tv Cross Talk RT September 2, 2020 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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that's news to know by and it was poisoned with the substance from the navajo group . we demand an investigation into the poisoning of ali cleanup while we condemn this brazen attacks and in the near future will hold consultations and how you can adequately respond to weight loss would depend on russia's response to the case of . alexina valley has been here in berlin for around 2 weeks this was after he took ill on a flight from siberia to moscow he was initially treated at a hospital in square test results for any toxins came back negative but we can tell he was in extreme distress extreme discomfort in a very own well state from the video footage that surfaced of him as paramedics were rushing to him on the plane that he was on that had to make that emergency landing.
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well the use of the term novacek when it comes to the nerve agent that the german side say this alex in a valley was poisoned with or casts a spark to march of 2018 in the case of. his daughter a year earlier in sol's period in the united kingdom where not a truck was talked about then we saw hazmat suits places being cordoned off a lot of people on the scene testing the the locations that had visited we haven't seen that with alexei novelli of course he's been under an incredible mount of medical attention since he was transported here to burlington but we haven't seen the same type of of scenes we saw in souls perea couple of years ago. peter you've given us the background on this story and broken down the german response for us but what about the russian official reaction.
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officially so far all we've heard from kremlin spokesperson to me to the press corps is the early one hasn't been in touch with with moscow on this issue or expecting that to change because what we did hear from us as well as what we've we've just heard just a few moments ago was that the russian ambassador had been summoned to the foreign ministry here in berlin that the ambassador being told in no uncertain terms that a full investigation was needed into what happened to alexa in the valleys so as soon as. has been able to relay that information to moscow will be looking to see if there's any further reaction to this news coming out of burley on wednesday this breaking news that still developing. the german side say alexina volley was poisoned with a nerve agent for a little bit short family in fact we should get more information very shortly from here in berlin when chancellor angela merkel is expected to speak to the press
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peter overstaying across all of the latest for us think you. are right for more on this we're not going to cross live to be on top of salit from germany is to link your party that the german government has called the attack on the on the astounding and demanded an explanation from moscow and the russian ambassador has also been summoned there's no direct accusation yet but does that sound like berlin has made up its mind as to who is to blame. yes it sounds like berlin had made up its mind even before that on even said foot on german territory and we are now seeing what it eventually was the plan of the german government from the very beginning because it is just ridiculous it is absolutely ridiculous that not days and days docked us at one of the best hospitals in germany examination and 10 samples of his block to all the private last in germany and not
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follow any talk to complement in the law that all of a sudden this disclosure us made coming from a government wrong on the military zack and this seems well it seems just so convenient doesn't that a lapse that is under the direction off the german government to get the result that the german government wanted. something else interesting is usually in poisoning cases you would expect to hear an announcement from aloud from experts that carried out the test you find it unusual at all that this comes straight from the german government yes yes it is absolutely unusual because all the private labs and let me tell you we have some of the walls best left in germany actually the shanty and brolin has developed. the fiery now with
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a grade that they didn't find anything it was all only the german military labs that a foam something and they have not disclose anything about the procedure and well it looks very suspicious and by local samples sent to either of those institutions blood winds and so either researchers can look at them but of course we don't have a chain of custody on those samples so even if they have those samples then it is still highly suspicious the german government is saying it will consult with nato and its allies on a joint response to the poisoning of not only why do you think they would bring in nato and how far do you see this escalating. yeah that's not going to. i mean the body was not a junk he was a citizen of the russian federation so if he was poisoned by god knows who we don't have any clue who could have caused them if you want to call them i
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don't think you will cause them i think if you had been causing them some of those german private run labs what a poem the part but if he was poisoned then that is not a matter of international geopolitical concern it is a russian citizen that was poisoned in russia. we don't know by who it is a metaphor of the state authorities well the prosecutors in russia to clear out what happened here but it is not a matter of nato what others may have to do with this this is just the preparation one day off. we had great peace demonstrations in germany yesterday there are towers of people in the streets demonstrating for peaceful relations with russia this is the german government doing the exact opposite of stepping on propaganda and creating syria to potentially. trust of alton feets
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industrial military complex and to justify increasing spending there also a few days ago we heard from the foreign minister of germany saying that germany would be ready to impose diplomatic sanctions against russia if it concluded that the russian state agencies were behind the poisoning of the volley so they think that we're going to see sanctions that are going to be expulsion of diplomats like we saw for this crippled case. it would be absolutely and precedented and there would be no justification under international law because even if you believe the story that the german government is currently telling which is that this guy was poisoned then we don't know by whom what does the russian government have to do with it why does the russian people have to do with it why did they have to be sanctioned so this story makes no sense even if you believe it and you have to admit that it looks quite convenient that optical flown to germany some military
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and that that is run by the german government officials that has found well what they believe to be proved that they're possibly not is clothing but we don't know they might not show it to anyone in the public. and it looks to me it looks very convenient it looks like a story they might even have created and we know that the german intelligence agencies have experimented with nabil shaath so if indeed he was part which i don't believe then it is very likely they were poisoned by the band david joan intelligence who had much contact with him over the last months they have regular contact through john with german journalists through n.-g. o. members in russia germany and geo members that met with mr and of on the several times so it is very likely that if he was in the poisoned it was german intelligence and this was the plan that they set out from the very beginning to be
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clear there's no evidence of that either but setting that aside the russian prosecutor general's office has says said that it sent a request to germany for full information on the on these test results to expect berlin to comply with that request and share what it has. actually they have to because the russian prosecutors are the ones responsible for clearing up the case and if there is someone. in russia whether it was someone associated with german intelligence or not then those people should be put before before josh and put to trial and in order to do that the russian prosecutors need all the evidence they need the sample that according to this i mean that in germany have contained not be charged. well but actually i don't believe that it does contain which we will see we will see jungen army certainly doesn't have the brightest scientists in the
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waltz right scientists in germany usually go to the university sector to the private sector and only the most impulse of the sciences with the army so it is very likely that if they had that positive test result that it was in fact a false test result as many people will remember another chalk was of course the same nerve agent allegedly used on the script called an england back in 2018 back then western powers claimed the use of that poison was in of itself proof that russia was to blame i think we're going to see a repeat of that. most likely but i mean all the credibility of that story has been for years now has been completely destroyed because when they claimed that came out that there was nothing like i just said german intelligence that had in fact many if not we talk a journey that the british laboratories had no we talk agents and basically all the
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wealth and nation states and other groups have access to this poison so if they try this. i don't think they could fool most people with it. there's also the fact that these findings come despite the conclusions of russian doctors and on square them on he was before he was airlifted to germany saying that not only it was not poisoned they say that they ran toxicology tests that came back negative and i would spend 2 weeks since he was flown to berlin is it surprising at all that it's taken germany this long to detect the number child how was there did this discrepancy. well they something wrong all around all kinds of toxicology lapse on his block and his tissue samples and they have some of the best labs in berlin and they sent it to all the private labs in germany what michael says the chinese did tell me is that they actually took quite a lot of blood out of the patients over the last week lead to the lot so they had
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lots of samples and not the private labs and university labs not them. and the evidence off any talk since and especially not of not we chalk which is the just sad because it has its use has been alleged in the ski pa case of course they would test for knobbing shock and they didn't find it it was only in the and i'm they made a stance on the military last most likely they made a mistake they have to fold but we will we will see that when they hand over the sample and they have to hand over the samples to the russian prosecutors they have to hand over the sample to other and an international labs of wells are now that can then test this bill and see if it actually contains any nobby charge and if it does not then well the reputation of the german army is may suffered even more.
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even if there is not a child and that sample does not immediately mean that the kremlin is responsible. no that would be absurd because we know that german intelligence has from cure of no charge i think even the ninety's so there has been western that that have been equipped and have been doing research on the chalk for decades now so of course it was developed and in this lobby of the union there was 40 years ago so why would you say that there has to be the rapid response of bull if everyone in the well everyone who has lots of money or as a nation state with a laugh has this capability there is absolutely no proof connecting it to the kremlin and basing international sanctions or response on those is observed we've been speaking with beers on top us away from germany's a left party thank you for your time and your comments thank you well of course be
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thinks. week dear to ask. welcome back to the program violent protests have once again erupted in the lebanese capital over the appointment of the country's bertalan envoy as the new prime minister the demonstrations also have coincided with the french president's visit to the country among them across a 2nd trip since the deadly port blast in beirut back in early august. let.
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the lebanese president agree did mccrone at his residence on tuesday with an aerial display jets really smoke in the colors of the lebanese flag but despite the warm welcome the french leaders visit has drawn allegations of interference in the country's politics france has been leading calls for reform in lebanon since the beirut port explosion the tragedy was blamed on corruption and triggered the collapse of the government across and is now demanding credible commitments from officials including a new election political commentator maher was one give us her views on the. strong interest is a very really short and small word to express the absolute engagement the french
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engagement in the news politics if we are celebrating levanon and 70 years 100 years of founding levanon 17 years of being free and independent from the french mandate we are here having the french president with his planes telling us what to do i'm not saying that's bad or not bad i'm just saying that this is not an interest this is another mandate in the me king maybe a mild one with the visits with the constance visits of in mind when monk wrong because he's dealing with the same political elites we're not talking about officials when he said sanctioning officials i don't think that this is the right way to see who should be saying sanctioning the elite because the governing body in lebanon is not might the warlords that have been governing from behind the offices the official offices of the government for the past 32 years this. devastation of
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a country because when you really sanction the people who are in the government you're doing nothing because the people above the government controlling everything from institutions to public and private ones to the port to the airport etc you name it then what are you doing if you are not targeting these people but at the same time who are you to dargon these people if anyone should target them it should be us the people specially after the tragedy that happened the explosion the devastation that took over being in our midst or because of corruption and it might be because of other cause of russian is the main cause and by seeing what micron has been doing for the past 2 visits you can see that france is just diving more and more into the lebanese politics under a certain point when the lebanese public will maybe not not take it in. facebook has announced a radical change to with terms of service users have started receiving notifications saying the social media giant will start removing or blocking any content that x.
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could expose the company to legal action. we can also remove or restrict access to content services or information if we determine that doing so is reasonably necessary to avoid or mitigate adverse legal regulatory impacts to facebook disturbing new addition to facebook terms of service that could be used to justify online censorship but with the government's using restrictive national laws to order social media platforms to censor information critical of the government or more narky in violation of online freedom facebook's terms of service update translated to plain english will remove content not because it is incorrect misleading illegal or spreads dangerous misinformation but because removing it might help prevent us from getting caught allowing it did you see the new facebook terms of said this smells like election interference and censorship to me. as you
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just heard there's already been a strong negative reaction to the new rules which take effect on the 1st of october this all comes despite facebook boss mark zuckerberg has repeated pledges not to censor political content. you know we've tried to distinguish ourselves as. probably being one of the tech companies that is the most protective of giving people a voice and free expression over all content is newsworthy we also won't take it down even if it would otherwise conflict with some of our standards what i believe is that in a democracy it's really important that people can see for themselves what politicians are saying that they can make their own judgments i don't think it's right for a private company to censor politicians or the news in a democracy that doesn't fit in with facebook practices in general which have been censoring and biased and completely draconian in terms of how they treat content and it's very prejudicial it's well they have a member been really for free speech and they have now with facebook news the
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intent to basically not only control news but own it it only say that somebody is threatening to sue them for a search for such and such a content so basically it is a car launch license to remove any content whatsoever without explanation and the users are now you know they're a captive audience it's very hard to move from one social network to another you have a whole network of friends and followers that you have that you are counting on communicating to and now they know that their virtual market leave so they can basically they're suggesting they can do whatever they want. humanitarian disaster in yemen has had a brutal impact on the country's younger generation after 5 years of civil war many children have been forced to drop out of school and are no money to feed their families the situation has only been worsened by the pen demick and aid groups are saying urgent help is needed.
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i was forced to go to work because my father is sick his back hurts he can't work anymore. i was lucky to find this job i'm working to support my family but the wages aren't enough so. we don't have anything to eat sometimes we receive some donations we live in a small place inside a mosque where the rent is $60.00 a month but i can't afford it.
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children are definitely the most affected by the war in yemen those who survived the direct effects of war such as sniping or indiscriminate bombing now have to survive the suffering and then you know labor. or anyone just now joining us here's a quick recap of our breaking news germany has said russian opposition figurehead i would say not only was poisoned with the nerve agent known as number chuck a german government spokesman said that the conclusion was based on test results from a military lab he described the attack on the ball me as an astounding act and demanded
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an explanation from moscow although the kremlin is saying it's received no communication from berlin on the findings and russian prosecutors have just sent a request to. for full information on the test results not only is currently in a coma in a berlin hospital after being airlifted from russia 2 weeks ago the german defense and foreign ministers have both given statements on the case. here by does assess keep inus full when the laboratory tests the results allow us to say without any doubt that mr not vine that was poisoned with the substance from the novacek group . following up with this leak we demand an investigation into the poisoning of alex enough we condemn this poisoning and in the near future will hold consultations and how europe can adequately respond to it it will also depend on russia's response to the case. we discuss the alleged poisoning of not only with author and political analyst martin mccully he says that despite the parallels between being drawn with
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case 2 years ago there are significant differences with the script called case apparently the individual was. he did or when i do or handle the door knob and so on and perhaps. this group put the hands on the knob and it's possible that other people did the same and anybody who came into contact with the script could also have been affected because one person tried he died but in this case it's very interesting in this case apparently nobody else was affected. you know reading about only was a person who ingested this nerve agent and nobody knows even when he was in the plane nobody sitting resided wounded and so on contracted this nerve agent as well and so that's a bit of an interesting point which you know really i talk you call it is not
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a specialist and scientists critique great hope is that possible that in one patient's coupons if it was widely dismissed warehouse in there who's going to do it think that one person. our rolling coverage of that story coming out of berlin of the german government saying that russian opposition figurehead i would say not only was poisoned with the nerve agent known as never talk continues after this short break. she stressed to make sure that the british and the bill of the trap was set up. for you she then taste the face to she's a cia which. i thought at which the death happened
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i know which of. them investments to check or a moment of me or shan't. want to go to the show because of my it's a bonus for to be rude. to the mr so it's a good arsenal for them to get over for 30 some to be arguable that it's a stupid. person to be wrong or should stop them spilling. expressed. during the vietnam war us forces also bombs neighboring laos it was a secret war and for years the american people did not know. until our thelma is officially the mouth of rebound country per capita. human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country jordyn wieber thing going to concerts happening. even today kids in laos full victims of
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bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for the tragedy in laos won't help to the people need in that little land of mines. trade and investment of become magic spells to conject economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investment chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what when. investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all ruins the environment. that means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued. the nationals are taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to
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stop tour of the white from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage to democratic choice over trump corporate law joining us as we try to fund don't want to. the world is driven by shaped by one person or those. who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
12:00 pm
we start with breaking news here on our t.v. international the german government says russian opposition figurehead the sale of all me was poisoned with a nerve agent known as never charged in kremlin says it's received no communication on the findings as of yet. also this hour. the french satirical magazine sharlee updo reprints its controversy the islamic cartoons reigniting the debate over whether or not they cross the line that is the trial of 14 people accused of involvement in the 2015 paris terrorist attacks which targeted the publication of a.
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