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tv   Going Underground  RT  September 16, 2020 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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after 50 hits and then maybe you're on the 70th and nothing happens and then sure enough on the 71st hit of the rock explodes and i think metaphorically that's applicable here because this stuff doesn't seem like that perfect mr trump but i think it is affecting them and i think you'll see this sort of demolition prior to the november 3rd referendum which is why you're supporting a man who allegedly runs a campaign from a basement who is often seen on camera not understanding things who clearly supported mass incarceration use this remote control i would be supporting the remote control you know any any in an object would be doing a better job mr trump he's made the country weaker he's made the country poorer and he's made the country sicker and by the way i mean the guy is pretty fit vice president biden you saw right now bicycle he's he's going to go ok we'll let i got to tell you the pick out of the death rate from grown of ours is worse here in
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britain than the united states as a as you seek to support the trashing of a. covert reputation no i would really seek to support trashing him on kyra we'll get it very objective we actually you know i don't why the racial bellicosity in a blue collar family we are a family of immigrants and all white and john people go back to the countries that the originally came from that's what they told my grandmother 100 years ago i don't like the bullying of private citizens whether it's hillary or my wife your hero i don't like the deconstruction of the western alliance that is alternately led to great peace and it hasn't prosperity for most of the quote that he's deconstructing so now there's a whole series of things that he's doing that you can look at energy actively and if you love america and you want peace in global prosperity you have to reject him at the polls isn't. but is it peace or is it i did actually get the thing and
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jacked it leads and you guys in the us we've got to get somebody else in here that's not nuts it's really that is it peace or is it actually war he denies the atlantic magazine remarks that he apparently said they waited in the built military industrial complex one thing we're in he doesn't want war all i heard him say those remarks because when i was on the campaign plane with him and i mentioned to him that i had done troop support missions in iraq and afghanistan and even shark if you like you know why the hell would you do that and you know what you saw at risk and then he would go into the diatribes that are being reported in the atlantic so we know the same this stuff it's just surprising that it didn't come out earlier magnitude what he said ok away from the alleged insults all of america sure it's made a point about the wars. i don't like the worse i don't like the situation in iraq
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or afghanistan but i also don't like the threat of terrorism here in the homeland of the united states or in or in great britain so there is a unfortunately you know anybody who has read an intelligence briefing related to all this knows how complex this is and there's no there's no decision on the matrix of decisions it isn't complicated it is difficult to make. sense it's very simple there are forces in the military industrial complex that want wards and as for the threat of terrorism it is precisely because of policies by bill clinton by both george bush's that's what caused it and of course he didn't you're you're not used to eisenhower now he hasn't read that speech he doesn't understand that speech and he's sitting there very flippantly saying derogatory things about the generals but he's also missing the fact that the listed men and women in the service which. now
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minutely republican our guest said yes that he's the most unpopular commander in chief in modern u.s. history which is good news for the united states because he was trying to move the united states to an autocracy you've got you've got to hope for the military he has he doesn't have it these people rally dislike him when you're you're bringing up something else about the wars i don't like the wars i think there was a mistake to go into iraq but this is now with 20 years of hindsight and reflection i don't like it tacked on the world trade center 19 years ago i've been on wall street for 32 years i lost scores of friends in the world trade center and one very close friend and i eulogized his children. and 9 and 719 years ago so i don't like that either so you know and i know minute very very complex world and you can just look at the actions and the antics of president trump and know that he's unfit to serve as the american president and i would make the case even
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through it to our adversaries you want somebody more stable in that job and you want somebody a little bit more predictive ball and you want somebody that actually really does want peace and prosperity abuse right now this guy is reeling like he's lost inside a pinball machine ok it was actually eisenhower i was thinking about well just finally nobel peace prize nominee that is not why you guys now are that you would i mean i'm going to have to stipulate that on this t.v. show the nobel peace prize nominee as such donald trump he once said we love wiki leaks there's a big trial going on here for the press freedom amnesty international have been barred from the courtroom here but a lot of control to see over the english court proceedings any chance that the job administration could to stop maybe the white house decides to stop the extradition of julian a son is to the united states i don't need to do a web app prior who actually so all have to see what he does after the referendum but you know. that's
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a. no that i don't think anybody wants to touch inside the white house right now and again you and i both know how complex that situation is and you know and i think your democracy and our democracy is being threatened by a very surgical very careful all. militia that happens to be an intelligence militia and it's based on social media and it's trying desperately to do in the russians i mean the russia has yeah oh you mean the russians. you know what i mean you know what i mean i honestly know jesse after the other reporters and tell you your viewers are intelligence you you know what i mean and by the way here's the thing when you read this stuff and you know this stuff and you see this you can see this stuff when you hear this you're this and so silence is a form of complicity when you're looking at
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a situation like this and you knew i was that the american president has made the country weaker sicker or less stable all and more divided you have to speak if you love the country and if you love the world you also have to speak out because you know that a more stable administration somebody that could orchestrate the administration and who are needed it which would lead to a more prosperous american economy which helps the world and could put down the pandemic i understand you have the same problems in great britain and it's been a failure for both countries but but the president had the information he told what were they had the information he knew it was 6 times more deadly but he decided to play it down. you can't do that when you are the responsible agent of the american government you can't do that when you have the most secret position in public service in america if not the world ok and he can't do that as his garments
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he can't do it man a tree thank you he said he said it was so that the american people didn't panic thank you after the break the support of evangelicals with a sense of history you will probably understood is again change in u.s. politics and in the 400th year of the mayflower we're about to see history on the 17th century i believe catch up with isis states big time ahead of a u.s. presidential election with biblical significance coinciding with the 400th anniversary of the mayflowers arrival in the united states we investigate on november's votes might be the most significant in the history of the so-called city on the hill told us all coming up in part 2 of going on the ground. will justice be done in a london court not only is joining us on trial but so is freedom of speech and profession of journalism what explains this farce of media coverage of this trial
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why haven't more journalists spoken out and is a sign is being used as a car going to sail for those challenge the powers that be. to that the bill really to sneer those who really can show you. show it to make these just. stood out without a supposed vote. so that. you know nobody stupina blew up a source didn't go to see you if you. think you sneer during your force where you could be near my stubbornness through with another. spirit i put it to you it was more expedient than you know if you. could do. a show. to move.
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the story listen they were both what is. ringback ringback out. with a both of us. on the. last time we chased. each one of them carrying 20 kilos 'd of drugs. first offense that. they just stopped going through. and they had 3 we have maintained all medical men they have this is the this is for me. i
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like it when. i don't see a porno baby don't you know me. i want a great. caution. now for. when else shows seem wrong when old roles just don't call. me cute lol but he's yet to stamp out these things he comes to as a kid and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when. just on the common ground.
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welcome back involved one we heard from donald trump's former white house communications director has a scary movie about what he sees as the existential threat trump poses to the united states but many in the country some of the 70 percent who identify as christians see trump as not only their president but their savior head of an election that coincides with the 400th anniversary of the mayflower arriving in the united states well today is the voyager then of us 3 of the stars of that voyage before 1000 restrictions were in place we spoke to martin wizard whose book trump and the puritans is out now and welcome to going underground tell me about the book and why november's election is not the discontinuity that we're led to believe by some mainstream media outlets or basically our premise is that you can only understand the modern united states in 2020 but understanding something of its deep
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story where people think they're coming from how they read their history even their mythology and that if you look at the united states purely as a modern phenomenon then you come away utterly bemused that all job is not to be written off as an idiot remember 2020 should be read in the context of another anniversary this year the 400th anniversary of the mayflower just go through that with me we would argue so it's a curious combination of events in november no less even the same month that november 2020 is both the date of the next us presidential election but of course it's also the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the mayflower on the shores the eastern shores of the united states in massachusetts. and our premise is that vats of what followed the huge jim flux of puritans in the 1630 something called the great migration created a really significant contribution to the d.n.a.
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of the usa which obviously is changed developed over the years 18th century ninety's and g. 20 century but nevertheless makes the united states quite unlike any other comparable western democracy for example 2014 very detailed research showed that something like 70 percent of adult americans identified themselves as christian and those adult americans something like 26 percent identify themselves as evangelicals over that 26 percent something like 81 percent voted for donald trump in 2016 the support of evangelicals with their sense of history rightly or wrongly understood is again change in u.s. politics and in the 400th year of the mayflower we're about to see history and the 17th century i believe catch up with united states big time ok well let's go back a little from from then to the mayflower you summarize the brutality against the
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native americans this is all part of the thread that you spin right through to today and at the same time you see this implicit influence is injuring in say steve bannon when he took on the clintons deplorable pence in the anti climate change ideas and the science abortion rights all of this we can trace to those initial massacres of native americans and the type of christianity that was burgeoning in the east coast i think to be fair to the bay flower curiously enough although this is the year that kind of kicks off the big puritan influence in america the mayflower settlers at plymouth actually as the case of the fence had a pretty good relationship with native americans they were if you. you like far more tolerant than some of the ones that followed them know which is were burnt plymouth and the ones that were earlier before the mayflower absolutely yes failed
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callie's yes absolutely no quakers were hanged plymouth but but the key thing is that what happened in 1620 was was the proving that a puritan a godly american was possible and what happened from 1630 on words which people often forget is there was a huge movement of people who were dissatisfied with the state in this country to the north american colonies and so between 1630 and the early 16 forties literally thousands of people sometimes called the great migration moved into what we now call new england and set up for example the colony of massachusetts bay and in massachusetts bay rather than in plymouth colony which is more tolerant to the south we see something of quite a theocracy being established it's in massachusetts bay for example the 1690s we have the salem witch hunts it's in reaction to what's going on there that we have appalling massacres of native americans in king philip's war for example in the sixty's seventy's so although the mayflower if you like is the iconic this is this
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is the year we pin this on i think in defense of the mayflower settlers it was the next generation and the next influx of people into the east coast of america forming these puritan bible common wells that created much more of these hardline theocracies in massachusetts bay and also contribute to that sense of the alien other that sense of america being a new jerusalem they even refer to north america as being an american canaan this idea about having crossed the jordan jordan with the atlantic into a promised land for the promised land read north america they were creating if you like an american israel and i think it's something of that sense of exceptional nurse that sense of providential calling that i think particular that next generation of puritans have contributed to. in effect the modern usa and it runs and runs from there i'll get to israel in a 2nd to mike bomb paper what he did was a former president former cia director but if any roman catholics are watching you
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tie it up to this original puritan idea of a religious sect in the eastern united states you tie up that with. with successive lives jews absent roman catholics it didn't matter the exceptionalism is a d.n.a. that runs through no matter what you believe in it's the idea of american ness that's what i think exactly because clearly in the 400 years since the mayflower america's changed on all comprehension huge influx of eastern europe russians poles people from southern the southern states always were roman catholic with french colonial is absolute absolutely so so we're not all going for for a simple puritan thread what we're saying is that in all the amazing changes of taken place in the north america you know the movement of jewish people the movement of muslim people and so on although it is change huge since $1620.00 that there's something that's been entered into the american d.n.a.
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a romance if you like which often glosses over brutality bottoms and so the exceptionalism can be seen in iraq afghanistan libya syria iran renders ways nicely the exception is and comes from there and you say doesn't matter of your republican or democrat obama channeled the city on the hill was the city or the hills which are an important idea in the american that's all that's a very good question the city on the hill was a phrase that was used in 1630 as this next generation on the so-called winthrop fleet arrived to found massachusetts bay and the idea was that what was happening in america was going to be an inspiration to the world that effectively they were creating in north america a new jerusalem in the new world a new israel. in the new world as it were and what they were going to do that would be like a city on a hill that the world would look to them and see something extraordinary happening there that phrase a city on a hill for example it's quoted by j.f.k.
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is quoted article twice by ray gurn it's a brilliantly referred to by president trump it's the concept that america is this unique state this unique exceptional experiment which the world looks to now obviously that's very attractive if you're american it can be a little galling perhaps if you're not an american because obviously there is exceptional sense to that but that i think is millions of. something to say about i've tried to diplomatic but clearly that has spoken very powerful the american consciousness ok but the christian right gets around donald trump and all drama is going to appear with on the television you also talk about how they would be able to forgive the. world the own personal foibles of the president by quoting or of this name checking in a rainy and leader. cyrus absolute it's quite curious isn't it that we see we see a persian king a persian prince being used as the comparison for donald trump and the state would
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have to explain that the story that's going on here is that in the old testament in the jewish scriptures we have this image at times of people who are who are not part of the religious community being instruments in the hands of god and within the old testament there is this king called cyrus and if you if you google him you'll find him if you can coordinate says of christian bible you find him in the old testament the jewish part of the bible and cyrus is a person in the old testament who does things for god's people according to god's plan says the old testament although he is not jewish although he is not one of the one of the chosen people although he is not of the people of god so more than evangelicals quote him again and again and again and again and they look at somebody like president trump and they say i know is imperfect. i can live with the attitudes the accusations of immorality with women and sons over i can live with
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the coarseness i can live with a barrage of tweets because i'm not blocking back in this man because i see him has a more exemplar i see him as this of course is the big question an instrument in the hands of god achieving what we need to achieve in 2024 to move cyrus's in the south of the islamic republic of iran you sure that despite all this religious d.n.a. running through the history of the united states you talk about something called the treaty of tripoli which the government of the us is not in any sense founded on the christian religion but this was a treaty with islam i've been through this isn't a school books what liturgy of tripoli it's extraordinary isn't it basically the treaty of tripoli libya yes yes we'll have more to libya but we have the treaty of tripoli which we go back to some 200 years was an attempt of the new. the minted american republic you know we're talking the next generation of the declaration of independence breaking away from british imperialism trying to create its own
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trading arrangement with a north african state and that the treaty is formed and in order to reassure the people that they are working with they say there has never been a conflict between america and what mohammedans as they would they would call the. islamic test head is not to be the phrase was used at the time but that's what's meant and actually ironically says america is not and never will be and has been a christian state or a secular state and one of the curious things of course is that america is officially a secular state we have a complete separation of church and state there is if you like a head albeit one nation under good and that's a curious thing because america has this curious dichotomy whereas on one hand it is a it is a completely secular state there is no state church there is there is no statement of christian faith and yet on the other hand there are very very strong constituency that that argue that the the d.n.a.
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of america is so intrinsically christian that effectively it should be christianity that's informing the national dialogue more than any other state so you have this curious thing the treaty of tripoli that says this is a secular state we can get on with muslims we go with anybody and you have modern evangelicals who are saying effectively we think that it should be christianity and a christian concept that is of that is informing the national dialogue is informing the for the formation of america morality when britain isn't going libya probably unaware of the treaty of tripoli turner and it. said at one point god sent trump to protect israel from iran you kept on mentioning israel the new israel how do you see the deal of the century and the streams of d.n.a. in. the deal of the century and where the trumpet ministration is. israel is quite
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a fascinating concept within if you like the puritan d.n.a. contribution in one sense american puritans and they fed this into the d.n.a. if you like saw themselves as being like an american israel so in always being a replacement if you like that the new israel the new chosen people if you like americans you actually find this phrase you know to me it was very right here is that yes yes not native american who may european incomers but but puritans also had this sense that they were living in the last days that they were living they were looking towards the 2nd coming of christ and therefore even while they were describing themselves as being like a latter day a modern day israel there was still this sense that god had not finished with the jewish people that wonder the jewish people return to a home in palestine that would precede the 2nd coming of christ and what we see in a sense where where policy meets apocalypse if you like in the modern evangelical movement is that sense of viewing israel not simply as one other state amongst
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many within the middle east but being a state for which there is if you like a divine mandate at the moment what's become what's always been since 9048 a traditional support for israel from the united states is actually now developing into much more of a religious crusade and a crusade and 14 years and the end the jews will go to hell well the day of judgment we have a curious situation here for eternal hell is where for example trump himself is on record as saying that when he when he makes statements about the annexation of the golan heights when he makes statements about and of course move the embassy to jerusalem that he gets more letters from christian evangelicals praising him for doing this than he does for american jews because traditionally as a broad statement the american jewish community has. more inclined to is democrats but there is a sense in which many of these christian groups see israel as but take
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a key part in and towing events leading to the end of the world and therefore the american support for israel is basically lining itself with the right side of providence well underway to thank you my pleasure martin was expecting to be there in his book trump of the puritans is out now and that's if the show will be back on saturday when you ask a lawyer who helped win the historic amazon deal about why he faces prison without a jury trial until then keep safe to join the underground on you tube sound cloud it's going to face. the pandemic no certainly no borders just blind to nationalities.
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commentary this is the same things. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing your own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been much so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. sex drugs or financial survival go. on customers go buy your supplies. in elf well reducible our. best undercutting but what's good for market is not good for the global economy.
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look at the bill really q sneer those who really can show you. show that they get. no no no the stupina bull episodes do not go to see you just skew the c's go to sleep during your force where you could be near must of missed with no votes abroad spirit a b.b.q. or. experiment don't you know. if de gea crew will. show. for you to post. to move to. the store and keep your borders.
10:00 pm
russia calls on germany to stop politicizing the alleged poisoning of opposition figurehead like they know valmy the living says it's up to mosco to clarify how a military grade nerve agent reportedly new song russian soil. with corona virus cases in britain but countries testing system is that to be a breaking point we hear from some of those affected as that would be 860 mile round trip every each way is just a big. if not just the general public struggling to cast its doctors implant my housework is well. on the american presidential hopeful joe biden fails to recall the country he infamously helped to fund the military and say that back in 2002.


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