tv News RT September 17, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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jumping to conclusions with little regard for the truth. european lawmakers resolution calling for tougher sanctions on russia. the nation's. opposition figurehead alexina. himself is claiming on social media he was poisoned in his hotel room in the. possible. new twist in a decade long brawl between russia and poland on the polish presidential plane.
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to russia. u.s. troops. u.s. presidential hopeful joe biden to recall the country he. military into. the world. view with. the european parliament's adopted a resolution calling for more sanctions to be slapped on russia in response to the alleged poisoning it made against the opposition figurehead alexina folly russia's foreign ministries responded by saying many politicians in the bloc are all to help
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a premature judgement before any due process has been conducted. the nature of the latest statements coming out of brussels makes us think that our western partners are not interested in stablish ing the truth we hope that common sense will prevail on the you in the end and our partners will dish the practice of arbitrary treating blame and will make conclusions based on real and confirmed facts the informant artie's peter all over has more on today's vote in the european parliament on the ramifications of it 532 m. e p's voting in favor of this resolution 84 'd against with 72 abstentions what it could result in a is asset freezes travel bans and other sanctions against those that are featured in alexei navalny zante corruption videos could also lead to they also want to see an international probe into what happened to alexa in the valley when they talk about an international probe that's including the united nations the european union
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the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and others all to be on side with that and it talks about blocking the construction of nord stream to the gas pipeline that takes russian gas or will take russian gas under the baltic sea directly into germany earlier this week we heard from u.s. it bottled the e.u. high representative for foreign affairs saying that wasn't within the remit of the e.u. institutions to do he said it would be up to the individual member states that are involved in the project if they were to council out call it off block it in any way or just temporarily suspend it however we have heard from the e.u. commission president saying now is the time for action and to those that advocates closer ties with russia i say that the poisoning of alexei navalny with an advanced chemical agent is not
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a one off. we have seen the pattern angela and then ukraine and syria and south ferry and then election meddling around the world and this pattern is not changing and no pipeline will change that well moscow is still saying berland must share with them the evidence that is behind the claims alexei navalny was poisoned asserting it and we consider any talk about how proper it would be to name the sanctions regime after in a valley to be a brazen attempt to imbue the new the restrictions with obviously anti russian tendencies and all these companies are offering us to berlin to try to investigate what happened or ignore it under some made of pretexts the kremlin spokesperson dmitri press corps was also talking about nord stream too he says it's a purely commercial project and shouldn't be tied to anything political or diplomatic that's ongoing there was a similar feeling from russia's permanent representative to the european union he
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said that the north stream 2 pipeline project came about because of the european union and in particular germany's need for gas a commercial need for that gas that still exists and that's why in his opinion it's all they know stream to pipeline would go ahead of being planned well alexina valley the man at the center of all of this and his alleged poisoning is said to be recovering in the hospital he's still being treated out here in berlin earlier this week we heard from the hospital saying that he was now able to leave his bed for short periods of time and we spoke to german m.e.p. maximillian crocker who took part in today's vote and he believes what we're seeing is part of a wider political strategy targeting russia. no one of ticked off the members of parliament who today. voted in favor of sanctions has seen any evidence. for a for a campaign or for
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a political way if you don't need that evidence at least not in the european parliament so i don't expect that you get that evidence but the same people who say we don't give you the evidence will tell you we have we expect from russia to investigate it was absolutely clear that this is another chance to to push at the end russian agenda i followed it debate especially concerning all 3 and 2 in the european american parliamentary delegation are. always when we meet ask the u.s. ambassador wyden the illegal 3rd party sanctions and the answer is always the same our government will do everything it can to stop that project and if you have a clear goal to stop a project then you take every possibility you get to do so and of course that unclear or incident it occurred with miss on
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a bonnie is such an opportunity to push the own again and so it was clear from the beginning that this chance would be used. today sitting of the european parliament also touched upon the situation in belarus and the fallout from the country's disputed election the belarus opposition coordination council was welcomed into this session as well with your reaction by later. so action about the who's conscious and covering from his suspected poisoning has been posting on instagram but what he believes happened to him according to a new. accompanying text the water bottle with a trace of banaba chalk nerve agent was found in his hotel room in the city of told his colleagues say they took the bottle as evidence just an hour after and about
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lee's alleged poisoning came to light r t z l of has been looking at the allegations this is it amateur footage shot in election of ali's room according to his supporters about an hour after the russian opposition figure started showing the 1st symptoms of the poisoning and the 1st thing that jumps at the view or is that all these people in the room normally it is advised to wear more protective gear to protect oneself from colvin and this here they will potentially dealing with a military grade nerve agent and look at that only some of them wearing as much as late exe gloves many people in the room aren't wearing anything and they are saying that at that time they were dealing with no be chock one of the most deadliest nerve agents out there in the world there was no specific hope of finding anything like that but since it was absolutely clear to us that the valley was not just slightly ill and didn't have heat stroke it was decided to stick everything that
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could be hypothetically useful in some way and pass it over to the doctors in germany 2 weeks later the german laboratory found traces of novacek on the bottle from the tomsk room and then 2 more liberties that took tests from alexy confirms that novelli was poisoned with it now we understand this was done before he left his room to go to the airport. this video seems to raise more questions than provide answers 1st and foremost how that particular bottle and all the this evidence all these things were transferred from moscow to berlin there have been some unconfirmed reports that apparently a special rescue plane took alexina valley's belongings from that room to berlin for instance selection of only could simply choose not to drink from anything provided by the many by his hotel i mean there was there was up to up to him there were 3 bottles in the video you can see that the right least 3 separate bottles and
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election of chose to drink from that particular one also there were no guarantees that somebody else from election of oni's unto raj wouldn't drink from that bottle and so the alleged perpetrator the potential perpetrator could end up with a whole heap of bodies when it comes to the bottle all that we know is that it was released with with this with this agent but mind that there are several agents that nobody is a family it's not one particular like a drug or anything it's a deadly nerve agent but in fact it's a group of 7 binary chemical weapons so they're different they work differently some of them work slower than others some work rapidly can take up as little as 30 seconds for a person to show 1st symptoms of not feeling well after being poisoned with no recheck other circular avro the foreign ministry has already praised russian doctors because it was the russian medics who who provided election of ali with 1st
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aid to some of our western colleagues wrote that in the valley was saved by a miracle allegedly it was this new tourist nova chuck with a russian citizen managed to survive thanks to a happy coincidence what is this happy coincidence as you say the impeccable work of our pilots doctors and paramedics is presented as a lucky coincidence if they don't even admit that we act. it in a proper way if you will but this family of novi truck nerve agents got into public spotlight during the events in salzburg during the alleged poisoning of sergei scruple and his daughter and what jumps out is the striking difference as to how the investigators in the u.k. handled that situation and the supporters of election of ali just to look at the protective gear worn by the investigators in the u.k. to the right and while literally almost nothing when it comes to people who were dealing with a potentially even deadly nerve agent in the russian city of tomsk i'm talking
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about the supporters of alexy in the valley of course people are wearing more protective gear to defend themselves against covert and here they're dealing again with a potentially military grade nerve agent so hopefully down the line as the investigation goes on all these questions will be answered. ses it won't extradite to poland 3 earth traffic controllers who are working on the day of the polish president's fatal plane crash in $22.00 and a kremlin spokesperson said the move would not be permitted under russian law it comes after an investigative group from the polish prosecutor's general's office applied to get a court motion of the russian citizens temporarily arrested. the charges against the air traffic controllers concerned the deliberate provocation of a plane crash resulting in the deaths of many people. the tragedy happened in the
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approval 2010 in western russia where the polish president was heading for an official visit the plane crashed while trying to land a maid fog and generally poor weather conditions all those on board including the president's wife and other senior polish officials on citizens were killed separate investigations by both russia and poland came to similar conclusions not the actions of the pilots ultimately led to the crash however later warsaw said serious mistakes were made by her traffic controllers to do. in fact in 2017 polish prosecutors accused those russian or traffic controllers of deliberately causing the crime then a 2nd polish commission claimed there was an explosion on board before the plane hit the ground director of the crisis research center mark almond believes politics still plays a central role in the long running case. this
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. theory dramatic development that only. exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. hello again the european parliament has been chewing over the situation in belarus the e.u. also welcomed the belorussian opposition coordination consul and demanded a fresh election take place but brussels is in no position to call the shots and says mediation is the only option our senior correspondent picks up the story. what
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they recommend is that the european union the heads of states the european council seriously consider sanctions against the russian president alexander lukashenko sanctions against those who supported him those who continue to support him even sanctions against russian officials and citizens who they believe supported president they've also determined that the election was unfair they don't recognize his legitimacy and once his term is up they will no longer recognize him as the legitimate president of better of saying that the elections that took place in august in belarus happened in flagrant violation of the laws electoral laws and international norms moreover they have decided to recognize the opposite opposition coordination council committee as the representatives of the better russian people which may seem odd because most of its members original members have fled the country one maria kolesnik of a is in jail here and in minsk and she is being accused and charged with
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trying to seize power and destabilize the u.s. for the nevertheless the european parliament has recommended that the european council recognize the year coordination council as the legitimate representative body temporary body of the better russian people of the council itself the committee has stated very goals from deposing of the president president bush and co to merely organizing new elections lithuania by the way had previously also recognized the north of one of the rivals running against president lukashenko during the election as the legitimate representative of the better russian people and as a as was mentioned earlier you know protests still continuing we see on the weekends thousands upon thousands of people marching down the streets of minsk chanting for the president president hu to reside but we've also seen someone. slow down there
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are less and less spontaneous protest during the during the week this week there have been hardly any. public trite the good guys the by the opposition yesterday was a failure they called the people and businesses that shut down for people to not go to work that was only about a dozen people joined into this walkout joined into this protest so you know there is there is a market slowdown in this protest mood in belarus. well let's welcome onto the program now author unless martin mccauley martin always good to see you the european commission president essentially lashed out at rush over its alleged interference in other country's affairs but at the same time martin the e.u.'s calling for a fresh election in belarus on this quite forwardly bucking the opposition council . yes the european commission is and has decided that you support
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gore did encourage will perhaps period. as the proper representative of the girl russian people. that's all they can say they can say that a traditional russian and so on but they don't have the power to intervene then these are only words there from the parliament you know the european commission kind of like make statements like this and criticize russia pretty putin. saying that publicly that when looking at president putin in sochi the other day. the better rouge as well were granted a loan of $1500000000.00 to keep the state going to pay for all. of the police the security officials and the military and so on and so the european commission would regard that as interference but from what if you
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a bill or russian that's not in the news that's one country helping the other and they told the bush lot of states and their fleet of a brother who between 2 and new should kill knew that if he can find the money to pay the security officials the. military and the police then he can he heard or said to me to stay in power because if you look at the pictures of the security police really are going put demonstrated so on the not pulling back and therefore they believe that it's going to stay is the easiest official recognition to think of the opposition council some sort of defining moment i would put it to along the lines of washington's recognition of one kaleido as venice will as president do you see any kind of links there. there's a patent now because one guy do is recognized by the united states brazil
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most of the e.u. states really britain france germany as a legitimate president was that israel are. still in power in caracas i'm a do or accuse the united states of tempting a coup d'etat earlier this year apparently the americans bribed certain very high level officials the government services and the military. under the last moment to change their lives and that's why the kook who failed. that's the only situation will do it and knows that he has enough money to pay for his security services and the militants on because they're paid in venezuelan boulevards which is a very weak currency within a very very favorable exchange in the us dollars so they do very well indeed for
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a long as venezuela and going to do and will do or has money he can keep going and lugar schenkel will then look at the door and say well he's still in power he's got the money he can get international loans china russia and other countries i've known him a lot of money russia now known me money i can pay the security services and the military and there's no reason why they should change their rights well that's a situation will be closely following indeed martin thank you very much martin mccauley author and russia analyst live on the program. again. he's been called out for frequently making gaffes on the campaign trail and night joe biden's confuse their run iraq when talking to veterans about where they had fought and battle. u.s. troops die in a room in afghanistan. parliament iran's parliament voted to reject all americans and coalition forces from the country we tried to do in iraq is not working so now
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we're going to try to meet in iran and scuse me we tried to ukraine i mean you know someone who has been injured or lost to america right. now let me tell you something. we. particular conflict in iraq which joe biden has been widely criticized for playing a key role in or theorizing back in 2003 at the time he chaired the u.s. congress foreign relations committee and chose all 18 pro-war witnesses in the main hearings on iraq if they are turned out of the iraqi leader saddam hussein neither had weapons of mass destruction or is to al qaida by a conservative estimate more than 4500 u.s. soldiers in the same number of contractors lost their lives in the invasion. well former u.s. marine corps intelligence officer scott ritter was on the program earlier he ses he was ridiculed for briefing joe biden about the absence of any wm days in iraq. what
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is a big deal is joe biden's vote for the iraq war and i take it personally because i briefed joe biden in person you know he insulted me when i testified for the united states senate in those september of 1908 about iraq and weapons of mass destruction he'd be a little be a scouting boy he said people above my pay grade were making this decision that cetera and then he met with me and apologized and said he you know you know a lot we should talk about this in 2002 in the lead up to the vote on the war he as you mentioned he hosted a hearing and i did my darndest to become a witness for that hearing he ignored me. and it was very rude the way he did so and as you said he brought in more witnesses he stacked the deck it was a kangaroo court because joe biden wanted to go to war he always wanted to go to war any boated for that war that's what american veterans are going to hold him to
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account for the military is not a litmus test for american patriotism. but you can't run around and pretend that you are mr raw raw google military when you are you know there's not a single non political combat veteran who is going to give joe biden a pass on this one joe biden has 0 credibility when it comes to talking about of the military talking about war above all talking about sacrifice he literally has no credibility it doesn't resonate. now a new survey has fun there's a stunning lack of knowledge about the horrors of the holocaust among young americans the research was conducted in all 50 states and find among 18 to 39 year olds most don't know millions of jews were murdered by the nazis almost half couldn't name a single concentration camp while the 11 percent believe the jews themselves are behind it. however
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a majority did agree it was important to learn about the event to ensure it's never repeated and that holocaust education should be compulsory we asked young people in new york what they had learned in their history classes. couple 1000000000. people died and i thought it was 3000000 i believe. that i were 6 people. the exact number but it. was like. pretty big day right it's weird like now it's kind of like there's the conspiracy theorists that think it didn't happen. well let's do a summary and nazis on their collaborators send up more than 40000 concentration camps and ghettos during the 2nd world war in auschwitz alone and almost a 1000000 jewish people were slaughtered while 2 thirds of all of europe's jews were wiped out holocaust expert mark schulman believes the u.s.
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education system is feeling students. the reality is the american americans generally american youth or young people in particular are ignorant about history and they get too much of their information from social media and that social media is full of holocaust deniers claiming it never happened saying the jews caused it and that's a general problem that exists with social media but generally it starts in the fact they just do not know history they take perfunctory history classes in high school you know the average history teacher is called not called him mr history or history person or so he's called coach because most history teachers in the united states have to coach a team and that's their primary responsibility is to coach basketball soccer whatever it might be and secondary they teach history and that's the reality of the history of the united states it's a national problem because it's impossible for people in my opinion to make political choices if they don't understand history and what came before that and
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what what are the causes of events but again it's not only the holocaust was the american revolution the cold war make you bet that if you asked people what the battle of stalingrad was in the united states the scream kids about you know more than 5 percent would be able to answer that question in any sort of relative smith sensible way mark schulman or we're all sent across to some more great programs in moments find out what is showing where you are today after a quick look at what's ahead on our team to national this week. israel media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led to. direct. what is truth what's his fate. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or inmate in the shallowness. of philistines. look for a moment. to
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