tv News RT September 10, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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as protests continue in belarus neighboring lithuania outweighs and paulson to build a clamoring out of salt in the bush presidency and it just went on point on the walls powerless to recognize his rifle as the rightful trial of russian media. court is a fish a softball to monde's russia investigates what happened to opposition activists alexina vallone mosco in tongue pools in berlin to show. the jumper he sent it straight to the global chemical weapons watchdog constat. on the e.u. threatened legal action against britain if it goes ahead with legislation that would override the bricks into full steel but the british government says it will
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not back down despite admitting the building would breach international. of our will welcome myself and the whole team here at all times h.q. and must go plot you can join us. let's start off with how the lithuanian parliament has pasta bill powers to recognise the opposition need to embarrass as the rightful president this comes off to a month of on rust in the country following president lukashenko has contested election victory. in the capital covering all of this for us. it's still tense here and means we haven't seen today the kind of violence the crackdowns that we saw in previous days but what we lacked in developments here we saw internationally with this coming out surprisingly and declaring the winner of the election the contested
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election last month declaring lucas a rival. who had earlier fled the country the lithuanian parliament calls on the international community to support the demand from straight line a 2nd of ska the leader elected by the belorussian people and from the coordination council established at her invitation as the only legitimate representatives of the pollution people for holding new transparent and democratic presidential and parliamentary elections. we call on the international community to consider any domestic or foreign policy action by the illegitimate leaders billy reese alexander lukashenko and mice in his power and conclude new agreements with russia which restrict the sovereignty of the belarusian people to be a crime against his people surprising not only because lithuania is the 1st country to recognize. rivals with lalage you can also as the legitimate president of better
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us but also because there have been very mixed messages coming out of the european union with regards to for example sanctions whether that be sanctions against president bush. and his followers whether that be that recognize him as the legitimate president of the us and you know what foreign policy approach they would now assume towards belarus we do not recognize him as the legitimate president nor do we recognize nicolas maduro from this point of view shanker in exactly the same situation we do not recognize that they have been legitimately chosen however whether we like it or not they control the government and we have to continue dealing with them despite not recognizing that democratic legitimacy the other surprises of course as you can also has turned about you've heard what she had said previously because immediately after the election after leaving the country even bearers of heading to the european union she said that she didn't see
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a political future for herself that she she didn't see herself running for for another election a 2nd round perhaps but that has changed she's now making very official statements address in the people of. the people of russia the european union advising them all on what course to take geo political and diplomatic course to take with regards the president with regard to bellaver so she certainly she's a political future herself now and is apparently determined to stay the course here in bel. the situation nevertheless is still tense as i mentioned every day we have spontaneous protest earlier today we saw a protest turn ugly with police and security services turning up trying to trying to break up out break up an answer to an anti-government protest the protests is in the church in the they talked and eventually both went their separate ways but they
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were upset that a pro-government protest that happened behind me nobody asked them to disperse that they went on their merry way so as i say passions are high there's a lot of bad blood between the different sides the different cabs the. camp and the opposition camp and we expect big protests this weekend when we speak to a political analyst rayna rothfuss now he believes lithuania would not have made it that ration support have taken off scot without the backing off larger powers. it's a signal that is being shown to look i think go and it shall show that there are forces major forces political forces behind lithuania because little you know wouldn't take such a measure which is illegitimate according to international law if there was no support by the european union or who knows. and i see this
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as. not too intelligent step by lithuania it's too blunt because it shows clearly that the situation in. belarus is not only divided one side is also in danger of being taken over by external interests therefore i see it in political terms and not in terms of elections in minsk. mosco are both demanding a lot says over the alleged poisoning of russian opposition figure. me germany says it's handed over all of the state on the case to the global chemical weapons watchdog but russia which is a member of it says nothing has been received yet jacqueline got the name idea from correspondent on court. just seems like this political dispute over the alleged poisoning of alec saying of all me is entering its next chapter germany's handing over the evidence it claims to have to the o.p.c.
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w in the kremlin has already said it's not happy about it. it looks like it's oaxaca. but it's not. it's not the case. germany is having trouble sharing the information with us we have no idea what 300 over to w. . so this is basically the essence of what's been going on over the last couple weeks berlin saying they've established than a volley was poisoned and demanding that russia investigate while at the same time moscow is asking to see that that alleged evidence and which they actually needed to open a criminal investigation if there needs to be one and they're just being ignored don't give our viewers a little background how did this all begin well it started when the volley was flying from siberia to moscow in mid august 28th else seriously ill now the russian doctors who treated him in the siberian city of they said they didn't find any
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toxins at his in his system but when he was airlifted to germany the doctors there said that they did in indeed find a chemical agent in his blood they say that it was not a chalk specifically a nerve agent that was developed in the u.s.s.r. and now that the o.p.c. w. is involved the whole situation really seems a lot more suspicious for moscow since the organization's words doesn't hold much weight with the kremlin if your p.c. w. is in deep crisis what with the. activities and the extreme politicization and this didn't take place just today is still a long time ago the practice of reaching consensus decisions has been completely forgotten and the organizations handling of the 2018 alleged chemical attack in duma syria was what soured its relationship with moscow on a number of inconsistency as were left on the. dressed and according to whistleblowers that came from the organization they said that anyone who dissented from within was silenced but nevertheless russia's representative to the o p c
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w has said that the kremlin will be willing to work with the organization on this case senior politicians in germany are calling on the government to pull out of the nordstrom to project over the case now the gas pipeline connecting russia germany is due to be ready by the end of this year the had all of the german parliament's economic affairs and energy committee believes that abandoning it now would be a disaster. north stream 2 is not putin's project it involves a large number of european companies and is designed to ensure the security if europe's gas supply to question this project now is to shoot ourselves in the foot it is certainly not in the interests of germany or europe if there is a decision to end the project companies will be able to sue those who made the decision in this case the german government and of course it will affect gas prices it must be clearly understood that this is not a game the pressure coming from the us is already enough in my view so we are
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strongly resisting the american sanctions that have been imposed on companies and individuals involved in the pipeline construction this is against international law and we don't accept it i can see that many people who might not have fully understood the story thinking now will show them but i think it's completely wrong 1st of all we need to establish what really happened because i don't think germany knows i think we should respond appropriately to the russians request for legal assistance we obviously received such a request but according to the russians it is so for going on says. around 13000 migrants have been left without shelter to the largest refugee camp in greece to the wild a fire swept through the marek out on the island of la. greek officials say it was started by the residence solves the facility had space around 2000 people but was holding 6 times that number i don't was recently the focus of local anger that's after refugees that failed. the global migration into space at the red cross
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says the e.u. needs to step in humanitarian crisis. it's been going on too long and this is why during this morning the warsaw uprising we've been calling on all of that all think all this and including of course we use your members thing to do . to support her greece in finding a solution to what is in reality a problem that has been going on for far too long what we're asking is that people are allowed to move to the man. who. accommodated in safe location as much as possible. to clearly the most vulnerable. and the what we would like to see the. states member states from the e.u. . provide more striking directly here support to the greek authorities and exploring opportunities for relocation of the. president
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trump has pledged to reduce the number of u.s. troops stationed in iraq and afghanistan by roughly hoff and military officials say the soldiers will stop pulling out within weeks caleb maupin gives us all the details. the election is just 2 months away donald trump is now trying to create an image of himself as being a peace loving leader a lot of progress is being made in afghanistan but will be down to 4000 soldiers in a very short period of time likewise iraq will be down to about 2000 soldiers at a very short period of to donald trump seems to be fulfilling one of the campaign promises of 2016 amid the lead up to the 2020 boat trungpa spilling to take into account the real total cost of these military adventures from the united states according to one study 37000000 people have been displaced sense 2001 as
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a result of the u.s. war on terror and that is a minimum estimate because. unless wars there are so many politicians in america now almost all of them have been complicit we have simply put a weapons based economy and we forget about the moral and injustice that being caused to fit a 1000000 and a half people who are killed or the people who are displaced at 37000000 people or in fact that we've completely balkanized and destroyed africa the middle east but in the upcoming u.s. presidential election it's not really clear if these numbers will matter and will have an impact on the vote that determines whether or not donald trump stays in the white house a lot mom artsy new york so i had to in the profound britain in brussels on a collision call so for a proxy trade deal the u.k. pretzel could break the law that's on that story when we come back.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here is a good. as they are by those that work children are torn between gold. my family was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a made in the shallowness. welcome back now the european union has threatened to take legal action against the u.k.
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if it goes ahead with a new bill that would override the brics it full streety the british government issued an immediate response saying it will not drop the legislation despite all your admitting that it clashes with international law from london artie's saudia and woodstock he has the story. well it's almost as though the e.u. couldn't quite believe what was happening when it got wind of exactly what the u.k. is attempting to do so essentially the british government is trying to reinterpret the special arrangements made for northern ireland in the withdrawal agreement the e.u. would essentially say it's as if the u.k. is trying to rip up the withdrawal agreement that the u.k. and the e.u. spent so long trying to ratify and in turn the e.u. is saying to the u.k. you have a 20 day deadline to completely you turn on this they argue it's an attempt to override the withdrawal agreement the withdrawal agreement contains number of mechanisms the legal remedies to jens violations of the legal obligations contained
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in which the european union will not be shy in using so for the e.u. it's almost its worst nightmare they say the u.k. has totally broken violated international law they've also broken trust and also risks the future relationship with the e.u. 2 plus they say of course this is an extremely bad violation of the very withdrawal agreement as well now it's all about the u.k. deciding as i say to try and reinterpret this special arrangement made for northern ireland almost essentially saying that ministers in essence can export declarations of goods from britain to you know of the nile and while that might seem like a nice option on paper even the united kingdom is admitting it is a violation of god's great law in a very specific. power to disappoint the concept. choirboy school for the very tory deformed so who's going to say so well brandon lewis is accepting a slight misdemeanor braverman the attorney general she said in response that the
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difficult and highly exceptional circumstances it's important to remember to remember the fundamental principles of parliamentary sovereignity we've also got a government response as well to the e.u. saying that parliament would not be acting unconstitutionally and acting in the bill and it is allowed to. this charge is treaty obligations in good faith they would argue that the internal market bill is in good faith they argue it's designed to try to unify the u.k.'s 4 nations and therefore that is the crux of why they're trying to get this bill forward next week all m.p.'s will be voting on it they say that it is really designed as i say to try and unite the country so there is the argument there that maybe potentially the u.k. is trying to apply a lot of pressure on to the european union so that they climbed down on their position as we know the talks are in a stalemate position so they're trying to maybe get some wiggle room to see if the you try and climb down on some of that demands having said that it's caused
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a huge huge uproar in many diplomatic circles and sending shock waves politically. the strategy and behavior of the british government was one of brinkmanship was one of threatening to crush oshie you know if you don't if we don't get to an agreement we might go come because i knew that sort of thing trust has been a. tension has been created don't have been created and that's not conducive to solid because. we didn't want to deal with any cost we urge britain to work with us constructively and find compromise is the interest of both sides any of them by britain to undermine the agreement would have serious consequences so this mission has led to an absolute torrent of criticism and weighing in as the former prime minister to reserve may who of course has been a very huge figure in the negotiations she herself says that this bill would undermine the trust between the e.u. and the united kingdom and that's a position that. the european commission president has also reiterated she says it
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does undermine trust between britain and the bloc but burning bridges with the european union may not be that much of a surprise but this political stunt seems to have further consequences because now we're hearing from across the pond the united states is warning london that if indeed this bill violates the good friday agreement well there'll be no possibility of having a post u.k. u.s. trade deal of course that's something that the u.k. is severely banking at this point in time but as far as trade talks go then between the u.k. and the e.u. over the last few weeks over the summer there's been very very little wiggle room if seen a complete stalemate position and of course this certain controversial political stunt from the u.k. will only add fuel to the fire. strategists. warned that the era of global economic growth is coming to an end were about to see some drastic changes to the way international politics is conducted. the world is on the cusp of
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a new era that will be characterized initially by disorder with the likely loosening of the globalization that created the rapid economic and acid price growth of the last 40 years the researchers believe this year marks the start of a new structural super cycle which has been accelerated by the pandemic now that predict in the end this new period the us and china will be locked in economic conflict reminiscent of the cold war governments and companies will become overloaded with that europe will face a make or break decade and the world could see either a new technological revolution or the opposite a busting of a big tech bubble. the problem is the stimulus from the great recession was largely monetary stimulus a lot of it went into financial asset markets not into into the really common now this crisis really is as collapse the real economy 4 times deeper and worse that
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it was the 10 years ago so it's going to take a massive fiscal stimulus which i don't see happening anywhere i see a lot of a month terry stimulus still but that's not going to produce a really strong recovery it's going to take years at least a decade perhaps to grow out of this if they don't really do a significant fiscal stimulus which i don't see. and finally a 12 year old black boy in the u.s. state of colorado has received a police visit and been suspended from school for playing with a tweak on it during an online class as i alley it displayed his neon green zombie hunter pistol for just a few seconds while sitting at home during a class conduct if i assume his teacher reported him to the school principal and called the police without contacting the child's parents as i was suspended for 5 days and officers reportedly threatened to file criminal charges grand mountain
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school has defended its actions citing safety rules we follow all school board policies whether we are in person learning or distance learning we take the safety of our students and staff very seriously safety is always our number one priority the american civil liberties union called the schools actions are wrong on so many levels it's at the criminalize ation of black youth in schools what's to stop and many people on social media accuse the school of racism political activist and me raj is right says the reaction was not only unwarranted but also for the boy's life at risk. every day we are insists a patient police shooting an unarmed black person whether it's in the back an unarmed child or wrestling in our child whatever it is this this child's life was literally put in danger the fact that the teacher called the police before the
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parents makes no sense whether it's our child when our child is sick we always call the parents before calling you know the ambulance unless it's a critical emergency but again in this case it was clearly. defined that the the gun was a toy gun i mean it had writing on it that indicated that this was not a weapon of mass destruction or a weapon that could kill anyone and in that case the teacher not only failed the parents not only failed the student but also still be in the entire school system because other parents are going to be wondering if they have to be concerned especially black brown and indigenous parents if they have to be concerned about cops knocking on their door for the smallest of issues well despite the allegations of racism that was a similar case involving a white student in colorado a few days olea police were called to the home of 11 year old off to he was seen holding a b.b. gun cheering an online class he wasn't suspended for 4 days and steve rogers right
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again binny's police often brought into situations where that presence does more harm than good. if the child had a toy gun if the teacher try to interact with the child and you know 1st of all say please do not show that it's not appropriate even if it is a toy gun and then call the parents again we don't want to call the police when we don't have to because when people show up with guns for small issues they tend to escalate the fortunately you know i think here in the united states we are so used to a car sorel and police state that we put police in positions that they shouldn't be and we we know that there are people who are better equipped and more capable of getting to the bottom of the situation without it escalating this is why so many in the united states have called for a divestment from the police and a reinvestment into community services that would be more appropriate for handling these types of issues that's a wrap for this hour for that then you can get your news on the way over the oxley
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applets shop very hard lots of clean up to 8 hours. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we seem very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids and invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did those after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments.
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in this presidential election cycle both democrats and republicans claim to be tough on china but does that actually. what does the american public really know about the china today on this edition of the program the attempt to separate this reality. is there's a war of. the. sound of the guy. as a name for. the both of you so. the point was to use the book with the ghost discovering that those with use of this is a belief. but. of course. you
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just have to fly between 2. and as fast as you can. do much of it i was watching the for the exposure the. most massless nature for some of the other natures that. the original poster was imposed as. a possible rushes in racing is competition in the extreme to have a fully used to specified route between the games with the fastest time just to be able salutatorian there's reason to think that you can get a match at every church but it really. should be there.
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used to be on the side of people who want to take guns and kill each other i want to stand intellectual should always and i think are the shits there hold up no to violence no to bloodshed yes to think. less. more like. greetings and sally you take. controversy has erupted here in washington d.c. after legendary watergate journalist bob woodward released select audit you know recordings of interviews he conducted with u.s. president donald trump for his new book entitled range the interviews feature the president back in february acknowledging and understanding the very real dangers of
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the covert 19 pandemic saying quote it goes through the air bob that's always tougher than the touch you're just breathe the air and that's how it's passed it's also more deadly than your you know your even most strenuous flu. yet just days later at a campaign speech in south carolina trump called criticism of his handling of the virus a hoax and went on to downplay its dangers announcing to all there are 35000 people on average die each year from the flu did anyone know that $35000.00 that's a lot of people. it did go 210-0008 could be $27000.00 they say usually a minimum of $27.00 goes up 210-0000 people a year die and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the united states. undersupply was then later in
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