tv News RT September 17, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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this morning europe's preparing to vote on a resolution on the alleged poisoning of alexina valmy is peace call for sanctions against russia. and is not the case. new survey finds that a significant share of young americans are profoundly confused all we did ignorant about the holocaust we asked people in new york what they knew. of a 1000000000. people died i thought it was 3000000 i believe what i am or anything like. this politicians are angry after trivial that american firms provided the technology that was used to shut down the internet during the disputed presidential election impellor. us troops die in
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a room. and american presidential hopeful joe biden fails to recall that country infamously helped send the military in to back in 2002. good morning for russia this thursday 17th of september marty's world news h.q. in moscow. it was the latest for you 1st then the european parliament's expected to vote later today on a resolution relating to the alleged poisoning of a russian opposition leader alexina valmy and while member states are reassessing their relations with moscow then the kremlin is urging them not to politicize the case saying a proper investigation is needed peter all of us in berlin let's see what's going to be coming up today the morning paper the attitude of e.u. states towards russia seems rather negative at the moment what's new way tell us
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more about this resolution that they're voting on then. right well they'll be voting later on thursday in the european parliament on a resolution to do with russia relations between e.u. member states and moscow what this resolution does is it calls on russia to cooperate with an investigation into what happened to alexina vali to provide immediate and full disclosure of the nova chuck chemical weapons program to the o.p.c. w that's the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons based in the hague in the netherlands and calls for an end to acts of harassment for against oppositions of the russian government the action from the e.u. it wants to see is further restrictive sanction measures against russia and russian officials also for the calling off the ending of the nord stream 2 gas pipeline
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project now on tuesday the e.u. high representative for foreign affairs yes that bottle that's basically the e.u. foreign minister was talking to any peace saying that that wasn't in the remit of the powers that the e.u. institutions had that would come down to the individual member states who were involved in the project to make that decision if they were to call it off or not but what we're hearing from the e.u. commission president is this well action against russia needs to be taken. and to those that advocates closer ties with russia i say that the poisoning of alexei navalny with an advanced chemical agent is not a one off. we have seen the pattern in georgia and in ukraine in syria insults vary and an election meddling around the world and this pattern is not changing and no pipeline will change that.
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for moscow still saying it can't launch an investigation into the claims made about poisoning the poisoning of alexei navalny without berlin presenting the evidence it has to back up the claims it's making when it comes to north stream 2 we've heard from dmitri peskov the kremlin spokes person saying that this was a commercial project and that it should be separate from any political and diplomatic disputes that are going on that message is pretty much being backed up by the e.u. by the russian permanent representative to the e.u. who said that the whole creation of the north stream 2 pipeline project which will pipe russian gas under the baltic sea from russia directly into germany came about because of german commercial needs for that gas and that those commercial needs still exist and therefore he expects the project to go ahead with the man at the center of all of this controversy alexina valley who remains here in berlin
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receiving treatment in the shot at a hospital is said to be in an improving condition earlier this week we were told that he's able to leave his bed for short periods of time this is after he was taken out of a medically induced coma last week his condition said said to be approving or i'd there's going to be looks like a tough day coming up a few hours time are expecting some news in our mouth then you have pete keep us posted we are all over berlin. a new survey has found that a significant number of young americans don't know very much about the holocaust during the 2nd world war the research was conducted in 50 states in found that among 18 to 39 year olds most don't know how many jews were murdered by the nazis or most a half of respondents could not name a single concentration camp but most troubling of all 11 percent blamed the jews themselves for the holocaust and were the majority of those surveyed did agree that it was important to learn about the holocaust to ensure it was never repeated and
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that holocaust education should be compulsory in schools we are showing people in new york what they'd learned about it in their history classes. millions of jews i mean if you start couple 1000000000. people died and i thought it was 3000000 i believe it was. even more 6000000 people. the exact hour but if. i do but i can't remember anything else. i was like. pretty big game day rate it's weird like now it's kind of like there's the conspiracy theorists that think it didn't happen. according to the people behind the survey the nazis and their collaborators set up over 40000 concentration camps and ghettos during the 2nd world war in auschwitz alone almost a 1000000 jews were murdered 2 thirds of europe's jews were killed in the holocaust well of course the expert mark showmen believes the u.s. education system that is failing students. the reality is the american
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americans generally american youth for young people in particular are ignorant about history and they get too much of their information from social media and that social media is full of holocaust deniers claim we get never happened saying the jews caused it and that's the general problem that exists with social media but generally it starts from the fact they just do not know history they take a perfunctory history classes in high school you know the average history teacher is called not called him mr history or history person or sir he's called coach because most history teachers in the united states have to coach a team and that's their primary responsibility is to coach basketball soccer whatever it may be and secondary they teach history and that's the reality of a history in the united states it's a national problem because it's impossible for people in my opinion to make political choices if they don't understand history and what came before that and
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what one of the causes of the violence but again it's not only the holocaust it's of course the american revolution the cold war make you a bet that if you asked people what the battle of stalingrad was in the united states these same kids about you know more than 5 percent would be able to answer that question in any sort of relative. smith sensible way. u.s. politicians are angry after it was revealed that an american company provided the technology used to shut down the internet during the disputed presidential election in belarus the firm has since terminated its contract with the by the russian government citing he would rights violations artie's don't court has got the story . an american tech company called san divine just joined the west's fingerpointing against the belorussian government according to an article from bloomberg it's decided to end its dealings with minsk over alleged human rights abuses this is a human rights violation and it has triggered the automatic terminations of r. and use the license agreement said mind takes human rights abuses very seriously.
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the use of technology to suppress the free flow of information resulting in human rights violations during last month's presidential election belarus's internet went down nationwide of course western politicians and the media were quick to blame minsk for the blackout. the powers that be in minsk deprive the public of their right to seek and receive information again breaking their obligations under international law as well as contravening their commitments this can have a direct impact on the well being of the citizens who are unable to learn the true state of what is taking place in the country on the other hand minced says a cyber attack caused the shutdown but what does san vine have to do with all this well despite conflicting reports of what exactly caused the shutdown there is no doubt the company was doing business with the belorussian government it specializes in internet censoring technology typically used to fight internet crimes but bloomberg revelation claims minsk used that same tech to block its internet traffic
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now the company's crying human rights abuses even though not too long ago a leaked conversation suggested its management didn't care much for playing politics we don't want to play world police we believe that each sovereign country should be allowed to set their own policy and what is allowed and what is not allowed in that country still the possibility that men skews american tech to advance its political agenda was enough to make us politicians cry foul over the involvement of one of their own firms it would be deeply troubling if american technology is being used by the us dictator of europe to block by the russians from using the internet as justice thousands peacefully protest a stolen election in brutal political wrists reports that technology from a us company is being used by the lucas shango regime to censor and restrict citizens access to the internet in belarus is troubling let's not forget the us has been slapping sanctions on bellerose since 2006 meaning in many cases american
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companies aren't really supposed to be selling to the belorussian government but that wasn't enough to stop san vine from trying to make a bit of money or a number of other companies for that matter so why are these firms concerned about human rights all of the sudden well good. question you know next coming up some news in brief spain 1st then where police unions riling against what they say is madrid in action over offices taking their own lives the protest also condemned the spanish prime minister for offering his condolences to the family of a terrorist the recently committed suicide imprisoned. in the u.s. state of oregon 800000 acres of land have been destroyed by wildfires what a mess there mass evacuations have seen tens of thousands of people flee the smoke and ash 8 people have reportedly died dozens of missing wildfires of ravage several western u.s. states this year causing record damage. focus on less force again what's happening
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there while asylum seekers have set up tenseness supermarkets throw out that greek island authorities are struggling to relocate them to a temporary camp the previous one was burnt down in a suspected arson attack police arrested for afghan migrants on suspicion of involvement in the incident. so far stage of the morning moscow time good morning after the break 2020 presidential hopeful joe biden fails to remember which war the veterans he's addressing 14 what's. your email. plasticity it enables us to get under the skin and to the negative effect on our mind in our body those same very
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mechanisms in the foreign ministry be good to the old resilience to promote flourishing. make noise you know borders just by nationalities. the summary be we don't look like the whole world needs to be. judged. 2 commentary classes please. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing a way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is grateful to respond. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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morning if you're just waking up the day goes good looking stick around for the next part of the program to take you through more the day's news next when joe biden and sending out mixed messages quite literally on the campaign trail the democratic presidential candidate was speaking in florida but his health care plans for veterans but unfortunately he failed to remember the name of the country they'd served in despite in effect having actually authorized personally the deadliest u.s. war of the 21st century it's straight. u.s. troops died in iraq and afghanistan. parliament iran's parliament voted to reject all americans and coalition forces in the country we tried it in in iraq is not working so now we're going to try i mean in iran and here's me we're trying to ukraine i mean you know someone who has been injured or lost in america
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rand paul let me tell you something coming week. it's not only biden his 1st venture rivals know for the odd gaffe or 2 to donald trump on wednesday explaining that the coronavirus could be defeated with herd mentality parity medical's immunity and in the run up to the 2016 election was called for a falsely claiming he opposed the iraq war it's that conflict that joe biden has been widely criticized for playing a key role in authorizing back in 2002 at the time he chaired the u.s. congress foreign relations committee and chose all 18 pro-war witnesses in the main congress hearings on iraq it later turned out the iraq leader saddam hussein neither had weapons of mass destruction or ties to al qaeda by conservative estimate more than 4500 u.s. soldiers and the same number of contractors lost their lives in the invasion there is what i'm saying there was no. one here.
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former u.s. marine corps intelligence officer scott ritter told the program he briefed joe biden on the absence of iraqi weapons of mass destruction but at the time was ridiculed. what is a big deal is joe biden's vote for the iraq war and i take it personally because i briefed joe biden in person he insulted me when i testified for the united states senate in those september of 1980 about iraqi weapons of mass destruction he'd be a little be a scouting boy he said people above my pay grade were making this decision that cetera and then he met with me in apologized and said he you know you know a lot we should talk about this in 2002 in the lead up to the vote on the war he as you mentioned he hosted a hearing and i did my darndest to become a witness for that hearing he ignored me. and it was very rude the way he did so
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and as you said he brought in more witnesses he stacked the deck it was a kangaroo court because joe biden wanted to go to war he always wanted to go to war any boated for that war that's what american veterans are going to hold him to account for the military is not a litmus test for american patriotism. but you can't run around and pretend that you are mr raw raw go go military when you are you know there's not a single non political combat veteran who is going to give joe biden a pass on this one joe biden has 0 credibility when it comes to talking about other military talk about war above all talking about sacrifice he literally has no credibility it doesn't resonate. the show does a covert testing of the u.k.'s lead teaches now to question the safety of reopening schools again peoples and stuff are among those struggling to get checked. the
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polls. it wasn't so long ago that seamier british politicians were promising that it was safe for children to finally go back to school i think the crucial thing is that pupils get back to school it's much much better for their for their health and mental wellbeing their jobs their educational prospects we've made it clear this is compulsory parents do need to be sending their children back to school all the scientific advice is that schools are safe it's only a few weeks into the new terminal ready those claims are coming unstuck one teaching union is warning that education secretary gavin williamson may face legal action because they say schools were opened without proper safeguards being put in place teachers a 1000 in the alarm but a chronic lack of testing facilities means that i'd occasionally england make way to a halt the staff and pupils are forced to stay home school managements have been doing everything they chant but the government has failed to do their side of things
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testing is impossible to get hold of social distancing isn't possible in fall class sizes i mean infection rates are going up so we have an absolutely chaotic situation where understandably and correctly pupils and staff are being sent home and they have potential sitting timbs but nobody knows if it's just a cold or coverage and it's a completely lost story and of course the danger is that there will be some situations where in fact we did have an infectious child in the sco but nobody knows because we can't get a test to check one way or the other facing the lack of testing more than 200 school and college leaders said staff and pupils couldn't book tests locally and were being directed to test centers long distances away and with the government mandating no more than 6 people to meet at a time that encouraging students to get back into the classroom your thirty's the knowledge that the whole situation is in quite some chaos every school has a small supply of home test kits for those. teachers that can't access
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a testing center teacher who tested positive had to wait a week for her results i don't deny that it is an enormous challenge with children and teachers unable to get access to tests and essentially being told to get to the back of the queue if they want one union need to say that the government has failed to prepare despite having had months to do so and fear of the country could go back into defacto lockdown once more children are being sent home who cannot get tests and parents are being forced to take 2 weeks off to look after them we will end up with an effective lockdown there is an escalating sense that they would end up with a return to lockdown by default it's not just with regards to the testing the schools are finding themselves short they also appear to lack the basic hygiene the city's nearly a 3rd of teachers didn't know if they'd have adequate supplies of soap and water while just 18 percent had had from the tides as in every classroom it's left parents to question how they supposed to feel that their children will be safe in
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school when teachers themselves don't seem all that convinced missions to keep schools open and that is clear but they have to be so violent and won't leave the farming since being back is that you know. i'm self-taught and it's as we. expect some traces vs think you stance with not reminding the average we need they need. and obviously we've been seeing these which that's what. it was supposed to be a campaign to support the u.s. military but a recently released ad by the trumpet ministrations been drawing attention for quite different reasons.
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does the 3 d. models like the airplanes and i take photographs i take pictures of people and composite them with other images what's funny about this one is that it features landscapes from many different countries the ground is from france the skies from russia and the mountains from greece upon closer inspection any experienced person could instantly tell that this is a compass it this is a stock image it's not something high quality if the trim campaign had come directly to me i would have created something far better somebody should be hired check these sorts of things especially is that on just russian soldiers and this image of a german soldiers in pretty much every soldier in the image is from a diff. country of course you have to know these things but even if you can't identify the make of plane you can definitely recognize the rifle. first one they didn't see the bit of trouble in a this morning it's 8 24 in the morning moscow time that's the way things are looking so far for the newsroom this thursday here at r.t. h.q.
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kevin i've been starting off an hour for me in the tame whatever you're up to today hope it goes well for you and have a super day. yes everybody's gaslighting everybody cooperations are gaslighting you central banks or gas mining you can't stand a gas line is you know that it's not pleasant it's rude it's downright rude to. look at the believe the queue sneer those who really can show you can. show that
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they can just be suitably. proud that i suppose you noticed us they have something that. you know none of the stupina bull episodes do no good to see you sure the go to sleep during your force wake would be near must of missed if not thoughts about spirits i didn't do it was more expedient then you know. stadia. show. for you to. sort of move to. the story keep your boat is.
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a mini list with a post. on the. last time we see. each one of them carrying 20 kilos 'd of. drugs see this 1st offense. blues that they just stepped right through. it's very real i mean. they have this is the this is for me. they like. me. i don't know maybe they'll get a make or. break right. now or.
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greetings. since the murder of george floyd and beyond the taylor cries for police reform have rarely been heard this loud in the united states of america and while small victories of law enforcement reform have taken place on local levels in cities like minneapolis ferguson and seattle on a national and federal level the needle of reform. it's barely moved why because even today many leaders and citizens across the country still question whether we even need to reform the police at all often using that that tired old oh
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it's just a few bad apples routine like senate majority leader mitch mcconnell the corporate job themselves who dusted off the bad apples excuse recently when discussing how city mayors need to really crack down on those protesters mcconnel observe that the police deserve our respect for doing a tough job that most of us would have wouldn't have the courage to take up but then he added that like in any organization you're going to have a few bad apples. yes bad apples. like the bad apples in rochester new york who killed 4141 year old daniel prude a black man who died in police custody while suffering a mental health crisis days after video footage was released showing officers putting a hood on him and pinning him to the ground. or about all those bad apples in salt lake city utah who slate now reports shot a 13 year old autistic child several times after his mother called 911 to get this
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ask for a crisis invention team intervention team to take him to the hospital during a mental health episode who by the way that autistic boy linden cameron he's a white boy. i wonder if box knew c.n.n. all those loudmouths security state punk and so the apologists will dive into his juvenile record looking for police violence justifications with the same zeal and zest they had when they did it to trayvon martin's history michael brown brown's history of tamir rice's history and speaking of kids falling victim to overzealous policing and the criminal zation of black children look no further than the treatment of 12 year old isaiah elliott of colorado springs who according to reason dot com was suspended for 5 days and had police visit his home after a teacher briefly saw him move a neon green toy gun around on his couch during a virtual.
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