tv The Alex Salmond Show RT September 17, 2020 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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it ties into scotland. there's a fantasy and the earth and wealth classic from the 3rd man will have character to flick that italy under the turmoil of the brave 30 years pick youth michelangelo leonardo da vinci and then a phone off i printed years of brotherly love and since then produced the character clock that's gone and having been banned by the porsche but has been moving through a period of fundamental cultural and political transformation and the key point is that these are exactly the kinds of change where art and artists often flooded alex in conversation with the wonderful yet it thing. general welcome to the alex salmond show gig to speak to you great to speak to you now i'm looking at you who said you seem to have a pretty fair enough to stick set up that would you use that your home is your you're made studio why does not work. this was the hostess create a big decision we we moved to lessen this post of teen years ago i started
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a plan basically to try to get me effectively open to the gallery system we decided we were going to try and maybe do it differently in order to do the same the speech so i did you up at the back of the garden and what we do is we used as hosts twice a year we have a formal exhibition here. where we sit in that usually there were basically people who interest in mo were able to come and see the paintings and the beauty of all that as i've discovered is that the scene the war within the context of a home rather than a and a gallery space which i always feel was a bit awkward people can come normally not just a lot don't always live on an ongoing basis and that's a good selection of everything i do and in all of the videos different facets of what we're looking good examples of just. on display really well it's. does it i
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believe in quarantine the stake in a family or just buy it from from a spade i'm wondering if we discount the global tragedy for a 2nd as is law for you sort of a plastic endeavor is that a benefit of being able to get peace and quiet to go on with your painting or are you like so many professions fade the whole thing a bit a bit difficult and challenging so you would imagine the lot during would have been a dream come true but the truth of it for me was i really struggled a really struggled so absent all of the other inputs all of the other stimulation i phoned the the get up in the morning go to the studio a phoned in heart and actually have. probably many people it forced me in the way and i had tasks a little equally hard questions. why am i am if this isn't.
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a dream come true. what am i as an artist. it was that it was an odd experience. as a consequence why i was able to do is to really use that same as it said to dig deep and what i did was a pushed into any area in trying to get some team and not been working with sculpture of the market in 3 dimensions i don't need a couple of what i think are really quite a short piece saw so that's been distorted of locked on for me the painting i can't do it every day i can do all day every day i can just. exhausts me so have a nice extra facet by extra thing that i could go to that was the thing that the balanced equation for me was let's talk about their bun started. as
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a painter i mean for scott's my generation and i don't think i was particularly lucky either fell the subjects like art or music for that matter got any sense of priority at school maybe a bit i was just one unlucky but all things so it was a unix period and you've been a teacher yourself of course things change you know as a binocular revolution to to put these these subjects for the forward than the chemical i'm sure think in the i think this is a difficult one when it comes to teaching art because you go you asked the question what is it you're teaching. and i suppose i could answer that by telling your story of who i was the head of artisanal which is college english school private school very academic and i argued the case successfully. art and music were an essential part an absolutely essential part of any any person any
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young person's school experience. the college went west but and the committee some some tame some money and all of me to go to a department so we really could have been a revolution is in our wishes we thought one still to be taught to hold a pencil besley hold the brush up we mix the pin up that we do this then do that then do this and injured us and it was astonishing with then there's a generation of kids lunatic a few years from it's no worked at what we were doing but that our generation of kids and their future were watching us and that we know what it should is like the old draw every single one of the mess whole nonsense of well she's good r. and he hasn't. we tripped up our completely with the rape train it. everybody can can can obtain the huns coke's no that isn't the same at the end of the date as
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being an artist you need that extra element and who do you. see that that's another question completely but my argument always course aleisha good 100 skills unless you have some means to express just. the keats of is a lot to worry novices cotton is produced great after some great musicians but it wouldn't have been the obvious committee of choice for a working class liar didn't settle scotland in the seventies and eighties when or what did you put in what was the reaction from your dad the the bobbins host called when you came home and said look the same geneva stuff know what i'm off to go has a good college of art but commit yourself what if you can sass the opposite sastre would have been the worst engineer in the won't i couldn't get mad at the for the force to mollify understood there are different brains there was in
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a room full of people who would open an ordering in and that a lot of the stuff i just couldn't get or so i should i apply with. syria with planning architects i'm planning on gloucester school and go except it's . and when back in said some i died i think it must be to others when the next house of his life that i don't mess with really speaking to them and he actually said or not that's the time except since you don't do turning country turning he said this is a big school fight when you quit your school. it was like a bomb going off i'm hopeful we'll then so race to get a portfolio together and was accepted by the taim. was almost through our school is thoroughly disillusioned i stood by the whole thing so i wanted to be a costar i decided. being smushing and enjoyed
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a book. the room for me was music and dedrick email our school had a record deal and i try really hard up for a way of and the name of your band old goodness here we go a band called volley and the week of wonder what's the greatest band never to comerica law school. and i mean isn't band actually but i'm just saying that your style janet was for example would be kind of the quick didn't she quietly and quick or spoke. very guitar based and open to towards the end of the tape almost towards a can of americana. as a signal good if it was st in m. recounts. and just the new greeks basically we would have been good the 1st open. which was a she was a shame your new book which i've seen in which
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a cable is sent via a copy off. bombs that the ultimate table top of. the people will be people doing interviews disincentives all over the world to do what that on the on the camera shot. to tell us of. so that the book well being this is something i've been trying to put together for for many years as a result exercise to rate yourself similar to biographical on a lot information came from me and basically was reshaped by our wonderful rates will go cold chain rates. but it's a position to exercise you've got you always think of yourself 'd in the pearson moment did you know. that's that's guy what did he do then what it do and then what happens. is at the point where i in terms of my moroccan in
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terms of literally or there should be a trickle more work and actually this is something that probably should harkens many years ago and it is the last game until a moment just over a year ago an introduction. a company called bill and then in glasgow. mummies and people and basically almost on the sport the sedes will do it for you and if i what they said was real different. they view it as a career hype kristie jj project for them. so as you see it will produce the best up salute the beautiful beautiful. highest quality 'd paper quality everything i said so it's a statement is a statement of in my 15th year this is where i am as an artist. and then traditionally actually even since that was published mentioned to the sculpture.
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that as an x. charts or so that's the way i feel a bit sad a 2nd lane or the sunday that's not what it was about the most evil happens next no one jerk to embalm say he was thinking about self as if he was deep i should say that means as if he was dead for the fields i don't know what all based nor deep all of that is very much alive and when you join us after the break we're going to go through some of the themes of mott the work of one of scotland's most famous office. knew that the belleville it is near the city really to show you. take the shoes chris would bring. to it that would that is supposed home video distressed by something that. you know none of us could be in
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a bull episodes didn't go to seem to skew cure the disease i think the slithering air force wave would be near my stuff mr with not that's a broad spirit i'd be doing was more sinister experiment done in the. stadia cruelty. shows to stress a sickly schumann's for you to post here to a pub iced to move a bit of willows wrestle unbelievable couldn't question a story could live say they were but what is. it. it's seemed wrong why don't we all just all. get to shape out just to become educated and in gains from it because the trail.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. new gold rush is underway and gonna. workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich is a good way out of those. children are torn between gold. my family was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. to welcome back in a special program marking the 6th anniversary of the scottish independence referendum alex is in conversation with top scottish artist jared burns. generally you know after you're spell teach ignorant and you got into being
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a not easily because these things are easy but but again to big a very notable and successful artist know something about amalie paintings were had religious themes some had the themes their own the salt of the national flag of scotland portion inspirational what were the ones that no major name as an artist the saltire is this is a theme which is which is and what works well and truly in my work but i remember the very 1st one i made and i've been asked to do its own more insane cold the rodent. which you'll know relics should equate to the view of the roman was a painting ended up in my office when i was 1st minister scotland because i happen to see it in a race course but there's a really interesting story behind that that paid to go and you go tell it tell it to when i asked you why the saltire. when i meet a painting i would probably just escape myself as being
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a political it wasn't intended to be a click statement basically. a lot of the solitaire because i'm scottish and as an artist you literal and same for things that hold your illusion for that thing that catches your eye again and again and everywhere i went in the war but ever so photographed the soldiers have just jumped so for me it was almost a case of can you believe can believe anybody as people are doing something with us so i decided i would make a spec painting with the whole tale so felt almost 80 percent of the canvas the crew in contemporary culture has quite a glossy. connotation quick dark connotation but in pictish culture because of this so that the core makes the troll crow which a lot since c.r.t.'s literally means hawk or to morrow so what you've got has that our leaders with an appeal to people see in the cold meat initially think
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there's something quite sinister but when you unpack it and when you tie in with the graffiti on the wall it takes on a completely new meaning that talk was intended there for fidelity and as a city you've got different generations within it and these are all elements in my paintings make pins in quick child of explored as of going on but in the road and it was the very forced paymah used to feed it and it was probably the very 1st thing a used anonymous boards with a symbolic 'd element was without intention so that i was basically a paid thing about hope which is why i like to saw. another 50000000 air live up what religious leaders have been you know the famous canvas of st john noble way for example a factor were your own pastoral religion and that expression of your art. i think i'm always drawn to stories and i was brought up. a catholic
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a very religious boy and. as a young adult i would have defamed myself of the logistics and my religious beliefs have changed. fief such on me at this point in the johnnie i can all go home to. the things that i believed when i was a younger man and that's the best there i can see a story of joy over this as his death who won so i decided to take but it was painted to be hung on a plane a school. to the point where the young man a boy makes quite quick different quick difficult decision and thus life choice to pick this up point at which he made a decision to become a religious person in which they were going to shape the rest of his life familiar religious paintings e.u. present religious figures historical figures at a modern setting so that was
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a deliberate choice of words and the figures would be recognisable from biblical stories of of a john ogilvy a. catholic martyr in scotland they. are presented that in modern day as a font of ordinary people. was fastened fascinated by the aspect of the obvious a deliberate choice of yours and contrasting for example where for now of me it's gotta be the house and the present says alexis figures very much were fatal back in the real or some of that they be you present them in modern settings what part of course of the game behind the change the context you change the stories received. there are a number of paintings. on the theme of the deposition christine taken don't from the tourists. and other that's nuts and quite seriously negative reactions to these things because almost and some respects trigger is blasphemous that's who can you
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depict traist really. really think about the story i'm in groups and of your own these these people and it becomes almost romantic trace being taken to improve the choice being taken to that shouldn't be a separate seem story in the streets a classical and you've got theories mates basically the money to go order the body and the hook limits history sick law school that changes the nuggets of profoundly stupid so we international prominence and what you're left with as the role the brutality. you're known as an outstanding portrait artist and one of your strafing exhibitions was in the calm of games and in glasgow in 2014 where you in 14 portraits of of various staffs now it is your 14 for 14 as it were.
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with i was lucky enough to be in the exhibition but i was also interested by the settings you gave some people could tell us about. the lenin the celtic manager because some of the background there and some of the the spirit of leather them to that and to that picture and of course the other celtic support yourself so when bigley hardship versus the patron celtic manager. he was a complex character and in fact. prop or simply of all the paintings are made that still remains one of the most controversial yet this man standing straight to camera but surrounded by this maelstrom of graffiti which one should understand all of it is there isn't probably milam still is the only one you can really unpack it because this was just the most often they are when she understand all of those leaders you get some sense of the man himself and one of your more
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recent very famous portraits of another sporting hero in scotland the weir which has caused something of a sensation when the party's own personal battles been featured on this on this program is very very much iconic forgotten skull tell us about that painter gosh it's just the most wonderful awesome continues even thinking about it. opportunities present themselves as a slightly convoluted story but basically i offered to make a painting of doherty. to help to raise funds for his foundation i think though it was a bit nervous uproot the idea initially all the confidence the radiates. it would be surprised to know the doubts there's about a front there i think he was quite nervous about it waiting to meet on. and the idea was that we were we would take the painting as
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a big big fundraising event in hong kong and my idea was that if we make this painting and we get rate will quote fund it will quote fund and whole coal and basically we're trying recent money sowing to meet already and he had really nor yet no idea of war be doing what is the portrait until so i had to kill him what i got was this amazing series of images of this this incredible man st tacoma and you can see in the call. you see peter peter i think in his eyes and you can see it but fear that more than anything because of the cause you can see his. historicism basically. the shortest part with a gorgeous soft borders landscape. i think it's one of the strongest paintings ever made up and i'm going all over myself to be a. month 6 year i think we did that for the rate reason we raised
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a fortune and we reached $150000.00 and so i think and sort of been saying and of course the bodies battle the famine the capture of the hearts of the nation and the rugby world and and to national and good luck to all the latest team of noticed in your work is of a bally versus a surprising the part of some amazing sit behind the scenes. course was behind the latest feed more for a few work. been working with dancers for years on officially. ballet dancers and a tech killer of our most amazing teachers. if you want if you will by the but yes they're open to you know how you look you have a nose going stand a state a few belly dancers they are just remarkable i got to go backstage for the rehearsal of a bali contraries just thinking mark willacy i may get something and it just
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absolutely blew me away and why i discovered to my amazement is i'm not really interested in the dunstan. more i'm interested in is that moment before the layoffs that slickly wway restitched looking from bucks t. h. and in most cases beyond a dancer who is just a bit to go on and perform and actually did something on radio scotland. 'd where we spoke about pins he's been fascinating and different perspectives he spoke about that he got that completely he spoke to our former beast he talked to grip the brutality of the performance piece the white hot heat of the performance based for us it's roll up my cheek it's full of grace for a dancer it's brutal tell above in your t.v.
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birthing success though in your career you know your paintings have in the galleries the national galleries and scotland but let me take you back to st aloysius when you're a teacher nurses say for the sake of argument one of the boys or girls came along as a police of thinking of a become an afterthought what would you say to that that youngster now what's your joke how do you get to come in your whole. practice practice practice practice. above the water scott was great to stop the strike is so much for joining me on the show my pleasure rather than a conventional cliff today we thought we would end this special show when scotland would have to be upright get it started according artists just sit by and not place a fight with what some people consider to be the most beautiful love song ever written robert burns is
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episodes didn't go to see you through the. during your force where you could be near must of missed me if not thoughts about spirits i didn't do it was more expedient then you know. stadia clue. for you to. sort of move. the story keep your boat is. just everybody's gaslighting everybody cooperations or gaslighting you central banks or gas mining you can understand gaslighting is you know that it's not pleasant it's rude it's downright read.
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as long as the small preparing to vote on a resolution on the alleged poisoning of alexina volley in the next couple of. peace call for sanctions against russia. his partners not to politicize the case where across. the survey finds most young americans don't know how many people died in the holocaust while a significant number even thought the jews are to blame we ask you your because they had been told. 1000000. people died i thought it was 3000000 i believe it was explained to us when an item or anything our. politicians.
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