tv News RT September 24, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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systems in our streets in our homes that can't possibly track what we're doing. in the headlines this morning for 24th of september germany is deliberately delaying a response to moscow's request to hand over data on the alleged poisoning of alexina in every possible way brushes permanent representative to the global chemical weapons watchdog tells i'll take. enough to astonishment that french mayors condemn president for not consulting with the reimposing coronavirus restrictions across the country as covert cases spiral since the national lockdown ended. up accounting clashes in the arrests in the better russian capital as protests sweep minsk following the surprise inauguration of president alexander lukashenko.
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good morning from moscow my name is kevin o. and here the new center this with the latest for this thursday morning starting with this that russia is trying to find ways to get evidence on the alleged poisoning of opposition leader alexina valmy we spoke to the country's permanent representative to the chemical weapons watched over the o.p.c. w. alexander shogun adds that germany is delaying its response to moscow's requests on purpose. the russian federation has been waiting for answers from our german colleagues the general prosecutor's office has sent 2 requests for legal assistance unfortunately we have not received any answers there were various explanations from the german side firstly there were references to national secrets the german said they were afraid of revealing secrets and german technologies during our
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specialists acquaintance with the results of the analysis in a boon to swear laboratory then our german colleagues started talking about the necessity of the prior approval of look sane of all these relatives after that they referred to in a volley himself all in all the germans have delayed the response in every possible way through deliberately delaying the process impeded the completion of the preliminary inquiry in russia that was held in order to ascertain whether there is an offense or not and then to start an extensive investigation into the case that dealt with the russian citizens on russian territory. the volleys and i've been discharged from hospital in berlin with medics saying a full recovery is possible while still not commenting on any long term conditions russia or germany meantime continued to try to accusations and demodex says over the case. it is not the responsibility of the german authorities to conduct this to the crime was committed in russia and that's why urgent appeal to russian side used to comment on the matter. with germany
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refusing to share samples or in the family's treatment details or later russian investigator talked to him there is no way the russian prosecutors can complete a preliminary proclaimers clearly berlin is in no hurry to share all this information although they're demanding that russia take a needed action to get the impression the germans are still in free time in finding various pretexts to avoid cherry they data with russia we believe this is all being done to support the idea being spread in the media that russia does not want to clarify in the balinese illness any such claims are lice. geo political analysts where office believes some in the west are using the phone these case to achieve political goals. we look into what really is a military nerve agent which is highly highly poisonous and dangerous. if it had been applied never want to have died within several minutes after being in contact with that substance so it's not really likely that novacek really was
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in the play but not in charge of course plays a great role in the narratives in the media narrative for me it's more important to look at the geopolitical backgrounds of the anglo-saxon and the u.s. american powers are in panic about the fact that the nostri 2 pipeline is about being finished quite soon so they need to give some pretext to the public to oppose the finishing of this major pipeline project because it would bring germany and russia closer together it was it would strengthen both countries' economical each year politically and therefore there are great great political or geo strategic economic interests to stop this pipeline project. lisa fired water cannon and made more than a dozen arrests as a new wave of protests since the streets of main square hundreds and to denounce
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the bellerophon president the situation flared up again after alexander location can surprise inauguration ceremony yesterday which took place earlier than planned . good grief. there was a heavy police presence in the recent clashes in the capital several demonstrators were injured dozens were arrested the unrest has been simmering now for almost 7 weeks since the disputed election with people calling on the to resign and the counter-rally in support of the president indeed the rival groups postage has run the streets at some point because opponents caring red flags while government supporters held up red and green ones the city correspondent regards to force and followed both the unrest and the police response to. that. very tense now police have just fired water cannon behind us they're still firing what the cabin there's
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a line of police been now trying to remove the demonstrators from a central square here in minsk hundreds of people 2 perhaps a few 1000 gathered just behind me and literally a few minutes ago police began pressing in on them we saw a number of people detained at the season unsanctioned rally the government had ruled that this isn't an unsanctioned rally they had cooled on the demonstrators to disperse but passions are high here there's there's there's a lot of anger among the protesters many of them refused to leave and now they're being chased by police again they just fired would take out an ad to protest this earlier today of course what sparked it all was the surprise to gratian of the better russian president alexander lukashenko there was no grated for a 6 presidential cup it came as a complete surprise there was a new warning this new hint that it would happen people only learned that he had
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been a new great as he was giving this speech as he as he was giving a speech thanking his supporters saying that the the revolution in ukraine colored revolution. had failed in the better russians by electing him as their president again that protected their freedoms their independence and peace. on the solemn day of the presidency. with a lot of pride for both the russians who have lost with the owner of. the day of victory convincing significant we didn't just elect the president of the country we defended our values our peace our sovereignty. and we still have a lot of. there's been a very strong reaction both here in belarus many of the protesters wearing crowds people crowds to. integration of president many people very unhappy
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that this has happened they had called for and wanted fresh elections including the opposition which formed the council of council to oversee a new elections and to make sure that president who is deposed many of their members ended up leaving belarus for europe the european union which has taken a much more proactive stance with regards to what is happening in belarus we had senior officials in the in the european union say that they aren't meddling or interfering what they're doing can't be construed as foreign interference into the domestic affairs of better us rather that they're doing the right thing by supporting the opposition supporting the protesters obviously the government has different ideas calling this calling this meddling but we've also seen condemnation today especially several european countries are a host of them coming out and saying that they wound recognize the you know gratian
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of president you could shake of that it was a flash and that he's no longer legitimate president. there was new for democratic president. valorise said there is no democratic legitimacy for the ceremony that took place danny and it's such a farce forged elections forced integration the former president bill or was does not become less forma quite the contrary his illegitimacy is a fact with all the consequences that this entails accent inaugurated today has no legitimacy to lead his country he's responsible for presidential elections in belarus which were both free of fair slovakia stands with citizens of belarus. in fact look at shanghai just retired that means his orders to state power structures are no longer legitimate and cannot be executor i said client housecat and the only leader elected by the belorussian people and our task now is to build new valorous together. mentioned a little earlier several 100 perhaps
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a few 1000 demonstrators gathered in the square behind me within 10 minutes they were they were blotting away they were running away they were being charged by police with battens the police had warned them that they should disperse this this was an unsanctioned protest but many of the demonstrators didn't move they chanted for president to leave police begad deploying want to get into trucks spraying water protesters and now most of them have fled their square bad news is empty for all but police. were ghastly of their immense earlier this week the european union failed to agree on sanctions against the list of 40 by the russian officials accused of election fraud and violence against protesters and journalists in eastern europe especially as martin summers believes the western pressure is set to continue to and could push local shanker closer toward russia. so much is on the lucasian could be probably be agreed at some point the but it won't change his
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position the more approval we do is push him more towards. the russian federation because of course in many ways he was trying to steer a course between the needs of the russian federation and the demands of the west impose on of course the local poland baltic states ukraine very hostile to lucas and co in butler us you could say you've gotten a holdover from that from the soviet era were lots of the soviet welfare state has essentially been preserved and that is the reason wally he's won the election this election and the previous fall of elections and of of of use him in that position i wouldn't be prepared to stand down just because a minority thinks that he of got to go. recover cases on the rise in france the government's tightening measures in the most affected parts of the country but the attempts to contain the spread of the deadly virus inspired outrage
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from local governments that's got across this morning so that reaction is charlotte defense he's in paris morning charlotte what is the health minister been saying then that's rather everyone so much here. well the new coded restrictions sparked this war of words on social media between the health minister and local officials what happened is on wednesday night all of a van outlined new restrictions for parts of france including 2 areas which are now in maximum alert zones this is and it must say but the reaction coming from must say was pretty incredible it means now for the next 2 weeks these areas will be on a sort of a mini lockdown starting from saturday so bars and restaurants will be closed public spaces will be closed if they can't show and demonstrate strict hygiene regimentation is taking place there now of course all coded restrictions have been fairly controversial and divisive but nobody could have predicted how few marcy's
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was about the announcement. i was astonished and angry with the decision the city of massey did not consult anyone nothing related to the health situation can justify this announcement i do not accept the fact that we are the victims of political decisions that no one understands every effort should be made to prevent the upsurge of called 19 but it is essential that the measures must be proportionate to social life sports and culture let's start a discussion with the police and the professionals. well her anger was backed up by the president of the region who described that decision by the health minister as a collective punishment now the health minister hit back and said you know i did consult with the local officials about these restrictions on maher say but the president of the region said no that's not the case a telephone call does not constitute a consultation and he stood by his accusation that that decision had been taken
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unilaterally by the french government now there are new restrictions taking place in other parts of france as well. here in paris where from monday bars will have to . 10 pm in the evening there will be restrictions on groups of. 10 while a large public events which has until now been allowed to happen 5000 people will be limited to 1000 people so paris now joins other cities who have already had restrictions like this in place for the last few weeks and that will take place monday now the health minister at the press conference on wednesday evening warned that these decisions were being taken because the decision here in france was deteriorating. that it could actually do it is increasing sharply the infection rate is constantly rising we are at $95.00 cases per 100000 inhabitants we must take additional measures it is necessary. so france has been
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using this color coded map to show the routes of transmission across the country and up till now red was the maximum alert area which said that there was a high rate transmission that's now been divided into subcategories and if you look at that map you'll see that huge swathes of the country now are in shades of red depending on how the transmission rate is now let's not forget that truck france has rolled out mass testing more than a 1000000 tests a week so that will account for a lot of the qubit $900.00 positive cases but what the concern is is about the rate that that is going up at 13000 is a record that was reached just a few days ago and now in the last week with the figures released on wednesday that's been breached 3 times so in a 24 hour period more than 13000 people testing positive for covert 19 and more worryingly of the hospital admissions going up by double to almost
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a 1000 in the last week the health minister urging people to remain vigilant to continue socially distance to wear masks and to wear to wash their hands but many people are now questioning seeing what's happened in saying this maximum alert they are all wondering when their department might slide into that zone and face essentially another lockdown you're. going to get worse by the looks of the next couple of weeks months. let's hope over the channel go to britain. britain's number of daily reported coded cases rose by a quarter on wednesday the government is continuing to impose new measures to curb the spread and senior medics are calling on all people to get the flu vaccine to with the latest studies showing that colin ferguson has a thought with both flu and the cove. increases the risk of death by 6 times
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those cohen folk to the. also have twice the risk of death as those infected with covert alone doctors are also asking the public not to dismiss the risks of flu it takes approximately $11000.00 lives every year we discuss the issue then with doctors so he need car. what we know of from and with the data is what we have is people who've got onto line health conditions have a significantly higher risk of contracting close to 90 and the flu virus and stats why we as g.p.'s and the government is encouraging people who are actually risk to come in and take up the feet of who backs a nation so that we can limit this rate and reduce debt as much as we can reduce the transmission of this virus in the community this is going to be uniquely challenging when tough because we've got boys the flu and 19 unfortunately pros have relatively similar symptoms due to which people might find it difficult to
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differentiate between them so it's all the more important for people to observe the social distancing guidance and by no means just that 900 of flu vaccine at night. more the news this morning 2 police officers have been shot now in hospital in louisville kentucky amid unrest in the city protesters are angry after only one of 3 officers was charged in the fatal shooting of african american brianna taylor in march. the e.u. a grand jury returned to the only against brant hankinson accusing him of wantonly danger meant that protesters were the offices charged with murder riot police have been deployed in the area brianna taylor a 26 year old black woman was fatally shot in march by louisville police officers police were serving a search warrant as her apartment to look for drugs at the time fearing an intruder
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teles boyfriend opened fire while officers shot back but taylor who was unarmed was killed we got opposing reaction a reaction from dr randy short to human rights and who is a human rights and peace activist lot of political analyst david perkins. there's been a lot of talk in the news about the case with a lot of very wrong facts and today for the 1st time facts were explained by the attorney general of the state of kentucky in a legal setting making it legal for grand jury findings the police were returning fire on a bad guy who fired at them 1st knowing they were police police do have the right to defend themselves in the course of trying to apprehend criminals who fire at them 1st they have the right it's even specifically laid out in state law in the state of kentucky if they're fired during the course of their work they're entitled
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to fire back if only to defend themselves and that is what they were doing and in the course of that self-defense briana taylor was struck but it's definitely mr walker's fault not the police's fault that the gun got started and that it ended up going in her direction that it is all going to come down on him one source not works for the cooling and. you don't want to punish your own employees implement your agenda that's one number 2 my black friends insist to have not fully showing this all of their power and influence to control their communities to preserve their communities and to demand to see both justice and say over the policing in the area if they see got choice a lot of time since people go on to the. community and say it's
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certain police departments people get paid money and they get money when they kill people like what used to happen told else there's some charge there is a new young black attorney general that is done something they've given the huge pay out to be on its heels family i believe that the federal government should step in and really look into this. this is a lot more going on than what you need to snow. 21 months to come this morning hi good morning thanks so watching this is ahead a religious cult chiefs arrested on suspicion of abusing his followers seem has gone on for decades we'll tell you the story. join me every day on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sport i'm sure. i'll see you then.
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again mourning the leader of a religious sect in siberia has been arrested on charges of abusing his followers the self-proclaimed messiah operated a vast remote commune for a quarter of a century john mcwhorter reports. surrogate torah says followers know him best sorry and former traffic cop claiming to be the 2nd coming of jesus christ the same man accused of allowing psychological and physical violence against his followers child and human rights abuses since 1901 he's led a fanatical cults called the church of the last testament in siberia's cross new york but a recent police raid against him and his followers landed him in handcuffs according to the investigation the church of the last testament has used people in the chant of rate revenue from rule egypt also accomplices have used psychological violence
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against its followers resulting can see who is harm the perpetrators church intern years future didn't take long for mr taurus arrest to make international headlines so what's so remarkable about this cult well in 1905 it established a commune called the vis sorry and community and for 2 and a half decades it basically acted as a state within a state in a remote part of siberia there practically existed an independent government on the territory of crossing a young risk no news vissarion media they lived in several settlements this territory was about 2 thirds the size of belgium and there were checkpoints all mr atory which led past people they wanted and didn't let pass those they didn't want as we've seen from reports local police were afraid to get involved preferring not to intervene and so on they did whatever they wanted there back in 2019 the church
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was also investigated for fraud interrogations and searches followed but came up with no suspects on the outside their eco village looks clean and well kept residents are supposed to refrain from drugs alcohol tobacco even sugar a small price to pay for the man they are convinced is the messiah he just shouldn't always come in the city when it's time to say something he should be in this room to feel the. yes he's the lord's word for us he's an incarnation of jesus in the ninety's our teachers syrian came across the soviet union and preached his doctrine it's not just a religion or faith it should be your life that's why we came here to be a part of the community but there's another darker side to the commune members were forced to give up their property children left with no access to health care or education after their leaders were arrested authorities discovered not everyone was playing by the rules weapons empty lekker bottles and extremist literature were everywhere not to mention the psychological and physical violence police claim
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residents suffered from the sorry in communities lawyers did neither police allegations they say nobody's rights were infringed but until a more thorough investigation is conducted into what was going on behind closed doors we're left with far more questions than answers. election day growing ever closer in the us the battle for votes is in full swing and the billionaire michael bloomberg may have found a new way to influence the outcome in florida which is crucial to winning the white vote caleb maupin. elections in the united states are supposed to be about testing popularity candidates appeal to the public with their ads their speeches and their platform and then the public determines who they like the best it's supposed to be democracy in action money is supposed to have nothing to do with it critics of the united states often point out that the reality is quite different rich people often have a way of asserting their agenda take the latest example of former new york city mayor
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mike bloomberg he's a billionaire and he's putting up $16000000.00 to help pay the court fees of black and brown voters in florida who happen to be convicted felons now the former new york city mayor says he is just being generous no political motivations here whatsoever the right to vote is fundamental to our democracy and no american should be denied that right working together with the florida rights restoration coalition we're determined to end disenfranchisement and the discrimination that has always driven it well it just so happens that the courts in florida have ruled that people with felony convictions are not allowed to vote until they have paid off their court fees and fines now until recently they were forbidden from voting for their entire lives so it looks like a lot of black and latino florida residents who have felony convictions are going to get a nice check from mayor bloomberg to make sure that they're able to vote at the
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polls this november it just so happens that overwhelmingly black and latino people disapprove of donald trump and his presidency so republicans in florida say this pretty much amounts to bribery i will be calling on the florida attorney general to launch an investigation into mike bloomberg for potentially an gaging in bribery in vote buying in the state of florida bloomberg does not care for donald trump he has laid out cash in florida to maneuver against him before bloomberg recently spent $100000000.00 in the hopes of beating trump when it came to earl. the voting in florida trump shot back at him with his usual style i thought maybe mike was through with democrat politics have to spend an almost $2000000000.00 and then given the worst and most in the have to debate performance in the history of presidential politics booker home this ended his political career and 1st question over saving your city instead no republican has taken the white house without florida since 1924 it's the biggest swing state in the electoral college margins
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there can be razor thin think about bush v gore back in 2000 in the 2000 election it came down to just a few 100 votes between the 2 candidates so giving the vote to $32000.00 convicted felons that could make all the difference. r.t. new york. wrap it up this bullet in case one should have to do this 1st thing for me kevin owen of the tape of a great day. fighting at the valuation you get it by. stock price times current the number of shares outstanding and if you have knowledge on how to buy back your own stock and pump up those stock prices and executive stock options then you have a higher market cap but you actually didn't create anything for the economy you
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didn't engage in any capital expense expenditures and cap ex to expand your company in any way then what'll happen is will happen to i.b.m. you know they want to the whole stock buyback routine then eventually it played out and the company is a shambles or general electric general electric is almost absolutely out of business by trying to push meaningless instead of products. as a culture war consumes american politics during this election cycle the economy remains in a big serious state millions of people live on the margins the only constant for them is insecurity economists debate individual recovery they speak of the you and you know what is the reality the changing. climate.
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