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tv   News  RT  September 19, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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now well. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm show business i'll see you then. headlines this weekend europe scrambles to deal with a rapid surging coronavirus cases with spain becoming the latest nation to reimpose . well government's. new restrictions ahead of the flu season. stories german regions involved in the north string gas pipeline project reject mounting calls to scrap it as locals in one poll that's threatened with the u.s. sanctions over the russian energy link strike if.
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it's really. the united states is trying to manipulate german long some european interests so the interests come out on top. of what he brands left wing propaganda and u.s. universities claiming course is looking at racial inequality filing riots and mayhem on the streets of america i guess coming up the debate whether or not that's really. all i really really read the only thing that it does is it gives people of color an excuse to try. this idea of color. very good morning my name is kevin oh and this is arts international life my worldview. is just none of the morning this saturday here for the next 30 minutes
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then let me take you through our top stories 1st this hour the ukase admitted that a 2nd coronavirus wave is now inevitable and appears to be hinting that maybe a 2nd nationwide could be on its way in one form or other it comes to spain one of the worst affected countries in europe moves to reimpose a partial lockdown in the capital madrid or elsewhere on the continent countries are seeing record infection infection rates easterly picks up the story. thought health organizations latest coronavirus claims make for green reading it reports that weekly cases of course europe and are higher than during the pandemic speak this of them occasional however should serve as a make up call for all of us. old dog these numbers reflect more of competence if this thing it also shows a lot of ingrates oftens mission across the region fear of p. and center for disease prevention and control agrees that while more testing played
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a part in these high figures it's not the only reason why the increased testing contributes to better awareness of all ongoing transmission it is not the only reason for the increase of covert 1000 cases which is also linked to the relaxation of physical distancing and other preventive measures while the united nations mall the prospects of reintroducing tough new measures here in the u.k. localised restrictions have been put in place in different regions of the country meaning more than 10000000 brits are now effectively in a new form of lockdown the north east of england is the latest to have restrictions 300 residents should not socialise with other people outside their own households all support double. hospitality for food and drink will be restricted to table service only and late night restrictions of operating hours will be introduced so leisure and entertainment venues must close between 10 pm and 5 how we can tell our system is a joke the whites work in to get tested every week the government spoke of doing so
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much but the next you know i think everyone's under strain right now because of the crisis but there should be more support. within the communities because a lot of people really are struggling i love the time able to come out of their houses to get test prep might be swayed into government you need to be well organized and do need to provide more testing centers would have done it was going to be the going out incident popping up on the wall of the u.k. government has spent the last couple of months focusing on more localized measures reports of can. system they've been looking at a nationwide law could be reinforced once more british health secretary hadn't done anything to back away those rumors the last line of defense is full national action and i don't want to see that but we will do whatever is necessary to keep people safe in a very difficult pandemic across the channel france has broken its own record for cases in one day with over 10 and a half 1000 rights up in a single 24 hour period and the country's prime minister has been criticized in
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some quarters for suggesting that everyone would just have to learn to live with the virus he's also now being sued by kobe survivors and relatives of the victims for the way the government handled the crisis what is striking since his arrival is that there is no strategy whatsoever in fighting the pandemic this country is being managed not governed. meanwhile in spain another european country devastated in the 1st wave lockdowns are on their way back in madrid the world health organization has said that different nations can have different approaches depending on their own unique circumstances but one thing must remain consistent and that's the quarantine period lasting 14 days knowing the immense individual and societal impact even a slight reduction in the link of current time can have and giving the figures i have just mentioned the concept of current time must be protected initially adopted clarified and vocal many gated be doled any ambiguity to the people
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a month ago the prospect of 2nd lockdown seemed only a remote possibility but today it's looking like a question of when and not if countries bring them back shuttering already suffering businesses and inflicting more social and economic pain on people already worn down by restrictions on their lives sally r.t. london. the russian opposition leaders called on the world to stand up for democracy for the island to connive sky was addressing human rights session one of the united nations which was debating the ongoing crisis in the country. this edition in barrow's demands immediate international attention peaceful protesters have been illegally detained beaten and raped some of the protesters have been found dead there also needs fast arizona law decisions. it's very important to the enormous that stand in power for democratic principles and human
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rights is not interfering in internal affairs it is a universal question of humor dignity minsk has responded claiming the un session amounts to direct interference in the country's internal of furze it comes a day after the european parliament said it would no longer recognize. alexander looking shanker as they need just a minute president of bennett although that's not discouraged his supporters from taking to the streets as has been done daily indeed to counter the ongoing opposition protests in the capital while the demonstrations are relatively small during the week the weekend's do continue to see mass opposition rallies the question came self recently claim to konami scar was the 2nd venezuelan why does no appointed you said by external forces. the next phase has begun intense political financial and diplomatic pressure from outside neighboring countries refusing to recognize the election results and just like we saw in venezuela they
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found a better russian why don't you and declared president. journalist and broadcaster neil clark believes the west is manipulating took an oscar for its own interests in this film before haven't we but in venezuela of course when they see the west the u.s. and western powers tried through their proxies to topple the government. and when that it looked to for a while that might succeed when it did they then turned to plan b. which was to anoint the so-called opposition leader the legitimate leader of that country eat a vocation we could actually call this process so that's what's happened this week i think part of the strike the t.v. deal it it to my eyes look at franco by saying that the opposition an opposition leader is the president course it's illegal but it's a new step they're hoping that will follow on from this is that more countries will recognize her as the legitimate leader of belarus the arrogance of this is absolute straw we could imagine if you look at franco said say 2017 when we had
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a very close election in britain who i don't recognise the reason may as the prime minister of britain are i recognize dr recording that the election eve really what it could you imagine the outcry to that this is what the west is doing in belarus. calls were mounting for germany to ditch the nord stream to gas pipeline project in response to the case of the legs in the belly button claims it has evidence the russian opposition figure was poisoned with another chore nerve agent moscow those strongly denies it was involved outing it can't investigate further without berlin's test results the heads of key german regions meantime have come to the defense of the energy project the pipeline is economically necessary force but it's also necessary that we stay together with the russian it's a project that plays a decisive role in the framework of our altered energy and climate policy and therefore we've come to the conclusion that we want to carry on with it and to those that advocate closer ties with russia. i say that the poisoning of alexei
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now vying with an advanced chemical agent is not a one off. stream 2 is a pipeline project that's set to pump russian gas to germany and then on to other european countries for the baltic sea when completed it will be 1200 kilometers in length it's a row 90 percent there now it'll double the amount of gas flowing from russia to germany construction began in 2018 but has been hold had a number of times with the u.s. and some eastern european countries along the way lodging their objections washington slaps sanctions of the project last year claiming it risks energy security an example the german port turn of sas in its than it's found itself threatened with crushing sanctions by american senators localities been playing a key role in supporting the pipe laying fleet involved in nordstrom to construction but the town's mayor and residents remain defiant in the face of u.s. pressure. give she told me that merican celso getting gas from russia and i don't
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find it very nice that they're trying to tell us what to do here. the project miss a lot for the town it is a big thing it created a lot of jobs for locals and the town became a little more significant thanks to it and i want to see very clearly that it's really seamless the way the united states is trying to manipulate german loss and european interests so they're all interests come out on top of those. parliament member martin those are believes the severing of economic ties with russia would prove hugely detrimental to waste in germany. it is a big problem and i think. it also looks on a line of the german government oh well and be. the existence of the people in east germany because any reader tries are stronger or russian and frankly is very productive and i think the central should listen listen more to that.
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i think it's the wrong way and especially for the people in east germany of this region it will be more bitter effect than for west germany. donald trump claims the recent violence seen on the streets of america is being driven by a university courses looking at racial inequality adding that these are indoctrinating students in hard left ideas critical race theory. the 1619 project and the crusade against american history as toxic propaganda the left wing writing in me by the direct result of decades of leftwing indoctrination in our schools the subjects mentioned by trump are rooted in socialist ideas then and examine societies through the lens of race law and power for opponents say it's
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about righting the wrongs of the past guess debated whether that's really the case . we do want people to be judged by the content of their character but this idea of colorblind list is inherently racist and i'm a black man and that is what people are going to see in this society 1st and foremost so i don't want to be judged just because i am black but to say that my skin color doesn't prevent me from having justice and doesn't prevent me from not being scared for my life every time i interact with a police officer is. for us this whole idea of critical race theory the only thing that it does is it gives people of color an excuse to try to not try hard and that's what the marxists want they want these poor people that they've created this generational poverty that has existed since the great society to continue and to continue to be perpetuated do these flaws arguments that america's this horrifically racist country this country was stolen from indigenous people through
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brutal land theft and genocide from the lands of white supremacy and it was bill it's off of the backs of stolen people from africa including forced rape and to come to tea of african women to create more property for white men nothing that happened you know what anthony is referring to that happened hundreds of years ago is not applicable today we have a constitution that applies to a couple eyes to every man woman and child today it regardless of sex race creed religion jaffrey body is protected with the same rights under the constitution in fact people of color get special deference because of programs like affirmative action listen you're going to pass and the i'm a hispanic american and i don't have these issues and i don't believe that i'm being that i need to fight for liberation and i'm a free man. can you tell me which amendment gives black running indigenous people special treatment in the constitution if you're going to reference this document back it up with facts unless there's something a lot of things even trump is done it trump putting it out at all not for hannity
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zones but whole predominately black and hispanic neighborhoods get special tax breaks to the middle of the country doesn't get you know we don't you don't know what's going on and you're misrepresenting history and you're you're living in the past you're literally living in the county anthony i have no problem with people who are actually trained and skilled in racism to train people in being anti racist because we know there is no such thing as not races you're either racist or you're and she races. much more coming up signs have to the morning saturday moscow time this is in the headlines again the great cull of the lesbos creating a new tent city for the thousands of monogrammed so a display stuff for a suspected arson attack destroyed the last so real bad state that will tell you what's happening.
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you know the economy is a man made structure. try to scout engineers financial engineers economic engineers . thinkers. colossal 1st they build up over time what happens when the foundation
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of our brains what happens when they structure collapses what happens on the simulation goes away. rushes demanding immediate answers from washington after an n.b.c. news report claimed america's providing weapons to ukrainian militants in crimea unnamed u.s. official speak about their country's support of terrorist activities in the kountry in this case these talks specifically about russia if that is true we demand that the u.s. side clarify as to whether or not washington has directly or indirectly facilitated the s.b.u. ukrainian security services in organizing terrorist attacks against the people of crimea my colleague daniel hawkins discussed the story with our correspondent in. the n.b.c. report itself is actually about a completely different case about allegations that the russians secretly bribe or
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paid bounties to taliban fighters which killed u.s. troops in afghanistan moscow has firmly denied that anything like it is possible so the n.b.c. report cites a number of u.s. military officials and sources as well some of them are saying that there is no solid proof of that others are confident about the theory and this brings us to the part that really caught the attention of russian officials because down at the bottom of the read one of these sources is mentioning the u.s. military aid for ukrainian fighters in crimea nonetheless currents and former u.s. officials have said many cia officers and analysts came to believe a bounty program existed they concluded that the russians viewed it as a proportional response to the u.s. arming of ukrainian units fighting russian forces in crimea the source said you know these allegations are still quote mccue still try to piece piece of the puzzle
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together here but we do know the u.s. has been supporting the ukrainian military quite openly have a wall tell you what ever since the conflict in southeast ukraine broke out to ukraine has been heavily reliant on u.s. military aid and i'll tell you what the latest batch of that equipment that's part of the u.s. support which is worth $60000000.00 u.s. dollars and the one that included javelin anti-tank missiles was sent in june but this was just the latest in the serious of shipments and these shipments were also preceded by non lethal military aid all of this intended for the ukrainian forces that are fighting pro russian forces in eastern ukraine the procure of forces in that donbass region they. eyes of proper ukrainian troops which is the army and also nationalist battalions but when it comes to quiet me there is no
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military activity there the whole principle is under control of the russian army how whatever infiltrators with the ukrainian passports had previously been caught there by russian security forces for planning terrorist attacks so in this case some u.s. support for ukraine to fight the russians in crimea that's a completely different story and that's a real cause for concern in moscow so what about these allegations that russia actually offered bounties to taliban fighters or killed american troops in afghanistan while then going back to these claims about some kind of bribes by some kind of russian secret agents for taliban fighters they 1st surfaced in the new york times back in june but even the n.b.c. article that i began with starts with the words of the head of the u.s. central command who says that he doesn't have any solid proof to back this up for
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now and if we talk about the russian officials again they were firmly confident that this kid in be the case at all previously the russian foreign ministry surrogate said that russia would never stoop so low as to engage in such dirty tactics but we were accused relations with the taliban of inducing them to carry out special operations against american troops for financial rewards taliban fights for its own interests and beliefs i think it's beneath the dignity to suspect that russia could be behind such things by the way the pentagon had to deny these allegations because there was nothing to back them up in the taliban were also said it was completely folds. greek authorities have begun housing thousands of migrants in a new city on the isle of the less. paul said south to the moria camp they have been and was destroyed in a suspected arson attack by residents themselves earlier this month.
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70 police officers in protective suits were dispatched to the island many migrants to be living on the street since that fire and number had been refusing to to be really housed in this new tent camp or riot police tried to round up a school them to the new facility the greek government believes the fire is a sign as they put it that secure closed the units are the only safe option going forward now. for this and for its showing the need to immediately close the disciplined open reception centers for refugees and migrants and to great closed controlled centers which will provide humane living conditions double fencing secure entrances surveillance systems and fire safety more
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a migrant camp was the largest refugee center in europe who ever it was severely overcrowded witness to cope with break it was often of the headlines analysts we spoke to believe the situation highlights the failures of europe's migration policies. i think this pit denies is the total 'd failure of europe's management of massive migration how many years have with been speaking about problems links to massive migration in europe over a 1000000 research into just surely a 2050 what are they doing today are they working are the integrated of the speaking german european union is not talking about that or not i'm not even talking about it in france spain other countries where immigration is just a massive problem it's there is no policy managed by the european union and this camp where migrants or jews are burning down their own facilities just shows how bad treatment of this whole situation is by the european union what is this european union so we tell people from all over africa that they could come over and
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we can't even pay for facilities to greet them this just doesn't make sense it's not the 1st time that samoa had there until then was completely down to the ground in 5 and 16 of 80 they mean many many times where we had fire incidents and actually 7 people died during fire recently in line at all or so died there from i speak because they were trying to he didn't say that sense so as long as you have the sake of the nation's need to see the other quoting to remind maybe that did present there was always going to have a credit so i the time of the 5 year deal is $13000.00 people are staying in their innocence or that most men fall $2800.00 we had as many as 20000 people in the something so obviously this is the main rescan nothing is being done by the authorities to prevent that from happening they've been meaning to then so you know demonstrations tension say place a very violent place and who is understandable because of the living conditions
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because of the way people are basically in many displaced such a lot of hardship the 2 are no end in sight by the looks of it thus the way things are upon out so far the softer they check it out see the home for so much more from a sort of headlines as they break through the day for now the reporting from moscow i'm kevin i would for me in the. a great rest of the weekend. a new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here's a good way out of this day oh by those that work children are torn between gold. my family was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal.
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to morsi is driven domestically and internationally and were seen efforts by international going as asians and governments to promote democracy in countries like iraq afghanistan we see how difficult it is also mutely it has to be reduced domestically because always international actors need to be in a country 24 seventh's to make a sustainable so any country in the world that's built a sustainable democracy has to domestic sometimes of its national health mystically . time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important it's accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man at a more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. because.
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if. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is something else this is the point any minute i mean look . this is the moon i mean listen we don't want any minute and i'm stunned. understood this is going. to. look at the bill really kiss near those who really can show you. that with that supposed on. back. you know none of the stupina
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bull episodes didn't go to see you were the. clear during your force where you could be near my stubbornness to be with another spirit i didn't do it was more sinister experiment done in no. stage gear. shows the stress of schumann's for you to. sort of move to. kick your butt is ringback. time after time saying we're going underground as u.s. secretary of state and former cia boss mike i'm pale meets i've been doing
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a mock as president of alleged narco state colombia as he wraps up a latin american tour still feeling the shock waves of successive u.s. interventions coming up on the show 9 years up to the formation of a un backed transitional government in libya in the wake of a nato war that devastated africa's richest per capita nation what hope is there for a country facing political turmoil civil war and now a global pandemic we are the acting special representative and head of the u.n. support mission in libya and we investigate the page of divergent new film that explores the naked brutality faced by children in the. or that's causing apparently mass walkouts at film festivals from venice to toronto with one of its lead star of the killing fields julian sands told us of all coming up in today's going underground but 1st after monday's special episode with columbia university's professor jeffrey sachs of the un's sustainable development network solution going on the ground got a rebuttal from geoffrey wilson author of the book jeffrey sachs the strange case of dr shock and mr aid in the interview professor sachs denied
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a quote i referred to in which he allegedly described himself as a free market idealogue jeffy wilson told us sex did say that and he's in print doing so the quote is taken from the transcript of a keynote speech he gave an international conference of neo liberal policy makers how did in 1903 when he was still an economic advisor to yeltsin and when russia was still in the depths of the crisis brought about in large part by his shock therapy reforms he used to speech to make the case for international financial assistance for russia which he argued was necessary to ensure that his free market reforms were not reversed in the face of growing popular opposition or one point he told his audience for another speech delivered to the heritage foundation an influential near liberal think tank it is in this context he made this claim to being a free market idea look you can reject the wilson's full statement online and you can watch the interview we did with professor jeffrey sachs on our you tube channel well one country that arguably has been destroyed by western intervention.


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