tv News RT September 8, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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the headlines this tuesday morning the diplomatic route surrounding the sudden illness of russian opposition activists alexina valley sees the kremlin putting up a terribly accused despite a lack of definitive proof pressure is mounting on now to punish moscow by ditching a major gas pipeline project bringing up to speed all that and. also in the headlines this morning saudi arabia commutes the death sentences of those convicted in the 28 journalist jamal khashoggi rights groups are outraged noting those who ordered the killing are being punished at all. thank you know they are. the number of disgusting
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assaults no suspects and call photogs all british police doubles during the pandemic. and this 8th of september here in moscow life marty's world news agency with a brand new update for you kevin 0 in at the helm welcome to the program so 1st off erm the condition of the prominent russian opposition activist alexa novelli has improved we can report he's no longer in a coma though german medics treating him haven't given any prognosis yet nor have they presented any definitive proof either or details as to what caused his illness but that hasn't stopped the u.s. president from laying the blame squarely at the kremlin's door in saying that germany should now end its project with russia the north stream to gas pipeline. but i support that i was the 1st one that worked up you know heard
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a noise free to woodstock from. when i came along the square where they were protecting germany from russia. escalade toppling correspondent peter all of a peter we've had america's position there but what about germany what's that going to say here cause is a big partner with this gas project with russia. peter i believe we've now lost the connection here been told me i don't you heard that it's all now ok we'll try to get back some little bit later but we did get some thoughts i can tell you from political analyst martin mccauley he notes apparently serious inconsistency in the claims that a volley was poisoned with a novacek like a nerve agent we'll go back to peter all over and talk about the nordstrom thing just a bit but let's hear this other side of it next because the script. pollution obviously was affected and it wouldn't take to the unfortunately she died and now we have a situation where. didn't in fact anyone else know what it was quite strange so
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that's what may be a different nerve agent than the one which i think the script. the general. understanding of the group which is. this. belongs is that it affects other people's work people around you and so on and they are in danger well but this is different this is one of the questions which must be resolved in the investigation to be investigated how is it possible that only one person apparently the ground meat was infected and not anybody else. plus the question is further mr cole is there let's go back to a peter all over in berlin peter big question marks no maybe about north stream too was germany going to do is going to listen to america or a war. well long before alexa in the valley took a long flight from siberia to moscow and ended up here in berlin receiving treatment berlin has been under pressure to drop the north stream to gas pipeline
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project in the past so despite threats and sanctions from the united states and criticism from some of its european partners berlin and always viewed this economic project as a separate entity to anything else now what we're starting to see is some signs of a different message coming out of the german capital we've heard from friedrich metz who stands a very good chance of being the potential successor to angela merkel when she steps down as chancellor next year he said that if he had the power right now he would issue an immediate 2 year moratorium on the gas pipeline project and in fact in the last week we've heard senior voices within the german cabinet and some voices that speak directly for the chancellor herself saying that there is potential for well at least halting all stalling the project basically what it previously been unthinkable is now being talked about as potentially possible. is this i lay off my
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internet tough to this is 1st and foremost an economic project we consider it to be the right thing to do go with us i think that we should be coupled these issues and in our opinion not really too should be completed. for folks i think would be room throughout from the beginning but what is happening now is going to have an impact on the project and the federal chancellor also sees it as wrong to rule that out. well germany says the future of the gas pipeline depends on how russia responds to allegations of poisoning of alexei navalny with a military grade nerve agent moscow says they're willing to play ball but can't at the moment because evidence and data that germany says it has regarding the poisoning of a lot the alleged poisoning of alexei navalny hasn't being transferred to moscow and without that they can proceed. has been given to any official requests from the
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russian prosecutor's chair also office or to any of the requests from our doctors nothing 0 modern day we got an update on the status of alexei in the film the he's being taken out of the coma the medics that kept him in for just over 2 weeks he's being weaned off breathing operators and starting to breathe on his own and we know that he's responding to visual to all double stimuli or i will keep us posted peter thanks for we'll follow their spot develops throughout the course of the day and of course prognosis as well if you get more through now let's take a look at some other news this morning this in saudi court has sentenced suspects over the killing of this the journalist to marcus shoji 5 people were given reduced sentences of 20 years jail 3 others received from 7 to 10 years the decisions that have been slammed by the top u.n. official so deeper security prefer md one more act today in this parody of justice
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but these verdicts carry no legal or moral legitimacy they came at the end of a process which was neither fair nor just or transparent. in may use family said they forgave his murderer then cleared the way for the revised sentences on the islamic law but the journalist fiancee's no commented on the trials calling it a complete mockery of justice she said. he was murdered in 2018 while visiting the consulate in turkey reportedly to get papers for his upcoming marriage the journalist was allegedly dismembered is remains have never been found those sentenced to believed to have been part of the hit squad sent to turkey from riyadh political analyst alessandro bruno told us despite the riff it makes of the crime the west it seems won't ensure justice here the fact that no official was tried. actually raises many more suspicions for the world community the opinion
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won't change the idea that the saudi government was behind it remains in fact if anything this only proves it or at least goes further into that direction countries that deal with saudi arabia diplomatic and business levels won't have any technical formal reasons to hold relations so whether while public opinion will certainly be a negative at a technical level there will be no sanctions or other penalties that will impede saudi arabia from working with other countries. british police are suffering from a large rise in the riff assaults known as cough and spit attacks these suspects are taking advantage of fear of contamination with offices in the midlands county of leicestershire complaining that they cannot do their jobs properly because of it . it was the record going in of the yard.
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the rise in assaults has huge impacts on stuff both physically and mentally and it has a huge impact on communities thousands and thousands of days of policing a lost because of these assaults. was shocking to hear the number of such attacks has doubled there's been hundreds of cases in just months in leicestershire alone or barely under the incentives in the same period last year but it's not just spitting cough attacks assaults on law enforcement shooting up across the board there's been a 21 percent jump in attacks on british police during the locked they have been almost $8000.00 cases in just 3 months former police officer peter kirkwood warns that covert 19 is given suspects new weapons them against the authorities. as provided it's. another way of people who would assault
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police by whatever method is available another wife for them to get in into into offices. you know why they feel will be more impact if just at the moment. it's just provided them with another weapon really the issue is wider than just the spitting spitting and coughing in offices that we're seeing with the covert epidemic and the problem is the decades 10 years of an anti police narrative by the governments gleefully repeated by the media has resulted in respect and confidence in the police being severely undermined and not just a follow up we saw. the police have been criticised at every turn so a symptom of a problem this country has had developed in for some time which is the attacks on police are growing rapidly in both number and do severity. meantime
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while we're talking cope with the catastrophe has been a boon apparently for some with home video streaming companies not surprisingly reporting a massive surge in subscribers and profit they had netflix even admitting the pandemics been a lucky break for the company in fact every major tech player has vastly increased earnings in the logged amazon's revenue in the 2nd quarter is up 40 percent making almost $90000000000.00 from online shopping apple's revenue increased 11 percent almost $60000000000.00 meanwhile streaming services such as netflix that we talked about there doubled subscribers in just 3 months but they now face a backlash from authorities seems for 2021 the e.u. is looking to introduce a new digital tax some european lawmakers warn that tech firms should subsidize economies damaged by months of this lockdown we've all been through. it is not
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possible to accept the idea that those digital giants the winners of the crisis are not paying a fair amount of taxes in europe and we can't manage this problem with single digital taxation we need at least at the european union level a general measure of economics professor richard schiff believes that taxing tech giants is just the 1st step ahead of raising rates for every big corporation i think you seen it already we have a history here in the united states of taxing monopolies an oligopoly these are huge businesses but it always takes pressure from below it takes a movement of working people labor unions and others to be able to get the politicians to act and my suspicion is it won't be different that's what a little take the tax the tech giants now and once they go then the question will inevitably follow why are we not doing that for other highly monopolized and
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overly wealthy corporations. this is an international good morning to watch the clocks is actually 13 past the hour coming up criminal activity in sweden is on the rise prompting authorities to look at expanding wiretapping to controversially known suspects would think about joining us if you can we're talking about that after the break. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being so. direct. what is true what is fake. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallows. again so it was time for the break there was sweden struggling under a high level of gang crime in the pandemic police want to low or no to expand
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wiretapping to everyone even normal suspects to detect potential gang members right now we have at least 40 family based criminal networks in sweden so-called clans they have come soley for the purpose of organized crime we need a change in legislation that gives us greater opportunities to listen to encrypted phone people who are not yet involved in any criminal investigation without people who can be clearly links to gang crime we know hope that all this telephone traffic leads to us clearing up more crimes than we would have done otherwise. the moment swedish law only allows tapping the phones of suspects facing at least 2 years in prison but this proposed said the changes would permit law enforcement to eavesdrop instead on people who are yet to be suspected of a specific crime or if it's going crimes of shocks with the society of late with even a 12 year old girl dying in a math the across fire but citizens are divided over whether wiretapping everyone
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is the solution here. i think it is good that the police have increased opportunities to catch these criminal gangs that are arranging freely in sweden to join the march for new ways to try can take them to court but i think a law that says the police can why it's a private interviews yours is too big a step to take this should be special reasons to eavesdrop on someone they don't see the risk for ordinary private interviewed salzberg intercepted in their private lives i do not think it affects our privacy we are already so monitored in any way with phones and other things if this helps the police it's great. not good not my style i do not like it it creates a great deal of uncertainty as to what applies because you do not know when they can listen where when and how so i do not like that more power a state within the state integrity is most important because you never know what's going to happen in the future. i think it is quite good that the police have greater opportunities to intercept i personally do not mind it but i think it can
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be a great tool for the police to access large part of the population and be able to stop some crime it's nothing that bothers me he writes expert told us that however serious the rise in going crime has become wiretapping in this and so this is not the answer. well criminality is when it's. reasonable concern i mean the 1st time for this is. we have in sweden about the same number of killings. community secret. those we had entirely bias here and all sort in the year previous to that one so the problems hears probably are not pretty mannerly in my opinion the minister who it is you believe it is a little relation it's a population which comprises device majority of the rents in sweden. and that has nothing to do we greet given their behaviors on and on they're going to have
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strained to deny these you or. your own community among immigrants 3 times as for immediate 2 percent public study sticks where it needs city of the perpetrators of the reno and vitamin d. it's would be to. the ongoing nationwide unrest against racial injustice in the u.s. is being increasingly in this now both the donald trump and joe biden presidential campaigns but with the rallies remaining violent and protesters arming themselves the canvassing is even reminding some of cia style tactics has done a quarter explains. back in 2019 few could have even imagined that the run up to the presidential election would look like this.
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at 1st glance these protests might resemble scenes of random political violence but take a closer look and they seem like something right out of the cia playbook. driller warfare is the centrally a political war more specifically the cia's psychological operations in guerrilla warfare manual it was written back in the 1980 s. to help anti communist fighters in nicaragua called contras their goal to overthrow president daniel ortega as pro soviet government and the cia recommended tactic on how to do it was to achieve a psychological victory through guerrilla warfare take a look at the slugging match is going on between the trump and biden camps and you get a similar picture. it
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is happening under donald trump's watch we are not safe and downall from america the hard truth is. you won't be safe when joe biden is in there and what does the cia say such stunts will accomplish. propaganda or improves the behavior of the population towards its author and it's not achieved by force this means that unarmed guerilla units in a rural town will not give the impression that its weapons are a force that they hold over the peasants but rather that they are the strength of the peasants against the repressive government basically people don't usually mind if the armed guerrillas are on their side which could suggest we'll keep seeing streets of rage for some time we have the one side. the.
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whole below and aside from maybe some other group of there who are there you thing with the means to put down the police say from bashers their rage. and if you did not directly on the other side from supporter are looking at the rest. the violence that bickering the burned out of the building that homes. struction. earth with the means to control and manipulate people. to get people on their side. of change risks so both sides both sides are used to creating more division more unrest unfortunately we don't have a real 3rd party to vote for and i think it going to go on till the election unfortunately it may continue after the election. who is now this morning
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a high profile member of the better with some positions reportedly been arrested on the border with ukraine it follows unconfirmed claims on monday that maria kolesnik over of the opposition's coordination council had been kidnapped by a no men that story is making the rounds yesterday well we've got here and verified video of a car approaching the border said to be carrying kalashnikov and 2 other opposition activists the footage is being aired on by the russian media which claims she was detained while the other 2 managed to enter ukraine confusing less trying get across to see what's happening the 1st one on this one morning so what we know about the situation so far claims yes they know some different stuff coming forward today what is the picture. well absolutely this is a somewhat strange and really quite confusing story 8 so i'm wondering you came out the wreck last uncover one of the terrorists opposition and also the camp
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a partner or not it was defeat weeks and presidential elections was abducted in both of their russian capital and meant that she was snatched from the street and that's of course triggered a lot of concern from people in articles who came out of concerned about her whereabouts the police filed a missing person's report and the full search for started well a few hours later and multiple versions of this story how it's now a appear according to the head of the better russian border florida's question that 2 other members of the better us an. aide to seat transferred power away from the cloak crossed the border into ukraine. it's morning rob who ran a local type of video has also shown a card which is clean that those 3 turning up the border and had to know that documents for inspection their speeches all got an archive. and then
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rumors started that the 2 she was traveling with did manage to cross over into ukraine but pleasant didn't manage that she wasn't successful and she was arrested at the border but better she denied this instead they took what is different but they said that she was thrown out the car. you know that the 2 other successfully managed to continue on into ukraine a kind of they were also grabbing that and driving by dangerously now people who are at regular contact with 3 state that they haven't heard anything from them and there are also say that they don't know about their whereabouts but they are involved in the search process no but they also say that those 3 never had any intention of that or a sort of. they did it probably wasn't that. in the meantime you know continued better off the day i got since the start of. exotic sex ain't they actually in those elections and the international gaze is still fixed on the
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country only yesterday ops this news of collapse of actually being abducted not just threats of sanctions you're here inside. we're all sick used that russian authorities of attorney detaining protest as he demanded that police as these latest developments clash that almost impossible to get to the bottom what really happened there just so many conflicts. do not confirm reports. of little bit some other things to bring us up to speed on that this morning i can tell our viewers as well as one of the stories of across a little bit of a front page of r.t. dot com this morning when you go for now look at the front page of r.t. the converse morning it's front page the along with the latest on the 1000 covert vaccine launch into public circulation as well talking about that if you want to check out so much we're in about 247 r.t. dot com or any of our social media rights going to 26 minutes past 9 in the morning thank you for watching this bulleted on cover now in back with more in just over
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state in the united states we see me very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids it invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did those after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments. if you want to go with the oldest d.d. adeel series. braille that you 1st put to analyze it takes 2 to 5 to see if you speak. for the day like it or not i got to visit with
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the 1st 3 if this is the world. with the open field to start to push. greetings and salutations music my friends can change the world and most importantly it can give voice to the voiceless which is why it's our pleasure to present to you the sea out in new mexico d 5 is watching the hawks strikes a chord. 2. said she's pretending that was meant to be just. as fast as pass the fleet street my specialty my special seems to manifest presto swings cropping up fast travel to the rest of the plane is no memories
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a chance to preach against the trees probably this lead to catch my sleeve but if asked the chance must be the majesty of that individual to be out of the tantric a then i'm back that will be gone great on me. yeah i must sound the sound of response by the failed public profound time of the sound i just fell upon them i know that's why i just michael michael was kind of like sal this probably helps my abs has. to get it up my side of myself kind of become am i going to trap myself percentages did i go out that's help me crazy probably not but headed to the town that's going to get a home or a credit i'm certain that it comes in st paul that my head comes to my feet so big i said i would help with upbeat about it that most of it's upgrade the pub and they get up and pull the leaves with the breeze comes with. the cup when it comes to defeat but i'll close the shelf of the suite. on the day of the pop up it's only
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a dream that i was a distinct adama but don't believe we come up with the potions really. help me. sort out some watching the hostile. side of my circle of light and the terrible size and time of my hard old mit offenses fighting back to back titles the sergeants the parents tired of liars has a. harkins anyone players could be about to create a comeback of cars by the cars to recite in the car some type of car that occurs to pick up the idea how to play hard to parse the concepts are so charming group we've struggled from a terrible darby's to be part.
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