 video appeared to implicate the then vice chancellor hans christian strategy in corrupt corruption deals transcripts now been released and of the phone conversation which suggests his words may have been manipulated we spoke to strike himself who told us the probe still has a lot of questions to answer. the chancellor forced me to step down as vice
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chancellor that was backstabbing and the government fell as a result i guess there was someone who wanted to take my job maybe this could explain the behavior i was walked all over sloan that was more than just a disappointment there's a lot to be clarified in this case it begs the question of who was behind this what secret service may have played a role a lot has yet to be clarified as the so-called debate affair rocked austrian politics to the core the vice chancellors accuse a shady dealings with a woman posing as the niece of a russian oligarch staff claimed it was a set up but was forced to step down with a coalition government collapsing shortly afterward his next set of that video by the german tabloid spiegel. decisiveness. he's
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a liar. he's. out of a new transcript published by an australian newspaper revealed that key parts of the video were apparently emitted the very parts were rejected the deal of multiple times and it turns out austria's former vice chancellor said those deals would be unscrupulous and that he wanted to sleep well at night refusing to engage in illegal self enrichment journalists involved in the original revelations though insisted that he transcripts don't change the overall impression be that which way struck again told this he stands by his words. it's interesting the journalists from these the doors thing and the spiegel simply concealed the parts that are important to the general public and despite having more complete information they told lies anyway everything was turned upside down some crucial exists which can only be fully understood in the context that i even in that intoxicated state in private supposedly private meeting it's an i b c. villa with decoys luring me into
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a trap by constantly asking leading questions even then i made it crystal clear and i'm saying it now officially that i don't give or take bribes the fact is that the entire context and parts where i said a definite no to corruption was simply emitted i'd like to reiterate once more even when drunk i never sell out while some other politicians do even when sober. rushes limpid committee is sacked ahead of the country's anti-doping agency rosado the committee's decision comes after a probe exposed alleged financial violations by yuri gallus which he denies saskia taylor reports. well we all know that russian sport has had a bumpy couple of years and now another big development in the country sports while on friday it was announced that the chief of the russian on today was saddam as it's known has been dismissed now 56 year old you are in ghana this was appointed director general of the body back in august 27000 so he ready hasn't been that long
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in the post but that said the decision didn't entirely come out of the blue given that earlier this month a recommendation for his dismissal was put forward by it was solid to support today we once again look to the arguments made by the supervisory board hood's the report of the order and the general director yuri ganis after carefully considering the arguments we decided to accept the recommendation to remove mr ganis the decision was taken unanimously so what's a lead to this while going as has been accused of overseeing serious financial fire nations and that really came to light after a financial check comes down so that the complete mess and the reliability often what it initially submitted by god is himself now some are saying that he used to agencies funds for english lessons for passing on taxis when he said he was a broad on a business trip he was actually on holiday but that really all added up because it
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suggested that he appropriate around $110000000.00 rubles up to question of around $1500000.00 so that's the key issue here are the rumors of abuse of rule of power and indeed of conflict of interest now for his part going to says that this was the wrong decision and he continues to deny any allegations saying there are an attempt not just to discredit him positively but also to undermine the efforts of building and rebuilding rather that international trust in the wake of the mass jumping on occasions against russian field and track athletes back into. 15 it's not clear to me on what grounds it's being recommended that i be fired or resigned as strongly denies the conclusions of the audit if the russian olympic and paralympic committees decide to fire me it will change our relations and aggravate the situation in russian sport just so we can quickly understand the role of her
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side and why this is such an important decision for so much of is essentially a link between the world and shipping agency or want to russia so it's crucial to communication twin short dialogue between home and abroad and when short that russian support is represented on the international stage what i have to wait and see who comes to fill gonna says shoes that's a decision that will likely be made within the next 6 months so either way to it we can all agree that no one would envy him for that position because clearly a difficult time for russian sport. to watch for the smallest across all the news we're talking about this weekend on our social media our team dog for 24 minutes past not of the morning moscow time reporting from here kevin owen divide to the beat and thank you for watching.
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there is no such thing as money and there is no inflation and there is no deflation and the only thing there is to think about are interest rates and interest rate apart devalue the fear of money as the poor girlishly gold in bacon keep interest rates near 0. so that if you are a white guy like jake on wall street your cost of borrowing is 0 if you're a black guy living in the ghetto your cost of borrowing is 2000 percent it's called interest rate apartheid and it's practiced right here in america and all over the world the ghetto of high interest rates if you don't mind borrowing money to 0 percent of the strength you live in in the ghetto and that's the fact.
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is you'll media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. tyson nation will community. are you going the right way or are you being led to some. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a made in the shallows. seemed
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wrong when all rolls just don't hold. any new belief yet to stamp out disdain becomes to advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. in the troubled 19 seventies a group of kilo drum page 3 parts of northern ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks protect the only population of tens of thousands are forced to flee their homes to put these attacks was a p.r. you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of full streets in belfast at the take more than a 100 innocent civilians were murdered as the live you can see in years and we found out more i was surprised about the extent. to which the pollution was
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involved in some of those cases that killers would later be named. i think it went to the very very top i think it is. the water where all the take you on and give the go ahead. throughout its history to harvest with the self-proclaimed islamic state terrorist group have recruited up 230000 following us from all over the world to fight for them. one. thousands of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them.
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as a new good. morning. hundreds of children and widows were held captive all disappeared. back in russia those children's families wait and see. this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss i'm sorry montevideo going to washington coming up japan's longest serving prime minister
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announced his plans to resign on health and well the country continues to grapple with such a common term while nearly every organization in the us joint protest for racial justice but what does this mean for the multi-billion there's never a lot to get through so much that started. the u.s. commerce department reported americans increase their spending by 1.9 percent in july extending the markets record breaking rallies well this is the 3rd straight month of consecutive gains for spending well this is a primary driver of the u.s. economy this also comes weeks after the extra $600.00 of unemployment benefits expired commerce department data also showed income rose by point 4 percent in july after 2 months of declines meanwhile credit card company capital one cut borrowing limits on credit cards while some customers had their limits were cut down by 3 fourths and they're already seeing a negative.


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