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tv   Documentary  RT  September 21, 2020 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
odd. expose. it. to tell me i conceived of the cult. the orangutang the us. the don't fins. the oceans. the rain forest and even humankind. only have to do is buy a sustainable and fear products. the but that's a lie. to in the back
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and moving at. the back at the back as more and more people around to melt are taking to the streets to protest the way corporations make products and behave in the market pick and i've never been to any of these protests. since my childhood i've been striving for harmony. i had a happy childhood. i learned to be a good boy to be polite to avoid arguments and to trace well.
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it lately i've taken an interest in what an average consumer like myself can do to stop the destruction of nature by corporations to err we just have to to write to me. that's why i decided to make this film. together was cutting hearts on. mr holmes. list in seriousness this is martin and i think that it's he's come. clean has been hurting on the issue of sustainability for years to bring in some. 3 months not enough one must. get something. she's the top experts in kareen washing this means did she recognizes when corporations are spreading disinformation to create green image for themselves on t.v.
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she lives harsh criticism that the company's. first met 5 years ago when we both took part in a panel discussion on t.v. on occasion of my brain the assume the planet. i live and scientists face this. year. and listed off to see if coming. in the said this from the girl say in the room is even worse because this witness from the. system is on this as. the few minutes. of a lot of. chinese stocks in my hometown vienna has one of the highest quality social life in the amount. there are hardly any social protests and almost no one vial. demonstrations just makes it
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a popular place to do business. today it's hosting an industrial sustainability team ain't it shows a good cop bad cop routine we want to get tough there. is lying to us. reading good novels this is about sustainability it's about our environments and how we treat the senate affects us in ways that sometimes we don't even think off. mr mock but she. you know i had a great fortune this year are being at the white house where pope francis was there and then when my piece or this went on into this he had to. listen to the it was the end to make this book. i was listening to.
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it was never the same seats in the time i was this is and. we do indeed it's not unique to the right. so that this collective on that we all call. our planet. will be able to survive. for the generations that follow us thank you. thank you is kind. of the name on my. search of a. mountain i was the fonz goes to for your mother he's assuming this is added things as. though it is and saying. it's only 9 and i had just. bought one odds and obstacles in the news. and i'm 66. it's time to go
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and obstacles. that things other than x. and app stores have been misusing it in time step by them but that. guy with the scene in the woods and i'm going to feel i'm on dollars that somehow disks of mine doesn't. exist on my house how far is going. to start. doing something. like the ones you see it was assumed. it was visitors inserting them into doing a business. 0 emission begin the. ones you with with a list. of even i am one and done what i was never. did this one as it was she is this old clyde's it. wasn't as long.
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as he'd done all them behind me his indivisible. c.e.o. or it's. hard because. sometimes i was. evil as all. on. survive on. this is. a must if. you want an instinct they need nothing the. animal needs me and you know enough. bridges bridges new calculus is. easy is not a good it is. for profit. corporations are for profit companies makes amazing profits is the highest priority
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. today executive orders are even required to make as much profit as possible. responsibility for sustainability is passed on to us to consume less. complex. i consider myself an average consumer and our prefer our products with a sustainability label but i often catch myself just scraping by the. convenience or lack of time. on some of them and causes moments of. this. sudden. he did.
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its thing. is done it's done. because this is one. time. i am really. owned by mercer i. that was a time when up. next the. simplest answer is 900 and deposits matter. how much of the trust it is to remember someone. else isn't going to. feel it's a comedy is a movie is called it's. time to it's going to says there's come process think this is and growth and the one must. listen once and.
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there's the next to the bed. and so on my system obstacle i don't think it's in live inside i don't in something much as pampered and because nothing was going as nima don't feel safe in his disappointment must have been as has been explained to his own $0.11 just because. i was nuts not hard in this manner. they are just. as good and his pile is on in a minute thing. as i does not have extra. enough. this openness is a waste of us and to speak. to taken to. the streets in different countries. to catch every passing train that she's given the option to make for a terry contribution. to. change brain juices
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tons of greenhouse gases. first flight. minute. by minute and see. how different it is not just my. 2 sons moment in front of your son your son time you're in school sunset movie hon this is exciting this is still too close for montauk and goes again something new hundreds in the street. to some function. not least in the long run i miss lot smaller isn't the sun sometimes mentioned in beyond no big whoop at all costs against home isn't. fun to stick a name calls on to how. is this thing in stuntman to me who done it want and.
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must is nice tall sappy song so against. pollution has reached record levels for a 3rd day in singapore with the city state blanketed in heavy smoke caused by illegal forest spies in nearby entities by zooming it is going to actually see the fall and they've already blamed 8 come put it is clearing forest to make way for a. batch
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geyser financial survival guide stacy. ballfield let's say of the troika. on greece based up the fight 9 wall street fraud thank you for helping. destroy. debt slavery. we're segregated in there by social class laws deal with us people also in poverty by 1st place if you're born into a poor family ocular born into a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die for their wish 15 years younger than if you're born into generational poverty. it's a fox it's
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a fight every day to meet your needs and the needs of your family. shots seemed wrong all right old roles just don't call. me new world beliefs yet to shape our disdain becomes to advocate and in the game equals betrayal. once on many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. yes and the one where. the son mix was a some kind of. this is
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a kind of one time sometimes she says some else's kid stuff doesn't do you. see does not do all of. it's own son up to. her room but there's a sense as a category as a father a man are my eyes really here. i actually. as i heard. the fight against. those 3 set runs yeah so the big fear promo industry will not be very happy about. all of them to see them are going to doesn't log as a. friend of his had to move on with their lives to be honest. all i give you here 2 pills i had taking were mine take the other one there's palm oil units. in here and the moment all this was about that mean radio
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you say a little bit of clothing same and they said you had to doesn't walk. us through the woods i would. assume and once got up. to get a young one of them up to you to pull us up was not going to biofuel normally so be good. to belittle one of them and it does all. i don't want to cause some of us of course old i'm not an advocate of the got to the body mr so palm oil is used for stuff no one really needs this die on it doesn't sound. like those latest one just give to just. all of. this is quite unkind as that man was enough that i'm not allowed to stab just one take note of the fact that once economists asked him how does and it was the scene i did them advice that i should have been to a lot of 100 a good team and you know it's like a bit of the slant coffman and i'm. just.
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the government in these would do more of it was obvious but on the other hand i always hear that it's. everything is sustainable and ski industry is green lighting attention. to nothing up with us the ones i read about in one is not. just in the world and into someone. younger. a lot on how the boss on the other but army must suck up. going on into the skin and muscle. and what's happened to them around table unsustainable
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palm oil the last of us who has weeks. to get these as it is and i had to give the lines a sense in that. i have a soft impact on. wrong time unsustainable. ask me to go in and one is on tap and nursing a number was and is billed i gotta get it does was a windy. get into that other one was a local one so i'm glad arms are bigoted other been under seal but i was a nurse i was at the other 2 sides and i must group you so long it took one bucked up. so it. only bucked up last. year with so many rain forest fires we want to hear what the industry has to say so we are flying to the i pod frenzy by. this conference is attended by the biggest.
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in the hall of ceremonies there are many of indonesia's top politicians just most. price as many of them. or a plantation. as used. in religion in americans got an early bout with and took it to be my duty to buy your most active duty was his how he didn't want to be a. $20000000.00 is just more money so big huge money in result was hard to put in my name is sad but in fact was anything done to stop medically to him. but i mean a 1000000 minus impossible given a monumental minute monument in the ballet that might give a. damn about anyone anything more and yes you know my dad.
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what was done about that from the minute to the modem what does the guy who might have been going to do that didn't understand that beyond the is the perspective of the people making me thank you. as it is still a media company. and a council house and it was dismissed that this isn't a nice. thing in my own time is exactly as i was the content isn't. since my mistake. was never not i hang. your organization is financed by the government is that right not to know your belief i was quite innocent and ok. i'm ok this is very what we do in european power more lying when we want to do is to. especially in europe
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to explain why we use far more and of course i there's a lot of information in the in the media about the negative image of balm on companies who are certified according to the round table sustainment by. these companies are committed and they do not. own one terry and there i love us that is very enzio found out about a lot of companies that are still members have confessions and all the regions where the fire was breaking out so i don't think this is a coincidence no excuse i think is very good it is either going into the ins nor is i think is not easy it is. it's a real effect it's it is still in need to side to side it is not an issue got only the ball more in you see is delayed by the fire was not only spreading because of any new because of all the degraded land as well because of
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all the cut down trees and all the very drive plantations because palm oil is sucking water there it's drying out the land stability is is not a 6th great deal and now it's continues. there's also a continuous improvement as is only part of this is i mean there is no proof yet for sustainable. nobody quince that have yet to explain what is constructed in the canyon explained i was me i was ok. get it. in the artist in your own dave all. world wide n.g.o.s and industry you sit together to decide what to do. this are going to give me the x. maybe there's no more no more i'm going to die i want to use daniel's wal-mart is palm or produced with with respect to nature lunch burning no as no will slash and burn no no no but now that is the stance of the people as i wouldn't be
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able to employ you that you provide them with housing. this is and there's also about the process there is also the people who work at the dangers also as a disease. the income but let's be honest the r.'s now exist since 2004 it's more than 10 years and then almost 10 years the destruction was going on and going on i'm happy that you're here now and features illnesses then we'll. all know one or more more in your products in your. this. site should make definitions because of green washing. everything sounds nice nothing is in for some interest always tired of chemicals i used this morning piece. so i didn't have
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a sunny day of the nation to be a little you know you have good little visit to use here is brought up again it's the 1st in. this is. everything is green this is and this is more green or i like it isn't it is it is still a little blue. in this this problem is this gray in the middle of the middle something because of. sin if i already. know what happened with in what ways it green is it up and. didn't it is different with the organic one meaning this is a list. a list opposite. to all burning operations of each other with screen slogans turning our enemies off p.r.c. is our marketing agencies so perfect. industry is trying to fly to slough off i'm
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a child. i can cope stand one of to soft or produces pain even the stunning sounds so fly that child. this conference is m.l. of knowledge no fun or is this thing in billings him. and when i look around here in green and the nice bits is the birds i know. i get the impression this is more like an n.c.o. or then i was a company can you explain sustainability to us means it's a balance our. economy. people and in farming because we can agree on the create. you know our mini. cross part of the. as i please that's the ominous is it an invalid is that. it in the past there was another discussion going on because of burning rain forests
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is marking through connected to. rain forest burning. memory to remember. how can you be sure there were because you have on my kindle. or maybe you tell me harmony and in fact you have a poker phrase how do i find out if we're cheating i know. in order to sign up. you have to do this field you have to go the surface of the planet is in here as it were to the villagers. and that's the only way you're going to who we go video of you have lands john being. anywhere. and i don't have an inch on me with fat but he. wants to show us some land that was intact train forest only a few days ago before
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a palm oil company eagerly burned to dollars. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the
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depths. or remain in the shallows. cash cow and he's drawing alfonzo along his darned their situation page he's
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dard. his 1st words were at last year a challenging post you've got to use to me as. i have no doubt that what happened was criminal. offense concentrate makis 1000000000 dollar industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous stuff showing that doctors who are keen to chest x. ray concentrates for the insights of its own that patients won't give them doctors the wrong place to play the. current system why they would keep me from secure those years day. and people still die i don't know which question were still alive aren't being allowed to leave so many have.
11:00 am
the foreign policy chief says the blog is so far on able to agree on sanctions against belarus after the belorussian opposition leader urged e.u. states to punish her country's top officials are last month's disputed election meanwhile the personal data of thousands of police officers is leaked in belarus and in all mine campaign the opposition leader. says she supports arrest as showing no signs of easing 6 weeks on from the presidential vote. also this hour european countries introduce new restrictions amid a surge in coronavirus cases of both france and spain seeing a record number.


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