tv Boom Bust RT September 2, 2020 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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the show you can't afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up concerns a bound in the european union as inflation has gone negative for the 1st time in years amid to cope with 1000 outbreaks while germany is looking at a v. shaped recovery we'll dig into those numbers and the fast food giant make donald is back in the hot seat as the firm faces claims of racial discrimination we'll bring you up to speed on the latest lawsuits plus as the world handles dueling crises of the coronavirus and global economic slowdown greece and turkey have opened a new front for concern as tensions are high in the mediterranean with a packed show today so let's dive right in. and we lead the program with positive data out of europe's largest economy in the german government said tuesday their coverage is going better than expected issuing an upward revision of its economic forecast for 2020 german economic minister peter all meyer said tuesday the country is dealing with the shape the development. the
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recession in the 1st half of the year was less severe than we can see here and the upturn after the low and the peak of the restrictions has been faster and more dynamic than we had. however it is true that we are over the worst since may we have a significant recovery in the economy and in services in trade and industry we expect the recovery effort he continues for the rest of the year. germany is now predicting a contraction in gross domestic product of 5.8 percent rather than the forecast of 6.3 percent anticipated in late april the government also expects growth of 4.4 percent in 2021 meanwhile inflation in the euro zone turned negative in august for the 1st time since 2016 annual inflation for euro zone countries fell to minus point 2 percent in august from point 4 percent in july reported number is far less than the european central bank's target of just under 2 percent so with all this in
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mind let's go ahead and take a look at the state of the global economy and what's moving markets today with todd horowitz chief strategist at bubba trading and octavio n.c. c.e.o. of optimists l.l.c. thank you both for being here today octavia i want to start with you here i want to get your take on this economic data that we just talked about what do you make of this possible v. shaped recovery in germany and with the rest of the eurozone facing inflation issues well off the e.c.b. as targets do you see the central bank injecting more stimulus to get things rolling. well i think the projections coming from germany are unusual optimistic or even of the germans of being so minus the optimistic typically now their projections are predication quite a few things 1st of all they're saying we're not going to have further lock sounds and means there's not going to be further outbreaks of covert i'm not quite sure how they're able to make those projections i think the balance the risk in many european countries right now looks as if there are going to be through the lock downs certainly or looking at in france in the u.k.
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at least as big travel restrictions in place i don't think i share his optimism necessarily and bear in mind the german economy is a very export driven economy so things might be great in germany but if they're out of the rest of the europe and the rich and the rest of the world it's not going to translate into much economic success for germany so i think they're being rather optimistic on this v. shaped recovery i'm not sure how likely that is to happen if everything falls into place perfectly fine but that's a fairly bold projection to make at this stage in terms of questions on the e.c. b. yes we're now seeing deflation in the euro zone at the e.c.b. is of course concerned about of their philosophy is the more inflation or sort of moderate inflation is very good i don't necessary agree with unsubscribe to that that is there economics or thought but. with negative inflation are they really asking for what else can we do in terms of mundra policy it does seem that they've thrown everything in the market including the kitchen sink yields on euro aaa bonds a negative way out to 20 years which seems and certainty is unclear what else they
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could do they can buy up more and more bad debt and junk bonds and things of that sort if they'd like to do that and try to drive the interest rates around the broader range of instruments and go all the way to out out on the yield curve and go all the way into lower rated decks to achieve that but so far it hasn't worked and the real issue is that people feel uncertain so they're hoarding cash they're not spending money they keep more cash reserves and that's going to keep the demand for money up and keep is that you are this. changes things will go and we'll see more and. i did as much the e.c. can do at the moment we need to come in and people start spending again and now but i want to stick with this whole central bank idea here the fed's vice chairman richard clarissa said monday interest rates aren't going to rise just because unemployment is falling this comes as some analysts are actually saying interest rates could stay near 0 for 5 years or more and i know you're not a big fan of the central bank here but what are the concerns with keeping these
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rates low for an extended period of time. bro verse of ought to know how they can do so there's a huge demand for money at these lower rates banks do not want to lend of these raids except they did get the one free pass from the federal reserve saying good law and there is no more restriction you have no more you know 10 to one loan whatever you want i mean this is so ridiculous that it is embarrassing and of course you can throw the e.c.b. in there but nobody learned from the japan central banks that have been struggling in this whole mess since 9090 so 30 years later we're still dealing with the same issues so you can see that their policies do not work there's only one way to work markets correctly and let them to trade freely and let them make the market and price the asset classes themselves and they will do just fine and you will take
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care of the weak business will be knocked out this strong will be assured by and we will move on and instead of having these phony artificial bubbles which are sitting right now here in the united states i guess it doesn't matter why but we continue to go up every single day and this is the only place right now in the world that money is pouring into like they were giving it away we all know that at the end of the day this will end oddly but in the meantime that's the way it is i want to talk a little bit about oil oil prices are on the rise again on the back of some production cuts by abu dhabi national oil company to fall in line with opec plus cuts as well as the weakening dollar now is oil actually making a comeback after being pummeled by the pandemic or is it still really too early to tell. brown i think is way too early to tell what's going to buy the oil i mean look if the economy stays open and there is no further issues and the demand picks
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back up i think of oil will be fine i don't ever see it going way up in the hundreds again i mean to me would be 50 or $60.00 at tops and i guess i could be wrong there but at the end of the day i don't see. i huge demand nor do i see oil taking off again i think again those things are to believe prompted by artificial bubbles that push prices to ridiculous levels which is exactly what have been oil in 0809 and of course a couple of times subsequently but overall i mean there can't be demand for oil but there can be plenty produced throughout the world and all we need is a reasonable price and the frac errors here will get those those rigs back an operation and again whatever that number is we will be in perfect shape but i don't see a monster move in our oil and any circumstance and i want to talk
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a little bit about equities and there is a big one today as elon musk's of course they completed a $5.00 to $1.00 stock split on monday making their shares much more affordable causing a surge on monday although the prices kind of leveled out tuesday but trying to capitalize on this move test also announced it would sell $5000000000.00 in new stock what you're now says on this move. was a little is a puzzle a stock split doesn't change anything fundamentally for the company they're not going to sell more because it has the explicit they're not going to reduce or expenses the business those but not there's nothing about the company has changed as true that some people who couldn't afford the $2500.00 price tag of the so before now can afford to buy a stock at $477.00 sure but if you are that stage not limbs investing i don't know if the stock market is the best place for you if you're going to go for 150 bucks invest so emotional that is really what's driving the stock price that you see this kind of office talks but i will take it as an indication of
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management comes the dence in the future prospect of the company than anything else in the attracting more or less that's now at the so prices they're currently trading at yeah i'd be rushing out to raise $5000000.00 in cash as well by selling stock at those prices. and bob says morris unlined the fact that maybe testamentary doesn't really believe this oil prices are justified and therefore they should be selling more taking on new debt which they could do it virtually 0 percent. something to decide how to finance the company through debt is 0 percent basically or 2 so usually when you're a 0 percent you don't issue more stock but they are the management company and board directors apparently feels that the valuation the company now is over or for reselling so is a really good idea well it feels like this test lloyd apple stock split was a lot to do with get rate getting retail investors in there obviously they don't make up the big majority but i think that might have been a little bit of their play their cards or was chief strategist at bubba trading in october and the c.e.o. of optimists l.l.c.
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thank you both for that expert analysis. it. has received approval from the federal aviation administration to operate its fleet of prime air delivery drones now according to f.a.a. the approval gives the e-commerce giant the ability to safely and efficiently deliver packages to customers now under this specific regulation amazon will now have the ability to carry goods beyond the visual line of sight of the drone operator that's a big deal there amazon says the certification of ford's the company the opportunity to start testing customer deliveries however amazon did clarify the fleet is not ready for a widespread rollout as they do want to continue to test that technology. and mcdonald's is facing its 3rd racial discrimination lawsuit this year dozens of former franchisees say the company has set them up for failure by steering them towards inner city neighborhoods where sales are typically lower but the fast food
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giant says the decision on where to open was up to them legal journalist molly barrows contributor with american lawyers joins us now to discuss the latest lawsuit. molly how did these former restaurant owners say mcdonald's discriminated against them. well there are a number of issues that they lay out in this lawsuit brant that basically they said in a nutshell that they make dolls denied than the same opportunities as they gave white operators and essentially set them up for failure by steering them into these neighborhoods where they were going to have lower sales higher crime so higher insurance costs about 50 to plan if they operated more than 200 restaurants and i got out of the business over the last 10 years that's who the plaintiffs are in this lawsuit so they're pretty concerned that that this was basically they could have faced retaliation they said if they'd rejected these offers from mcdonald's and that they were denied better opportunities for other locations like those offered to white franchise owners which are have safer neighborhoods and higher
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sales so they're saying why them and not us. you know the money is always the big deal here so how much are they asking for in damages. oh just a little $1000000000.00 so basically the way they arrived at that number is they the franchise owners claim that their revenue was about $2000000.00 per location and that's about 700000 at least 700000 lower than the national average so after subtracting costs they say they lost between $4.00 and $5000000.00 a location so the food is not to blame they say because the quality is the same across the board so the location plays a big role in it as well as the higher insurance costs because crime is higher in those neighborhoods they say and of course there have been lower sales so with all of that taken into account they say that they lost quite a bit of money about a $1000000000.00 if they were to go by those figures they were just about out of time here but what are those other discrimination lawsuits the company is facing right now. right just real quick in january a couple of executives said that they filed a racial discrimination lawsuit that the basis of the chain fired black leaders and
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pushed black franchise owners out and then you had 3 black restaurant workers who also sued mcdonald's this year alleging a number of issues racial harassment discrimination as well as retaliation at one of those florida locations of course mcdonald's is denying all these allegation and is fighting back against allegations and saying they have always supported black restaurant owners as well as you know their or their employees as well so we'll see what the courts decide but will brighten now they say that mcdonald's is in the crosshairs for some for a company that supported black lives matter that did put the men under the microscope a little bit more to say ok well are you are you living up to what you say you believe legal journalist molly barrows thanks for following the story. thanks brant . and time now for a quick break but here because when we return is the world him doing right see the growth of virus a global economic slowdown greece and turkey have opened a new front for concern if tensions are high in the mediterranean and as we go to break here are the numbers at the close all green there from fort.
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welcome back despite an increase in cases of cope with that heat across europe the german german government says they will do everything in their power to avoid another set of locked out orders like those instituted in march in april. however i am convinced and i say this with full awareness of the responsibility that we can and will prevent the 2nd the general shutdown or lockdown this is an important message i'm convinced that the recovery is also possible in times of a corona pandemic but only if we take a very differentiated approach so with this in mind let's take another look at the trends and spread of the virus globally with our chief correspondent side tablature so we're we just at the brand right now almost $26000000.00 people around the world have been diagnosed with covert 19 now more than $80000000.00 have recovered so
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over 70 percent have recovered while more than 857 deaths around the world now the u.s. so far as report of the war the worst cold in 1000 outbreak in the world with over 6200000 cases and over 188000 related deaths but there is some good news as the u.s. recorded its smallest daily cases in months now that number 34000 new cases on monday was the lowest we've seen since june 22nd and while cases were higher compared to compared to earlier days of summer they've been trending down in recent weeks so it's all good news also earlier outbreak hotspots in the u.s. are also showing a major downward trend in new cases now let's take a look at global raw a global rise in cases so india right now is leading in new weekly cases and reported the highest number of cases of any country in the past when. so is india
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right here you see the just going up and up and higher so they're seeing huge huge new cases now the iris is also taking latin america by storm reese that's where we're seeing increases trends in peru mexico colombia and argentina so you see these are all going up and mobile would need them to do is actually go down or at least go flat but you see just going up and down so that's where we're seeing a lot more cases and america is not only account for more than half a reported cases world ball wide but also death which brings me to the top 10 countries with the highest death rates proves this thread you see right over there is right now the highest in the world surpassing belgium and now even exceeding brazil and the u.s. and this illustrates how peru and belgium the world's 2 hardest hit countries shifted from europe to latin america but unlike europe america's economic downturn
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could be the most severe in the world with a recovery stretching into 2023 so the bottom line here is that america was unable to match europe's success in quickly taking them to all the virus so it remains to be seen if europe can sustain that because right now several european countries are reporting a jump in new cases after dropping cases in june and july so here are the numbers so on monday france reported the largent largest jump since may 16th so you see right here how france now there is seeing a upward trend now or germany on the other hand right over here there reported their highest increase in new cases since may 24th so you might not be able to see those closely but you see how they're trend is actually going up so they're seeing a big jump now italy on the other hand in the bottom right there has seen their
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largest jump. since it pulled 1st so while you saw they were kind of going flat and it's increasing slightly and spain on the other hand right over here they had a single day record for the country so this search could indicate europe is on the 2nd the verge of a 2nd wave the currently fewer people are dying from the virus so the big picture here is that the search comes as almost every european countries planning opening in person schooling this and next week so we'll see in the coming weeks brand how this is going to affect the spread of the virus r t correspondent. thanks for keeping us up to date. and there is a war of words and sanctions taking place between greece and turkey right now it centers around of oil exploration the u. has now urged turkey to halt what it called illegal oil prospecting activities it said plans to blacklist turkish officials linked to the energy exploration could be
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extended which could possibly include economic sanctions against turkey. and determine in defending utopian you need tourist in chile that if you go to greece and cyprus. go to key has to abstain from united or next disease a base economy and 2 allowed to die you look to advance. but we want to find past doors a relationship indeed which will introduce bills that have been union and turkey dinners that you are activities in the eastern mediterranean and the have the pursuit of rights and justice at heart attempts to imprison turkey to extort as you square kilometer island without seeing term tremendous 780000 square kilometer size is a very open question when justice. efforts to descend on the riches of the
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mediterranean which are the rights of every country around it is an example of. the fight over these contested waters in the mediterranean have now plunged greece and turkey into their worst crisis since 1974 joining us now just a little bustos investigative journalist ben swan ben i use that word crisis is that a fair assessment of what is actually happening here. i think it is a fair assessment when you consider the fact that it's not just a war of words it's not just war over sanctions but you literally have turkey bringing warships along with those gas and oil exploration vessels into the mediterranean sea and essentially have 3 kind of issues at play here you have. greece you have turkey and you have cyprus and you have war planes and you have war vessels in the ocean or in the mediterranean sea surrounding each other and they're almost in a war game scenario again as oil exploration takes place it's more than just an argument over words or argument over
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a space it really could escalate into something else that the center of it as you heard there really comes down to turkey saying they have the right to explore certain parts of the mediterranean sea greece says no that's part of our continental shelf and not yours and so you need to back off that's really what it comes down to and now greece and cyprus last week actually were joined by france which is reportedly discussing a major deal to sell warships and warplanes to greece italy and the u.a.e. in an exercise off of cyprus now could this actually turn into an actual conflict over oil exploration as you just mentioned there. yet what you would hope not right you would you would hope that obviously you know as the e.u. gets involved in there's going to be negotiations about this that the cooler heads would prevail but again the fact that there are so many military vessels and planes as a part of oil exploration that's highly unusual but then again consider the fact that on this side of the world you have you know very hostile moves by the u.s. when it comes to venezuela and iran seizing oil tankers and seizing oil shipments
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so it's very possible that countries around the world have taken similar approaches you know if you do find oil in this continental shelf as greece now send in military to say we're going to secure it does turkey send the military to secure it and is that conflict arise we have to wait and see but hopefully not you know is there a global governing body that might actually be able to rule on this as to who it supposedly belongs on the shelf. well that's a very good question because of course the e.u. says well it belongs to greece and we're going to stand with greece but they have a vested interest in it because obviously they're claiming it's on the continental shelf belonging to europe turkey which of course in asia says no it doesn't belong to you it's not necessarily on your continental shelf but even if it is turkey says it doesn't matter we still have the right to explore it because it's essentially early on says bigger is better we're much bigger much bigger into a much bigger nation than greece is why would they claimed own and control more of the mediterranean sea than we do so is there a governing body not sure that there is no turkey also accuse greece of piracy
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following claims of a troop build up in violation of treaties on this tiny far flung greece greek island just off of turkey now is there any truth to this as well. well the term piracy is fairly interesting essentially what turkey is saying is that greece is involved in a huge military build up on that island in order to position themselves in the case that there is an armed conflict here turkey certainly has a point in that but again look it comes down to everyone kind of shouting at each other at this point and cool to really decide these things well in the past rent it's been war wars decide who controls parts of the ocean and continental areas hopefully again it doesn't come to that coast investigative journalist thank you so much ben swan you've got it and that's it for this time you can catch a boom bust on demand on the brand new portable t.v.'s which is available on smartphones and tablets through google play in the apple app store by searching portable t.v. portal t.v.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or inmate in the shallowness. during the vietnam war u.s. forces also bombed neighboring laos it was a secret war. and for years the american people did not know. until our thelma is officially the mouth of a rebound country per capita all of human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country jordyn we don't think it's happening there even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for their tragedy and what help do the people need in that little land of mines.
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and. trade and investment have become magic spells to conjure economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investor a chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secrets and it's all ruins the environment. that means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can they serve no multinationals are taking on the whole nations philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop tour of the way from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed
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the trial of 14 people accused of involvement in the 2015 terrorist attacks in paris gets underway 5 years after the french capital sized the big say justice is long overdue. so we want to know the truth because we don't know anything that we haven't heard anything for the past 5 years to get your own country struggle to find a common approach to travel restrictions during the pandemic is hunger you need a lot of truly slips and entry about all foreigners. with the united states being played divided ahead of the presidential election in november thousands of americans are desperate for an alternative to the 2 runners in the
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