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tv   News  RT  September 6, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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used to blame patients doctors manufacturers. the stories that shaped the week moscow claims germany is not being cooperative in the alexina valley case after a lengthy with irrefutable the russian opposition leader had been poisoned with the knowledge of nerve agent. 4 weeks since the disputed presidential election invalid loose thousands once again take the streets of minsk in protest this is a multistory car park near the hotel when it started raining people sort of the running take cover in sprayed all over the floor people shouting jumps but there's no actual aggression from the crowd. rushes that is ready to move ahead with large scale testing of its coronavirus taxi and despite western media skepticism over its effectiveness i renounce british medical journal things the vaccine looks promising
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. and the french the terrible like a scene charlie had reprints its controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad's reigniting debate this time to mark the terror trial getting underway 5 years after the bloody attack on the public offices in a. very warm welcome you are watching the weekly one r.t. international with all the latest and the latest from the past 7 days. now berlin the most go along diplomatic route over the alleged nerve agent poisoning of russian opposition figure alexy novell me on sunday the russian foreign ministry question butlins ultimatum to provide an explanation for what happened suggesting is the german side that's not being forthcoming. if the german government is sincere in its statements it should respond to their quest of the russian general prosecutor's office as soon as possible that it was passed along on
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the 20 sounds or for best it is the german side that really lacks urgency by not sending a response berlin is slowing down the very investigative process it is calling for is that on purpose ultimatums do not help anyone move forward but it's never explanations follow from russia in the coming days we will have to discuss the response with our partners we have high hopes for the russian government to solve this serious crime meanwhile the german foreign minister has responded to russia's request to share findings in the case things such as move would take time as they currently dealing with new information and would also bring require permission from one of mr found his relatives to pass on his personal data with more on all the works of elements his piece all of a. there have been international calls for transparency from russia in an investigation into what happened to alexina valmy the russian foreign minister sergei a lover of has said moscow has nothing to hide when it comes to mist in the valley
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he says russia is still waiting though for requests for information to be answered . but it's we have already commented on this and said we have nothing to hide a soon as alex in a valley fell ill the plane was grounded and necessary measures roomie julie taken the soon as he was transported to germany those who were demanding information from russia went silent and did not demand anything from berlin this is all following the same old scenario we hear public accusations against russia and the fish all requests to berlin from a prosecutor's office have so far gone unanswered we were promised today that we would soon receive response as soon as we get the facts we will react accordingly this is all reminiscent of what happened with this group owl's nieto or secretary general again stoltenberg has his mind made up though he says international action needs to be taken however he stopped short of saying what form that should take we
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strongly believe that this is a blatant violation of international law so it requires an international response. but i will not speculate about exactly what kind of international response what we're seeing at the moment is warnings and demands flying backwards and forwards the french and german foreign ministers issued a joint statement on friday evening in which they call a day end an attack against mr novelli we've also heard from the german federal president to steinmeyer he said being a family case has the potential to cause real problems in the relationship between burley in moscow and in vienna we've seen moscow's representative summoned to the foreign ministry to discuss the novelli case. i consider the demands russia conduct a quick open and comprehensive investigation inappropriate in the absence of any
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information facts or specific data from germany or any response to the russian prosecutor general's request made on the 27th of august it's over a week since moscow requested information from berlin regarding the tests that were carried out on alexina volley on friday the german government confirmed that they had received that request however getting that information over to russia might not be as simple as all lot. right there request was forwarded by the minister of justice to the justice department in berlin today in the morning as usual we can't comment on any cooperation regards an internal matters of the investigation but does that mean russia has not received anything from the ministry of justice or any other responsible oath already as they have already just sad the federal government has approved their quest for mutual legal assistance. speaking in plain language no other information has been given is that right i retreat what i have just said
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moscow has requested this information because the tests that were carried out in the russian hospital where alexina volley was 1st treated showed no trace of any toxin in his system and tests for poisons all came back negative effect to investigative measures are being carried out and if the information about the presence of a poisonous substance in the patients biological samples is confirmed then of course we will open a day jury investigation it's 2 weeks since alexei navalny has been here in berlin being treated the shot a tape hospital physicians say there is no were cute risks to his life at the moment however there is the potential for long term effects from this illness. additionally the russian foreign ministry has stated if not the chalk was used it doesn't necessarily mean it came from russia alexina value remains in a medically induced coma in berlin falling severely ill on an internal flight in
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russia more than 2 weeks ago and meanwhile a group of russian doctors have offered set up a joint commission with the german counterparts to investigate the case ever since news of the incident 1st emerged much of the world's media have pointed the finger straight to the kremlin has been looking at various theories. germany declared the valley poisoned with military grade talks and within 24 hours everyone with a keyboard had somehow become an investigative journalist slash toxicologist slash foreign policy expert take build for example a german tabloid that specializes in yellow journalism and bashing russia build out did everyone they managed to mistranslate a russian official make up a conspiracy theory that russia was blaming germany for poor isn't in the volley and based on everything that they got wrong they demanded sanctions and then to the
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divisive german russian nord stream to pipeline there are very strong anti russia the west which particularly specifically wants to sabotage the gas pipeline to prevent between russia and the e.u. a particularly close association with russia and germany there isn't a change of course america wants to sell its natural gas to europe instead of the russians so there's a lot of money it's a gas war going on a lot of money is what at stake spiegel another german magazine has proposed tearing up german russian relations big student well apparently they have irrefutable proof that putin was behind this insane poisoning they won't show it though to their readers so we'll just have to trust them now is the times the man in the kremlin the german or thora jesus showing the alexina found he was not drunk or diabetic as the kremlin cynical spin doctors wanted the world to believe he was
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supposed to be killed with an insidious neurotoxin cynical spin doctors insidious neurotoxin and obviously aggravated by us. all going to force 1st compounds are highly toxic substances and as a rule it's impossible to use them just to poison a single. person if there had been any interaction with the substance on the eve of the flight or during the flight then any accompanying persons was certain to have shown symptoms of poisoning that did not happen passions are high a lot of confusion about this is the best time to take advantage of people if you're a build pundit and you have no idea how a neurotoxin works or what happened to the volley and you still want clicks well now is the time to write righteous and warlike articles to try and appear knowledgeable while view of the professionals and experts a busy and quiet trying to figure out what's happened there is another version that
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you might like one popular theory is that the kremlin spooked by the protests into west embarrass into the east inhabited of wanted mr nirvana out of the way to prevent him from mobilizing discontent closer to mr putin and upsetting his plans for parliamentary elections next year after years of not winning elections after years of stagnant support somehow now novelli has become a danger i was in the kremlin spooked after the revolution in ukraine why didn't they try to remove him then and it doesn't explain using a new truck which is the nuclear option even in the world of nerve agents sending the valise to germany where he could get tested for a new truck and russia would get sanction to jump to the conclusion that there is one obvious to what happened to divine it it's very simplistic because if you look at who takes an advantage out of what's happened i think it's
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a huge liability for the kremlin and for russia to be seen to have launched an attack on one of the most colorful and interventional members of the opposition it reinforces as we've seen the. very negative image of russia in the west i think the relations between the west and civic europe. russia were starting to warm up now all those things are certainly a risk because of what's happened and because of the way it's interpret it which is why i think maybe it's much more complicated why would the kremlin do this. if searching towards a month since the disputed election in bellaver is triggered unprecedented scenes of protests in the country and for a 5th consecutive weekends thousands of once again taken to the streets of cities and towns nationwide decrying what they say was
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a rigged result all 38 have confirmed concerns more than 100 people were detained on sunday although no exact figure has been given a major rally in the center of the capital has now ended with crowds moving away from the areas blockaded by police and armored vehicles minsk based correspondents filed these reports. in support of sort of they're going to people are beginning to disperse it some pleasant to stay here in the rain and there's no talk or details about what's happening here the level of idea over there but let's move over here to this building and i want to talk about it this is a multistory car park near the hotel when it started raining people started to run in take cover in there spread all over the floors people shouting chants but there's no actual aggression from the crowd there is a project called the voice that was created for fair elections they have a new version of brought in the telegram app called i walk you need to send a message to it so your presence would be registered anonymously and that ronnie
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started today 120000 people were expected i don't see that many here my can say that on lots of people who are just few of them before that gas did that they did behind the fence there is a car with a very loud speaker on the roof playing some patrick bell russian music you can still hear it kilometers away from here and from. for it sort of sounds like some kind of a pathological party but in fact this car is drowning out any chance and slogans its music is being played down over the years the much demand in the petition here is the most tense police right next to the barbed wire there are water cannons over there and walls that prevent the crowds from entering the independence palace the crowd is very dense here and it stretches for more than a 100 meters. protests broke out immediately after the outcome of the vote was announced on august the 9th with longtime president alexander lukashenko winning another 5 years in office although initially marred by violence and police brutality the demonstrations are now largely peaceful world leaders have called for
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talks between the government and the opposition the latter is demanding a fresh vote and for constitutional reform. saturday marks the 100th consecutive day of black lives matter rallies in the u.s. city of portland triggered by the death of george floyd and the protests shows no sign of relenting. well as the man desperately trying to put out the flames on his shoes allegedly after a molotov cocktail he himself was holding exploded tensions between demonstrators and police remain high offices use tear gas to break up the crowds with over 50 people reportedly arrested the protests have been ongoing since may and violent scenes have frequently been see. meanwhile in kentucky hundreds of armed protesters from rival groups have marched through louisville black lines marta campaigners converged on the city demanding the state's famous kentucky derby horse race be
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canceled it went ahead on saturday the activists decried police violence and racial injustice earlier in the day propylene militia had marched through the city and were confronted by some of the black lives matter protesters. while one famous american company seems to be cashing in on the rest the gun makers smith and wesson has seen his sales rise by 140 percent compared to the same period last year but equates to around $134000000.00 in extra sales journalist daniel lazard believes the gun boom is symptomatic of the current political stalemate in the country. but arcus breaking down we're seeing street fighting street fighting going on growing levels involving both the leftists and rightists. as a kind of nice slow moving civil war that probably will continue until election day and then no one knows what will happen with the election because the american
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electoral process these are so broken down that it may very well end up in fighting endless lawsuits and determinate outcome no one knows and both sides are arming i mean there are guns everywhere when if you go to one of these protests and in places like the met midwest or the west you'll 'd see guns on both sides and it's very dangerous and because people tend to use these weapons and so but the but there's no force capable of stopping these things. these this fighting because i'm it seems to have taken a life of its own and it's just part of the whole political structure which is in and expel rating breakdown. russia says it's ready to move ahead with large scale testing of its new coronavirus vaccine last month the country became the 1st nation in the world to register a jump since were expressed in the west that corn as must have been cut and that it might end up there is more harm than good but now the thousands of potential kill
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have been published for the world to see 1st case hell of a process. at the start of trench 28 good news it was hard to come by but as we move that autumn it seems that bind us not in pleasanter to report on as many will now but russia practices the what gives great advice but. the results are now on friday it was announced that the notice that nicotine has introduced a strong immune response i am to point out that in $100.00 some of those images a page in trials now this comes just after eating just about one of the oldest one of the most respected in the lancet. with its assessment of the findings of the trials because it is above the clinical trial results of this put nick the vaccine published in lancet the world's leading medical journal shows that russia is leading the way in developing a corona virus vaccine and it answers a lot of questions from western critics specifically the journal report concluded
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that there were no serious adverse consequences among volunteers that took the vaccine and there was a very strong in time moon response due to the development of antibodies it found that a vaccinated person produces $1.00 times more antibodies than an average person infected with corona virus so no serious side to the desired antibodies and of course a good safety profile it's also what he had over the last clinic which is that independent is that he thought that those heightened place would actually protect individuals for at least 2 yes so that announcement from the direct investment fund and this article in an answer really pulls direct the arguments for these affected nest now this new law undoubtedly not just by those who decide to take the plunge that leap the fine got to get themselves. and in recent days these include the ministry of defense against like who the leader of the liberal democrat party who
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by the way actually appeared on a t.v. show makes wrong in the day that the mayor. so now we're now told president bush about this via video conference he said you know what i'm feeling why i know you think i will say i did have a slight headache for a few hours so these latest now reassuring but also maybe a way to counter the want to better word those suspicions by people initiate you said that meet russia has this process in order to declare itself the winner of that race for so what now well on our side and if not of what actually basis for russian citizens will start in september and that process could be done within 7 to 12 months in fact. we can execute in the capital market right as you were in a hot spot have been given a bit of a head start so doses but most people are but that there will be bread and it seems
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there is demand from. parenting more than 20 questions foreign governments have already received hundreds of millions of doses so it looks like. 14 suspects went on trial in france this week over their alleged involvement in a series of terror attacks in 2015 is a terrible magazine charlie hebdo was one of the main targets alongside a jewish supermarket and commemoration of the victims the magazine has republic's the controversial prophet muhammad cartoons believed to a party motivated the attack the move triggered a furious reaction from the iranian foreign ministry that president emanuel mccrone say is freedom of expression is paramount. as the trial into the january 25th dean attacks begins to be french means to defend the right to make people laugh the freedom to mock to ridicule and to caricature which voltaire claimed was the source
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of the rest to be french means always to be on the side of the freedom fighters well charlie hebdo is back in the spotlight here in france and that's because as that trial is underway that important trial it's decided to take a bold decision according to some some of described it perhaps as being more idiotic and that is to republics some of its most controversial cartoons which depict the prophet mohammed the muslim prophet now it was those types of cartoons that were published by the magazine that initially put a target on its back and led to that attack back in 2015 in which 12 people were murdered back then the world came out in support saying 3 sharlee saying they supported the right of the magazine its freedom of speech to publish cartoons like that but by republishing these cartoons again a montage of them it has reignited the debate here in france over whether or not
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it's ok to blast beam this is a poll that's been done by the french institute of public opinion now it found when it asked the french people in general what they thought was this the right thing to do and that the majority of people supported the freedom of speech of charlie hebdo but when you asked that question to french muslims there was a very different response was 69 percent responding that they didn't think it was right to publish those cartoons now everybody seems to be getting involved in this issue from the president right the way across through social media everybody has an opinion and those opinions are polarized. through samples of course i support the right to caricature 100 percent of the historically in france we have a great tradition of caricatural. after how far can control has the right to go that's another debate. your god creates tensions in the muslim world it's the muslim world that's targeted it's to provoke it's and therefore
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a tooth for tooth so i don't think anyone is going to let it happen so. i said to myself i'm going to go by surely it will be a little bit of money for them so that they can continue their work and it's a lot of respect because they have incredible courage. and he sets out to do the president will be the same birds. who have the right to express ourselves to bless for is not to kill now this trial is hugely important not just because it's about the attacks but it's also about the attacks that took place a few days later on a kosher supermarket here in paris where more people were killed and what the national anti terror prosecutor here in france are said while this might not be about the men that carried out those attacks because they are dead this is about that why did web individuals who supported them who perhaps finance them or shielded them in the aftermath of those attacks and this also comes as font says
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interior minister warns that while this trial is about the historical event an event that is still something that is poignant in french memory there is also something that we must remember he talked about and that is the fact that there is still a huge threat of terror here in france it is the internal threat within our walls which has become the most significant and the strongest one which mobilizes the most attention of the intelligence services are now also talked about more than 8000 individuals still being on a french database of suspected islam missed that could potentially pose a security threat here in france and he said. their full attention was needed on those individuals talking about the resilience of networks such as islamic state that he also mentioned the number of individuals in prison that are connected to islam is threats and talked about the radicalization in prisons he said that the
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majority of those individuals who were radicalized in prisons have then gone on to commit their own terror offenses when they've been released now the trial is about those 2 messages it surely and the kosher supermarket here in paris and they heralded in a new wave of terror that has and compass france now for more than 5 years. so many people are now looking at what surely there was done with the republication of those controversial satirical cartoons was this about sort of standing up for freedom of speech was this about remembering those who was slain at its offices or
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is this something that could really radicalize islamists across the world and incite a new wave of terror thanks for joining us here on r.t. international we're back at the top of the hour with the latest. i am.
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trade and investment to become magic spells to economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries at the end of fast chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all the environment. that means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be certain. the
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nationals are taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop oregon from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage democratic choice of a trump corporate. joint says we try to fund don't want to. bomb
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. their. park. well while the is a part of their times in life when much of what your whole this true thing is debunk this with this of treaties turned out to be the worst poisons and when you realize that the people. of doing or harm me or your loved ones sick or such realisation has arrived or in store for millions of people around the world suffering from insulin resistance a condition that tracks the body's getting insistence that nothing can or life
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and all of the doubt how do you see through sweet lies the truth is i feel it's too late or to discuss it i'm now joined by professor prominent south african athlete scientist and the author of floor of the attrition practice i know so it's such a cruise for me to talk to you so great to see you thank here well thank you very much as an illness be on your show i don't want you to hear it in the beginning of our conversation but your an extraordinary your great. what i find most impressive about you is that having it humiliated all that's left is. you actually had the courage to recognize that much of your lives were misguided that it actually cost harm and you have if you just say it out loud that shakespeare and authentically stronger person.


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