tv News RT September 21, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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i don't know which question which i don't like being hard to live by so many have. been. in the headlines this 21st of september but the personal data of thousands of police officers has been linked in belarus as the rest shows no sign of easing 6 weeks on from the disputed presidential vote. european countries are introducing new destructions amid a surge in coronavirus cases with both france and spain now seeing record numbers over the weekend. the company stray should read these fresh measures against a run off to unilaterally re-imposing international sanctions on the country from
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seeing world powers including washington's close to its allies and dates to slam the move as a legally boy. day here in moscow when i was kevin owen here at artie's world news h.q. with a round up for you for the next half hour hope can stay with me then the 1st opposition supporters have published the personal data of thousands of better russian police officers who they claim took part in violent crackdowns on protesters our senior correspondent is in minsk with the latest developments on the confrontations as they continue to boil over as with any d add on to my zation operation the goal is sheer terror evil and the better russian opposition makes no secret of what it is doing join us they say or we will ruin your life. the main goals of this channel are to track down every criminal
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that has committed a crime against his own nation to collect as much information as possible about that individual and also to create a special database which anyone in free bellerose can use to check whether they potential worker partner or anyone they meet has committed a crime against humanity next to pullen based and public ganda outlets recently dumped the names and personal details of belorussian policeman into the public domain police are not without fault suppression of protests arrests and physical violence towards demonstrators unorganized were brutal and the public was outraged but the opposition feeds on that outrage stoking anger with fake news and hysterical nonsense armed russian special forces and dragon our fellow citizens by the hair is this normal are you willing to tolerate this. apologized for that
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saying it is impossible to verify every message that they get such as the actual guilt of the policemen whose names and addresses and telephone numbers and even relatives they published next to and other opposition outlets don't bother proving their guilt as was the case with nikita marching co he was falsely accused of being an agent of the state after someone saw a photo of him in military uniform it turned out he was a construct and his service had ended last year but they aren't acting without support from foreign donations to the blessings of state lottery who not scare a former candidate for president during the election in august to this since fled to lithuania she says anyone in uniform who supports her rival current president you can use fair game law enforcement officers should remember the people of belarus who reveal their identity of those who carry out criminal orders you will have to look you people in the eye. the same people you are supposed to protect and
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she doesn't seem to mind that these vigilantes are often wrong going off to innocent people she doesn't seem to mind that not just them but also their families become the victims of cyber bullying and harassment and abuse and even attacks and it doesn't seem to concern her that it isn't just police or law enforcement that a targeted but also rescues teaches and even judge alist so. in the midst of this episode to be ashamed i have been forced to record this video because of harassment threats and insults towards me and my family as
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a result of fosse information on the internet please help me share this so that lies don't spread further and don't harm me and my family. to be. journalists to one of our road constantine but at the buffalo for example who has faced a tsunami of death threats at the behest of opposition media but i mistrust that of course it is frightening i don't know what's going through their heads someone from the opposition texted me and telegram saying look after yourself or a brick will find your head but at least he's just texting there could be someone else who will actually pick up a brick if they want me to go away then yes i will leave someday but not because of them not because of a text or a phone call another journalist had his car torched off the activists posted the picture of the vehicle on telegram with government insignia who's behind the pictures the veil. threats the fear campaign aimed at anyone who disagrees with the
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10s of thousands of bell russians don't suffer from sleepless nights doesn't bother them they laugh it off at the coast or the logic behind this is that they're afraid of revealing who they really are that is what would hurt them the most of these like 21st century bullets yes information bullets these blacklists and terra campaigns are doing the opposition any favors losing thousands already in the least only more determined to prevent the vigilantes and bullies from coming to power if they do things like these such horrific things now and laugh about it what will they do when they come to power and ordinary belorussians too they didn't sign up for this they don't want the nation divided into leasts and costs the unclean and the blessid opposition at that shows the more radical and hateful the
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opposition's message the fewer turn up to their protests meanwhile opposition leaders front line taken of sky has now today met e.u. foreign ministers in brussels ministers say they will review recent developments in belarus taken off scars moves already being condemned by both the better russian and russian governments. covert to sedate scrim reading really here of his standing ready to bring in new restrictions amid a surge in coronavirus cases both france and spain said daily records and infections this last weekend for the top british scientists warning that his country is at a critical point in the pandemic our europe correspondent challenged toobin ski reports. more than half of the departments here in france are now considered to be red zones which means that there is an active circulation of the 19 virus the country also recorded its highest daily record for the number of positive test
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cases around 13 and a half 1000 people in 24 hours those were the figures released on saturday now there is a huge rate of testing going on in france more than a 1000000 tests a week and overall the rate of positivity is around 5.7 percent what's a really concerning are the number of hospital admissions which are now going up quite rapidly we saw $227.00 additional admissions on saturday meaning that there are around $3800.00 people currently in hospital now all of those almost $600.00 are in intensive care now in parts of the country already intensive care units are at capacity so that is what is worrying officials in those parts of france in paris in the region which is the area around paris it is only at about 20 percent capacity but there are warnings that there will be a high tension particularly in the next 2 to 3 weeks for the past 10 days we've
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seen a significant daily increase in cases the 2nd wave is here and it's time to deal with it it's not the tidal wave that we experienced march in the intensive care units overall not overloaded but we feel that we're at a tipping point where there has been a huge demand for those covert $900.00 tests so much so that in each of fronts 20 new testing centers are opening or monday and they will give results within 24 hours for priority cases so people have got symptoms of 19 or perhaps have been referred there by a doctor now in other parts of france or on new restrictions coming into force particularly nice where groups of no more than 10. it will be allowed in areas such as parks beaches or in gardens and those are restrictions that are similar to other cities such as mass a and bordeaux let's take stock now of what's happening across the english channel
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in a way where the chief medical officer there is warning that the country is at a critical point and is heading in the wrong direction this comes as the u.k. government is now considering apparently a shoe we locked down in england the u.k.'s health secretary has said that nothing is being ruled out it will be increasingly stringent on the people who are not following the rules if everybody follows the rules then we can avoid. national lockdowns well they're already fines of up 210000 pounds for people who defied 1000 regulations such as the requirement to self isolate if they have symptoms and of course the government is encouraging people to snoop on others including on their neighbors if they breach the rules of no more than 6 now matt hancock not only defended that idea of people snooping on their neighbors but said that he would call the police himself if he saw more than 6 adults conjugating to gether so much
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so that some people have described him now as being a tinpot dictator now some areas of the u.k. are of course already on the mini lockdowns parts of the north of england and also parts of wales but despite that protests against the big 19 restrictions continue over the weekend in london more than a 1000 demonstrators headed out to the street to show that they were unhappy with those restrictions there were dozens of arrests.
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back here on the continent there are also new strictures coming to force in parts of spain in madrid and the region around the spanish capital some 850000 people now facing restrictive movement as the country is trying to what it says stem the idea of a 2nd wave of kopechne 1000 from monday people will not be able to leave their neighborhoods in those regions for all but essential reasons this comes as the world health organization is also concerned about what it describes as a worryingly high rate of transmission of $1000.00 and saying that the situation here in europe it considered still be very serious on a daily basis now as those transmission rates are going up and up governments across europe are having to make some very difficult decisions so we'll continue to keep a close eye on this 2 world leaders a slamming the u.s.
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decision to unilaterally reimpose u.n. sanctions on iran lifted as part of the 2050 nuclear deal so drew. cited concerns over iran's alleged weapons programs are being that the u.n. agreement he said was silly. they have an effect on the work that needs to be done they have no option no alternative to what we've done there wedded to this silly nuclear deal well the message coming out of washington seems to be there will be sanctions in all not with us or against us and then face the prospect of being sanctioned in turn will these measures that the united states is looking to bring back in involved targets on iranian your rainy and enrichment and the reintroduction of a conventional weapons embargo on the islamic state now 5 years ago under barack obama when he was then president these were removed as part of the g c p o
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a the joint comprehensive plan of action more commonly known as the iran nuclear deal in may of 2018 though donald trump unilaterally pulled the u.s. out of that deal now this is a multifaceted international agreement it involves a rob as you would imagine also china russia germany france the u.k. and the overall blessing of the european union in brussels now what we've heard from the likes of germany and france is that they're far from happy with the u.s. deciding to put the sanctions back in place you know laterally and france and germany are the only ones the fact is that the u.n. security council has not taken any action that would lead to a restoration of sanctions against iran everything washington is doing is just a theater performance aimed at subordinate in the security council to pressure paul a-c. entering the organization into 2 of the united states france germany and the united
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kingdom knew that the u.s. ceased to be a participant to the a following their withdrawal from the deal on the 8th of may 2018 consequently the purported notification is incapable of having legal effect we remain guided by the objective of upholding the authority and integrity of the united nations security council. well the the arabians are saying that this is tantamount to bullying from the united states but because of the power the sway the financial clout that washington has on the international markets it can get away with this however tehran is also warning that by doing so against the wishes of the u.s. as international partners it risks cutting itself off or maybe the international community must decide by itself whether to stand up to the bullying unfortunately due to the u.s. influence on financial markets they could apply pressure with financial sanctions of course those applying the sanctions say we did that even though we know they're illegal since they're powerful they haven't noticed that the same principles will
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work for them to pay homage to washington on turnarounds message to washington is clear return to the global community return to your obligations stop the rebellion and then the global community will accept you or talk of embargo sanctions on your radio enrichment and weapon sales a very high faluting matters of state but the sanctions do trickle down and have a overall effect on the everyday lives of a rainy and r.t. spoke to some on the streets of tehran to find out what they think. and i think shrimpers in a weak position he's failed in his foreign policy iran should keep up the negotiations is true that the u.s. is left to talks but we shouldn't leave that would just help them impose more sanctions and form a coalition against us. it doesn't matter if the u.s. reinstates the sanctions on has or not we are already under sanctions what
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difference does it make them. think sions not only on iran but on any country an act of cruelty against the people we've seen the economic damage in iran it affects everything and it's been especially bad for young people as a young person i want to say that the think sions are an injustice. that's the view from tehran but donald trump passed both eyes firmly on the u.s. election in november and he'll be thinking this will play well with the electorate it shows him to be tough on iran while not having to resort to military action. start of the new week so thanks for tuning to us forward as we update you on the new series international coming up political threat some fury over the next u.s. supreme court nomination and after the death of justice ginsburg just one of the stories we've got lined up for you after this quick break.
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join me every 1st week on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you there. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is fake. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a made in the shallows. again so the debate around the replacement of the late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg's heating up in the u.s. says donald trump's determined to announce his nomination as early as this week democrats though in turn are demanding that no nominees put food until the presidential election as for house speaker nancy pelosi she's not even ruling out in paging trying to stop him from advancing what is a lifetime appointment. some of mention the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame duck session that you in the house could move to impeach we're not ruling anything out of protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow inadequate . ruth bader ginsburg died of cancer at the age of $87.00 on friday she served as
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an associate justice for 27 years and was a renowned defender of gender equality and women's rights the deaths not only triggered the nationwide reaction of people holding vigils to pay last respects to her but also shaken the u.s. political system to just before the election as donald coulter explains. riots the coronavirus pandemic fierce political campaigning the u.s. has already seen its share of divisions but there's more on the way the death of supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg has just turned the country's highest judiciary body into america's latest political battleground what. does not understand is its fight has just begun and that's what we're going to do we're going to through the series i. i. i. i i i. so what's the big deal while the
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supreme court's always had the last word on disputes between state and federal governments and controversial laws same sex marriage obamacare the trump travel ban all these policies needed the court seal of approval back in 2000 the nation's highest justices even determines the presidential election outcome. theoretically the supreme court is supposed to be an unbiased check on the country's political system but it's pretty clear the partisanship of 2 party politics almost always influences appointments there can only be 9 judges inevitably each one of them either liberal or conservative and critical cases are often decide. by that one odd vote at the same time they're all appointed by the president for life after being okayed by the senate and the process often has its share of political drama take the latest case conservative judge brett kavanaugh who was given the job by trump and 2018 a woman is the president's u.s.
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supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh assaulted her an additional anonymous allegation of physical assault against crack having a new sexual misconduct allegations president trump coming to his defense they're going to be dealing with credibility issues around judge cavanagh this was a candidate that was a bad choice even before the allegations came out and you're still reeling over the brett kavanaugh nomination i didn't trump has appointed more federal judges supreme court judges then anyone almost in history but this is going to be the most rancorous the most i mean you are going to see her and anger president said he wants to appoint a woman good luck for her good good luck for her her family what they're going to put her through i can only imagine. but with ginsburg seat open we're seeing the exact same situation as when antonin scalia died back in 2016
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but the sides are reversed eventually trump was able to appoint a conservative to fill scalia's position but that was only after a long struggle between former president barack obama and the republican dominated senate now the democrats are preparing for payback 4 and a half years ago republicans invented the principle that the senate shouldn't feel an open seat on the supreme court before a new president was sworn in a basic principle of the law is that we apply rules with consistency and not based on what's convenient or advantages and the moment boaters should pick the president and the president should pick the justice for the senate to consider before to. berg's death conservatives already had a 54 majority over liberals in the supreme court on the one hand trump's got a small window to form a conservative super majority of 6 to 3 with the senate's help on the other the democrats are already trying to stall the appointment until the presidential election no matter which presidential candidate wins be
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a trump or biden there's no doubt this decision will seriously influence the amount of power they come to office with when you consider that you have lifetime tenure the supreme court justices appointed for life the impact that they have is absolutely. in comprehensible on every particular issue that you can imagine because remember the way our system works is we have 3 different we have 3 different levels of governance the executive is a president the legislative is congress but the judiciary in each of them share power but what a supreme court judge justice excuse me can do is is inexplicable in comprehensible so yes it truly matters. talks are ongoing between 2 of america's biggest companies and take took over
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a stake in the chinese own video sharing giant president trump but the deal with major oracle and retailer wal-mart adding it would protect american uses. i have given the deal my blessing if they get it done that's great if they don't that's ok too but it's a great deal for america. very. very very. i approve the deal and carjack show the agreement is expected to create a u.s. based entity called tick-tock global it will still be majority owned by china's byt dads 20 percent though would go to oracle of wal-mart but the chief executive the security expert or most of the directors indeed would be from the us contrary to expectations to todd won't be transferring its main algorithm or key technology to america after months of uncertainty and political attacks both sides seen upbeat
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we are pleased that the proposals were ticked up oracle and wal-mart will resolve the security concerns of the u.s. administration and certain questions around tech docs future in the u.s. we are pleased that the proposal by tick-tock oracle and wal-mart will resolve the security concerns of the u.s. administration and settle questions around tick tocks future in the u.s. . so the deal still needs approval from regulators in beijing politics professor joseph gregory mahoney told us trump created a crisis here over the situation to end of the day get what he wants. this may be a good thing for tech talk it may be a way for tech talk not only to survive this danger but to to bridge its business into an even larger global global arena i think that it's a new form of business something that we haven't seen in this country since the banana republic years of john foster dulles but on the other hand i think it's i
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think it's the type of logic that we would see from the type of businessman that trump is he tends to play brinkmanship both in foreign policy and his business dealings wherever he thinks he has a strength he tries to leverage that create a crisis and then he went on terms and you know i think that's what we're seeing here but i don't think that he got everything that he wanted in this deal and i don't think that this strategy will work broadly whether foreign policy or u.s. commercial relations with companies in other countries affect i think that it sends a very dangerous signal to countries around the world that that you may be next well outside this month at lunchtime so far from the out he will be center mosco with me kevin i have a great day. cass calendar is drawing alfonzo among his darned this changing page change guard
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served our part. his 1st words were added i will see you're a child the post you got 2 years to live. i have no doubt that what happened was criminal. defense concentrate market is a $1000000000.00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to sow these problems there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to test facts right concentrates right insights of its own that patients want gives them doctors the wrong stoplight. our current system why that would keep me from secure those whose day to day on people is to die and i'm always question michel all right being on our way to live when so many have.
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on this edition of the program we discussed the passing of the 2 towering figures supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg and america's preeminent russian expert steven cohen both going to be remembered for good reasons for their legacies a sure. if if. i'm after a time say we're going underground as world leaders including putin hsien trump plead for global unity as the un celebrates. 75th anniversary amid a divisive and economically discriminatory coronavirus pandemic coming on the show as the so-called western world faces its biggest economic depression since the 1930
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s. professor david blanchflower former bank of england monthly baltic committee member tells us that our politicians are fit to mend inarguably broken system 26 years to the month democrat president bill clinton signed the violence against women act sponsored by joe biden is clinton guilty of the crimes he signed into law we talked to one woman who claims to have been raped about why she is voting for trump in the . only thing more coming up in today's going underground but 1st a virus transmitted at least in part because of environmental destruction is being credited for ripping up the economic plans of finance ministers all over the world ahead of a possible 2nd wave and here in britain brics at negotiations in crisis what can save capitalism now joining me now from hanover new hampshire is dartmouth college is labor market economist and former bank of england monetary policy committee member professor david blanchflower danny thanks so much for coming on so your recommendations for slashing interest rates are good we did way more than austerity for same.
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