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tv   News  RT  September 8, 2020 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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headlines this tuesday morning the diplomatic route was surrounding the sudden illness of russian opposition activist alexina valmy pleas the kremlin being offered terribly accused despite a lack of definitive proof still pressure is mounting on now to punish moscow i did sing a major gas pipeline project up speed on or about this morning also in the headlines saudi arabia commutes the death sentences of those convicted in the 2018 murder of journalists as well because shell ji rights groups are outraged noting those who ordered the killing aren't being punished at all. thank you know they are. the number of discussing assaults
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lowest spits and cough attacks on british police doubles during a pandemic. morning it's a tell you have this 8th of september here in moscow live from artie's world news age q with the update this morning my name is kevin irwin almost a program so 1st the condition of the prominent russian opposition activist election of l. me has improved and he's no longer in a coma though the german medics treating him haven't given any prognosis yet nor of the presented any definitive proof or details as to what caused his illness in the 1st place but that hasn't deterred the u.s. president from meeting out punishment to russia already the nord stream to gas pipeline project must be terminated he says. but i was supportive of that i was the 1st one to work up you never heard of it or stream to it or drug ever when i came
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along most of them and it were protecting germany from russia. well i've heard to a berlin correspondent peter all of this is rum to open a day isn't it peter morning we've heard america's position about what germany russia's partner in the gas project should do them quite firmly. well long before election of ali took ill on that flight from siberia to moscow long before you was brought here to believe in put in a hostel in a hospital here in the german capital nord stream to was pretty much a a a stick to beat berlin with there was a lot of pressure on berlin to ditch the project for a very long time what we had seen previously though was the the line coming out of the chancery out of the german government was that this was an economic project not to be lumped in with anything else what we're seeing now though is a little change in tone we've heard friedrich metz who has
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a very good possibility of being a potential successor to angola merkel when she steps down as chancellor next year saying that he would if he was in power right now issue an immediate 2 year moratorium on the project we've also heard from senior voices within the german cabinet including those voices within the government that speak directly for the chancellor herself saying there is a possibility of the project being halted essentially what was unthinkable before is now being talked about as a possibility. in tufty this is 1st and foremost an economic project we consider it to be the right thing to do. i think that we should be coupled these issues and in our opinion nor trying to should be completed . i think would be wrong throughout from the beginning but what is happening now you could have an impact on the project. and. the federal chancellor also sees
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it as wrong to rule that out while germany says the future of the pipeline depends on how russia response to allegations of poisoning alexina valmy with a military grade nerve agent moscow says they're willing to play ball however they haven't received the information on those allegations from germany that they've been requesting and without that information it's difficult for them to do what they want to be able to do. now and has been given to any official requests from the russian prosecutor cheryl sophos or to any of their requests from our doctors nothing 0 or medics brought alexina valmy out of an induced coma on monday he said to be being taken off respirators of breathing equipment and also responding to verbal stimulus. or either pay their well thanks for the update they came across
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a combatant later because to pay the. medical expert as well as political analysts on the developing case. i think 2 things about it i think you're looking at 2 factors number one is how much dose he was given so might have been a very you know a minimal dose or whatever the case might be perhaps seek medical attention fairly quickly so if i can please and but i get medical treatment very quickly i can probably survive the poisoning. of poison i've been susceptible to is a sub lethal dose or whatever the case might be there perhaps i can also survive a search of factors or how much was given and also the appropriateness of the medical care that the patient received positive sign is that he's responding to vital stimuli the supreme function squeeze my hand move your feet things like that really create new so i think i'm cautiously optimistic about this patient you look at the script. a police officer will correct it and it wouldn't take a lot in case you died and now we have
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a situation where. didn't affect anyone else what it was quite strange so that's what may be a different nerve agent than the one which i think that these people in the general . understanding of the group which is. this nerve agent it belongs is that it effects other people who are people around you and so on and they are in danger but this is different and this is one of the questions which must be resolved in the investigation as we investigated how is it possible that anyone close to trying to develop me was infected and not anybody who was. a saudi court has sentenced suspects over the killing of distant journalist jamal khashoggi 5 people given reduced sentences of 20 years jail 3 others received from 7 to 10 years the decisions were slammed by a top u.n. official though is without legitimacy in a parody of justice. so deeper security firm did one more act today in this parody
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of justice but this verdicts carry no legal or moral legitimacy they came at the end of a process which was neither fair nor just or transparent in macon showed his family said they forgave his murderous which cleared the way for the revised sentences under islamic law but the journalist for the answer is no commented on the trials calling it a complete mockery of justice papers for his upcoming marriage the journalist was legit dismembered is remains of never been found those sentenced to believed to have been part of the hit squad said to be from riyadh political analyst alessandro bruno says despite the reflect nature of the crime the west won't ensure justice the fact that north was tried. actually raises many more suspicions for the world community the opinion won't change the idea that the saudi government was behind it
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remains in fact if anything the only proves that or at least goes further into that direction countries that the oil with saudi arabia diplomatic and business levels won't have any technical formal reasons to hold relations so whether while public opinion will certainly be negative at a technical level there will be no sanctions or other penalties that will impede saudi arabia from working with other countries. british police suffering from a large roys in the richest souls known as coffin spitta tax suspects are taking advantage of fear of contamination with offices in the midlands county of leicestershire complaining that they can't do their job properly. i. don't want this court going in of the yard.
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the rise in assaults has huge impacts on stuff both physically and mentally and it has a huge impact on communities thousands and thousands of days of policing a lost because of these assaults the number of such attacks has doubled has been hundreds of cases just months in leicestershire alone bets on barely $100.00 incidents in the same period last year but it's not just spitting coffer tags assaults on law enforcement shooting up across the board too there's been a 20 percent jump in attacks on british police during the lockdown been almost $8000.00 cases in just 3 months for police officer peter kirk and warns that covert 19 is giving suspects new weapons against authorities. has provided. another way of people who would assault police by whatever method is available another wife for them to get in
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ensue into offices. you know why they feel will be more impact if just at the moment. it's just provided them with another weapon really the issue is wider than just the spitting and spitting and coughing in offices that we're seeing with the covert epidemic the problem is the decades 10 years of an anti police narrative by the governments gleefully releases by the media has resulted in respect and confidence in the police being severely undermined and not just to far beside. the place of being criticised every turn so a symptom of a problem this country is how to develop in for some time which is the attacks on police are growing rapidly in both number and do severity. any time the covert catastrophe has been a boom with home video streaming companies reporting
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a massive surge in subscribers and profit they had a netflix even admits the pandemics been a lucky break for the company in fact every major tech players vastly increased earnings in the log amazon's revenue in the 2nd quarter is up 40 percent making almost $90000000000.00 from online shopping during this awful period has been through and are going through apple's revenue increased 11 percent to almost $60000000000.00 meantime streaming services such as netflix have doubled to subscribers in just 3 months but the no face a backlash from the authorities from 2021 the e.u. is looking to introduce a new digital tax some european lawmakers want tech firms should subsidize economies dragged down by months of this law. it is not possible to accept the idea that those digital giants the winners of the crisis are not paying a fair amount of taxes in europe and we can't manage this problem with single
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digital taxation we need at least at the european union level a general measure you could almost professor richard schiff believes that taxing tax giants is just a 1st step better raising rates for every big corporation. i think you've seen it already we have a history here in the united states of taxing monopolies and oligopolies are huge businesses but it always takes pressure from below it takes a movement of working people labor unions and others to be able to get the politicians to act and my suspicion is it won't be different x. y. little take the tax the tech giants now and once they go then the question will inevitably follow why are we not doing that for other highly monopolized and overly wealthy corporations this is not in touch over good morning it's kevin owen
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here at r t h q moscow ahead criminal activity in sweden is on the rise prompting authorities to look at expanding wiretapping to nome suspects we'll tell you more when the bat .
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. again morning israel has imposed curfews in 40 cities following a spike in covert 19 cases the new restrictions require businesses to close by 7 pm every day and to ban people from venturing far from their homes in the evenings
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schools and colleges also have been shut. the professional elements were in there given the high mobility situation in israel the trend is liable to reverse itself at any moment with a dangerous addition of severe cases and deaths and the danger to the teams of doctors treating corona and the hospital could collapse the initial plan had been to impose a complete lockdown in 30 cities but following pressure from local mayors it was scaled back eventually the evening's only although with 10 more cities added to the list there's been a steady rise in infections across the country so far this month with daily cases now reaching almost $3000.00 meantime protests against the government's handling of the. 11th week over the weekend police officers we're seeing lifting protesters off the road and carrying them away as people gathered near the prime minister's official residence demonstrators calling for yahoo to quit not only because of the coronavirus bird also over its current corruption trial the head of the
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immunotherapy laboratory a barrel and university explains just why the number of cases in israel is on the rise now. after reopening i would say around june schools and enabling. places of gathering to thrive whereas we have seen basically the slow rise in the number of people being infected there is a crisis of confidence in the public meaning people do not feel the need to always abide by the regulation people willing to comply is essential to prevent the further spread of the virus the 2nd thing is that there are a lot of gatherings like for example weddings at night that are taking place although they are forbidden but people are actually organizing them in places private places so it's very difficult to locate them and to close them down 2nd main problem we have is a lack of efficient trast seeing right now we are not able to correctly tracing
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every single case because our own. a lot of cases and the 2nd thing is that because we are still in trial we are still trying to implement our new system for tracing and that is taking too much time that's again another reason why we see a rise. with sweden struggling under a high level of gang crime in the pandemic police want a law to expand wiretapping to everyone even a non-suspect to detect potential gang members right now we have at least 40 family based criminal networks in sweden so-called clans they have come soley for the purpose of organized crime we need a change in legislation they gives us greater opportunities to listen to encrypted phone people who are not yet involved in any criminal investigation without people who can be clearly linked to gang crime we now hope that all this telephone traffic leads to us clearing up more crimes than we would have done otherwise at the moment
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swedish law only allows tapping the phones of suspects facing at least 2 years in prison now this proposed other changes would permit law enforcement to eavesdrop on people who are yet to be suspected of a specific crime a riff it going crimes of shocks we do society of late with even a 12 year old girl dying in a mafia crossfire but citizens are divided over whether wiretapping everyone is the solution. i think it is good that the police have increased opportunities to catch this criminal gangs that are ranging freely in sweden today and they must find new ways to try can take them to court but i think a law that says the police can why it's a private interviews yours is too big a step to take this should be special reasons to eavesdrop on someone they don't see the risk for ordinary private interviewed salzberg intercepted in their private lives of i do not think it affects our privacy we are already so monitored in any way with phones and other things if this helps the police it's great. not good not
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my style i do not like it it creates a great deal of uncertainty as to water ploys because you do not know when they can listen where when and how so i do not like that more power a state within the state integrity is most important because you never know what's going to happen in the future. i think it is quite good that the police have greater opportunities to intercept i personally do not mind it but i think it can be a great tool for the police to access large parts of the population and be able to stop some crime it's nothing that bothers me. a human rights experts told us that however serious the rising gun crimes wiretapping innocent citizens is not the answer. it's. reasonable concern i mean the 1st time for this year we have it's really the. same number of killings. those.
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early ballots here are all sort in the year previous to that so to produce heaters probably are not really the minister or the super liberties of their pollution it's a population which comprises device majority of the rents in sweden. and that has nothing to do we greet given their behaviors on and on they're going to deny these you or. criminality and won't even. ask for a leader to present public stylistics where of their perpetrators of. deeds could be. going going nationwide unrest against racial injustice in the us has been increasing used by both the donald trump and joe biden presidential campaigns but with the rallies remaining violent the protesters arming themselves the canvassing is even reminding some now of cia style tactics double
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quarter reports back in 2019 few could have even imagined that the run up to the presidential election would look like a vet's. i . at 1st glance these protests might resemble scenes of random political violence but take a closer look and they seem like something right out of the cia playbook. guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war more specifically the cia's psychological operations in guerilla warfare manual it was written back in the 1980 s. to help anti communist fighters in nicaragua called contras their goal to overthrow
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president daniel ortega as pro soviet government and the cia recommended tactic on how to do it was to achieve a psychological victory through guerrilla warfare take a look at the slugging match is going on between the trump and biden camps and you get a similar picture. it is happening under donald trump's watch we are not safe and downall from america the hard truth is. you won't be safe your job buddies are and what does the cia say such stunts will accomplish. propaganda or improves the behavior of the population towards its author and it's not achieved by force this means that unarmed guerilla units in
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a rural town will not give the impression that its weapons are a force that they hold over the peasants but rather that they are the strength of the peasants against the repressive government basically people don't usually mind if the armed guerrillas are on their side which could suggest we'll keep seeing streets of rage for some time we have the one side. the. whole below and aside from maybe some other group of there who are there you thing with the means to put down the police if they come back because they're great. and if you did not directly on the other side supporter are looking at the on rec. the violence that's occurring the burned out businesses and buildings and homes. and destruction using this as a means to control and manipulate people. to get people on their side i think
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it's dangerous both sides both sides are using this i think it's creating more division more unrest unfortunately we don't have a real 3rd party to vote for and i think that it's going to go on till the election that i unfortunately it may continue after the election. well i said so far they saw things what should be the way about with war and a half from now if you get a moment check it out. media we've got you covered 247 on all the stories we're talking about in more depth plus a wealth of others as well for now though for me kevin i would in the rest of the on duty a team near moscow it's. a 24 hour for the morning a great time of the time this time of the day have a great day this tuesday and thanks for watching again.
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l. look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. must obey the orders given by human beings except where such conflict with the 1st law should your identification for should be very careful about of personal knowledge and the point is to treat. every. thing on theory chozen with artificial intelligence real something to. protect its own existence which exists. in. trade and investment to become magic spells to come economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries at the end fast chomped or
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a trade agreement as opposed to something very different but won't when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret something into the environment. that means local communities that are being poisoned to think jack if they do anything that. company fields is interrupting their profits they conducive multi-nationals of taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop oracle by implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a french company sued egypt because egypt resists minimum wage democratic choice trump cool britain will join us as we try to find.
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israel media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by the way. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. we're entering into this strange space you know i think about in the ninety's in the beginning of perpetual copyright and so are copyright essentially laws become perpetual and intellectual creativity is dead and to
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a large degree now after petrol live at home so the dynamism that would be coming with new household creation is dead and to a large degree we have perpetual all money printing money and money go burrow so we have this deadening of. because the printing money keeps the zombie companies and the zombie banks alive so we're we're basically burying ourselves in perpetuity. problem drugs has come from unscrupulous dealers from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we've seen very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids invited to america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes at their dose after dose if your dose and really became his drug
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dealer who's to blame patients manufacturers. welcome back there are few industries in the world harder hit by the credit virus than the travel and tourism sector without question 2020 will go down as one of the worst years ever for the industry but in reality we're only in august and still have a wong way to go already the effects are being felt in fact the hotel industry is warning that as a whole they are facing an absolute economic disaster in a desperate plea to congress submitted this week the industry claims that nearly 25
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percent of all hotels in the united states are at risk of foreclosure simply put those hotels have loans that are at least 30 days delinquent or longer at the end of 2019 the same number was 1.9 percent of hotels and this is just the beginning so joining us now to discuss this boom bust co-hosted investigative journalist ben swan and travel expert from money we have dot com barry choi thank you both for joining us today ben i want to start with you can you give us a rundown quick of some of the other aspects of the travel industry struggling right now. yeah it's kind of like a pick your poison kind of situation right now it doesn't matter what part of the travel industry you're in right now things are going very very poorly you have the airline industry quantas airlines out of australia saying that for this last year of this last fiscal year that is they've actually lost $4000000000.00 in australian dollars in terms of revenue that's about 2 point.


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