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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  September 8, 2020 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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which is why it's our pleasure to present to you the new mexico deep by watching the hawks strikes a chord. 2 2 2 sense you pretend that was meant to be just that and that's fine but it's fast it takes the fleet street my specialty my special seems to manifest my claim stress those wings broken up last month. and the mechanism of memories a chance to preach against the trees from atlanta this lead to catch my sleep if asked to check my sleep the majesty of that individual to be out and then tantric a then i'm back spent will be gone in the midst of great.
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gap time i must sound the sound i respond on the tail pipe up or down time of the sound i just trail behind i'm on that side and i just michael cheika help us find a way to solve this problem now the lamps has. to get it up my side of my stamp of approval by michael the tramp of myself descended to man and i go about that's helping change probably not all that san diego but headed to the town that's going to get a home or a credit i'm certain that it comes in st paul that my head has been closed to my feet all the guys i know what up with the middle of the that michael holmes upgrade the pub and they get up and pull the leaves with the breeze comes with. the cup that have come to defeat us i'll close the shelf of the suite. up and down the good tree must hold that house he does think of coming but no one believes we cut the pulses really. help me. sort out some washing.
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i'm certain i might in the terrible size of time of my hard and mighty offenses fighting back to the heights the sergeants the parents tired of my years found it hard feels any one last could be about to create a car seat in my cars to recite in the car. owners to pick up my king as i did a hard time since concepts are so shiny groups carol terrible darby's to keep our bones merging. this is to every free time a house with a head ass at pants and a pack map is counted out of what you back now with the damn put up a casket a 2nd that we decided to pass on to the top of that it's now going to cash out of my face. on the day they come out the house in the strait of my panties now that it's a snowplow by the shrub and away from the case nice joint in
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a baseball bat for the place up with its place the old days of getting a man stepped in. and. so i was sort this all 1st of all. you've got an incredible amount of passion and energy in your music and in your art and that really comes through and someone watches you perform like we just did i'm very truly inspirational so i really want to start with asking you who is the 5. defy and see music producer artist educator from albuquerque new mexico representing the denomination defies
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also if you broke it break it down into acronym could be definitely eternal or def eternal forever inferno or definitely eternal forever internal short for definition rare. if you look at a sonically can type high 55 and somewhere in there is that 5 or to defy the 5 began probably in my middle school time and i've stuck with the name ever since so what like what was your inspiration and experience that. led you to bring you know hip hop spoken word hip hop and traditional native american culture together in your are like what brought those 2 forces together. i think it would be a combination of live in an urban and rural area and environments as a youth wasn't raised primarily i'm from a traditional side nor. you know the other side of things so basically. as a youth my grandparents on my maternal side they really instilled
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a lot of wisdom when i was at a lesson my mother also taught me how to read and write before i could walk so they gave me a good leading start to begin with in middle school i'd say about that time i got introduced to hip hop culture as far as like the b. boy b. girl cipher circuit i seen a direct similarities and connection between hip hop culture and my traditional culture as a dinette person and that both of those connections led me to kind of combine both together what were the similarities of. for instance as a dinette person we have for clans were very natural lineal culture and our reservation this around about 4 sacred mountains for sacred directions a lot of these numbers stood out to me and for the hip hop the 4 main elements to it. one of the main connections that really led me to become connected with hip hop is. the philosophies. who is well liked are people who were not very judgment on this much for the most part and hip hop kind of has and is
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a universal culture to me so without having to look at someone's skin tones and hip hop practitioners can practice the ceremonies and feel like that was inviting for me a lot of times it was hard to find acceptance growing up there in new mexico where i'm from so hip hop was there and so i always carry my cultural heritage with me you know it's interesting you you raised over a 1000000 dollars a big number you raised the room 1000000 dollars to help the water protectors of standing rock when that went down what was your inspiration for stepping forward and saying you know what i'm going to use my arm to use who i am and what i do to raise money for those people out there putting you know put their lives on the line it's very wrong. you know i was a part of the fund raising i didn't do it entirely myself i've got to give credit to the collective crew family was you say of. hip hop practitioners people who are just there to help and we all together fund raise over a 1000000 dollars in one night hip hop concert by texting water at this certain
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number you able to leave a monetary donation just a little back story like that but i started out as a battle rapper 1st and i seen the entertainment value side of that but after a while i realized that i could apply myself in much more useful ways or much more impactful ways rather than battling someone's head to head why not try to go towards the system instead and try to wake up and defy the system sort of speak and . that's kind of how defy started i did a song when i 1st was inspired as these hydraulic fracturing zones were getting closer and closer to my homeland where my grandparents are from and some nasty new mexico is very rural at that point in time i realized that i needed to apply myself as an mc a music producer towards the much larger issues at hand then just battle rap so i stepped out. side of the box and wrote this song called the land of in fragments and that's kind of a flip on the on the slogan of our state and just to expose and also raise
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awareness of all these atrocities that are happening throughout a draw that fracturing zones you know areas and from that point on i've just been a helping hand as part of the many different movements for the indigenous peoples movement and many others as well but that's probably the most that was a that was a beginning you know after hearing your music and like i mentioned earlier that passion that you have that like just bleeds out of every every verse every bar every word i really want is like how do you sit down when you sit down the writers write a song you know like what is that process for you when you sit down and say ok you know i'm going to write about this issue of fracking or i'm just going to you know write some fire to get people jumping up and down like what how do you tackle that how do you approach each song each song is kind of approach very differently but for the most part i'm writing my lyrics behind the driver's seat i know it's a little risky but where i'm at is very rural areas i can drive out and enjoy the
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scenery. and be out of the city put on a instrumental usually the beep guides 1st take out my beats through different producers go from there and so you're literally like right behind the wheel of a car and the beautiful new mexico. painted there painted sky and landscape or you're just sitting there listening to examine and write about yeah exactly a lot of times off freestyle to think of the ideas and then just put it down on paper. who are some of your inspirations and her. many inspirations i guess from my youth the 1st hip hop song i probably would have heard was probably a run d.m.c. or chill raji track and as far as emceeing goes there's so many different amazing talented mcs that have inspired me just to name a few. big pun big. erez one percy p. . micah 9 and freestyle fellowship evidence the dilated peoples of those
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are very influential artists of the good variety and you can see that not reflected in your work instead of like you don't feel bad but you can definitely feel that style and. one of the things that's interesting too is your work you work a lot with young people and. you know how has your work with those young people how was that inspired the music and the art that you create the youth a voice inspired me since the beginning in especially when times when i guess an artist may get tired of war now from trying to continue working with the youth has been very inspirational because they provide so much support 1st of all and they keep things brand new and fresh for me i don't get worn out or i don't complain a lot a lot of people say like how do you keep going in not complaining about being on the road all the time. just going back home and doing youth outreach or just makes me happy true happiness by working with the youth i was always raised in
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a classroom setting a come from a family of educators and healers so i've always been in the classroom since i was a kid my mom has been a teacher and a big inspiration for that so when people ask why are you so connected to that of others it's just kind of just who i am and i was brought up that way and raised that way. working with the youth also gives me a sense of purpose that's much deeper than. working for just myself for what would you say monetary gain or certain things like that or some are just going for the fame like it's never really been a focus of mine but. hip-hop practitioners and see feel like i have a responsibility to give back and that's what i really focus on that it's a big focus a part of my mission couldn't afford the joy i'm 1944 and a forth that joan ordered school by going to boarding school. forced the move got more sports in a dorm but only one course of fire chief kept the wood burning before morning
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outside the house early at 440 past the sheep rug on the floor by the door in the dormitory escaped the doors and explored war here to take it back. to scrub the present. to resume like people. able to cope with all the pain that we see in the next generations of welcome but before the preservation was a home you know the nation was but i'm in a sweat in a vision it's like i'm back out the grandmother moon in the fetal position. we're entering into this strange space you know i think about in the ninety's in the beginning of perpetual copyright and so are copyright essentially laws become
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perpetual and intellectual creativity is dead and to a large degree now after petrol live at home so the dynamism that would be coming with new household creation is dead and to a large degree we have propecia wall money printing money and money. so we have this deadening of economic growth because the printing money keeps those zombie companies in the zombie banks alive so we're basically burying ourselves in perpetuity. there's a war of. the
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. use of the book with the.
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ready. to head to. ram. dass. pics.
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to. prove. it you would still. know. how. to describe. a lot of people. who are part of the population here in the united states who are part of the native american tribes
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and. there's a lot of misconceptions out there you know. what do you feel. about your culture and where you're coming from. far away from home i sometimes. not even human beings in certain instances not everywhere but there are some places. and just take. some type of. people who believe that. kind of people i mean there's so many different here in the country and we're all very different a lot of times people are sitting here at a bar a lot of times people think that. i've been over like 6 years alcohol free and like there's many of us who never even drank or did drugs before
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so that's another misconception people believe that we're all poor but we're really we're very rich in culture tradition cultural heritage a lot of people also believe that. every tribe gets per capita are like we we're helped out are like where we get a helping hand no matter what was really not the case sometimes when you come to the deep parts of the reservations or the most rural areas i think a lot of people in music they only see the big names in the big lights right like they're only used to see in the cat on the m.t.v. or the cat on the cover of a magazine because i thought but that it's a bigger world than that i've heard it described sort of like you know if you become in if i don't artist at a certain time you can you know either be in it for monetary gain and be like this was to be considered as a rapper but i consider myself more as and see and i think that allows myself to be more community based and not a self-serving entrepreneur more like you know i'm here of service as well for. representing myself my family my friends but also the culture of hip hop and that
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sense of pride in me being proud of who i am as an as and in that manner and also as and see it gives me strength but also gives me direction to what i'm actually doing here with the music hip hop is. save my life so. me being me being part of the culture is like just i mean i want to contribute just as much as i can chip pop is helping me so when they sort of save your life how did hip hop save your life. hip-hop saved my life. through the friendships and bonds and through the practice of itself i feel like as i was working on these skills the skills were also working on me to become a better person and started out as a homeless artist and if it was. for the hip hop community or the hip hop scene at that time i wouldn't have had a place to stay i wouldn't have had. food and just basic survival needs
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so the hip hop community has been there for me since day one and what advice would you give you know or a younger person in similar shoes to you who phys finds that spirit finds that voice you know through music. for myself i mean why are our tribe deals with a lot of energy enter a tional trauma or trauma that. just
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water freezes testes water but that's because it's like trying to it's this sort of magic box that's like to make these clocks like a truck so pick might make you want to present the street i'll head up but don't get caught up in its tracks as i sped up someone else's recalls how we're still saving face minutes at the foot of the truck the field with the bob exam a saddle stop this. is a private medicine is still spinning in his pocket it's a box he could give up in a big fish trap if they don't mind a very hysterical types of beverage compared what a nightmare for some cabbage you might say never your flight back to the docks the
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same rapid pull back from the signal by deciding on him. you do have. you know political nature of what you're talking about because i think a lot of what you rub about a lot of what you or your songs are about you know they like you mentioned or like fracking and things like that you know you put those those flavors in there how important is music to changing. politics or changing in issue or attacking an issue or making people aware of an issue like how important is music to. feel like music can inspire and empower many people and i feel like at the messages there that. or you look at it like the last song that you did for like the last song that you did for us that's such an enlightening song and it's such a powerful song using the mix of you know your heritage and your people as well as the drum beat and then the hip hop flavor in the archipelago you know that you know that song has about that song teaches as
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a tribal person you kind of grow up loving the environment and that's it and that's inside you already and still so. doesn't make you a politician sort of speak but the issues the politics that you know surround and they directly relate to our lives and way to live so. it's a responsibility for me to create music that. inspires and helps empower others because i was just in spy. arden's empowered from hearing music from a lot of a greats and legends of the hip hop pioneers is that so continuations you're right you know it's a beautiful continuation. i want to finish up and ask you you know when you look at your career and you look at where you're going you know you're only 33 years old you've got a long career in front of you got a lot more music to write a lot more beauty to produce on this world what do you what do you imagine or what do you hope your legacy use with your music and who you are. and i got it's fired from reading something i think from kara's warner somewhere where he's making music
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for the future generations creating a catalog that can outlast and also transcend generations i would like for my music to help inspire future generations and also help anybody in need who. who feels alone or phil's. depressed i mean. i make music just to help a lot and i do make music just likes i do have track i just befire not really. just focus on a specific concept but it's hard to see the ripple effects of us sometimes because we're just moving and moving and moving and moving and i hope to look back one day and be able to. thrive with my music career but also really it's want to give back tenfold as much as i received i mean i got to say my hip hop has been there since the beginning so it's hard for me to say what i really want out of it it's hard to describe man i just sometimes that the music speaks for itself. and that ladies and
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gentlemen is our show for you to day thank you all very much for watching and remember in this world we are not told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you tyrrel but keep on watching those hawks and have a great day and night everybody. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. trade and investment to become magic spells to conjure economic development. most
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people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the invest for chopped or a trade agreement is about something very different but what one investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all ruins the environment. that means that if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can they serve. the nationals of taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop oregon by implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage democratic choice over trump corporate law joining us as we try to find don't want to.
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you just have to fly between 2 cartons of milk and as fast as you can. the much money goes up to. the producer with the push for the. first number the latest. from the stores in bushnell says the force model rushes in racing use competition in the extreme to have a full use the specified routes between the legs with the fastest time just beautiful is reasonably good you are going to try to reach your unity when you
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should be there really for you. in the headlines this tuesday russian opposition activist leans out of a coma but there's no prognosis or evidence so far from doctors of his alleged poisoning the kremlin is already playing with pressure on the district huge joint gas project. saudi arabia commutes the death sentences of those convicted in the 28 team owner of journalist jamal khashoggi rights groups are outraged noting those who ordered the killing being punished that's all. over thank you nothing yeah. but the number of assaults known as tax on british police doubles during the pandemic.


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