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tv   Documentary  RT  September 28, 2020 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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you disagree action other bases a move we have seen in recent days is a washington impose new sanctions on a cuba venezuela and iran hands i believe peter that we really need to see these new sanctions true. russia surgeons palla on the international say yes on the one hand the americans do want to take action against the aforementioned countries they will answer bring down the governments their classes and turn those countries to how they were trying to do the revolutions in those countries namely vassal states of america and i believe on the other hand the most important reason is that the americans are shreiking back against russia and doing so i guess free of russia's most important allies and friends in the world as russia has a strategic partnership with iran russia has
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a strategic arms ship with. lusher is a work in all establishing a strategic asset rich here as a soviet union has during the cold war and the americans understand that there are also lots of jets in syria has being defeated the americans know there is no chance of the syrian government being over from so here americans are looking to target russia's allies and friends in the well if i don't see a 2nd program yes you know you know team in the in again looking at the 3 countries that we mention your keep the venezuelan interest. there's always this pretense of some kind we'll drop sanctions if you do x. y. and z. once in 3 but if you look at every single example we'll talk about syria the 2nd half of the program is basically full submit surrender and then we will drop the sanctions here it doesn't work that way to. that's not what diplomacy is all about
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an obviously it is a pretense to force regime change we all know what happened to libya the north koreans know what happened to libya here so i mean that this is such a blunt. tool for political change and there in there is no the the the the the character part of it is never really explained and that's why these these countries and in their governments of feel threatened because there is no alternative it's one way it's one way or my way or the highway and that is that is not and that's not the way you can you know reasonably work the international order go ahead you know you're absolutely right the sanctions is basically a continuation of a war by oddly means you know cause it is used to say that war is a continuation of 46 by on the means well it's definitely sanctions is not diplomacy and these has been set up many discussions that bomb dike wobble denies
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the russian global affairs magazine organized and the west and then it is most of them agree but they can't do anything about it because the west and for important she is ideological. and this is the problem because if the united states foreign policy had been pretty metric look we had wonderful articles in the magazine called. american conservative embargo and the way basically the spread of course we are in now in iran threatens the u.s. nationals in afghanistan in pakistan in many neighboring countries but nevertheless you know mohamed german sorry for the foreign minister or what you're on here just recently gave an interview to our viewers you said because we cannot transfer money we cannot also pay for that big scene for any kind. of medicine
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against compete the same story with men yes well it was proven beyond doubt that the spread of course weed in business well threatens us national you know because the disease spreads to the united states many other countries however they haven't done anything about how been giving us women government to fight the disease and they have basically just joined the country by sanctions no they did it only i don't you think it's a it's fair to say that they're using covert as a political weapon against these governments i mean in that's unconscionable it's a conscionable to use an old pandemic as a political tool mark is something that i mean do you want to finish or just just to finish up i agree with marcus duff now russia is moving towards partnership with iran and with cuba and i think it's a wise move but please bear in mind that russia joined the u.n. sanctions against iraq and i think it was basically an expression or an
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willingness to have confrontation we believed in a different world during the ninety's during the early 2000 and it did to be clear here in another attempt to marcus no i mean russia did join other members of the united nations security council on sanctions to to have it ran into that negotiations about its nuclear ambitions really what it did that. it would have let me then we got an agreement and then the drug administration walked away from it so i think that you know you can you can comment russian foreign policy for pushing a diplomatic initiative which i've said repeatedly on this program and not to the markets right now repeatedly all those programs that i mentioned the obama administration doing exactly that it's walking away from it that i'm critical of go him or his. friend to the russian federation in the i.c.i. seasonal so. it has 2000 did it agree to the united nations security council
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measures be an employer's on iran and i will say this there were quite a number of also russian diplomats who privately were not happy with that but in tracy transceiver russia is very different russia to retreat is not pursuing a strategic partnership or on russia has a strategic partnership with iraq overlap with an iranian foreign minister has said and also remember that he's now prepared to supply state of the art in systems to iran previously the lawsuit would not do because of his radio direction as the russians are now putting aside israel your objections and they have prioritized their relationship we have iran over israel and i think just returning to sanctions sanctions are one of the most potent weapons in america's phone policy also and what i hear with dmitri says about kerry for people who are
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suffering from what is known as kerry tonight saying that it's a shame in the american policymakers have any feelings have any of morals about humanity and also in economic terms it makes far more sense for the americans to bring her out crusading venezuela and iran and through that to take control of the economies there so that is why the americans are placed in sanctions and i think ultimately they are talking to investors friends and allies in the us as a way we can it last this resurgence of the international stage getting you know to . be a trumpet ministration is kind of created this kind of false binary in my opinion is that this maximum pressure is a substitute for going to war because frank did say that he would not start any more silly stupid wars ok and you know what today he hasn't started anything however as we've all agreed on this program. there sanctions is another means 000
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of warfare you know that the most glaring one right now is that is venezuela how in the world in this way only it's a threat to american national interest is a mystery to me ok but that goes to the point that marcus was making there do is that i mean john bolton even said that you know he was a national security council advisor that american companies are interested in in this way was oil if we see was france there. well i mean in the united states colonial or no corn you know for you see you know it in america is nothing new and bad as it is it would not be tragic you know but what's going on right now is indeed tragic because well trumpery presents crude american nationalism he didn't start a new wars not because he was peaceful but because ironically it even more war prone you know liberal interventionist where for elian his attempts to stock and war with iran to start
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a war with syria you know they were all business frayed to try would get all the benefits of victory and then he would be left in for another 4 years so surprisingly mir accurately and he may deem i mean what is dick cheney here i mean you know we can go particularly particularly since the end of the cold war it's been destructive failure after another year i don't think anyone is worried about winning and people are worried about how bad we don't want to lose that's what we're going to be you're you're you're you're absolutely correct you know factually you are correct war with iran would be disastrous if it's you know it's going sequences would be unpredictable but please remember we're out you know put into the you asked for importance you need you are not to walk into pragmatist you're not talking to people who base their polish on facts they base their own idea all adhere and then i don't know which it is you that the rain regime is weak in some
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popular people are against well basically something like that probably existant in the 90 s or in the ages you know but indeed many young people in iran who are against the government but the united states by invading iraq and making iraq what it is no shield that spirit inside during in society so the united states on it has itself to go. same for that. and we all know that these sanctions only strengthen the governments that where these sanctions are directed against it's so counter productive and there is no learning curve here when it comes to say all right gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real estate with our.
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always be polite never engage with a negative a good or confrontational. don't get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask for an attorney. to survive and. definitely don't want to. jump. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich and guilty or if you're poor and. you've got 2 eyes and 2 ears and one mouth. so you should be seen in here and a whole lot more in your sand if you don't take that advice easy going to dig yourself all. wrong. i mean you get to stamp
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out these days to come out ok and in the game because the trail. find themselves worlds apart. on the common ground. my name is stuck. on. the subject see what i don't see it's. over the border you know if you. want to know we've got to get it out. too cause you need to move around you know and i see skits and i use i don't think she's making any very easy kind of food to meet school on drugs used to people. who. you know. who
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people who close to clubs do really he's trying to fit a music that. i love to jazz because he makes me copy i love he does because he makes me and poppy played beautifully. and when he moved. beyond dies and leaves the office box office you know how to love the car. i doubt. match ties or financial survival go stacy let's learn a salad fill out let's say i'm not sure i get an earpiece andris comes back from
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the fight wall street spot thank you for. destroying that's right. slavery. we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle remind you we're discussing some real names. i want to so we go back to you in london here it seems patently clear if you look at the foreign policy adviser surrounding joe biden and of course the the the foreign policy establishment that is
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a government in the trumpet ministration here they just can't let syria go can they just can't let it go and every time you ask them why are we in there why are we in syria which we know is the illegal under international law countries like russia have been indicted under international law based on the united nations charter here but when you asked a foreign policy well why we're in syria they can never give you the same answer twice can. oh peter the reason why the americans in your worse complex syria who is because washington has a thought host specific leave a military and he can only accrue holes in the north east of the country and the americans as in days the russians and the iranians and other countries in the world understand that syria is or immense cheer strategic importance and abbas i do not believe that there will be any attempt by the americans in new faced syria
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to. the atrocities of the syrian army backed by the russian military and you're a military because of course i doing so you that could bring it out confrontation with russia but i do believe paisa that the americans have no intention whatsoever over relinquish in best photo to no free syria because i mean americans being in syria that does true friends firstly it limits syria's own influence and power in the middle east because there is a foreign army in syria and secondly and so a lesser extent it doesn't limit russia's position in the middle east why because syria is as it has been since the cold war is russia's always and it's not just in the middle east and in fact for us and for the russians because the americans are
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in syria does somewhat. limits their own position in the middle east but nonetheless i think what we will see is unless the kurds and the americans full house and i don't see any evidence of that happening i think the american states it would feast syria all the parts of the movie syria which they control offensively into or into an american protectorates well let. it would be strongly at odds with most of the world things here i mean you know the things that foreign policy seem to forget or willfully forget is that it was the it was the syrian arab army with the assistance of iran and russia that destroyed the counterfeit i mean i know trump thinks the credit for whatever it took the russian air force $25.00 planes and 6 weeks to do it the american stood by for years and watch the caliphate grow ok and actively encourage it one way or another proxies ok
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but you know in the n.b.a. they're worried about iran's influence in syria well by form entering this proxy international war against the government of damascus they brought in the russians they brought in the uranium so you know what and the iranians and the russians have done more to fight the taliban then any western power ever has and no one in washington wants to admit that simple truth go ahead. well i think you know i'm sorry in your 1st development on your 1st question i would see that the united states and the e.u. will not create insisting on change in the regime in syria it's a general problem you know you will tell you bill outr liberal ideology when they adopt a soap a narrative they just don't let go of it you know russia gate i'm sorry for the americans you're going to hear him pounded for the next i don't know how many years
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until the idea what we do in the country changes the same story about wesen inks you know just recently it was revealed that and not the opposition member you know over russia who claimed to have been poisoned by the russians but even koran was up you know he is more skewed against m.p.i. for not believing him that he was poisoned was turned down so he was officially not boys and we hear the same story. what young boys owns his opponents you know and they will not then go and this is the core you know the principle of that foreign policy machine and what your step about syria you know let's get the facts st i will give you the exact numbers you know before the russian aviation stop and operating in syria in september 2015 for 11 months the so-called just one extended had to be in supposedly born out by the united states and their allies and
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the problem was that the sliming state just kept spray didn't it kept in lodge in the 3rd is that it controlled the situation or only changed after russia stopped an order and there are for the benefit of our viewers here the the the bombing campaign by the united states in its own eyes it didn't go after isis it destroyed the state it the structure of syria that was the intention is to create a failed state so on the other side russia syria in its own lies they destroyed the talented and to save the infrastructure of the country diametrically opposed agendas and you may want to save some yeah you know it just proves of on what i'm what we said in the beginning of the program if you if you don't believe that the united states destroyed the infrastructure of syria look who it is keep in syria under sanctions now we have been saying that sanctions is
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a continuation of would by other means the united states and the e.u. no you know despite the country being destroyed despite it being in red just after that civil war they continue maintaining sanctions against syria it's on her go i mean i don't remember any example in history when a country would be destroyed and now with a war that would be making the destruction you worse by not allowing to supply of oil by not to allow it to supply me. so this is all terrible bob you know a dog in a buyout who destroyed what we know their narrative for the western media it was the opposite of what you just said peter they said the prophet is not won't be an isis the trash is born been civilian or objects in any in syria here i want to quote peter falk former u.k. ambassador to syria he has interviewed dispute like the so-called rebels for it said the dire had been using mosques horse bittles schools asking the mandan
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control centers are of course when syrian president bashar al assad's bomb these command and control centers in so human uteri and outreach you know when asa wants them it's an atrocity it went to court u.s. led coalition warps you know the force but those and and and schools it's just an accident it's just bad luck if they kill civilians and it was make it. directs him in iowa he says it is not for you ok ambassador to syria it's not some lane and telling us that it in mark is the interesting thing for me here is that in the. trocaire it either he's on able or unwilling to get the right people around him don't have american troops withdraw from syria when he then the people that want to promote this intervention there if indeed they need this want to be the decision maker they're waiting for the pieces on the board to get it was
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a certain situation where they can impose their will that's the only understood other than obviously not allowing syria to build and that's just that's right because that hurts they the civilian population but. there is no real coherence other than we don't have a plan so we're just going to sit in wait it out and see if we can to determine now you agree with. or let me 1st of all places to say when i sit in a press gallery in the house of commons and hear this and backbench a pace say who air force. took the lead rope into showing how qaida and isis in syria i sit back and sire we've just sat there and coincidentally i so much so well they say they know they're not telling the truth they know affectively the russian military just showing her how kite and isis and their new british minister british advantage policy is going to credit russia with
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that because that would go against the official narrative in greece and also in america. is a threat to the west to western civilization to western democracy but it's or america's position in syria yes i have no doubt that there were there are people around trying. to likes to see it's very keen action more definitive action in syria and i have to say peace now on it or leave iraq paula. did not have people around him dictating to hear what his approach to syria should be i have said. keep on saying it's. real people in power in america and the ones you see in the television yes an american presence has tremendous talent was when it comes to syria who have. a fundamental goal
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in american politics and american economic sense in an american military. people hear my opinions for the permanent unseen governments and it doesn't matter who sits in the white house. this is. what i said in my introduction. no matter who's in the white house or halls the blob is determined to continue her bed sheets and indeed i enjoy your sentiments there and we're almost out of time here i think there's no good reason to believe that the bike ministration is going to act any differently as a matter of make the need even more aggressive in considering the foreign policy experts that by his surrounding himself with. joe biden might be the obama that might say yes to war intervention in syria last minute goes. well i think it will be streamed to dangerous see if joe biden comes to power because then. bomb us
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foreign policy would be continued and please remember the 4 main wars which are now destroying mankind they were all started under obama the war in yemen the war in syria the war in ukraine. and the war in libya you know they will all start under obama so who by the returns but what could have the same story again just a small. you know amendment to what our perception the people who run tonight the states are not the people that it was right then also not the people that were elected you know we see now how mr truong you know unpleasant person s. he is is subjected to the same can be no demonization by this. people who demonized not being who demonized the war to begin to campaign here tonight a story coming out of john i want to thank my guests in london and here in moscow i think our viewers for watching us iraq you see you next time remember.
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well look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. i robot must obey the orders given by human beings except when such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification we should be very careful about artificial intelligence and the point is to create a trance. like take on various shots and with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. the obama's protect its own existence as. the world is driven by shaped by.
12:58 am
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1:00 am
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