tv News RT September 5, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. but it's that we have already commented on this and said we have nothing to hide moscow again urges germany to share information on the alleged novacek poisoning of alexina valmy while nato calls for an international probe. russia readies for face 3 of trials and its work towards a 1st coronavirus vaccine for a british medical journal concluded the drug names but produced an antibody response in all participants so far. in china basic nif achille cut its holdings of u.s. debt amid rising tensions between washington and beijing. thanks
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for joining us here on r.t. internet. moscow is again urging berlin to exchange information about the alleged poisoning of russian opposition leader alexina valley adding that it has nothing to hide. international pressure mounts on russia over the case the us president of trump though says he hasn't seen any proof of the poisoning claims i don't know exactly what happened i think it's it's tragic it's terrible that shouldn't happen we haven't had any proof yet but i will take a look there have been international calls for transparency from russia in an investigation into what happened to alexina valmy the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has said moscow has nothing to hide when it comes to mist in the found me he says russia is still waiting though for requests for information to be
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answered. we have already commented on this and said we have nothing to hide the soon is aleksey new found he fell ill the plane was grounded and this is. he measures rumi julie taken this soon as he was transported to germany those who were demanding information from russia went silent and did not demand anything from berlin this is all following the same old scenario we hear public accusations against russia in the fischel requests to berlin from a prosecutor's office have so far gone unanswered and we were promised today that we would soon receive response as soon as we get the facts we will react accordingly this is all reminiscent of what happened with this group poles near to or secretary general again stoltenberg has his mind made up though he says international action needs to be taken however he stopped short of saying what form that should take we strongly believe that this is
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a blatant violation of international law so it requires an international response. but i will not speculate about exactly what kind of international response we're seeing at the moment is warnings and demands flying backwards and forwards the french and german foreign ministers issued a joint statement on friday evening in which they call a dent an attack against mr novelli we've also heard from the german federal president. he said being a volley case has the potential to cause real problems in the relationship between in moscow and in vienna we've seen moscow's representative summoned to the foreign ministry to discuss the novelli case i consider the demands russia conduct a quick open and comprehensive investigation in appropriate in the absence of any information facts or specific data from germany or any response to the russian
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prosecutor general's request made on the 27th of august. it's over a week since moscow requested information from lynn regarding the tests that were carried out on alexina volley on friday the german government confirmed that they had received that request however getting that information over to russia might not be as simple as all out. had to write the request was forwarded by the minister of justice to the justice department in berlin today in the morning as usual we can't comment on any cooperation regards an internal matters of the investigation but does that mean russia has not received anything from the ministry of justice or any other responsible oath already as they have already just sad the federal government has approved their quest for mutual legal assistance or speaking in plain language no other information has been given is that right i regenerate what i have just said moscow has requested this information because the tests that were carried out
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in the russian hospital where lex in the valley was 1st treated showed no trace of any toxin in his system and tests for poisons all came back negative effect to investigative measure ashore being carried out and if the information about the presence of a poisonous substance from the patients biological samples is confirmed then of course we will open a day jury investigation it's 2 weeks since alexei navalny has been here in berlin being treated the shot at a hospital physicians say there is no were cute risks to his life at the moment however there is the potential for a long term effects from this illness we heard from foreign affairs columnist married to jeff ski who says that no one stands to gain from the alleged poisoning though it does wear in force a negative image of the kremlin. to jump to the conclusion that there is one obvious arts' to what happened to divine it it's very simplistic because if you
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look at the the balance of advantage say you know who takes an advantage out of what's happened i think it's a huge liability for the kremlin and for russia to be seen to have launched an attack on one of the most colorful and interim ensure members of the opposition that it and that reinforces as we've seen the very negative image of russia in the west i think the relations between the west and specifically europe and russia were starting to warm up after the the freeze over ukraine after 2014. we've seen i would say a slightly different approach to diplomacy from russia over the last few months now all those things are certainly at risk because of what's happened and because of
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the way it's interpreted which is why i think maybe it's much more complicated why would the kremlin do this at this point it's only become an international issue because inevitably was airlifted out to germany and the german doctors made the findings that they did. notice said well it's an international issue because i could never tell you were such an important figure that this was an attack with a chemical weapon and therefore it's subject to international conventions i'm not sure that nato is mandated to run or mandate of anybody really outside russia runs to saying what should happen inside russia. russia is reading for phase 3 of clinical. trials of its covert 19 vaccine and international medical journal says that the sputnik v. drug produced an antibody response in all participants of early testing and that
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there were no major side effects on his right culture of as more on russia's bid to beat corona virus. back in the 11th of august russia became the 1st country to register a vaccine against 19 now more data became available just last friday that show that sputnik the vaccine pretty successfully produced antibodies in all 76 participants in early stage trials now other trials discovered that all patients not only developed antibodies but also non all of the participants showed any side effects whatsoever now a study was also published in the lancet which is one of the most respected medical journals in the world and a russian direct investment fund c.e.o. says that that study answers many questions that have a listen because it isn't ultimately the clinical trial results of the sputnik b. vaccine published in lancet the world's leading medical journal sure to brush she's leading the way in developing a group virus vaccine and it answers
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a lot of questions from western critics specifically the journal report concluded that there were no serious adverse consequences among volunteers or to prevent seen and there was a very strong in time unit response due to the development of the antibodies it found that a vaccinated person produces $1.00 times more empty bodies do in an average person infected with karuna virus the head of moscow's censor that's the center who developed the vaccine says that the antibodies that will remain in the patient for a period of years now some of russia's top officials have already been inoculated with this the vaccine people like moscow mayor sergey sabean the like defense minister sergei should go and even have let him of putin's own daughter was inoculated as well but that happens much earlier now when speaking to vladimir putin moscow mayor said that the only side effect that he experienced was soo our headache and that he is fine and now now this is of course all in contrast very
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much in contrast with the concerns that. were voiced earlier that russia is really whoring there is creation of this vaccine in order to be the 1st in the world in the fight against coal with 19 well the way things are now according to the health ministry a rush is ready for max vaccination as soon as november or december and so far 3 clinics in moscow have received the vaccine for 3rd stage trials and they are now ready to welcome of volunteers now once the united nation a process begins here at home russia will be ready to send the vaccine abroad as well so far many foreign governments have already expressed interest in this food and the vaccine and according to officials there are now over when c. requests for hundreds of millions of doses after the peer reviewed study was published the u.s. secretary of state expressed skepticism might pump accused russia and china of
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hiring the vaccines to market for political reasons to discuss the russian vaccine on the findings in the lancet journal with lawrence young he's a professor of molecular and college in the u.k. . i think it's a very important step on the way to developing an effective vaccine it's a very interesting study like many vaccine studies it's still relatively early days but it does demonstrate that the vaccine is safe and it doesn't juice a very good immune response this study published in along by light some very important developments particularly in the ability to what we call crime boosts the response to give 2 doses of slightly different vaccine does that give you an even better response and that is something that this article reports on which i think is a very important development but again we have to be slightly cautious because it's relatively small numbers and we look forward obviously to seeing more data particularly as this vaccine goes into phase $34.00 i understand there are going to
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be something like $40000.00 volunteers vaccinated but we're working together as an international group of immunologists and bar all of us to fight this vaccine and this is a very important step in that fight. china will seek to rid itself of a significant amount of the u.s. debt that it owns that's according to an expert quoted in the state bank global times out that comes amid high tensions between beijing and washington. china will gradually decrease its holdings of u.s. debt to about $800000000000.00 under normal circumstances but of course china might sell all of its u.s. bonds in an extreme case like a military conflict china owns more than a trillion dollars of u.s. debt only japan has more beijing's already been offloading it share dumping over $100000000000.00 worth in just 2020 alone u.s.
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issued debt is forecast to almost equal american g.d.p. this year and exceed it next as levels of debt have been seen since the end of the 2nd world war and a widely regarded as risky. relations between china and the u.s. have declined markedly but the trump of ministration initiated a trade war washington targeted chinese tech firm wall way claiming it posed a security threat something beijing denied there were also tit for tat crackdowns on chinese and american media organizations as well as consulate closures we spoke to financial commentator james rodgers who says that the dollar's dominance could be on the way but my expectations are that when in the turmoil the dollar will go higher it will get overpriced it might even turn into a bubble because there are very few alternatives but that will probably be the last shot us is now the largest debtor nation in the history of the world and it's getting higher and higher every day i'm not the only person who knows that and other people will get worried traditionally the us dollar has been the sounders
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currency in the world where tradition changes once upon a time it was the british pound once upon a time it was the danish crime in the dutch guilder currency exchange history changes and i'm an american so i don't particularly like saying it but i'm afraid the us dollar is coming to its century or so of dominance and something else will replace it. look it up please could be banned from major sporting events if the us stops its financing of the world anti-doping agency will explain all after the break. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. trade and investment to become magic spells to conjure economic development. most people
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think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investor a chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what one investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all ruins the environment. that means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued now the nationals are taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop tour of the way from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting to mess. stix smoking rates a french company sued egypt because egypt resists minimum wage democratic choice over trump corporate law joins us as we try to find one of the to.
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welcome back a public war is brewing in the world of sport as the world anti-doping agency fires a warning shot at the united states says that it could ban america's top athletes from major sporting events if washington follows through on its threat to stop funding wada at morgan has the story. the trouble ministration has a longstanding pattern of taking moves against international organizations such as the international criminal court the world health organization or the un human rights council but it appears that one international organization the world anti-doping agency is capable of retaliating if the united states takes measures against it we have been approached by a number of governments of the world that were shocked with the threats from the us government these governments want us to consider an amendment to the compliance standard meaning that nonpayment by a government that's what
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a contribution could lead to directly to being declared non compliant with the world anti doping code inevitably this could have serious repercussions for athletes including their participation in major international sporting events this comes after the june white house drug control policy report which indicates that the united states has taken measures against wada working to defund the organization for years the united states has provided the world and adoption agency within the last of taxpayers' dollars in annual dues far more than any other nation in the world we do so with an expectation that father will operate in a transparent accountable and independent manner that is above all else fair to athletes they deserve a fair shake and the vote the commitment to govern team competition on level playing field although these threats were not made publicly we've already heard the u.s. olympic committee as well as the u.s. anti-doping agency speak up against any proposal. threatening u.s.
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athletes i mean this is one of the most terrible things i've ever seen from wada apparently nonpayment is a serious a systemic doping which is the rule that says this and is it applied to everyone threaten one country's athletes over what has failed governance model is pretty remarkable and disappointing what is very threatened and rattled but to illegally threaten u.s. athletes is shameful the u.s. anti-doping agency says these proposals are simply illegal the united states cannot be excluded as an the only country to be locked out simply because of this move to defund sort of piers that the policy of the white house on which they defund international organizations that don't suit the united states will continue and it appears at this moment retaliation will not be taking place if you want to be a member of this force called already you have to pay to take part he had to swallow it and say this is going to biggest and about us on the planet you know
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give it to me for free it doesn't happen like. they do have money and wanting to listen to us and you don't get is that they are they're being caught at it they're seen as kind of you know in significant and u.s. forces because remember he's going to do not test the n.f.l. the n.h.l. the n.o.b. or n.b.a. or even go to color sports overlooked by d n a i d. and c. too late so this is a very serious matter and you know what it is if the opening shots being fired didn't expose of course the u.s. anti doping they have been caught so badly and how to really let himself down by refusing to test athletes during and right after lockdown we saw these amazing already horribly broken and national records and personal best in broken by athletes who try this tiger said we're not training during so maybe dresses don't do well but this is just the opening volley in a very very nasty war. university
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in the u.s. has launched an investigation after an academic publicly admitted to spending her entire career pretending to be black when she is in fact white jessica crew going to professor of history at george washington university made a confession in a blog post and it caused a stir i heard this chewed my lived experience as a wide jewish child in suburban kansas city under various it's unique identity within the blackness that the had no right to claim i'm not a cultural vulture i am a culture meet so this is bizarre my heart goes out to any black person who invited jessica kirby into their secret space enter the assumption that she was black to your we have to talk about this jessica kruger where a jewish woman from kansas city has been passing as a black latina caribbean woman for years this is violence this is anti black and
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this is shameful when jessica crew gets her book deal and it's on the talk show circuit remember this too it white women continually harm our communities and are rewarded for their efforts with cases drawing comparisons with the original dolls our former us black rights activist who was outed as being white by her parents even top politicians have been called stretching the truth when it comes to their ethnicity last ship senator elizabeth warren apologized for identifying herself as being part native american legal and media analyst lionel gave us his take on the story. there is a benefit for people to have. certain demographic characteristics or academic reasons sometimes for alone sometimes for mortgages i think we are who were limon need any this thing should any reference any mention of gender or sex or sexual inclination
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an application to the when i get your application i don't know what it is all i know is a c. your number a c. your score is a z. your grades are take this person if you want to eliminate racial discrimination stop considering it or not and when you start playing around with. characteristics in terms of if this lead in a graphic all of it gets to the point where that becomes important factor and not the qualifications of the people and that's the danger. this weekend will see the hundreds consecutive rally in the us city of portland over the killing of george freud the latest protest on friday meanwhile saw more scenes of unrest protesters marched on the local police association building of his use tear gas to disperse the crowd and made several arrests the rallies that began in may have pretty quickly been barred by vandalism and violence. also world news
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in brief for you and on friday around in the chilean capital in support of a new person choosing descended into chaos resorted to water cannon to disperse the crowd a referendum on a new constitution has been postponed until next month because of the pandemic. over london environment like the visceral it against the construction of a new high speed rail way which started friday will connect the british capital with northern england the prime minister says that it will boost the economy but activists say it will destroy ancient woodlands and wildlife. and one of the world's most renowned opera companies is given its 1st performance since haunting shows due to the pandemic. in milan held a requiem mass at the city's main cathedral in honor of victims of covert 9400 guests attended clued in italian president. finally
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renowned linguistics professor of philosophy chomsky is today's guest on auntie's going underground where he discusses with our she returns the us elections climate change julian assange much more the program will air throughout the day right here on r.t. international is a preview. we're now facing a number of crises serious ones one crisis is the threat of climate environmental catastrophe the other problem which is arising with great hurried right now is the collapse of the economy as a result of the endemic of many corporations are making money hand over 'd fist of the high tech for example whether it was one day in which just these us. $13000000000.00 or they're going to hedge funds private equity funds old doing. because the treasurer is touring money into the economy in
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a way which largely benefits them we are involved in class war and one of the ruling class doesn't say i'm just going to do it i want i don't care about you they can't they don't have that power their rule is fragile they know it and therefore they must accommodate to an energized active engaged. exactly as is often done in the us. be divided today to pay should if your company throughout the morning have a lot into national mccauley done a whole kids will bring you the latest on top stories in about 30 minutes. the u.s. is losing its cachet as world's single superpower what u.s.
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dollar is losing its status as world reserve currency are moving into a post u.s. dollar as world reserve currency era and so buffett is picking up stakes and hauling out these. big portion of his portfolio and. who is another huge name in the money management space is got 20 percent of his portfolio is the world's biggest hedge fund now in actual gold bullion. circuits and so that tells you also that the u.s. dollars days are numbered. during the vietnam war u.s. forces neighboring laos there was a secret war. and for years the american people did not know. how much. every bank country per capita all human history millions of unexploded bombs
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still in danger lives in this small agricultural country. even today kids in laos full victim to bombs dropped decades ago the us making amends for the tragedy in laos won't help to the people need in the too little land of mines. trade and investment to become magic spells to conjure economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investment chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but won't when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret sites all ruins the environment. that means local communities that are being poison. if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can. now multinationals
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are taking on the whole nation still in the arse is trying to use i.d.'s to stop the work of life from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a french company sued egypt because egypt resists minimum wage democratic choice trump cool britain will join us as we try to find one to.
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this is blue bus the one business show you can't afford to miss in washington coming up as tensions between the united states and china continue to rise the agency of power is looking to cut back on its holding of u.s. debt straight ahead we're going to break down the significance of this potential move and how the u.s. is responding and late and after equities slipped on thursday markets are still on shaky ground and later on we're going to go ahead and analyze the state of global markets after a hectic week plus the pandemic has delayed several high profile movies this summer but the 1st big blockbuster of the season is getting a late relief so for a holiday weekend we have an analyst on hand to discuss the state of the film industry packed show today so let's dive right in. and another day another escalation between the u.s. and china on the trade fraud now the latest the white house is asking for all federal agencies to detail china related funding this includes any and all.
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