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tv   Sophie Co. Visionaries  RT  September 11, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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on the streets what did you feel why did you feel compelled to lend your voice to a letter that higher had might seen as an anti protest adamant. yes well i thought that if that was the case it will knight read the letters certain way it might be an opportunity for dialogue and let's face it i'm reading a great deal right now to be great to lolla just the last of the historian hannah aren't and hanna aren't speaks about thinking with no bannisters she thinks she talks about plurality plurality is what we call. actually democracy how does how do many different people with many different points of view exist to get there. without taking up a gun and blowing each other's heads off how can they really be honest in debate so
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that letter for me was my putting my hat in the ring and saying no matter what happens with the future i want to stand for freedom of speech and civilized behavior between people who could otherwise be a candidates that's the letter was for me you know one of the weaknesses of the letter was that it meant a lot of things to a lot of different people i didn't even know who the other people signing the letter were until after i signed it because i think highly of the people who penned it the leading being roger berkowitz of the head of our foundation so i've learned a lot since signing the letter but so far i i can live with that so. i want to hear your pain and what is happening with justice and freedom being presented as opposites why is there even a question of choosing between why are there other oh i don't know if i'm the person to ask that. they be justice and freedom.
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i believe that there are there's a great deal of. justifiable anger at the system that we call the us. democratic system. the united states has never fulfilled its problems its promise to many marginalized people as you heard martin luther king saying back in that in 64 unfortunately some of those things are still not their jets. their core their link young people who are angry and saying we had enough i say it's good to be angry but the fact is there is still the pursuit of we and that we might be people who are supporting the present administration under donald j. trump do you want to go to war with them i don't want to go to war but i want to find a way that we can grow together into the new thing we must become justice is the
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world calls out for justice i don't need to tell you as a russian woman what that means in your own country and justice is something that is sometimes controlled by the people in power they tell us what it is but people now a young people better educated than my generation very aware of the world with social media they are saying no these things must change the history of slavery it's monuments or represent slave owners they must go. now let's talk about how far it goes then there is the idea that there is ultimate authority the police who critiques the police the police cannot critique themselves who does it this is a test of american democracy the same democracy they're talking deal experience many change in 1000 century he was amazed at how the city councils in little towns
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around america everybody felt that if they organize they could change things or they could become the president that was a very quaint american idea that has suffered a great setback because of this manipulation by corporate structure and power mad politicians the people the young people are at delisting and a guy idealistic enough that they think they can get back that ability to make decisions for themselves which is what democracy promised and liberal democracy promised and as you know around the world right now that notion of democracy and liberal thought is being pushed aside by strong men by right wingers by fascists i refuse to be on the side of people who want to take up guns and kill each other i want to stand where intellectual should always stand and i think our issues then hold up no to violence no to bloodshed yes to thinking
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less heat more light less heat more light that's what that letter is for me let's talk now when people are out there with guns as we have seen. threatening protesters already separating people because of their perceived lack of patriotism and they're threatening to kill you i don't know the answer to that when is it time to push back i say right now we have to trust the system we have to trust the next election if we're allowed to have the election that we should be adding without outside interference i feel that there is that is what we have to have faith in for a while they may in the democratic process that's what that letter met so you're saying less hate more talk talking meanings less heat less east heat yes more tough
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he said hate heat there is less heat less heat less heat or maret more lights ok light but all of that that's what range that thoughts all that include conversations speaking to each other let's talk about the concept of speech and what's happening to it now because speech is a big topic of set right ever societies came to a point where there were allowed to say everything they saw up they could say you know like that they don't need to hold back things now people need to think twice about saying anything pretty much and i'm trying to analyze that are you are you talking about what we call politically correct speech are you talking about the fact that people want to be yes yes i think will want to be more direct about what you're saying so that's one of the things that happens to speech euphemism euphemism i believe i am not i do think trans people people who are
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not male not female have a right to avoid and we must represent them and respect them that's it you mean i do think that women have a particular peer. point of view around history and power and women should be heard and alleges. nation should reflect women's thinking i do not like anymore seeing anywhere in the world a room full of men probably white hair like me white men sitting around making policy for many many people oftentimes women or people of color this is suspect already there that is not an open forum for reach change of ideas it must be diverse who chooses who's there in the room well that's what our elections are supposed to be about so i don't think that anyone should be shouted down because they disagree with me sexually gender bias even politically i do
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think that there are times i am not interested in hearing a fascists on the evening news spouting lies that are not checked and there's no real reputation nobody is guaranteed to tell a lie. as you know from reading how they are and she said the lies have been a part of politics for ever but now we have to look much more closely at lies so are you saying it is the left wing repressor and you know what i think they are times and that's one of the reason i sign the letter because i just like something my professor says i do not need to fire my professor and need to come back with a stronger argument and better research myself. the new york times had a man who was a right wing man who came who wrote on the editorial pages tom cotton things that were outrageous things about race stupid things people said he should never been
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allowed to speak and as a result the editor was fired maybe it was a mistake to ask him to contribute but the editor was trying to do his duty to be intellectually open and provide this opportunity for thinking people to say no the other should not have been fired and if i call you a name if i talk talk about you as a woman and i use language that is inappropriate as one legislator did to a new young woman legislator alexander and sandra o'connor cortez he said something to her which was deeply offensive to her she took her time on the floor to point that out to him that was not cancel culture she was not taking away his right to speak she was pointing up that she found it offensive and that she wanted him to think publicly about what he had done nobody threatened disjunct. that is
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why i think it's good democracy that is good that's what the young people continually can do and my generation is supposed to help pave the way for that. less heat more light bill we're going to take a sharp break right now when we come back we'll continue talking to star choreographer and bill to stay with us. but we've been talking about tesla for you know a number of weeks a few months because it is a phenomenon and the point i've been making from day one is that it's a me me me that as a market valuation at one point over $400000000000.00 and it taps into
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people to trade means and these are generations and the millennia old the robert of apps and other forms. of the have no fundamental value there's nothing there it's just it's a murmur ation like starlings in the sky they conjure day and then they disperse. probably. have to be acceptable to the point to ration before they will go down to no you know society because. there is a real risk undermining faith in the vaccination system. and i think governments are under such pressure to introduce a back she practically. the willingness to consult to ensure. ship
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debilitate michelle malkin new growth to. be used as a workable the global solution give the police more. of their. time to put some of the new duties there are. no longer isn't there a need for the a list of the most moved closer. to the field. you don't know if you. want to use the book well there's got to discover that those that would use up the . user but. of course are.
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back with bill t. jones star choreographer and well there are always so many new with topics and issues like this like when inevitably one from theory of racial discrimination you come to the practice of people of color being shot by the police and then to the practice of protests and clashes is there room left for a wide variety of opinions inside the war council so to speak i do times allow for you to have a new view of what's happening or should all those who stand would be a lamb just stand with b.l.m. and keep quiet about nuances for now. no no no i think we never keep quiet about
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nuances we're not i try to have a conversation that's not going to fall into cliche and sound bite we're trying to have a true exert our right as thinking people to really talk about an idea so you can start your analysis by saying that i thought i thought your analysis implied that racism and beilenson against black people was a relatively new thing it has been since the founding no i misunderstood miscarriage or you the way described it was it is almost as if it started at the end of the civil war the country was founded on racist racial premises i think i got you wrong i apologize but i just want you and your listeners to know that the feeling is this country was founded on the degradation and stealing of native american lands 1st back it's another thing to have the arts thinks about let's talk
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about facts that the 2nd was that blacks were brought here as a cheap labor force that is they were already brought here as little more than animals that's a 2nd fact the 3rd fact is that there was a major war fought that gave citizenships to blacks which is totally kind of insulting isn't it considering there are blacks in the country who have been here longer than before the pilgrims came on the mayflower but still they had to be given the right to be citizens that already makes one really angry those are the facts of the situation that in the background now how can the laws really support a progressive idea. that all people truly are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights you've been telling us lie for about 300 years let's look at what you promise in us look at what you're doing and
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let's think about what we can do this is what i think they are the conversation in the street right now promises it is being destabilized because the political season everything now from one side is about being reelected the other side is as you say maybe a bit too caught up in details that fly away they are full of idealism and i trust them more than i trust their political operatives who are trying to consolidate their power and hold on to it by any means necessary and yet once again my job as an older person and a radical in my way is to say to people be angry go for your rights demand that we use the correct rote pronouns demand we respect your body demand all this but we must have the rule of law and these are the rules and we have do you like them if not get in there and change them through the political process that's where i'm at
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right now. what i ask you a bit about your personal experience because when you're talking about your experiences as an artist in the united states you mentioned that you were expected to live up to certain standards of your white audiences to be respectable how did that manifest itself i mean did you feel that you need to avoid the subjects pertaining to the race and your art not to start like an uncomfortable discussion do you have to compromise artistically in order to be accepted what is it exactly what was it. well if success. is the i don't. know i am in a really. new york city. society condoned art organizations good art comes out of it not some such good art comes out as well because arkansas that feel that i am in as an experimental fields what
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is performance who is allowed to perform what are the appropriate things that one can do early on it occurred to me that i had this 3 when i was oftentimes performing in a room where i was the only black person i began to think why why is that is it because of tradition that our consumption is of the middle classes and therefore many people of color or people look like me feel excluded because they were not of that class maybe what about an artist like myself should i say to a roomful of white people i'm speaking to you now as a black person and can they really relax and not feel that because i'm speaking as a black person i'm going to attack them many of them felt they needed to be attacked they have deep guilt and they had no way to talk about it and there was something that as a black artists you have i have that i think white audiences wanted it looks like
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sex sometimes it looks like a lure. it looks like something animal and forbidden in a judeo christian tradition that we this country is so black people already go on and they know that they're already being set up to be used in some way for the fantasies of white people now if you're going to be women know this very well if that man wants me to play his fantasy game what am i getting in return and when i get deep and close to that men to say that white person john really be truthful about it can i be truthful about that than to say you're asking me to prove to project that's where they are becomes very important how can i sit do shew and educate you how can i move you and at the same time correct you that's what my career has been about and i've been very lonely however i have been
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successful because there are decent people all every color and primarily by the states that the our art world is white they have really wanted to have bits truth that i represent it not spoke to represent and they made it possible for me to be there so i am not cynical about the art world it made me i am angry as hell about certain things but the anger is good i have to fuel it into well may well crafted art i have to that's my job. ok so here is like the attorney question but i'm going to ask you about the dance senses this is your specialty why can't dance as an art form doe about today's social situation to fail that artistic expression artistic endeavors have political power they do the personal is political and the political is sure as hell personally now that being
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said i'm not saying what anyone's art should be if you had come into the new york school 30 years ago it was extremely abstract and minimal people like myself chain into it and begin to tell personal stories that had a color a gender sexuality they had a history and they were telling those stories in many different ways so the new york art world is as potent as the people who dare to work in it one more thing which i often say to people and they because i've been oftentimes in this position oh you're such a radical you're so engaged in the world once upon a time that used to met you were bad artists because the best artists were apollonie and transcending the world that's what the intellectuals maybe of the 18th 1000 century would have said art should not be about this world some people
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say oh yeah well i'm going to make it about this world and what i say is art and then we can fight about that so what people ask me mr jones joining gage stars as the french say artist and wishing. implying there's another kind which is one connected could you tell us what an artist should do they love me to get a juicy soundbite about what they should do and i say the artist should be the freest person in the society the freest sometimes running literally nake it through the streets coming their nope at all received with wisdom left right sisson don't tell me what the truth is. because i have an internal truth that's what an artist should be an artist is like a wild child in a way an artist should be dangerous and should not be able to go to decorate your dinner party with an artist and feel superior an artist should blow up that them
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dinner party not literally with bombs but should be able to drop things in a dinner party that changes that's how i highly i think of artists now and 2nd part of the statement yes an artist should have all of that freedom but an artist is a man a woman a trans person with a location a class location a checkbook a history of rates by gender an artist is a person like you and i are persons what does that person at the artist is need to do that's what i get so sometimes bill t. jones has wanted to make sure the woody make something is like a contemplative object to be looked at and enjoy sometimes bill t. jones has wanted to raise hell. and talk about what it means to be this black man standing on stage with a shirt off. for a bunch of white people sometimes i want to talk about how i loathe them but men i
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lived with men this is my husband now arnie zane was my person both men are jewish i want to talk about the complexity of loving someone across your race or. ethnic lines so that art can do whatever i have the courage to do and i can not tell another they should do just to wrap this up because i know you have to go. on ardent which you love so much and i also have a great deal of respect for a famous ad that a man cannot be free as he knows that he has necessities. this is the same without i meant it's about self-expression yes but it really depends on reaction and response to it so can it ever really truly be free in that sense know anybody who believes that freedom is not condition just another thing there are so that we as
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human beings we are conditioned we're born we grow and we must die that's the condition right now human life you can never be free of that you can take your own life that's for sure as an expression of freedom but that's not what i call life so necessity i accept i respect necessity if you mean the sense that they are represented by. boundaries artists you know and i'm always paraphrased igor stravinsky poorly and he says something to the effect that the greater the restrictions on my work. the greater the demands for my resource wellness and solving problems that arise with these restrictions she thinks that the greater restrictions you have the more vibrant and bitterest the solutions are which means the better art so i accept necessity myself this is city and i except the fact that i can never be free of being conditioned do i accept that racism exists no
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do i accept that some people think that as a homo sexual i should be killed or driven out no and i will fight you on that you can tell mr putin i said that you think you know i'm getting at yes that's where i'm at i don't set the boundary to a point after that is when it is let's see what you're made out of us i'm looking at a woman right now i'm trying to imagine a 100 years ago how local confident woman like you having that platform somebody had to fight for that. you want to believe that. thank you. thank you sir and i spoke to terrence all the best to take care of yourself and all the best with all your future endeavors. thank you very much thank you.
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that the believe that you sneer those who really can show you. show it thank you just because suitably. stood. out with that i suppose. something that. you know none of the stupina bull episodes do no good to see you're. doing your force where you could be near my stuff in the street if not thoughts about spirits i didn't do it was a more sinister experiment don't you know. if de gea could. show. sort of moved. the story they were but is. in this presidential election cycle both democrats and republicans claim to be
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tough on china but does that actually. what does the american public really know about that china day on this edition of the program the attempt to separate this reality. you just have to fly between 2 kinds of moon and as fast as you can. do much because i was watching the producer with push for the. postmaster's nature 1st from the bleachers to. the engine restores in push the suspension grill of course moral rushes in racing is competition in the extreme to have a fully used to specified route between the lines with the fastest time just to be able to. a little boy loses money but you're getting the truth every church community for the last little should be read the trillion dollars.
11:00 pm
so many lawmakers clash over the country's response to the election poisoning of russian opposition activists i'll explain about being with some pointing the finger . at a fiery debate in the but the stock. why does novell need such a level of protection for most secure chips political mud it is part of the preaching system why would the russian government be so stupid there and even let me fly out to germany instead of hiding him in russia from the world's almost had a 1000 coronavirus cases in a single day the highest because so far as testing centers struggle to cope with them on. the microsoft accuses russia china iran of trying to meddle in the us through cyprus.


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