tv Redacted Tonight RT September 26, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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screen door hit your own way out ok. so our society ends up with a bunch of traumatized killers loose on the streets trying to find meaning in their lives and i'm talking about the military i'm not talking about those people at farmers' markets or go just by the coffee you can get coffee anywhere buy some peaches from the 96 year old who went blind for monsanto's roundup 27 years ago what's wrong with you. the promise of the military was supposedly signed up now and if as a last resort we have to send you to fight somewhere you will be taken care of when you get home you will get the socialism that so many countries give to all their citizens upon birth you will get free education and free healthcare and free drug job training and free easy loans and cheap auto insurance you will get socialism if
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you just joined the military that was a promise but now most of that is gone are diminished. so does trump disrespect the troops absolutely and do our mainstream media and politicians from both corporate parties also disrespect the troops our salute come to you from washington d.c. the belly the beast is redacted tonight. welcome only can mehlis take the news from behind you'll be happy to hear that america's most expensive military mistake the f. 35 fighter jet is still of too big to fail they've been building it for decades at
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a cost of over a trillion $1.00 and oh wait. i'm sorry those those are my notes on joe biden's face but they have 35 is now much different as was written this week in the edgy communist zene bloomberg news well the pentagon's official line is that after years of difficulties the f. $35.00 is meeting high expectations skeptics both outside and within the military say it's turning out to be a 2 decades in the making trillion dollar mistake oh it's so only a trillion dollar mistake our government makes trillion dollars mistakes all the time i don't trust made to this morning before he even got his car tarp size 2 pants on and a trillion isn't even that much money not nowadays i mean i mean if you make if you make $40000.00 a year to make a trillion dollars it would only take you 25000000 years. that's the same amount of time as it felt like i worked at t.g.i.
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friday's it was actually 3 months when i was $22.00 but the trauma lasts a lifetime i still have p.t.s.d. if i even see a holler pin your pop or i pee just a little bit get those off the screen. accuse me. but hold on no one denies that if functioning property properly they have $35.00 jet would be one of the most advanced weapons of war and surveillance the world has ever known it would take out innocent afghan gold farmers from so far away they wouldn't even know what hit him but lucky for the goats it is. not functioning properly bloomberg continues perhaps most troubling are the complexities of the auto nomic logistics information system. when a l.-i ass malfunctions which it does somewhat regularly maintainers have to use time consuming work arounds general bog down also worries that they could be hacked
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yes nothing like a hackable supersonic weapon of war caring enough missiles to make god blush so. forgive me quick question. why they were still building this thing how often are we involved in any and in fighter jet battles to begin with anymore is it most of us war now a combination of drone bombing and funding al qaida so that they can kill innocent people in countries we don't like because that country isn't part of our central banking system i was under the impression that's how it works and also trumps tweets factor in there somewhere. well one of the reasons we're still building this weaponized trillion dollar dumpster fire is because no one in congress wants to stand up against it because nearly every state is involved in its production
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bringing home the bacon so to speak the 3 versions of the plane require a total of some $300000.00 parts and lockheed has parcel out these subcontracting to all but 5 unlucky states alaska hawaii louisiana north dakota and wyoming meaning 45 states in the union want the f. 35 to keep going because they're making a bucket load of money from it. doesn't matter how stupid it is how expensive it is how useless it is how hackable it is how immoral it is or dr strangelove apocalypse now on a bad day it is. let's just keep going with it because it produces jobs. where it is. you can just take their word and rub it across the wound to your moral core just.
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so nice warm and scented. on everything feels great. says the f. $35.00 directly or indirectly supports 846000 jobs across the us ranging from minimum wage broom pushers to engineers paid well into 6 figures. 6 figure exhibit yeah. it's. yes as we all know jobs can only be created by pushing death and destruction around the world there are no jobs in helping the planet there are no jobs in facilitating peace that don't behave. jobs are exclusively for killing things sometimes maiming things but we prefer killing things and since this is cleaner and there's no awkward moments afterwards. so sorry about your leg.
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no in fact as i've said before the jobs argument is. you can create jobs doing whatever you want if you decide to pay people for it you could create high paying $6.00 figure job fighting forest fires rather than paying prisoners $1.00 an hour we could create jobs cleaning up pollution and garbage and recycling and planting and saving the bees and sponge bathing the homeless veterans i don't. i don't mean homeless veterans i mean homeless veterans. all over require to have great paying jobs in all of those fields is to alter our social engineering to realize those are the jobs that matters not being a waffle executive at lockheed martin. speaking of jobs you may
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recall from past episodes that i've talked about why the police should not be doing about 99 percent of the jobs police do which is to say emotionally stunted necklace meatballs with firearms should not be doing those jobs and i say that with all due respect i've known many. gentlemen. necklace me. anyway cops don't need to be doing these things if you want someone to give out speeding tickets then get a 75 year old who looks like don knotts and is armed with nothing more than a coupon for $0.40 off the waffle house early bird. trust me he can handle speeding tickets well denver colorado has actually taken the next step denver's new support team assistance response program sends a mental health professional and a paramedic to sell 911 calls instead of police and one example given in the denver
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post people called the cops because a crying woman was changing her pants in an alley i mean can you blame them they don't know if that woman is is stuck in an abusive relationship and can't go home or whether she's involved in some sort of pants based terror plot and she's crying because she knows she has to go through with it. i mean this is a standard example of how we in america have replaced any kind of empathy with calling the cops. in the old days the under volved days of our society if you saw someone having trouble or behaving weird you asked them if you could help them we're long past that nowadays ever offer help to someone this is because if you do that the worst case scenario could happen they might take you up on it in which case you're now responsible for
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a scraggly man who only speaks in riddles and smells like antifreeze now you're driving him or halfway across town to a bus stop that he says has his last chicken sandwich now in today's go go go society there's no time for that. so instead of getting mired down in this in this in these so-called helping we just call the police they can handle it. and by handle it i mean shoot the person you know best case scenario they only shoot him with a stun gun thereby rendering them sterile and replacing all their dreams with television static so denver has started sending mental health professionals with the goal of replacing handcuffs with helping they've been called out to a trespass and call for a man who was setting up a tent near someone's home they have helped people experiencing suicidal thoughts people slumped against a fence people simply acting strange. hold on come on while i support this
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idea in general. those are all clear police situations how is that guy setting up going to learn that that is not his property unless he spends a few years in the clink on the bottom rung of a white supremacist prison gang learning out a mag toilet bowl bare rather rotten tomatoes that'll teach him not to seek shelter without a shelter seeking license plus the shelter seeking license only requires a 30 day waiting period and a one time 300 dollars if he's a p.c. anyone could do it next up people was suicidal thoughts. guys with guns could clearly help that situation i mean perfect match no next up somebody slumped against a fence and if you don't arrest him who's going to pay for the harm to the
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fence both physical and emotional if you send mental health people to help that slump or then you probably won't collect the several $100.00 he owes the city really we should call slumping against a fence what it is a highway robbery and finally acting strange i mean who knows how to relate with people acting strange petters and police officers. they themselves act and us they were killed little outfits in order run around town sometimes shooting electricity into people to subdue them before kidnapping them in the back seat of their cars and then stripping them down and looking in their butts they are the real fish are not hosts of acting strange they're like cars play addicts who kill a lot of people so anything weirder than that anyway despite my qualms about those
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certain scenarios this program in denver has been working great so far hundreds of people were not arrested or killed for nonviolent unusual behavior instead they were helped. their lives were improved instead of destroyed so this is yet another wonderful idea that should be spread around the country but instead most other cities will look at this idea like an infected contagious vampire bat trying to audit their taxes because that's what we do with wonderful novels solutions here in the land of the brave we social distance stay away from them so they don't infect us with good ideas. we have to go to a short break but if you're watching this on you tube go get our full episodes on the free streaming app portable t.v. also join our free email list by texting the word redacted 233777 right back with
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a lot more. we are segregated only by social class lower middle class people also in poverty by 1st place if you're born into a poor family. born into a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die on average 15 years younger than you born into generational poverty. in some of the stuff i eat every day seem to meet your needs and the needs of your family. elmwood forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders that conflict with the 1st law should your time today should be very careful about
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artificial intelligence to the point obesity is to face transplants every one of them shia. muslims take on various jobs and with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. a robot must protect this phone existence was an excuse for the. kind of calendar. all forms are a long guard their situation page guard. his 1st words were our senior a challenging post you've got to use to me as. i have no doubt that what happened was criminal.
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let's concentrate market is a $1000000000.00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to sow these problems there are numerous stocks showing that dumps his work keen to test facts are a concentrate straight in facts of its own that patients want gives them doctors the wrong stoplight long term system and why they would keep me from circuitry those years. and people still die and i'm always question research aren't being hard to live where so many have. their own beds or to. go behind or to feel good but so. are good. services that people. just
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fit into the commercial good. because we moved. to nominate the fish you know not just go from home in israel the meat. they are the has been. a god since what. can a man or. any other men do need. this kid who in the. prison system definition in. the news. welcome back i'm still the camp for a major book publishers are suing an online library if they win it could limit access to digital information during the time a lot of people need it most for more on this we go to our resident reader of many
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have books they only get on it naomi. it doesn't look like a library behind you i thought i thought you were you're right you're right it's not a library though they're close 2 so i found the next best thing a hotel room there's at least one book and here we know that check it out this bible has seen them. anyways the internet archive founded the national emergency library $1300000.00 books available online without restrictions a public service to people unable to access library during the pandemic of publishers and authors accused that it's fast and they shut it down a few months later but i have open access to lots of spiritual cellphone. i think would sell better if it was called you're going to hell and probably what i can but i can't go there doing this during a pandemic you know this or that i'm going to boycott all books and reading to you
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know just to be safe welcome to the good fight comrade internet archive is a nonprofit dedicated to saving the internet our history billions of deleted web pages journal articles and grateful dead concert something you can tell by looking at the fans of the grateful dead is not very profitable and publishers they print books they distribute books and. well i would like to learn more about what publishers do but when i got to their website there was a paywall. authors also opposed free books during the apocalypse well authors could have opted out of the emergency library but some authors chose to sue because i guess they're struggling then i looked up these writers net worth so i'm guessing their struggle is internal not financial malcolm gladwell for instance who's named at the zoo is worth $30000000.00 he's known for is extremely original technique of
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simplifying and misrepresenting scientific research oh yeah like i ripped off the 10000 hours i've made anyone believe they could become a professional in anything you know want to lay i've spent 10000 hours trying to unlock safe and i never got better at it i got arrested i want my money back these authors and publishers want to shut down the whole library the lawsuit does not object to the national emergency library but to the way the internet archive has long operated it functions like a library book on line with wait lists and holds and you borrow a book for 2 weeks at a time just without the smell and the lawsuit demands the internet archive destroy all their copies of books. which is a modern day book burning and i have to admit it's much more difficult one kindle requires like a liter of later fluid no doubt so what's the problem move the internet archive is
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a library yes the internet archive is a library affiliated with other libraries like the library of congress and still publishers say the internet archive are thieves and pirates and that's fee for i find it pretty offensive i don't steal books i'm really more interested in scented candles publishers don't like libraries they're trying to use this moment to make more money as everyone turns to online books they want to create a netflix for books where libraries don't own the digital books they lend out but have to pay to rent them every year this would make knowledge more expensive and more rare and as you know knowledge is power point not free but maybe if you're lucky you can get it at work what a great time for this james you know it lee i'm definitely taking this bible and maybe the nightstands blue and the drapes to seduce
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a. now it's time to get to some of the stories that slip through the cracks here with me is only mcgill thanks for joining me thanks for having me so what do you want to go out this week well every us back to believe your venezuela needs a good propaganda machine hoarsely and there is a p.r. firm named c.l.s. strategies that took the term news to a whole other level when it came to this created this massive network of fake news sites to prop up right wing leaders our country supported and he lied to them to do the exactly. and c l a strategy unsurprisingly employees people who work for the department of defense the atlantic council usa i.e. someone who actually worked under obama overseeing latin american policy just the who's who. i don't like my fantasy kook creating a team like your fantasy in fantasy football. but yeah just
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give you just a sampling of some of what they created they created a fake instagram account where they posed as former journalists of venezuela state broadcaster v t v they created accounts for fake venezuelan soldiers they created a page which was aimed at sowing doubt about evil morales among bolivians who were members of his political party party all of these fake accounts don't seem to get taken down it's twitter and facebook seem fine with you exactly they spent $3600000.00 in facebook ads to promote the content which makes you wonder how facebook is doing in terms of getting it is the only actually very recently removed the pages that were linked to the c.e.o.'s strategies one of which had $100000.00. well i. for all the crews are going to click a thumbs up. thank you. oh and just another update on something i did on v.o.i.p. a couple weeks ago so i talked about these federal operations like operation relentless pursuit and operation legend and these are programs. basically infusing
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millions of dollars into local police departments with high crime rates under the pretense of attacking gun violence or drug trafficking and the intercept is found surprisingly that a lot of this money from these operations are going into technology for widespread police surveillance so they're not going to put a dent in any type of actual violence but will monitor civilians and violate their civil liberties we are the one of the largest the real estate's in the world and donald trump seems have no problem with that certainly he's not talked a lot about how surveillance is a problem and joe biden you can go watch the clip online is probably bragged that he wrote the patriot act so good choice coming up in november citing. good the good times and that that surveillance on american citizens you have ideal. well thank you so much that i think you.
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here are your headlines from the future despite the success of denver's mental health professional unit most of the country is still having problems next week you'll learn. america accidentally sends poorly trained people with guns out to help citizens that is not good and you might have heard another victim has come forward to accuse donald trump of sexual assault on tuesday you'll read. trump's supporters silently promise a self that once number of sexual assault accusers hits 30 still take down the yard sign and finally in november you'll learn. even f. 35 t. shirt cannon malfunctions tragically shoots be all you can be hoodie straight through new recruit. that's no good that's our show but you can watch my free stand up comedy special camp american dot com also check out my new podcast called
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dard servant or write. his 1st words were at a low a c. or a challenging post you've got 2 years to live. i have no doubt that what happened was criminal. offense concentrate market is a $1000000000.00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous talking showing that doctors were keen to cast facts right concentrates free infectivity on that patient what keeps them doctors the wrong stoplight gault term system why they would get me through security procedures day to day and people still die i don't know which question was so ironic being allowed to leave when so many have.
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time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important it's accelerating the transition to sustainable transport sustainability remand a more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. it. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something else this must be going to mean and i mean look. if you listen we do. understand that it's a common and. join me every thursday on the alex salmond shill and i'll be speaking to yes the world of
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politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. a military plane crash in eastern ukraine leaves 26 people dead the sole survivor is in a serious but stable condition. hundreds of anti-government protesters turned out to get in the better russian capital with several early arrests reported the latest demonstration follows alexander lukashenko inauguration this week for his 6th term as president. i did ron brands america's new sanctions regime against it as medical terrorism iranian foreign minister speaks to r.t. . the united states restrictions prevent us from even transferring money to buy vaccines so it's basically medical to.
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