tv News RT September 15, 2020 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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about how they used describe the poisoning of russian opposition figurehead and. meanwhile is calling for any evidence to be presented claiming that simply a pretext for sanctions. opposition leaders and independent journalists in russia are not see. if there was no new found the they would have come up with another reason to impose additional sanctions. racing into trouble formula one star lewis hamilton's t. shirt protest could see him facing disciplinary action for bringing politics into sport. see through. friday should
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do so. to everyone then we are in troubled waters. and with the israeli prime minister heading stateside to sign peace deals with the bahrain something donald trump school a historic breakthrough as outrage in palestine. live from moscow thanks for joining us. daniel kims welcome to the program. now the alleged nerve agent poisoning of russian opposition figure out accent of ali was high on the agenda today of the european parliament session the vast majority of speakers concluded russia was to blame the phone no evidence was presented but more details here's peter out of. the 2 main topics that were brought up were sanctions that would target senior russian officials or 'd 'd the by the pausing or banning
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altogether stopping altogether the north stream to gas pipeline project that would take gas directly from russia into germany it's a multinational multi 1000000000 euro project there were some voices though that said well we really need to wait for an investigation before we take any action but those voices were few and far between let's say. a name president putin refuses to say out loud opposition leaders and independent journalists in russia are not safe it is time to stop putin's impunity poisoning of our lives are we up to all of us we need to make a deep review of our church to a sort of democracy russia should be our priority not business as usual of luxury. to attend all of them to serve well there are people who tear into russia all day long before anything has been established there are people calling for new sanctions against russia it's like a kind of nostalgia for the cold war when every tragedy was used to instigate
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a confrontation. at least 20 countries and organized crime groups have strengths of this nerve agent poisoning is a possibility but one that's far from having been proven beyond doubt many had a motive and we know little more the next to nothing to worth pointing out the us said by well the e.u. high representative for foreign affairs did say that some of the demands being made by any peace in the chamber were within the remit of the european commission to carry out he said things like cancelling nord stream to that would fall to individual member states taking part now one of those member states is austria and the austrian president alexander vander belen is also been speaking on tuesday he said there was absolutely no reason in his mind why what's happening regarding alexina valmy should have an impact. on the north stream 2 gas pipeline saying the latter was a commercial enterprise and should be conducted as any other business deal from the
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russian side what they say is they've requested again and again information from germany the evidence that germany says proves a nerve agent was used in fact russia just sent a 2nd request on monday from their prosecutor general's office to the officials here in berlin asking for information there that after their initial request went on and he did russian foreign minister sergey lavrov was becoming clearly quite frustrated with western partners who he says it says seemingly have made up their mind already been no one if there was no nouvelle me they would have come up with another reason to impose additional sanctions our western partners have gone beyond all limits of decency and reasoning in fact they are now demanding that we confess it's such a mysterious story given that on the 27th of august we sent a request for legal assistance from the russian general prosecutor's office and still there is no answer we don't have legal grounds for launching
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a criminal case yet and that is why we are still legal assistance from the german side on monday next week e.u. foreign ministers will be meeting to discuss this issue further your seat belt did say that the looked as if the situation would have an impact on russia relations we'll have to see just what type of impact that will be most likely get more answers are not following that foreign ministers meeting taking place next week. well the e.u.'s foreign policy chief joseph morrell has also proposed sanctions along the lines of the u.s. magnitsky act it was initially drawn up to punish russian officials who were blamed again by the u.s. for their involvement in the death of russian anti-corruption lawyer said again magnitsky who died in pretrial detention however the law was later expanded to punish people across the world involved in human rights violations now that use considering a similar act when the valleys name on its head a. on accent of all his condition has improved significantly in recent days he's no
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longer in a ventilator and can even take short walks away from his hospital bed in berlin is even back on social media posting this photo with his family saying it felt amazing to be able to breathe on his own again meanwhile russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman has a heart about once again it's out of the german authorities for ignoring russia's request to show any evidence proving a nerve agent was used. we brought some good ones we're asking the german side to confirm everything it claims for fact what because as we have repeatedly seen unfortunately many of the supposed facts that are sensation in us are devoid of any factual verification which these things for germany to do is to respond to the request of the russian prosecutor general's office so we've seen this kind of thing before with this cripples they tried to make his except one of 2 propositions i that you did it or you lost control of those who did and what we are seeing today is a modified form of the same philosophy namely you have to accept it without any objections and conclusion that we are unwilling to confer with you when we have all been there
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before only now it is quite a totally grotesque form. we can go live now to anybody theory mariani he was also former french minister who also took part in those discussions in the parliament earlier today thanks for joining us so good to have in the program today now your one of those calling for an investigation before in sanctions a slap on russia that wasn't the general consensus though today following the discussions what do you think that is. where you sir before a debate with the members of european parliament there was a speech of mr hyde were present tense and honestly for the 1st time i wasn't the same line than him because he said on this leno singer shucking what is what he told me he said 1st everybody hopes they're good parents for mr never only and 2nd we are waiting investigation and we are waiting investigation to know we did good we security was the responsible. visualization seems to be correct but just
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after that anyway there was a debate at least 'd to members of the european parliament and it was 'd and as a music because the music at this moment is very strange everybody knows the result of doing history geisha and even if it it's not yet any investigation that's mean we have a concept about accusation against the russian government everybody has said of course if it is not it showed the responsibilities the government of russia we must take a new wave of sanction and 'd honestly 'd it was completely different we saw that in disbarment some of suncor leak detent understood today that didn't understand that the cold war was finished and in fact each occasion it's a good occasion to ask new wave of sanction but 'd. it was
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a little bit disappointing because i think there was no reasonable or a position except 'd me and. human both said ok if there isn't boson needing off mr not by me 1st make a serious investigation to know who is guilty and don't set the name of the 'd guilty before investigation. you mentioned there the cold war ending that's something i want to touch upon because much of the rhetoric we heard today in the mordant day european parliament is actually very reminiscent of the rhetoric we heard in the cold war is that quite surprising given recent event. where it's not very. great surprise for me because i'm members of your event violence in one year and honestly it's completely different because the french parliament the french parliament you know you have the nearly equal position. 'd about their relation with russia the european parliament specially 'd 'd 'd.
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breasts some countries. members of. european parliament from. east countries countries we saw that each occasion it's an occasion to start against a problem who ask you again you sanction vote against russia and 'd i heard you're going to read before of course everybody thinks what we need a new sanctions in that case if it is 'd if they don't get is to stop their notes 32 i seen it could be very dangerous even for europe russia's actually sent a 2nd request now for those test samples by german doctors of the results of those tests on the valley and that request has been ignored they've been referred to the o.p.c. w. why do you think that is why he has a reluctance on the part of the german authorities to share the results they found . mr ball well told that there was there is now 3 and i don't i know nice this one
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from german laboratory one form swedish laboratory and one from the french suburbs or and or the 3 conclusion 'd said the same c that's me now if we want to so yes and it's to give of course the european state miscommunicate information and i don't see ot be. a serious investigation if there is no corroboration if there is no what's to guess or between russia and the european countries i think too much in it dearest to know what did the through in this. drama he said to have come an investigation and sort of moment it seems to have no answer from the german authorities what do you think is stopping that comment of us to geisha because the e.u. is actually calling on russia to engage in a probe russia saying it's happy to engage what's the stopping point here what's
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stopping the 2 sides engaging in constructive dialogue to get to the bottom of what exactly happened 'd. honestly i don't understand exactly what is the problem now for me it's city dense that. investigation can't be just in government right terry moran m.e.p. and former french minister thanks for your time today good to have you with us on the program. it's a lot. of formula one superstar lewis hamilton could be in hot water for breaking rules on politicizing sport this comes after his victory in the task of grand prix on sunday he took to the winner's podium wearing a t. shirt highlighting police brutality muscles top said arrest the cops who killed briana taylor a reference to a 26 year old black medical worker who was shot dead on a no knock warrant in march in the u.s. state of kentucky authorities say they returned fire after an officer was shot and wounded but it triggered
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a wave of public anger with calls for those responsible to face justice making a stand against racism script the sporting world this year last week the american football league the n.f.l. kicked off its new season several teams took the needs are in the national anthem in support of the black lives about a movement some players even remained in their locker rooms until the outcome of finished but it's all left some fans dismayed n.f.l. players all over the league annealing during the national anthem we simply aren't allowed to enjoy sports anymore without politics being shoved down our throats i tried against my better judgment to watch the n.f.l. today i saw a needling fist in the year police kneel in the middle of the field instead of defending a kickoff and were subjected to the black national anthem i'm done fire them all and let's see would jobs the find to contribute to society versus thrown the ball around and making millions for it meanwhile not doing
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a damn thing besides needing to or not a great national anthem or put the issue over the sport can remain a political up for debate. but times in the world where the acuteness of injustice the harshness of injustice and the unfairness of injustice seach through into sport rightly should do so when those injustices can find no legitimate response from democratic nations people differ around the world in what means good or bad way if we get scared of carte blanche to everyone then we are in troubled waters if someone like israel folau comes along and starts expressing homophobic views which are clearly not consistent with that of the rest of the wall of sports i don't want that i want them to remain calm groomed with the ideals the guiding ideas of governing organizations in sport which to me seem as if they've all got the heart
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in the right place that you know this idea that we're living in a meritocracy that the world is a meritocracy that the sporting burra anybody's retiree meritocratic. that would be good i don't know what he'll do as i would i would it i would agree that you could take that position but in a world where the vast moral consensus of the tire ity of humanity he's against racism and recognizes racism and he's perfectly just what happens when there is an individual competitor in some sport who doesn't agree with a moral consensus who does hold racist or homophobic or sexist views are you going to let him or her express those views it a free society that you have free to say what they like if they do express them you're unhappy wrap it there well dick dale will face the moral condemnation of the 1st majority of people a new day to making
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a career decision range when he should do such a little also so they shouldn't still be on section so he looks you know we don't you're not to notice. this is not the way we bank it was organization let's get away from the hypothetical thing that let's take the case of israel folau who expressed calm of views are you going to say you're comfortable with an individual exercising his freedom of speech to pronounce these kind of views and let's face it the guy he's influential he's got a certain type of or carter that's conferred on him by his participation in sport are you going to say that we just wait for the world to condemn him i think that the organization was quite right to step in and say we don't want you saying this kind of stuff this focus on the exceptional and the moral equivalence between racism which is a global human consensus and these are the issues you know doesn't doesn't stand up
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to muster so school will always play a part in politics and politics in school as a broader principle i'm glad formula one stepped in because at a later stage another driver might say something completely different. than other fatal police shooting in the u.s. this farm in the city of lancaster in pennsylvania is once again brought people out of the streets in protest the demonstration descended into violence a body footage of the shooting in question has now been released a warning to viewers you may find the images distressing a man armed with a knife choice is a police officer down the street before being shot dead the victim was later identified as 27 year old ricardo mourners police say that responding to a domestic disturbance call one officer has been put on administrative leave local authorities have called for calm. a police involved shooting has significant impact on a community as we have seen with a large number of individuals gathering in the streets however i'm asking that all
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reaction be tempered as the investigation is ongoing. oh sure on. with a plea for peace fell on deaf ears the and range black lives matter out to its vitalized police cars on a tight local buildings police responded with tear gas on made several arrests. a lot of force to try to fight as he brought a smith believes the police officer who pulled the trigger in pennsylvania was well within his rights this a dangerous young man his family called the police said he was out of control police got there and he immediately starts chasing a police officer with that knife the officer is not only rightful to use deadly force but frankly obligated we are not suicidal police officers here in the united states we see that when the body cam comes out of the investigation is completed
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that generally speaking the officers were righteous in their use of force but we have anti fire and black lives matter here in the united states that are sending people immediately to these hot bed areas to engage in writing it's in any extremely difficult atmosphere for police in the united states right now no matter what we do even if we act completely lawfully like in this situation you're going to see riots and you're going to see violence and we're going to be told that we're killers of people of color have frankly it's childish it's ridiculous and i believe the american people are getting tired of it you know pennsylvania is a key state in our upcoming presidential election and i don't think this is going to be helpful for the democrats. it is very the legation is in the united states the saw impeach the u.s. with bahrain the united arab emirates a little trump hailed it as a historic breakthrough but palestine is furious claiming it's been stabbed in the
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back a little open has been looking at the issues. it will happen at the white house israel baf reign and the united arab emirates will be at a signing ceremony with donald trump taking center stage is administration is touting this as a historic breakthrough and paving the way for peace in a region plagued by conflict and this is a truly historic day we hope that this will start an even more historic journey for the middle east and beyond was a historic deal and the 1st such deal in over 2 decades but do agreements like this really help solve the israel palestine conflict that's debatable the trumpet ministration is moving toward a 2 state solution rejecting outright a solution where all residents of the area are granted equal rights under a single state my vision presents a win win opportunity for both it's a realistic 2 state solution that resolves the risks for palestinian statehood to
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israel's security furthermore were a peace maker and supposed expert negotiator the trumpet ministrations moves have been rather one sided over the course of the last 3 years now the white house has cut aid to palestinians and has also recognized jerusalem as israel's capital furthermore they have given washington's blessing to the expansion of israeli settlements on the palestinian land now at this point we've got the white house touting a piece for the white house's preferred proposal up to 30 percent of the occupied west bank would be handed over to israel furthermore the remaining palestinians would be. enclaves isolated from each other with israel having full security control however donald trump insists it's a great deal for the palestinians i want this deal to be a great deal for the palestinians that has to be today's agreement is
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a historic opportunity for the palestinians to finally achieve an independent state of their very own now the palestinians not only reject this deal but they find it insulting mahmoud abbas officially cut ties to the united states and israel back in may the palestinian president is saying that at this point all previous agreements are off the palestinians have also rejected the recent deals made by rain and the united arab emirates to recognize israel they see these countries as betraying them and stabbing them in the back the palestinian position is that no other country has the right to negotiate on their behalf. of states in the region with israel will not change the essence of this conflict which is this is time and did none of the palestinian people inalienable right to freedom and so over and now there's plenty of doubt over these agreements but for donald trump it looks good on t.v. with the elections approaching and the coded 19 body count rising at home and also
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looks good for netanyahu to be able to smile for the cameras as opposition to him is domestically increasing as well bibi netanyahu leaving a trail he's flying to the us today to sign what he calls the great peace agreement leaving a country not to have total chaos. he's leaving us in israel he's going to put his inclusion of the countries in the horrible ses he totally failed in handling the corona crisis. netanyahu in the mainstream media may hail these has historic agreements leading toward peace most analysts look at these deals and see even further violence and conflicts down the road. but why ruin a good photo op the planned proposals that trump has for the agreements between palestine and israel are extremely unfavorable to the palestinian people it damages their ability to travel freely it essentially herd them down into you know for lack
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of better word there are determined camps i mean it's absolutely going to trigger a new wave of violence because when you when you put one group who best sort of under pressure that's kind of has like a lesson to go shooting power when you give that group a terrible deal the way the allies did with germany after world war one you then pave the way for the most hateful most violent leaders possible when you take away people's opportunities and you take away their economic opportunities their social opportunities their political opportunities when you take all of that away they are then going to turn to the worst leaders the demagogues but those that support violence and so this is absolutely step one to decades more violence. following last week's inferno which gutted europe's largest market cap on the greek on and off less boss the country's prime minister is holding crisis talks today with the president of the european council we call thought he's of blamed the
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moderates themselves for butting down the camp in order to be transferred off the island the site on maria has been massively overcrowded and its destruction has left more than $12000.00 people without shelter most are now living in the streets leading to a shop rising tensions with locals. i don't like. my job so i would ask for. more. you know the city is all saved lives. you know i was poaching not going north i want to go to germany and i have many problems here nothing to eat and no electricity i'm from afghanistan and i'm waiting to hear that.
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we are seeing the european union the more. it is not enough. air the miners underground what is needed. is a different migration. policy has agreed to beijing on the i am. happy for a long time. not only can they act on me before. i move. with thousands of people left in the green and on the streets without shouting nerve with acids and river air ground without words and the british on hand with
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equal using masses in order and then and work for solace in jesus is really extremely difficult. up next max and stacey discussed that shot of the year showing income soaring about estates as government transfers bush to household bottom see some because the reports we're back in a 30 minutes with the latest news updates.
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look at the believe it you sneer those who religion should. be suitably. flat with that are supposed to notice that i stay sober. no no risk of being a bull episodes didn't go to scene sure the. slayer during your force wake would be near my stuff in this thread not thoughts about spirits i didn't do it was emotional 6 pin him down in the old. stadia cruel should.
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show. for you to. sort of move. the story q. list so they will bow out is. ringback one of the child's seemed wrong. but all quotes just don't call. to me to call yet to say proud distinction because as a kid and in detroit equals betrayal. when somebody find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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i am max kaiser this is the kaiser report 1st of all i got it shout out congratulations to my friend ronnie o'sullivan who have won 6 times now the world stucker championship up there at the crucible in sheffield that's in england ronnie is the mozart of stoker and as you can tell by american accent i have no idea how to pronounce snooker but it doesn't change the fact that ronnie is the greatest of all time in that sport that i cannot pronounce congratulations ronnie and i hope to have you back and cause report.
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