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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  September 1, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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and they are instead asking what the country can do for them their party and their corporate lobbyists because if they did serve the country and not themselves then the epic water crisis that took place in flint michigan back in april of 2014 would never and should never have ever happened only now after more than 6 long years the people of flint michigan are finally getting some restitution for having their drinking water poisoned by the negligence and greed of their own state government. in a settlement announced on aug 20th n.b.c. news reports that the state of michigan has agreed to pay $600000000.00 to residents whose health was afflicted by lead tainted drinking water and that under that deal the state has agreed to devoting 80 percent of the money to people who are younger than 18 during the period when flint was using river water. and while 600000000 may sound like this massive number for many in flint that doesn't even
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begin to compensate for the losses and anguish they have suffered as flint resident nicky awakes who since 2014 has faced $22.00 miscarriages of 2 separate sets of twins she told the daily beast the damage is done it's reversible i've lost 4 babies that no amount of money can compensate me for. accountability decency compassion these are the things money cannot buy us politics but they are exactly what you can do for your country only if we start watching the hawks. what's going on in a city. that are so let's see this is this. state see a. great city displays systemic deceptions so
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much. so that the guild is. welcome everyone watching the hawks fire over the time of the. so it's pretty incredible i want to start i want to start and throw this quote to choose from michigan state attorney general dana nestle whose democrat ran as a democrat she told the media after completing this settlement she told the media quote healing flint will take a long time but our ongoing efforts and today's settlement announcement are important steps in helping all of us move forward. $600000000.00 a lot of money i'm glad to see the settlement but kim. the city of flint truly move forward given the sins that the state committed against them absolutely not and even though 600000000 sounds like a lot of money in theory you can't put a price tag on what has happened to the citizens of plant we're talking long long term effects we're talking young kids who have lost their teeth we're talking people who now have respiratory issues we're talking people who now have the
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intestinal issues we're talking about generations ongoing that are going to have some serious problems when it comes to their development if they live at all so it's it bothers me when it's talked about in media and not necessarily here but i have heard it in several news cycles that this is some amazingly great thing yes you want to make sure that people are compensated but there is no compensation for what happened in flint and we know that there is a extreme amount of culpability for both the city and the state who knew long before anyone got sick that this was what the potential was and where it was going to happen but i mean when you look back at what happened it's you know they basically the government so they were going to switch from detroit's water system and start sucking up out of the river now if anyone pays any attention to rivers in this country they're not the cleanest of water sources and to me the reason they did it is they estimated that you know they'd save about $5000000.00 in so that you have to turn around pay out $600000000.00 which i agree with you it's great that
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they did it but let's remember the state barked that they had to reach a settlement meaning that there was negotiations meaning the meaning that someone was pushing back and trying to save these people had nothing to do with their water being poisoned this was purely hey we need to save a buck how can we do that what does that say about the state of our infrastructure in the state of the mines in office when now 6 years later you're still fighting to give us a settlement out to people that you screwed over it says that we don't care about poor black people the reason why we solved that point was an area that got that level of disrespect that level of deficit you know. byrne about the population is because these are largely low income black people i sat and worked at the us environmental protection agency region which covers all of the midwestern states at the time we knew what was happening in the reports went out it was said but you know they did not want to push the state because the state was pushing back the state knew exactly what was going to happen this was before the crisis even occurred up to 5 years before the crisis occurred we knew what the water was
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looking like we knew the damage it would cause they just didn't care and that's the thing that gets me why you know maybe your experience there is it would help with this but like it to me it's like isn't the duty of someone in a position isn't it their duty to say you know what we have to push back these are people's lives like that to me that decision making is insane just because the state pushes back of lives we're talking it would be and you would be exactly correct if you e.p.a. did also have an historical context some relationships with these private sector companies as well i think we have to remember that and the administrator at the time had been removed because the obama administration knew that that was a fireball but again it was something that both knew long before there was any action taken on it always comes back to that that revolving door we're going to go work for this corporation and we come in oh i got tired of this we don't want to be that bad. just ugly ugly ugly ugly but you know things were good in 600000000 but they should get a lot more hope that that money actually sees the citizens of flint doesn't just
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get bottled up and rotate. the ongoing discrimination against latinos across america has never been more evident from family separation and unsanitary conditions that immigrant detention centers to rolling back health care protections and essentially throwing a phylum law into a bonfire there seems to be no into the trump administration's abuse of immigrants asylum laws in america were designed to protect immigrants who literally are running to save their lives in war torn region to many cases as well as to protect themselves against ongoing abuses like gun and gang. warfare sex crimes and other atrocities for women whose last resort is to find comfort for them and their young children in a foreign land where their unwanted it's a better state than they surely have should they remain in their native lands and just when you thought matters couldn't get any worse but need a backdrop of a global pandemic the troubled ministration is restricting work permits for asylum seekers this unprecedented move would ultimately leave them destitute without homes
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or food customarily asylum seekers apply for work permits and are granted those permits to cover their basic necessities like food and housing because they're not eligible for government assistance programs most asylum seekers are young women with children the trip administration's move isn't shocking considering they've implemented and proposed over a dozen policies restricting eligibility for asylum in the u.s. but considering the threat of covert 19 mounting deaths and infection rates there couldn't be a worse time to leave asylum seekers with no options but the chip ministration defends the changes to asylum laws by arguing that the long standing policies encourage illegal border crossings and allow migrants to misuse humanitarian aid. there is absolutely no evidence of asylum fraud just like there's none for mass voter fraud but a little thing like that doesn't stop trump or his justice department that's complicit in a race in black and brown immigrants that's powerful when you see it all laid out
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the way you just laid that out because i think it's i think it's very true and you know the thing that always gets me with these you know especially on the right is they always have this thing of like well it's you know they're asylum seekers but they'll be lazy they want to live off the system they're immigrants but they're going to be lazy but then you put so many blockades in front of them to actually get a job to actually contribute to society but then you get mad when they don't have you know when they're not just boggles my mind like our asylum law wasn't perfect before and i would argue it took a very long time for anybody to get approved much less actually be able to get jobs during this process but these protections are fundamental part of american society in trying to reach justice for people who are literally running to save their lives the majority of them having small children along the way this isn't necessarily something that we have seen in the past the conservatives have always tried to you know immigrants certain rights in this country but they have typically kept their hands off of asylum seekers they were
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a special protected class and what we see with the trump administration is that they've basically flipped the lid on all of that and thrown their whole anti immigrant sentiment in with asylum seekers as well it seems to me this upsets me because the i've never been a fan in my life because i can't see the humanity of being an isolationist you know look i get it that there's a lot of issues with globalization that are detrimental to a lot of people within our own country and other countries around the world and there's certain limits you want to put on that in terms of keeping jobs at home and things like that in corporations you know trying to milk box from you know low rent workers and overseas and things like that but at the end of the day you still have to have an open heart when someone comes to your shore saying hey i'm trying to seek asylum for this kind of persecution but it's why we have to stay. liberty that's what america was founded upon in principle obviously there was a lot of other things going on but in principle it was like hey we'll take all these people in and we want to be that melting pot this goes directly against that it absolutely does i think that's a great point to make in one of the reasons why this story is making particular
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news is because of the back to october 1000 so you're talking about not allowing people to have their basic necessities met by getting these jobs which meant the majority of them are low wage jobs anyway so they would be barely scraping by even with them however once you remove that there is no safety net for these individuals at all so we're talking about a population that is going to be homeless we're talking about a population that won't be able to feed their children and we already have american citizens who are going through this and kobe 1000 is only making those situations worse as well and let's also not forget that unless you are a native american. you came here seeking a. native american or brought here against your will you know who through slavery you came here seeking asylum you came here seeking opportunity unless those 2 groups i just mentioned earlier that syria's story is asylum seekers and immigration and your i have 2 percent correct because that is how we became the melting pot nation that we are people were leaving their countries fleeing religious persecution freeing persecution all multiple levels and coming here for
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this land that was supposed to be of opportunity to help them build and grow and now we're seemingly punishing people for the exact same thing that made america what america is today there is a dream and it's not a perfect dream it's never been a perfect dream but there is a dream of what the potential of the united states could be and we lived up to it any kind of real fashion it was even before i mean look trump is kind of exposed a lot that was kind of already going under the surface you know he's exposed a lot of the corruption criminality and downright just mean it's a meanness to say we're going to deny asylum seekers aboard a bus just mean i think of it absolutely is and what we're seeing with this is this in a long process they're going to have to wait up to a year to get their application approved and after that year they're going to have to wait. another 9 months to see whether or not they'll be able to even be eligible for jobs once they're here that is almost a year and that's over a year and a half of trying to figure out what to do with your life and you have young children in tow it couldn't be a sadder or more detrimental you know place to be especially if you're
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a persecuted person if you're coming here because you're under persecution and now you have to add more years on that that either waiting where you're trying to escape from or what waiting in an ice detention center or wow how fun it's so disgusting. all right everybody as we go to break over there you can also start watching the hawks on demand to the brand new portable t.v. which is available on all platforms so do not you do not pick it up you better pick this up app up because it's hot all right coming up we talk the circus that is the democratic and republican conventions with the host of redacting night yes leake joins us and you do not want to miss this stay tuned to watching the whole. thing.
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was a pandemic no certain you know blood is just flying through nationalities. and some are. actually. sick. people. judging. comedy classes so this system things. we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created the response has been so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together.
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chose seemed wrong when old rules just don't hold. the old beliefs yet to shape out just because the educated and indeed trained equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. she stressed to make sure that the british wasn't at the book yet the impulse to. stop the show was so you're free to taste it is she's a cia which quite a show. which she does. not want you. in the states you're going to me for sure. let's go to the source of your my it's
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your bonus for c.b.s. . it's a mistake so it's a quarter until let them sort of spirit over there is this interview. that he started it's a studio actually the person the person who goes to the phone calls or should. just let them speak. so after 2 plus years of political posturing manufactured photo ops and 20 person panel after 20 person panel on c.n.n. we are now finally in the homestretch of the run for the white house here in the united states of america and it has been convention fever these last few weeks my friends well both the libertarian and the green party has a fascinating online conventions this year with the libertarians actually breaking
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their own party's glass ceiling and nominating their 1st female president jill candidate and joe jordan it was of course the 2 party dictatorships convention circus acts that were getting all of the headlines starting. with trump campaign senior adviser kimberly guilfoyle rousing battle cry to an empty room ladies and gentlemen. i didn't dream. your empty room all about yelling to nobody in the room and of course who can forget last week's powerful indorsement of joe biden by former secretary of state colin powell the gravity of this moment. is matched by the gravity of the threat that iraq's weapons of mass destruction pose to the world let me now turn to those deadly weapons programs and describe why they are real and present dangers to the
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region and to the world powerful argument by bob call and joining us today to discuss the political convention circus acts that on the road to election day and here in the u.s. is the host of productive tonight the one and only lead camp lee thank you as always for joining us. tyrrell i'm going to see again. this year's democratic national convention featured progressive socialist leftist luminaries like former ohio governor john k. search and former here what packard see your meg whitman and as i mentioned before of the progressive luminary that is former secretary of state colin powell we what does this say about the state of the democratic party when some of their biggest guest speakers are well. republicans. but well i think it's just beautiful tyrrel to see the 2 parties getting along like this you know they they agree on still my people act like they're at each other's throats or there's some kind of battle here but you know if you look at the the 1st
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of all the republicans showing up at the d.n.c. but on top of that if you look at the stuff that's not being mentioned at both conventions because apparently it doesn't need discussing and meaning both parties agree on it well that's a lot of the core issues of this country you know like largest surveillance state in the world never really mentioned corporations buying elections not talked about anymore are endless wars are really disguised a 1000 military bases around the world not just because pentagon failed its audit cool with that wall street run wild environmental collabs capitalism apparently doesn't have any flaws i mean if you look at what they agree on really it's it's great to see him come together i'm just a big fans of coon by young moment truly that's true yes well that was a great brag that only and 8 i am going to go dig a little bit deeper into that that big tent and what that actually means that no you cover it someone your show as well there are many who would argue that in order
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to win against trump in november you need to bring in a blue disaffected republican voters by allowing prominent neo-con figures like colin powell and bill kristol under the tent and accepting pap money from the antitrust republican pundit project the lincoln project one of the. dangers that you think are inherent in these kinds of actions for the democratic party long term . when you need enthusiasm to win any of these elections and recent polls show that biden the people that are actually enthusiastic about voting for biden is something like 9 percent it's a minuscule number and you know who's going to stand in line for our many hours to vote when their enthusiasm is at 9 percent if they wanted to create enthusiasm the democratic party you would actually speak to all of the progressive issues you know all the issues that bernie sanders and others have brought up you know health care and and ending our endless militarism and those type of things but they just clearly have no interest in nat i mean the d.n.c.
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was just a victory lap trampling on any remaining progressive ideas that might be in the democratic party in fact john k. sikka in his speech said quote i know joe biden and he won't turn to the left like that was a selling point so you know the democratic party yet again doing their best to lose this election you know and they're and they're largely although they will talk about voter suppression here and there they're largely not speaking to the fact that one out of every 12 voters maybe it's one out of every 10 have already been purged from the voter rolls i mean the level of corruption and fraud in this election is going to be a man's and not of of course the way donald trump talking about it he's using it as some sort of ploy so that he can act like the results are not legitimate if he were to lose. one of the things that i think struck me watching the democratic convention last week was the appearance of in the time given to by bloomberg and i
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thought there was a lot of friction whether you're on the progressive side the democratic party or not there are people who are really frustrated and didn't understand why bloomberg was actually there what are your comments on that. well i think he's there to speak to the moneyed class that funds both of these parties and funds you know the democrats very highly so then it was kind of a sign to the to the money donors the big donors hey you know he's one of us biden's one of us he's always been one of us don't if you have millions upon millions of dollars don't have any concerns about continuing to donate to joe biden he's not going to regulate wall street he's not going to come down hard on corporations it was i think it was assigned to that class of of individuals a tiny number in america that is that is extracting all of the wealth at a degree that we've never even seen even though we were already an unequal society but now it's just gotten even worse in the past few years and it was assigned all
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them that a vote for biden is a vote for corporations it's a vote for wall street the goal is you mentioned earlier all the things the 2 parties you know truly actually agree on at the end of the day because that's what makes the 2 party dictatorship work in the midst of all this hyped up partisan coverage of the conventions the news cycle is apparently forgotten about one of the most bipartisan efforts in washington d.c. these days and that of the removal of socialist president nicolas maduro in venezuela when you follow this story since the perry beginning were those efforts stand today and are democrat republican leaders in washington still getting so googly eyed over u.s. backed regime change in that country. well that's another great example of the topic an issue that you can't see a bit of daylight between the republicans and the democrats. if you actually joe biden had an ad of one of his earliest a campaign ads a few months ago said it would listed like majority chavez castro and then trump as
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if trump is some sort of socialist leaders something it's bizarre but basically they were trying to say that elmer dora's a dictator trumps a dictator blah blah blah but the 2 parties completely agree on just destroying any country that even remotely has some form of socialism nationalizes oil fields things like that and as you mentioned this attempted coup just continues to collapse now they kind of don't really want to talk about it in your mainstream media because they don't want you to notice how thoroughly it has collapsed but the latest statement of a quote unquote support for one go i don't know the fake president who's never received a single vote to be president of venezuela only had $1000.00 countries on it now considered why don't the acting president that's down from 50 which of course is still a lot less than whatever $200.00 nations around the world and now we're down to
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just 19 mainly us puppets that still believe that this glorified frat boy is the president of venezuela leave you are a man of few words and you know how to use them well thank you so much always for coming on and keep up the great work on redacted tonight you're a gift to the television industry on comedy or was prepared to so much for. you 2 guys. if you're anything like me in sex they just aren't your thing they can be pesky annoying and make outdoor activities a little harder to enjoy but for most of us there is a special disdain reserved for the world's deadliest animal mosquitoes these small long legged flying nuisances leap well to may wait but they also spread diseases like malaria west nile gallo peeper and more. mosquito nets and sprays only go so far but a scientific breakthrough just might decrease mosquito borne illnesses in the florida keys state officials voted to allow the 1st test of the united states
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a read lying genetically modified mosquitoes in january of 2021 florida workers will set out boxes of the lab created with speedos that will grow into normal looking males these insects will in turn trick female mosquitoes into maybe because of the unique genetic code assigned to the side by mosquitoes any male offspring was altering from mating would die over time the lack of females which link the mosquito swarms and decrease their ability to spread potentially fatal illnesses. wow that is that is crazy so basically we're committed. workmen thank you jen ix genetically modified mosquitoes as wild absolutely but males tricking females happens on the web and happens in these dating apps all the time so now i guess we're you know just adding a little bit of science to the prospects mosquito kept pushing. everybody that has her so wow that is are so for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told of your love so i tell you all i love you i am tired rover and i'm obese
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across keep are watching those hawks out there have a great day and night everybody. all this trading and the. quantitative easing indefinitely as you were saying that's the worst kept secret in the history of the world because there is only one thing they can possibly do that. you can't taper a ponzi scheme if they've often said before they can only. expand. exponentially. bigger
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a base of the pyramid scheme get bigger and bigger and bigger it is showing up in prices. people now are reporting back and forth i'm standing on the street. throughout its history with the self-proclaimed islamic terrorist group have recruited up to 30000 foreigners from all over the world to find the. sounds of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them. what he's going to be done and i didn't post on you because you see me on this and you could move. on you. hundreds of children and widows were held captive disappeared.
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back in russia those children families were going to search for. lead.
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trade and investment have become magic spells to conjure economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the invest for chapter of a trade agreement as opposed to something very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secrets into the environment. that means local communities that are being poisoned with a object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be certain. of taking on the whole nation still a morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop tour of the white implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates
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a french company sued egypt because egypt resists minimum wage democratic choice trump corporate law joins us as we try to find don't want to party. the new school here gets under way for students across the world but classroom life is a whole lot different than before i made the tough new rules. bottled up. the french president's visit to lebanon is overshadowed by protests with hundreds worthing their anger over the appointment of a new prime minister promising aid but also threatening sanctions if reforms failed to materialize. and as america's polarization intensifies the headed.


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