tv News RT September 12, 2020 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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the willingness. to ensure acceptability to new road. scores of arrests already as the yellow best to fly a partial ban on rallies to resume protesting for those affected by the lockdown as france set a new daily record cases this week. also this hour germany agrees to cooperate with moscow on a probe into the alleged poisoning of opposition figurehead. as the issue rolls german law makers at a fiery debate in parliament why does novell need such a level of protection for most security services political these parts of the putin system why would the russian government be so stupid that and even let me fly out to germany instead of hiding him in russian. and british counties will be reimposed
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coronavirus restrictions as the country witnesses a disturbing spike and kobe $1000.00 cases. we will be all why are. we doing. it watching r t international this lovely saturday afternoon thanks for joining us for your live news update this hour. there have already been scores of arrests as yellow best protesters come out across france despite a ban in some areas probably leaders insist on giving voice to all those affected through the pandemic as the country registers almost 10000 cases in 24 hours on thursday a daily record charlotte he joins us live now from paris charlotte some restrictions are in place but people are still clearly out in force. that's right
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some of the protests that have been planned to take place here in paris. particular were banned by the paris. they said they didn't want them taking place but as you can see i'm not one of the protests this is one of a number the house being allowed to go ahead fairly well attended it say there's probably about 80021500 people and for the moment at this protest there has been. no about one of the other protests that was approved in paris there have been tensions there already with gas deployed and of course paris we are hearing more than a 150 arrests as some people these bags were searched were found to contain things like screwdrivers and drooled clinches things that could be used to smash and grab their way through the city now civil disobedience. by one of the defacto leaders of the yellow vest. famous for the fact that he lost his. team won the
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best protest back in 2019 he's one of the leaders who called for the l a vest still lies once more it's been many months since we've seen big demonstrations like this but almost 2 years since the movement started it has now seemed to be back with a bit of a bull. speaking at one of the other protests in paris saying this movement was about now. i am here to talk about the yellow vests. people who are suffering all these people here who are angry and tired of talking about all the brutality this rally's full of people have something to say full of small business owners full of workers france in danger. well he took to the brutality they're nuts because that's what the l a best become pretty much synonymous with and not support and that we've seen not just from protest is but from police just think back to those 1st few months of the
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movement back in 20182019 where we saw streets like the shows being destroyed and by the protesters and huge clashes between the police and the protesters with criticism on both sides about the force that was used let's take a look back now remember just how a halt it got. one of the big problems was to do with the injuries suffered as a result of those protests by both the protesters and by the police some people like jerome or drink is losing their eyes others losing limbs just that hands i
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even beat some really gruesome problems one of the big causes of those injuries were the l b t's they say the shootout rubber bullets they've sort of pulled back a bit but we heard from the new interior minister. what will be used instead. the amount of violence and injuries at rallies whether by police or citizens the doctrinal conditions of use of equipment will evolve. in particular with russia. which from 2 more will be supervised to build through assist the situation and the objective. but we also know that the things we use these circling needs these g.m. d's as they called these are something that will shoot out a rubber bullet but it will be 18 smaller rubber bullets but they will be able to go out at a speed of around 126 kilometers per hour around 30 meters so you still
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quite a capacity to be able to cause some damage and i just want to get you a sense of in just look around here you can see how tight the police presence is everywhere that we've been moving on this protester that. we've been speaking with charlotte ivins he reporting from a yellow bus protests in paris we lost the connection with her but that was her report. germany has accepted moscow's request to cooperate on a probe into the alleged poisoning of alex in the our state prosecutors warn some information will only be shared with nobleness consent it says russian police asked to interview the activists and berlin where he's currently and hospital for lin adds it still expects moscow to be held accountable for the incident. him of the relations with russia are influenced by the fact that russia is 1st of all an important global actor and also by the fact that in the past and in present times
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we have had some problematic topics between each other and we should express ourselves carefully this time there was an attempted murder on mr novelli performed with a very specific and internationally banned nerve agent of the novacek group and our demand is that russia urgently explain what happened. our authorities are investigating this incident we don't like it when other countries dictate to us when and at what point to start our processes we cannot legally called this a criminal case based on the analysis of the journal of board 3 moreover the board to receive the b.r.d. army just as in the b. or d. it is probably impossible to initiate a criminal case on the basis of tests that were taken in our military hospital this is legally nonsense there are acts of furphy cation our investigative bodies are working they have questions new questions appear we hold that we will receive information from our german colleagues it will help to move forward the only emerge
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from a medically induced coma this week with german doctors saying he now reacts to speech although long term effects are still unclear he was airlifted to berlin for treatment last month after falling ill on a flight from siberia the russian hospital that initially treated him notes no evidence of poisoning was uncovered by them. german parliament debated the poisoning addicks special session with lawmakers already calling for action against moscow for europe correspondent peter oliver reports. it was a fiery session on friday afternoon until evening here in berlin in the german bund the stock the majority of those who spoke or pointing a finger of blame directly at russia and the russian government for what they say was the poisoning of alexei folly there were some voices that questioned the official government line not many i have to say but there were some and. if the kremlin really regrets the assassination attempt on alex in the valley and really
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wants to clear things up why does novell need such a level of protection from our security services political murder is part of the putin system. so not only are the russians supposed to have tried to poison an opponent of the regime with a military nerve agent but the put it in his t. why would the russian government be so stupid them and even let an avanti fly out to germany instead of hiding him in russia it's absurd that north stream too was a big issue on the debate as well basically the german politicians splitting into 3 camps there are those that say it needs to be halted immediately and perhaps canceled altogether there are those that want to wait and see how russia reacts and how this story develops and there are those saying that it's simply too important economically and it must remain purely an economic project no matter what else is
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going on we have though you see heated debate over north stream both on the streets here in germany friday night in the bundestag north stream has never been a purely private sector project as the german government has repeatedly argued despite the war in syria despite the use of a chemical weapon in souls bury the federal gov. and is sending the masses to the kremlin no matter what you do economic goals are more important to us than climate protection security policy and human rights. demanding the immediate term a nation of north stream 2 is in my view and hasty and misguided reaction but it pleases those who have always opposed the project the specially the greens well as germany continues to push russia for an explanation for what happened to alexei novelli the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has said russia still waiting for information it requested from germany but it's the use of your mind you do want of the german representative to the u.n.
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said the data is no longer a matter for bilateral relations between germany and russia but a matter for multilateral proceedings what kind of proceedings the germans are talking about they were unable to say in the interests of our german colleagues we urge them to provide all necessary information which might in any way should lights when absolutely unfounded accusations investigators in russia are also being on the search for more information police in the city of thompson which is where all x. in the valley had been he was flying from tomsk to moscow before his plane had to make an emergency landing in the city of the lex in a valley in extreme distress while place in town skipping putting together a timeline of where he was in the lead up to him getting on that plane they've placements in the valley in a hotel in a restaurant in a flat and in a coffee shop what they have also been going about doing is trying to interview those that were in close contact with aleck's in the valley during his time in the
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city of tomsk police there say they've been able to interview 5 of the 6 people that spent a lot of time with mr novelli they say the 6th person a woman is believed to have come here to germany there are still lots of facts to come to light in the case of what happened to alexa in the funny books as. so for those facts the diplomatic row between germany and russia continues to be so. germany says it's passed on the next in of all these tests results conducted by the country's military to the global chemical weapons watchdog of the russia which is a member of the o.p.c. wu says nothing's been received yet. british counties are reimposing covert restrictions in england a ban on gatherings of more than 6 people is due to start on monday some measures are also being tightened in scotland it comes amid an alarming rise in corona virus transmissions the prevalence of the virus in the population is increasing we found
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evidence that it has been accelerating at the end of august and beginning of september the number of positive cases per $1000.00 covert tests has doubled since the end of july on friday the number of new daily confirmed cases rose to more than 3500 an increase of more than 600 on the previous day the total number of confirmed cases in britain is now more than 360000 at the world health organization's covert special envoy told us we may not be over the worst of it yet. there will be a mole by the well you get. basically. going to do every time to read between people. all right usually and read to them. with the one with 'd the virus and the right building up. for it
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and i suspect there will be quite. the. usual about the only way to really change trackers by notion why you lost. it all down. by little. satire of social economic and educational. training the strong defense authors when they prevented me being racially juco a 2nd way. to a mission to manage to get always and maintain our defenses. still ahead the tech giant apple tells russian news companies that ukraine's trying to ban their apps on that story and others after the break.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have to screen from station and let it be an arms race. but very dramatic developments only really i'm going to . show you how that strategy will be successful but a critical time to sit down. tom. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. things
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. we fear to ask. and. welcome back ukraine south to ban the apps of russian broadcasters and news agencies tech giant apple told moscow based networks about their requests that come from kiev security service to remove them from the app store our kids are among cos have got the lowdown on the plan. while a russian media has been censored in ukraine for years already and now we are getting this so-called involvement of apple as well as take it step by step on now friday several media from russian major state networks claim that apple
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decided to take all for their apps in ukraine and that was on requests from the ukraine's security service now russian union of journalists as well as other colleagues are already calling this an act of censorship meanwhile our poll themselves while they've made a statement a little bit later claiming that no apps have been deleted at this point and the old they've done was just send notifications about this fact through the. russian media and they suggested that russian media contact ukraine's security service that directly now the list of networks whose apps are to be deleted is quite extensive and they claim that this is in line with the politics against russian media let's have a listen ukrainian security service demanded the removal of n.t.v. up through ukrainian apple store colleagues ruppel say nothing on proposed we solve
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this problem with ukraine by all cells all this is part of the fight against russian media and social networks in ukraine it began on the pershing and continues on the zelinsky now russian parliamentarians as well as the country's journalists union have already said that if the apps do get deleted they will explore legal action now censorship against russian media in ukraine began back in 24 scene after a referendum was held in crimea air where people have voted for a union with russia now several russian media and social networks have been as well have been deleted in ukraine since then and of course r.t. is also banned there soon. journalist and broadcaster neil clark believes the whole incident could hurt apple's reputation for independence it sets a very worrying president doesn't it if you think about this then if apple does
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yield this and it looks like it is going to then you could get any other security agency say in germany or belgium any were all saying look we want you to take the apps down of this country or. countries that haven't got good relations the security service is one of them trying to get the other countries absconds at warfare and it's very poor very poor of apple and they do lose credibility they claim to be in favor of freedom of speech or the information revolution all the stuff if they are going to yield simply to request of one country security services against another country so you know apple will lose out on this the same way facebook is going to lose out twitter is going to lose credibility over its branding policy of russian affiliated media these companies will make the call are they going to stand up to what they originally claimed to be about which is free speech and free information or are they going to buckle under political pressure as part of geopolitics or wars or go information was.
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women who traveled from britain and the e.u. to syria to allegedly support i saw are being smuggled out of detention camps through money raised online artie's is alan has a story. the so-called islamic state will darshan's they refer to pejoratively in arabic has long since been defeated territorially but there are still thousands of captured minutes since ad women and children being held in camps in syria amongst them are a number of british and european citizens whose governments have consistently refused to check them back and put them on trial citing security concerns countries such as britain arabs declared that these people who are sweat and for should not be. but the problem with a system. of course the longer these people study especially children who study and grow up under conditions of the camps it's more likely to find themselves will become radicalized in themselves the future strikes i think in many cases it's going to be difficult to find evidence against these individuals so in order to
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prosecute in full power self-protection membership for actual crimes for example carried out on boston unlike the mayor was he went out there and elsewhere to join these creatures what you haven't seen the children of course we squiers them posting evidence treaty on a social media and the thinking camps house tens of thousands of family members of suspected di fights is on a run by westerners by cutting edge groups in northern syria who were struggling to keep control of the inhabitants and now it's been revealed that detainees including british female die suspects are being smuggled out of these camps using money raised online via social media diet sympathizers reportedly using facebook messaging apps like telegram to coordinate fund raising campaigns to help pay for the breakouts and shed videos and messages like this one by a british woman known as mariam albritton being sent out from the islamic state to
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the camps was by fallen of the last moments of my life it's a big defeat them help them and donate every month to help smuggle them out and it's not just be. forces with videos in french german and russian also doing the rounds smugglers reportedly charge around $12000.00 pounds to help families escape from camps like howard on the border of northeastern syria and iraq and donors using crypto currency like bitcoin to make payments if they can offer more anonymity from surveillance on the main implications of money being raised. and able to be escaped pretty soon to be sure suggests that people are being brought. tricks on political settlement being issued in these circumstances not suggests that our security breaches inherent in the camps itself school scott's civility paid or perhaps they can be bought to allow people to escape but i think oh say looking at the sums involved and looking at how easy it is to grace funds in the way that. platforms such as bitcoin all conall on this.
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a large amount of this money that is being raised is probably not going. directly to fund the scalper these people actually straight into dutch to fund our activities security analysts say the longer diary suspects remain stranded in these camps the higher the likelihood that they can escape and present a whole new security challenge for the region pressure will continue to mount on western governments to finally take responsibility for their own citizens and put them on trial back at home for the crimes that would lead to have committed a society ought to u.k. in london. a previously little known famine a spoke with an initial small print run has received a surprise publicity boost in france after a senior official called for it to be banned and adviser to the gender equality ministry said the title i hate men went too far. this book is obviously an ode to
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misandry which is clear from the summary in the title i would like to remind you that incitement to hatred on the basis of gender is a criminal offense this man works for the secretary of state for gender equality whose mission is to do something about sexual assault and rape it seems outrageous that she was more concerned about censoring a small feminist book than doing his job the book's publisher monster gruff called claims of inciting hatred ridiculous the author a 25 year old activist from lewis says her work encourages female readers to take less account of the often unsupported opinions of men and to rediscover the strength of female relationships initial print run of i hate men it was just $500.00 copies but after all the publicity more than 2000 books were sold and it's now out of stock we asked people in paris what they thought of the title. we discuss the behavior at appearance of women every day and nobody even pays any attention so for once there is something directed at men and i guess we can deal
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with it i think we should not stop at the touch of the book we have to go beyond that and read it and find out why should that was behind it. women i hate them i could easily write a book like that because i have plenty of bad experiences in my love life have been left many times or had problems with my mother we really have to distinguish between what is literary what is an expression of a personal opinion. back to party founder catherine blakelock an actress and author shared their opinions on the book and as it turned out they didn't see eye to eye. premisses look in the provocation to pammy to a new way of thinking to deconstruct the tree arche it's more about. the idea of men and about some behaviors and all the construction so short a story call for me to call with the provocation we can think differently and go
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for joins and we're fiction and so 'd ins of freedom and on 0 human rights and the feminism and all that the idea that you should hate men most people should hate men i don't think it's about the patriarchy and also said this rule loading of men it is both natural and logical i mean this is a unbelievably extreme minority position the majority of women love men like men and their job to men like women i mean it is quite ironic when women have basically freedom in all sorts of silly spears in this country and entranced compared to say a country like afghanistan or. in those cultures women really are oppressed in the western countries you have radical feminists saying that they hate men and that everything is so terrible when in fact they've probably got it the best that they've ever had it and
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a lot of and you know men and women are just different and people have to accept that it's a very minority number of people who have this view about hating the opposite sex. lastly we bring you some world news in brief asylum seekers have clashed with greek police after a 4th night without shelter thousands have appealed for help after fire destroyed europe's biggest refugee camp on the island of lesbos officials say the facility was set alight by angry migrants they were upset at restrictions after more than 30 residents tested positive. and protesters have staged a rally outside an alternative for germany meeting near berlin demonstrators chanted and held placards against the anti immigration party top officials and to the venue. and supporters of catalonia as independents have gathered across the region but they're in small groups under strict orders from event
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organizers to maintain social distancing amid a covert spike there are more than half a 1000000 registered coronavirus cases in spain. that's been our breakdown of the day's top headlines for now for more on all those stories head to our website r.t. dot com. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is right.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the debt. or a mate in the shallows. i didn't want to listen we all want to have love. probably have a. back seems have to be acceptable to the corporation before they are broke out in a in a society because if then walks acceptable there is a real risk of undermining faith in the vaccination system as a whole and i think governments are under such pressure to introduce a vaccine rapidly that good the willingness to consult and to ensure acceptability was somehow the new road to.
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