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tv   News  RT  September 10, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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says the country strongman leader alexander appears defiant and says he's there to protect what's being built and his people. caught in a vicious circle as germany demands russia investigates what happened to opposition activists. with a moscow calling on. those deciding instead the send it straight to the global chemical weapons watchdog. vales plans to scale back the military presence in the middle east as a shocking report reveals tens of millions displaced in the region for the
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so-called war on terror. because changes its rules only diverse films will win best picture from 2025 but i found theory that. people with disabilities after speech. the american people. are not. forced. into an issue will be just seen seen one kidney ruined. by their just 1 pm this 10th of september here in moscow for marty's world views h.q. my name is kevin 0 in here for the latest news round up for you so 1st crack down on the bellows. opposition sees 2 more high profile figures detained leaving the
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group's governing body with just one recognize leaders today as it stands meantime hundreds of women have rallied in support of another opposition figure held earlier maria kolesnik over dozens were reportedly arrested at the protest. straight as hell ban isn't chanted slogans that request a cover is the hero they said police tried to disperse the crowds when that failed they started to make arrests in minsk our senior correspondent next. to poem provides here there is very little give in either side president if you can seemingly determined to hold on to power to preserve the state and the system that he has built over the many long years of his rule the protesters undaunted seemingly by the increasingly heavy hand of the lord as an example this is
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a spontaneous protest not 10 minutes away from us we set out immediately by the time we got that there wasn't a side that there had been just minutes before a violent confrontation so i'd mock that and scary big bloody intimidating men in a mux uniforms without any visible identification fullface mosques shoot up they seized and tied up everyone that looks suspicious and it was over in mere minutes it seems that the better russian government recognizing the futility of trying to end these protests is now trying to contain them trying to restrict them to the weekends and that is when we will undoubtedly see tens of thousands of people marching down the streets of min's against president lukashenko the the fact that a prominent opposition member maria plastic a has been arrested will undoubtedly breathe fresh life into these protests because she's a member of the opposition the coordination council which is at varying times stated
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different goals from securing a transition of power to merely organizing new elections fresh elections and she's facing very serious charges of trying to undo. awfully seize power which has a penalty of 3 to 5 years in jail maria kolesnikov his father spoke to r.t. and described the circumstances of her rest to us on the phone i reported to police my daughter's disappearance because there was already a video on the internet and there were the witness that unknown people pushed marie into a van and took her away now it's almost all the words on the internet i had been saying to him maybe you'd better leave bella who says she was replies to me that she would stay until the bitter end and i didn't mind because i know her character and her responsibility according to the official version of events the belorussian government's version. of opposition figures and members of the coordination council
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if there are violations suddenly decided to leave the country if you ask the opposition and their allies they give a completely different account they describe pressure psychological and even physical pressure so opposition figures being grabbed by the arm put into caused by security services driven to the border with ukraine or poland and told to scrap and told to leave the country and many of them have done so one has been arrested at this point there is only one problem an opposition figure a member of the coordination council that is still free that hasn't fled the country or being arrested and that is said lana alex shavit a famous speller russian author winner of a new bell prize that she has stabbed her apartment in new dated with foreign diplomats and embassy workers who have out of solidarity gathered that the sort of form a human shield around had to try to 'd discourage president lukashenko from making
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any moves or trying to arrest her or force out and president. she mainly. encouraged this feeling more confident that these protests haven't become captive cataclysmic haven't grown out of. control their skills something he can manage and they just dragging on at this point which is perhaps why he's chosen now to strike at the coordination council the investigation has brought proof that some people from the so-called coordination council have committed actions aimed at destabilizing the situation in better roost and harming national security maria kolesnik over has been arrested currently all circumstances in the criminal case of being established the situation here is precarious it is very very tense balance on the knife said and unfortunately with neither side willing to compromise you wanted to see the problem of protesters god the protesters wanting to see you
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be shamed go god and all it will take really is is a spot a little shove a little push to set this tinderbox alight and if that happens these files will bird hart and the ugly. senior correspondent in minsk know amid the protests and violence in his country than present location could mean tom speaking to russian media including r.t. he claims that now is not the time to quit as he needs to protect the country and i can tell you we've got the most newsworthy bits of his interview it various times throughout the day here and his words in full are on our website it was a full one hour 47 minutes of interview he gave yesterday. given the earth watching all of this is very painful and even tragic for me but it doesn't mean that i'm giving up because i look at this philosophically some day god will call me up there but now i must protect what has been built with our home and protect the people who have built it and they are an overwhelming majority of the. next day the plot
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thickens aleck's in the valleys of mystery illness with of russian experts noting the symptoms are inconsistent with novacek german media citing unnamed sources claiming the russian politician fell victim to a new version of the soviet era poisoned ballots ignoring moscow's calls though to share the medical data passing of all these test results to global chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. w. instead. the test results have been handed over to the organization for the perhaps mission of chemical weapons russia is a member of this organization or that diplomatic spot between perlin and moscow is heating up over what happened to alexina valmy the german ambassador to russia was summoned to the foreign ministry in moscow and what cheese heard how russia is far from happy and what it sees as accusations coming towards it about the alleged poisoning of alexei navalny
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a strong protest was made to the ambassador over the unfounded accusations presented by the government of the federal republic of germany against russia in the context of the illness and hospitalisation of russian citizen alexina of only and the obvious use of his situation by berlin as an excuse to discredit our country on the international arena the g 7 leaders have also issued a joint statement in which they talk about the confident poisoning of alexina folly the statement also calls up for action from moscow the russian foreign ministry not particularly happy with that they say that the main obstacle towards action being taken by moscow remains germany not sharing the information it says shows annex alexina valley was poisoned with a nerve agent with russia this point tool requests berlin has not deemed it possible to respond swiftly and constructively a lack of information prevents the laura foresman from using all the necessary
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procedural mechanisms to find out what's happened a mysterious surrounding this case is growing ever stronger moscow made those requests for information sharing back on the 27th of august and russia is unlikely to be very happy that this info is going to be passed to the o.p.c. w. previously moscow it said that should the hague based group be involved in this it would amount to little more than an information campaign from the german government . a major scene change coming to the oscars to tell you after years of criticism over a lack of diversity seems any film hoping to bag the best picture going from 2025 will have to meet inclusion standards seems one of the main characters or a significant supporting character must be a person of color at least 30 percent of the whole car should be from an under represented group at least 2 off screen leadership positions and 30 percent of crew jobs must also go to the represented people there has to be similar representation
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in the films publicity marketing and distribution teams too but all that said the new rules are not popular it seems with all actors. with a change comes after claims that the ceremonies are overwhelmingly white movements against that of course have been growing for years the oscars voting group has invited more than $800.00 new actors and directors to push adversity 45 percent of new victims were women 35 percent representatives of racial minorities we put the new diversity rules up for debate. you take
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a look around the world and you realize that for the most part well what african american people terms what women lead minority leads are not given awards at the same rate and that only 15 people of color have received academy awards only 9 people hispanic people have received can their wives realize that there is just a cultural bias that exists and so in order to correct that we have to come in and address the issue of what the represent solution is and so even if we have to mandate films numbers it's just what's necessary if you go through history a lot of things that have been under represented. certainly people of ages shirt people of different looks in weeks for you to mandate whether self-imposed or my legislation but a mandate shirton require me a certain number of people based upon demographics is sheer.
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lunacy in an industry that is right now. we know for a fact that the grammys i'm sorry the oscars and other you know cultural organizations have consistently shown year in year out that they do not have the knack for being inclusive in 2020 we're deciding that we want to get a little crazy and we're going to follow the path looking into how we can include more people who have typically read on the outside that's not a negative in government affirm that as non-profits that is not harming the iranian inequality how can work. that is not the role of hollywood let me explain something to you if there is a good role with good especially today irrespective of sexual identity kishen whether it's color if it's good it's going to work this is not title 9 this is an
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education this isn't you can't force affirmative action against unless you want to unless you want to just say no let's see what can i ruin now does adding one in a column just adding my one person's bit of a marginalized community drag out take away something from the creation of the film because bill unlike what lots of creations are not just the concept of one person's might be a room on where we go to see the world around us when we're imagining a future where i don't want to looking at the past and can you imagine if i would say you know what i think we need to have more of a representation so i'm going to force a bunch of but people by virtue of their color into the n.b.a. or or are here or hip hop because i want to see more of a balance oh there's no guarantee of equality in music that's the way it is show if it's good it's good and if it's good it'll sell or.
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french president omac wrong is being bashed for moving his facemask at a meeting with students just as the country outlaws not wearing one in public and then to make things just a bit worse rather unfortunately the start of a cough it cost more than a few perfect faces. the
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president coughs outside of his mom's can stretch his out his hand to take and return a glass of water straight after no jail no head washing well can we hope for macro and can't stand the fabric masks which is sparingly distributed to teaches however he only spoke for 5 minutes with his what it teaches have to say who forced to speak with one sometimes for 8 hours per day that the president is lawful at the world what are we expecting that the video to be broadcasted schools will be saying that should not be done. well that's france u.k. just as france the world brace for a 2nd wave of the pandemic ma skeptics are rallying out to charlotte reports on the political headache of the rising anti mass movement there in france we're talking about the. masks just look around on the streets of paris everywhere people are following the rules but what if you're one of those people who has questioned the whole idea of wearing
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a mask all day effective do they prevent the transmission of 19 and what if you're one of those people who doesn't just question this in private but is actually go on to a protest about that attack on germany's democracy protesters from a demo against the country's coronavirus restrictions try to storm the german parliament. this is how the mainstream media these years and she looked down protestors has spent the afternoon terrorizing palais city will be made of people. people who think the coronavirus does not exist hundreds of vaccine activists and conspiracy theorists put their faith in science instead of conspiracy theories if they want to avoid getting covert one team that's being backed up it seems by a study conducted via facebook carried out by those who enjoy his foundation it
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found that the typical anti mascot here in france is a woman in her fifties she's educated and supports the yellow vests she'd refused to have a corona virus vaccine if it was available and she believes in conspiracy theories probably has been the most politicized. in the control and i think it's because there's a difference. between the politicians and the. 'd a lot of confusion among the general public but when it comes to mosques dig a bit deeper and you find that 3 of the 4 main reasons that respondents gave to objecting to wearing them were not perhaps entirely unreasonable. they were mosques course breathing difficulties well while of course you can breathe while wearing a mask some people have complained that when it's hot out all they've stepped up
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the pace wearing a mask isn't the most comfortable or experiences to they are a hive of bacteria well yes there is bacteria all around us and that's why it's recommended to wash masks regularly or change them 3 they are useless in preventing 19 contamination the jury is perhaps to live on this one i say that as there is still no consensus that a governmental level here in europe as to whether or not face masks are an essential to in combat in the spread of 19 so while in france and germany for example why did usage of face masks has been recommended or made obligatory in the netherlands there was a short trial of mask wearing in busy cities was carried out that seems ended while the dutch study their effectiveness sweeping of course went totally against the
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grain of the country's top epidemiologist threw his weight behind the new mask policy saying this is very dangerous to believe face masks would change the game when it comes to. even the w h which made a u. turn and is now recommending face masks says this we still don't know how much protective value fabric must have for the wear that's why when you wear a mask. protecting others and when others wear the mask they're protecting you we're still in the midst of the pandemic in the past several months the medical and the scientific advice has been a constant merry go round so is it so only reasonable that some people choose to question more i think because of the conflicting statements from politician from the world health organization as well as from the scientific
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community quite a bit of confusion and uncertainty is in the journal public and led to some not only distrust but also a bit of a journal. and. i think probably primarily contributed into a more aggressive 'd behavior toward the face covering. as so that's francisco to britain there the rise in covert cases among young people there causing special concern sparking strict new measures prime minister boris johnson says he had no choice i'm sorry about that and i wish that we did nor to have to take this step but as your prime minister i must do what is necessary to stop the spread of the virus and to save lives so a key measures banning gatherings of more than 6 people including indoors rule breakers will be fined coded secure events and large households are exceptions as
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well as work in education settings things are not so bad indeed the brits now even worry if the restrictions will be lifted in time for christmas huge holiday their media are calling the measures draconian adding they could destroy your holiday plans all this comes after all 4 years in the country already reeling from failures in the government's response to covert escape partridge reports. it's all about sharp rise in coronavirus cases the government's chief medical advisor chris witty he was also on there with the prime minister as well he said that the cases have come up rapidly over the last few days even and the rates are going up in a certain age group as well it's among the young people and that has been stately rising since the middle of august position. he also had a few sharp words to say about the government's the you case test in-tray system and he said that it was on the verge of collapse what we are seeing now is stories over the past few days that is showing that just the regime is on the verge of
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collapse heartbreaking stories from people who needed to been told no tests are available or the website is crashing or people are being told to go miles and miles for a test nobody can argue that this is good governance well this comes in due to the fact that the government would claim that they're ramping up testing that it's more widely available now than ever in fact more tests are being conducted in the u.k. than across the whole of europe but at the same time as well there's also been a survey conducted amongst medics about how they feel about having to deal on the front line with coronavirus and all of those 69 percent say they're more likely to quit from the pandemic and government treatment leaving $1143.00 planning to leave the n.h.s. at the end of it basically we're looking at medics who think they're on the edge of burnout well the scientific basis for all of these measures that was highlighted by the chief medical advisor so chris which he early on he is the example of spain amongst other european countries he said that there had been a sharp rise there but if you implement measures to combat that then you can
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prevent what the long they've been anticipating a 2nd wave. well kate was reporting there was across an r.t. ruptly feed coming in from we talked about that yesterday the after mother the terrible blaze there it looks like a bit of a standoff may be a reminder the facility there housed until it was burnt to the ground just a $13000.00 migrants just saw off camera at the scram for food you would not believe now that looks like a bit of a standoff locals been worried for a while about the amount of people there this is if you can put it bluntly what it's like to be homeless twice these people have come from the you awful situations they've come from and now they are burnt out of their own migrant camp according to the greek government they say there are indications that fire was caused after camp residents were told the need to go to mandatory isolation because there were $36.00 covert 19 tests coming back positive the fire has raised the place to the ground and look they're now having to sit on the street to sit and all of trees their
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island should be a place of paradise a lot of people went on holiday it's a place of awfulness right now we'll keep across that. talking a been displaced 37000000 people have been forced to flee their home in washington's war on terror in the middle east and that quote is a very conservative estimate says the cost of war project by brown university in the us it comes as donald trump unveils pentagon personnel cuts in iraq the very same country where civilians have suffered the most as caleb maupin reports. the election is just 2 months away donald trump is now trying to create an image of himself as being a peace loving leader it has been announced that u.s. troops will be withdrawn from iraq in september in recognition of the great progress their recchi forces have made and in consultation and coordination with the government of iraq and our coalition partners the united states has decided to
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reduce our troop presence in iraq from about 52023000 troops now the u.s. military presence in afghanistan is possibly going to be reduced as well down to roughly 4500 troops donald trump seems to be fulfilling one of the campaign promises of 2016 amid the lead up to the 2020 vote trump a spelling to take into account the real total cost of these military adventures from the united states according to one study 37000000 people have been displaced sense 2001 as a result of the u.s. war on terror and that is a minimum asked a mess because the cost and most wars so many politicians in america almost all of them have been complicit to we have simply put a weapons based economy and we forget about the moral and injustice that's being caused to fit a 1000000 and
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a half people were killed or the people who are displaced at 37000000 people or in fact that we've completely balkanized and destroyed africa the middle east but in the upcoming u.s. presidential election it's not really clear if these numbers will matter and will have an impact on the vote that determines whether or not donald trump stays in the white house it will mark them artsy new york wrap it up this bulletin that's a snapshot of what we're talking about the day so much more the call for me kevin though in the rest of the team thanks for watching. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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a new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here is the book. has bottles that were children are torn between gold. my family was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. the world is driven by a dream shaped by and person of those. dares
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thinks. we dare to ask. lol. mum. least. meal somewhere just a nubile post and you still put a mortal near them we are going to give of cloning most natural to look in some buildings. well you know but of the one you know that has resulted from me unlike
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you. rather with the visuals of the excuse. to spoil the snow storm we had already. been so cool i believe from 2. 100 dollars the guy needs. to get there on i.r. wishlist almost as a very need for the artist to be a bit that's christ comes to move closer to me only as in this world with the leadership he shows you seek out those books you thought you might more. song called at least i would do this but should know it's a court martial did you not recall school show us what that was like should i got a call that i would be a few of us want to just do it steadily but the only business all got a. little that's going to lead. to was awake you were going to and i would get social history which. is really moot because from a couple of the amy losers could say he was.


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