tv Politicking RT September 18, 2020 5:30pm-5:58pm EDT
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one of the feet president trump to run through the tape here and play to the last seconds of the game and so i don't think there could be any let up. mr trump is a formidable guy. how could anyone still be undecided that's a good question but you know there's a 50 by my grandfather had a great expression about polling there's 15 feet between you waiting and the polling booth at least that's what it used to be in new york and it's in those last 15 feet were some people make their decisions and oftentimes their workers or their low information voters are not as focused on it as you and i are and apparently according to rachel by coffer who's a pretty talented pollster there's still about 6 and a half percent of the american electorate that's undecided about the election there's a believable bob woodward's new book revealing that trump knew how serious covert
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19 was and didn't reveal it what do you make of that. well i have the book here on my desk i finished reading that book last night. it's a it's a pretty damning book obviously the recordings of the president or hurtful as well but i think you know of bob 7750 plus years as the investigative journalist he finishes the book by basically saying a distillation of his interviews and his fact finding the president is not fit donald trump doesn't have the right personality for that office and so i think that's something that i believe it's something that jim mattis believes general kelly believes rex tillerson believes h.r. mcmaster is coming out with a book next week on sure we should try to get him on politicking i mean he's got a lot to say about this as well you've got a circle of sycophants around the president now that will probably do and say whatever he wants but if you just look at his decision making and you look at the
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bella casa de of his rhetoric and you look at the impetuosity of what he's doing i think is very very dangerous and i think that responsible people that i work for him it's miles taylor at the department of homeland security people like myself or at least trying to offer a patriotic warning to our fellow citizens i know him for 40 years i still can't figure out can you get all i did he call woodward widely speak with woodward more of them a dozen times knowing what words passed. well i think it's the same way you would speak to larry king you know i mean you you had the highest rated show on c.n.n. i think forever frankly and that tracks president trump it he's somebody that struck by stars bob woodward is the investigative journalist of record frankly
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for 9 presidents and what was fascinating about the book if you read it larry it wasn't bob woodward just initializing the calls of the president gave bob woodward his cell phone number and he was also calling bob woodward late into the evening at his home to talk with him so it was a total of 18 times approximately 18 hours worth of interviews. and you know it's literally like the president created his own october surprise on himself and he had tapes and the tapes have to be of him self and he turned them over to bob woodward that's what it actually reads like and that's what it looks like he also told bob woodward that he does not on the stem the anger and pain of black americans he feels no responsibility for it no association then that surprise you or not. it did surprise me because he lived here in new york like you lived in
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brooklyn and i lived out here on long island and it just demonstrates a lack of empathy or a lack of feeling for other human beings and you know he does admit to woodward though that he does believe that there is systemic racism he's just a bit callous about the effect that it has on communities have what it has on families. priest police brutality and prison sentences frankly i mean you know listen i mean it's been a disaster in the last 6 months for a number of different reasons well let's just talk candidly to lead to viewers the president has mishandled the. pandemic the president has lied about the science related to the pandemic the president has politicized things like mass wearing which we know if we follow those protocols that have been followed in europe and asia we would have had less fatalities less the number of cases remember we're tracking at about $600.00 cases per 1000000 and in south korea they're tracking in
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about 20 cases per 1000000 so this has been a unmitigated disaster for the president and it's hobbled the economy and so these are the reasons why i think he's going to lose that proverbial question are you better off than you were 4 years ago even those the undecided voters they get 15 feet closer that polling booth they recognize that they're not better off and i think we'll switch jockeys here like americans have done over the last 100 years when we've gone into recessions like this are you surprised that he reportedly had a military cemetery called the losers and suckers. i am not surprised by that and i and i have said that you know i was on the campaign plane with the president and i was telling him about my trip to afghanistan and a trip that i took to iraq for troop support mission purposes and he looked
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incredulous to me he was like you know why would you do that and he had that sort of philosophical opinion related to the troops and so i think it's very telling i think it's very telling that. general kelly has not been asked to issue a statement moreover when jeff mason the white house correspondent asked the president 2 weeks ago well why don't you have general kelly issue a statement he was with you the whole time if what you're saying is not true let's have general kelly issue a statement of course the president said no way to that because you know that the general would tell the truth that what the president is reported to be saying is just the tip of the iceberg of what he's actually said and so what he did was he went out and got 15 sycophants who were directly associated with the story to lie on his behalf and so that's where we are right now but he does feel that way about
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the troops you can ask michael cohen you're going to ask. anybody close to him over the last 10 years about his feelings about people that serve in the military you and i both know he's a transactional ist and he doesn't see money associated with that type of service and so that's one of the reasons why he's turned off. do you do you find him easy just lies easily. arwa larry you know i'm a long period of time you know he was lying on your show 20 years ago easily he said 22000 lies you know there was one moment which i think i may have expressed to you but i know it's worth repeating we were preparing something for me i was only in the white house 11 days were preparing something for him we told them the number was 86 percent he walked into the rose garden and said well 90 percent of the such and such and then he came back in and we looked at him like why did you
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say 90 percent it was it was 86 percent up you know 90 percent sounded better and so he's done that his whole life there's a pathology to that i think he laughs at the fact that he gets away with so much and he's able to double and triple down on his lies moreover i think some of these sycophants in the news media i know we laughed about them i've seen him do that he ridicules the people that are so in the tank for him frankly so yes you and i both know that he's a sociopathic liar and it's been proven you know just by documenting what he's saying on a daily basis. you originally said that a vote for joe biden will save the republican party how. well i think the party has been captured by the personality cult of donald trump and a lot of these former republicans have been morphed into trump this and so if you
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really follow the principles the longstanding principles of the party dating back to link in passing through people like eisenhower and reagan the president clearly is not a republican by the brand of republicanism and so we have a very big schism in the party right now if the president is reelected he's going to to new to narrow down the part that party is aging demographic it's a group of people that are frankly buying catheters on fox news commercial breaks no offense to the age the mom and i'm over 55 myself but i do think that that is not where we need to go as a republican party we need to expand the tent we need to include those people for sure but we need to expand the tent of the republican party demographically across . income strata and we need to have that party be looking more like the american people a more colorful mosaic of american people that can't be a are
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a party of aging white people larry why did you join his administration. well you know listen i think that's one of my flaws i joined the administration because i was a lifelong republican i had worked for jeb bush i transitioned over to work for the republican nominee as i thought most people would be willing to do you had a choice between secretary clinton and donald trump i was a republican so i went to go work as campaign when he was on. i was on his transition team i was originally slated to be the o.p.l. director of the office of public liaison but steve benen writes priebus blocked that job on me i called president trump and said hey those guys are bad guys if you if you ever want to get rid of them and you need my help just give me a call come down and i'll do it and so he did he called me in mid july and told me
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i was right about then he asked me to come work for him the just give me a call come down and i'll do it and so he did he called me in mid july and told me that i was right about then he asked me to come work for him the communications directors job was open and so he gave me that job and that's my shortcoming larry i have to own that. i allowed my pride in my ego to cause me to make irrational judgment on the situation and so what i tell younger people when i talk about that decision if you put your decision making your emotions go up when you're in that was the case for me. i've become very good friends with general kelly so there's a silver. we're right back with more power. than
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ability. to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability. of the time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability just being done far away various. companies want us to feel good about products while the damage is being done far away and any minute i'm. back with anthony scaramucci former communications director for brief time in the republican administration now actively seeking to defeat don.
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well lincoln project the republicans for biden house are advertising these are very hard. and i think that there. renton president trumps mine because he's viciously attacking them on twitter which means he's occupied by them i think he also they also cause the trump campaign to spend over a $1000000.00 in the d.c. market to play trump advertising during fox news programming in prime time so they're they're doing a number on trump in terms of pushing back on the false hoods of his narrative about his presidency and i think that they are expanding the voter registration drive that's been done at the lincoln project has been legendary and i think that's
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all to believe where this is going to shake out remember you've got a $1.00 to $1.00 advantage democratic registrations over republicans the president has not done a good job of expanding red registrations over the last 3 years these guys were schmeiser sted in the midterm elections and 2018 they're about to get chalak here in 2020 and the lincoln project has been a very big part of that i think they're doing quite well what happens to the party if trump loses well i think good things will happen to the party i think that this will be a reckoning very similar to the nixon ford departure in the mid seventy's and i think it will offer the party an opportunity to heal from the schism or you believe this is a worse schism than the 1976 ford reagan schism and i think if the party works towards expanding the tent which i predict it will once the personality cult dies
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off i'm a big believer would david frum the former george bush speechwriter has said about this party once the personality cope earns off people will forget that they were even supporting president trump and hopefully we can read at the party in something more formidable like reagan did in 1900. do you think that as a so-called trump supporter that we don't know about that is lying to the polls. well i think the polls have got a lot smarter remember these polls are interested and i think they've built in what they thought were the secret trump supporters and 16 and they have feathered those people into trump's support in terms of the way the polls are now currently demarcated so i don't think so the way there once was i know the president that's his narrative he lives in his own reality distortion field so he probably needs to believe that but i don't believe that if you ask the polars today those polls are
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way more sophisticated and they are calibrated for what you and i would to describe as a secret from supporter or a hidden trump supporter how well well if not well will he take defeat. why i think he's a coward i mean at the end of the day all of this nonsense about him staying on after he's defeated is a bunch of nonsense and so you don't have this sort of overcompensation of bullying in all of this blustering and this bella casa de if you're sort of a stand up sort of a guy so he'll get defeated he'll be a 1000000 aided and he will leave unceremoniously but he is certainly leaving the white house you know the secret service and the marines have already talked about who's going to be the one peeling a matter of the air if he if he if he begins a process of resistance willy's say it was rigged
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well he's already saying that it's rigged last so i yes of course if he wins it's not rigged and if the other guy wins it's rigged he was saying a 3 or 4 days prior to the 2016 campaign that it was rigged and he's saying right now on his twitter feed that this is rigged and the only way that he could lose this election is if it's rigged so course he's going to say that. and he and biden are going to debate the 29th in cleveland what do you expect from that. well i think the vice president is on a very good job of ignoring the president's barbs as a result of which none of these nicknames or no the nonsense that the president the ploy in 2016 is really landed a poncho on the vice president and i think the vice president in a one on one setting is
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a formidable debater we could go back to the paul ryan debate in 2012 we could go to the the debates that he had with sarah palin in 2008 or we could look at the bernie sanders the more current debates the bird sanders debates that he had as recently as march of this year and one on one he does a very good job he was having difficulty in my opinion when you had 6 or 7 people on stage and he was trying to break through i think that was a harder harder debating format for him but one on one i think he's going to surprise piece something which is a top. the vice. and all this sort of and so he's decidedly lowered. the vice president's incompetence or his slogan is that all this sort of stuff and so he's decided debates for the vice secure a pledge that
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a 6 between trump and roger stone that that would be because i don't think that that would be acceptable to mike pence but if you read michael's book i went and then he would resign shortly prior to the end of the term so that the 1st woman president and then. i definitely think as you know from mr trump's unpredictable behavior and his recklessness and his wrists taking these are things that people have to consider you can't say oh no way that's going to happen because he's he's he's put everybody at least in the media in that unbelievable situation where everybody says ok wait a minute that's unbelievable how could that be apennine so anything could happen with him but i don't think mike pence given how well i know him and what his character traits or that he would find that acceptable but that would certainly be something that would be on mr trump's radar screen as mike been tense been kind of a lapdog through all of this it's almost we sort of seen standing there always
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nodding in agreement do you believe you agree is with president trump that much you know listen i don't believe that i that the let the vice president speak for himself i genuinely like mike pence i think he's a good person i think he's put in a very difficult situation with president trump and you know he's been loyal for in my opinion to a fault but i also understand why he's been that way there are certain people inside the administration that are safe pairs of hands if you will and are very competent and some of them have had to co-opt their behavior and personality to help keep the the administration on the equilibrium and so i had tribute some of. what's going on in the positive side of the administration to mike. do you expect any more major republicans to come forward before november 3rd and
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support biden. so if you're saying aleck to republicans i think that that's less likely if you're saying everything about former trump cabinet officials senior cabinet officials i think that is likely we will see cabinet level and sub-cabinet level people coming out over the next couple of weeks remember there was a book written by somebody so-called anonymous who has promised to come out in october and explain who they are what they are and why they wrote that book and so i think that's coming as well and so yes i think that responsible patriotic americans who have worked with this man that know how psychologically unfit he is for the job and understand his intellectual of acuity are going to speak out
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i think that like i said they have a patriotic duty of their fellow americans to explain the danger. do you think there's any possibility we know you doesn't like him maybe can't even stand i'm a president george w. bush would come forward. well i know that there are people in the republican party let's say former a stablish many people that are hoping that that would happen and of course if that did happen it would be a fairly formidable blow to president trump because remember what steve bannon said larry if you can just hive off 3 to 5 percent of the republican electorate it's over for president he is a unpopular president he didn't win the popular vote in 2016 his party wish my state in 2018 and his only numbers that are above 50 percent or the disapproval of his job performance and how he's handled the cove in 1000 crisis so
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he's never ticked a number that's positive on his behalf above 50 percent. we're almost out of time what do you think trump will do if he loses will he stay in public life is going to do. i think he retreats from public life if he loses i think there are a the loss will be a 1000000 for him he will have been a one term presidential failure and i think will be very hard to start a trump t.v. or degenerate at these rallies and remember you know what happens when the power's gone the dimmer switch hits the the light bulb and it's going from 100 watts down to 5 and so i think he retreats into ignominy if you will. and then to me always great talking with you thanks for your time the same here yeah appreciate being on it's always an honor to be on with you. and thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking you can join the facebook
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join my conversation on the facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking. at the bo diddley kiss near the city really to show you. take you just this week but. with that i suppose you noticed us so. you know none of us trippin or bull episodes didn't go to see your. sneer during your force where you could be near my stuff mister if not thoughts about spirits i didn't do it was more sinister experiment done in the. stadia.
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shows the stress of school issuance for you to post to a pub ice to move. to a store to listen they were but what is. ringback ringback going to last 3 presidential election cycles there is clear evidence voters are attracted to the message of not interventionism and are very weary of foreign wars this most certainly trump in 2065 his time in office is spotty at best now just by being appears to embrace the same form as bush and obama i guess nothing will fundamentally change. i.
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being. sent back and forth left in limbo between berlin on the international a chemical weapons watchdog searches for any information only alleges poisoning of alexina bali so far without success with. several times they say talked about. german regions crawly follow calls including from the news talk to ditch the nord stream to get pipeline project locals.
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