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tv   News  RT  September 8, 2020 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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be read literally. in the headlines this tuesday a russian opposition activist leans out of a coma but there's no prognosis or evidence so far from doctors of his alleged poisoning the kremlin is already blamed with pressure on the district huge joint gas project. so your radio commute the death sentences of those convicted in the 2018 murder of journalist jamal khashoggi rights groups are outraged noting both who ordered the killing are being punished. thank you nothing. but the number of assaults known as script and contacts on british police doubled during the planned.
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live from moscow news it's true thanks for joining us that r.t. international i'm daniel hawkins welcome to the program. a prominent russian opposition activist alexina valley is no longer in a coma though german medics treating him haven't given any prognosis yet nor they presented definitive proof details as to what caused his illness that doesn't stop the u.s. president from already blaming the kremlin germany should end its project with russia the north stream to gas pipeline. in support of the i was the 1st one to. when i came along. we're projecting germany from russia. well as for germany it seems to be caving to the pressure on north stream to. audi's but in correspondence peter all of the reports. long before election volley took
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a long flight from siberia to moscow and ended up here in berlin receiving treatment berlin has been under pressure to drop the north stream to gas pipeline project in the past but despite threats and sanctions from the united states criticism from some of its european partners berlin and always viewed this economic project as a separate entity to anything else now what we're starting to see is some signs of a different message coming out of the german capital we've heard from friedrich metz who stands a very good chance of being the potential successor to angola merkel when she steps down as chancellor next year he said that if he had the power right now he would issue an immediate 2 year moratorium on the gas pipeline project and in fact in the last week we've heard senior voices within the german cabinet and some voices that speak directly for the chancellor herself saying that there is potential for the
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least halting all stalling the project basically what it previously been unthinkable is now being talked about as potentially possible. in this is 1st and foremost an economic project we consider it to be the right thing to do i think that we should be coupled these issues and in our opinion north through to should be completed. i think would be room through from the beginning but what is happening now it could have an impact on the projects the federal chancellor also sees it as room to rule that out of germany says the future of the gas pipeline depends on how russia responds to allegations of poisoning of alexei in the valley with a military great nerve agent moscow says they're willing to play ball but contest the moment because evidence and data that germany says it has regarding the poisoning of a lot the alleged poisoning of alexei navalny hasn't being transferred to moscow without. that they can proceed no answer has been given to any official requests
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from the russian prosecutor general's office or to any of the requests from our doctors nothing 0 on monday we got an update on the status of alexei in the film the he's being taken out of the coma the medics it kept him in for just over 2 weeks he's being weaned off breathing operators and starting to breathe on his own and we know that he's responding to visual to all the bull stimuli. well meanwhile russia's foreign ministries reacted to washington's call for burning to ditch north stream to moscow says europe should stand up for its own interests unless it wants to end up being so-called america's puppet political commentator i can harm and told us stopping the project will hurt germany it's a catastrophe if this is being abolished because energy is the main cost for everything you do so if you increase the cost for your most vital
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product you need then you have disadvantaged in the rural economy so german economy will have no chance on competing in the world economy and that's exactly what crime ones you want america you want american business to korea germany and europe will be dependent on her way possibility from poland because if the gas. is not coming we are dependent on other routes and all the other routes are dependent on 3rd parties so we will always be able to be blackmailed by the other people and i think that is exactly what the americans with their polish partner wants. us out of court scrapped the death sentence of suspects in the killing of dissident journalist jamal khashoggi 5 people were given reduced terms of 20 years jail 3 others received from 7 to 10 years a top u.n. official has slammed the move. so deeper security firm did one more act today in
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this parody of justice but these verdicts carry no legal or moral legitimacy they came at the end of a process which was neither fair nor just or transparent or in my family so they forgave his murderers which cleared the way for the revised sentences under islamic law the journalist's fiance has now commented on the trials calling it a complete mockery of justice because he was seized in 2018 while visiting the saudi consulate in turkey reportedly to get papers for his upcoming marriage the journalist was allegedly dismembered his remains never found those sentences are believed to be part of the hit squad sent to turkey from a political analyst at a summer of bruno's says despite the roof it make sure of the crime the west won't ensure justice. the fact that north was tried. actually raises many more suspicions for the world community the opinion won't change the idea that the saudi government was behind it remains in fact if anything the
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only proves it or at least goes further into that direction countries that deal with saudi arabia diplomatic and business levels won't have any technical formal reasons to hold relations so whether public opinion will certainly be negative at a technical level there will be no sanctions or other penalties that will impede saudi arabia from working with other countries. a high profile member of the belarus a position has been arrested on the border with ukraine the russian security offices are. conflicting versions. well this is a somewhat strange and confused the story on monday news came out the red collapsed because of one of the horses opposition figures and a campaign car seat light who will remember was defeated at the recent presidential elections was abducted in minutes snatched from the street bundled into
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a fan by ordinary madness many will say not in the evening the police filed a missing persons report and started an official lots of people one article came out consigned to the whereabouts and this includes people beyond about a russian borders germany and britain for example said they were worried they demanded answers meanwhile brussels threatened sanctions and to martin and to what it says is the arbitrary detention of those critical of alex article shango it is clear that the state of florida is in belarus continue to intimidate or allow intimidation of its citizens in increasingly lawless way and crudely violate both their own domestic laws and international obligations. well a few hours later and it doesn't seem quite as clear cut as many and because now the multitude of this story has now according to the head of the better russian authorities calexico and others the southern border into ukraine around.
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a video that i show the car in which is claimed kolesnikov and 2 others were pulling up to the border i had to give the documents for inspection speaking to a border guard but that kind of rumors started that the 2 she was traveling with did manage to make it into great class because the didn't that she was arrested at the border something else florentines denied they say instead the classical enough across the border instead that she was thrown out of the car showed up there to go to the 2 others carried on into ukraine without apparently at great speed to drive dangerously me marc klass ticket is confirmed now to be at the border in good health not in need of any medical assistance but the russian authorities also say that the 2 seemingly abandoned plastic on the the russian side have been arrested in ukraine though that has not been confirmed by. people who are granted a contact with the 3 say none of them responding to mess just don't know i say they have no idea about whereabouts but. they're also claiming that none of the 3 had
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any intention of leaving a better us if they did so it is worth noting that they would be following in the footsteps of their talented to cannot lead to lithuania a month ago after the elections i when there are so many unconfirmed conflicting versions of the story it's actually quite difficult to get the bottom of what actually happened perhaps time will provide some clarity on the. british police are suffering from a large rise in horrific assaults known as cough and spit attacks so as perks are taking a broader fear of contamination with officers in the middle and come to you of less the sure complaining that cattle do their job properly. it was the report they interviewed yeah they are. the rise in assaults has huge impacts on stuff both physically and mentally and it has a huge impact on communities thousands and thousands of days of policing
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a lost because of these assaults are the number of such attacks has doubled there have been hundreds of cases in just months in leicestershire alone someone barely $100.00 incidents in the same period last year is not just spitting cough attacks though assaults on law enforcement a shooting up across the border leaving staff nervous they've been 21 percent rise in attacks on british police during been locked out almost $8000.00 cases have been registered in just 3 months a former police officer peter clarke and more that covert 9 team has given suspects new weapons against the authorities code has provided. another way of people who would assault police by whatever method is available another wife for them to get in into into offices. will be more just at the moment. it's just provided them with another weapon really
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the issue is was just the spitting. offices that we're seeing. the problem in decades. and the police. gleefully. result in respect and confidence in the police. the police have been criticised the end. of the problem. which is someplace growing rapidly.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. let it be an arms race. how. very. strange. think about in the ninety's at the beginning of perpetual copyright. copyright. intellectual. so the dynamism that would be coming with new household creation is dead and to
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a large degree perpetual all money printing money and money. so we have this deadening. economic growth because the printing money keeps their zombie companies and the zombie banks alive so we're we're basically burying ourselves in perpetuity. welcome back to the program the covert canasta if he has been to some with home video streaming companies reporting a massive surge in subscribers of profit they had netflix even admits the pandemic has been a lucky break for the company in fact every major tech players vastly increased earnings in the lockdown muslims revenue in the 2nd quarter is up 40 percent making almost $90000000000.00 from online shopping apple's revenue increased 11 percent almost 60000000000 in was streaming services such as netflix of double subscribers
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in just 3 months and now face a backlash from authorities there from 2021 that you use looking to introduce a digital tax european lawmakers want to subsidize economies damaged by months of lockdown. it is not possible to accept the idea that those digital giants the winners of the crisis are not paying a fair amount of taxes in europe and we can't manage this problem with single digital taxation we need at least at the european union level a general measure economics professor richard wolfe believes the taxing text is just the 1st step to raising rates for all big corporations. i think you cian it already we have a history here in the united states of taxing monopolies an oligopoly these are huge businesses but it always takes pressure from below it takes a movement of working people labor unions and others to be able to get the
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politicians to act and my suspicion is it won't be different that's what a little take the tax the tech giant out and once a day go then the question will inevitably follow why are we not doing that for other our highly monopolized and overly wealthy corporations. israel has imposed curfews and 40 cities following a spike in covered 1000 cases in restrictions require businesses the close by 7 pm every day and ban people from going outside their homes in the evenings schools and colleges also have to shut. the professional elements who are in there given the situation in israel the trend is liable to reverse itself or to any moment with a dangerous addition of severe cases and deaths and the danger that the teams of doctors treating corona new hospitals could collapse with initial plan had been to
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impose a complete lockdown across 30 cities following pressure from local mayors though it was scaled back to evenings only although with 10 more cities added to the list there's been a steady rise in infections across the country so far this month with daily cases now reaching almost $3000.00. meanwhile protests against the government's handling of the prime directive now entered their 11th week over the weekend police officers were seen lifting protest is off the road and carrying them away as people gathered near the prime minister's official residence demonstrators are calling for benjamin netanyahu to quit not just because of the coronavirus but also over his current corruption trial the head of the therapy laboratory at bottle our university told us earlier why the number of cases in israel is on the rise. after reopening. june schools and enabling. places of gathering to thrive what we have seen basically is a slow rise in the number of people being infected there is
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a crisis of confidence in the public meaning people do not feel the need to always abide by the regulation people really need to comply is essential to prevent the further spread of the virus the 2nd thing is that a lot of gatherings like for example weddings at night. are taking place although they are forbidden but people are actually organizing them in places private places so it's very difficult to locate them and to close them down 2nd main problem we have is efficient trust single right now we are not able to correctly try seeing every single case because our a lot of cases and the 2nd thing is that because we are still in we are still trying to implement our new system for tracing and that is taking too much time again another reason why we see a rise. sweden struggles with
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a growing gang crime in the pandemic police want to expand what's happening to everyone even the norm suspects that attacked potential gang members. right now we have at least 40 family based criminal networks in sweden so-called clans they have come soley for the purpose of organized crime we need a change in legislation they gives us greater opportunities to listen to encrypted phone people who are not yet involved in any criminal investigation without people who can be clearly linked to gang crime we know hope that all this telephone traffic leads to us clearing up more crimes than we would have done otherwise. well at the moment swedish law only allows tapping the phones of suspects facing at least 2 years in prison proposed changes would let law enforcement eavesdrop on people who are yet to be suspected of any specific crime or if again crimes have shocked sweden society society with even a 12 year old girl dying in a mafia crossfire citizens though are divided over whether wiretapping everyone is the solution you're truly i think it is good that the police have increased
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opportunities to catch this criminal gangs for arranging freely in sweden today they must find new ways to try can take them to court but i think a law that says the police can why it's a private interview is too big a step to take this should be special reasons to eavesdrop on someone they don't see the risk for ordinary private interviewed salzberg intercepted in their private lives i do not think it affects our privacy we are already so monitored in any way with phones and other things that if this helps the police it's great not good not my style i do not like it it creates a great deal of uncertainty as to water ploys because you do not know when they can listen where when and how so i do not like that more power a state within the state integrity is most important because you never know what's going to happen in the future. i think it is quite good that the police have greater opportunities to incept i personally do not mind it i think it can be a great tool for the police to access
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a large part of the population and be able to stop some crime it's nothing that bothers me a human rights expert told us however serious the rise in gang crime wiretapping innocent citizens is not the answer. well you know. it's. reasonable concern i mean the 1st time for this year we have in sweden about the same number of killings. community secret. those we had entirely bias here and also in the year previous to that so the problems hears probably are not really in my opinion. it is civil liberties of the relation it's a population which comprises device majority of the rents and sweden. and that has nothing to do with. greed given their behaviors on and on they're going to have
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strained to deny these you or. criminality and won't even. ask for a median 2 percent public stylistics where this city of the perpetrators of criminal and vitamin d. it's could be. authorities have ordered the evacuation of the entire area of california i made a record wildfires. u.s. clashes of a racial injustice of being increasingly used by both presidential campaigns the protesters arming themselves for riots the canvassing by both the donald trump and
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joe biden it seems that we've been online some of cia style tactics all quarter explains. back in 2019 few could have even imagined that the run up to the presidential election would look like this. at 1st glance these protests might resemble scenes of random political violence but take a closer look and they seem like something right out of the cia playbook. guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war more specifically the cia's psychological operations in guerilla warfare manual it was written back in the 1980 s.
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to help anti communist fighters in nicaragua called contras their goal to overthrow president daniel ortega as pro soviet government and the cia recommended tactic on how to do it was to achieve a psychological victory through guerrilla warfare take a look at the slugging match is going on between the trump and biden camps and you get a similar picture. it is happening under donald trump's watch we are not safe in downall trunks america the hard truth is. you won't be safe your job buddies. and what does the cia say such stunts will accomplish. propaganda improves the behavior of the population towards its author and it's not achieved by force this means that
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unarmed guerilla units in a rural town will not give the impression that its weapons are a force that they hold over the peasants but rather that they are the strength of the peasants against the repressive government basically people don't usually mind if the armed guerrillas are on their side which could suggest we'll keep seeing streets of rage for some time we have the one side. that will roll below and fight from maybe some other groups in there who are there you think with the means to put down the police and say from bashers their rage. and if you would in that direction on the other side supporter are looking at the unrest. the violence that the during the burned out of the building and home. and the struction new thing this is a means to control and manipulate people. to get people on their side i think
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it's dangerous both sides both sides are are using i think it's creating more division. more unrest unfortunately we don't have a real 3rd party to vote for and i think it going to go on till the election unfortunately it may continue after the election next the cause a report in a special episode dedicated to all thought david gras but we're back and off now with the latest news update us again that. was a pandemic knows that you know blood is just flying through nationalities. so much. we don't like seeing. the.
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commentary this is sometimes. we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see the fairy sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids it invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean
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him off though she did go separate dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer soon is to blame patients doctors manufacturers and the governments. are used as a war of hope of a more fleecing of the whole new media who most of whom isn't sure the. sound of the guy. is a name for. the most. with the. both of you so. the point was good to use good news to cook with of course discussion of those with use of this is a brilliant move. by the media of course. i
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am x. guys or this is the kaiser report. what does it mean to go orange. face max we are going orange here on kaiser report that is the opposite of going dark we're going to are making ourselves anti-fragile we're making ourselves in me and to those who would censor and that includes going to our new handles mines dot com for its last stacy herbert and you can see that right here on the screen hopefully and then from max you go to mines dot com forward slash max kaiser it's more resistant to censorship so you should check us out there oh yeah definitely we
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know you've got to stay agile and in the words of the of nasima or not seem to love depending on whether you want to count as they incorrectly answer fragility would include a certain amount of agility and so we want to get off platforms that are prone to censorship and move toward the world of being on censored also of course this is 2020 and things are crazy and some great minds have been exiting the world speaking of minds but also speaking of nassim taleb he wrote a great tweet eulogizing david grouper who was a friend of mine a friend of ours a friend of the show he's been on the show many times he's the author he was the author of debt the 1st 5000 years and i think nassim taleb who is.


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